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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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@lmangla. Here’s the Ep 2 and 3 installment. I see you’re reviewing the Jejudo honeymoon already…wait for me!  And don’t worry :) I didn’t forget the basic necessities like toothbrush and wrinkle cream. You do know why I’m called packmule3, right? Because when my family travels, I’m known to carry enough provisions for 3 families, like the pack mule in a traveling caravan. I ALWAYS overpack, according to my long-suffering husband. Hence, the Harley. lol. I guess I also overpacked this post, so take your time reading.

Note to readers: Since I’m trying to be user-friendly, I’ve adapted the Disneyworld’s ride restriction as warning for this post -- 

Must have at least a sense of humor and irony to read. Delusions are highly recommended. For safety and comfort, you should be in good health and free from heart, back, eye, or mental problems, obsessive oppa sickness, sensitive skin or other conditions that could be aggravated by this opinion piece. People expecting a metaphysical treatise on how to solve the insurgency problem in the Galapagos [residents: Darwin’s animals] should stop reading now and head for the nearest cliff. This is purely for fun, so sue me.

Here goes…

Episode 2 and 3

Since these two episodes were filmed in one day, I’ll treat them as a two-act play and rename it the Taming of the Shrewd. In the Shakespearean comedy, the very temperamental and shrewish heroine gets “tamed” by her husband. In this version, the street-smart Taecyeon gets tamed by our smarty-pants Guigui.

What I like:

1. The icebreaker. Whoever conceived of re-enacting Guigui’s favorite drama scenes is a genius! I don’t know if it’s the idea of the scriptwriter unnie or Guigui herself, but it relaxed the atmosphere between Taecgui and gave the audience plenty of hilarious views of Taec’s responses to extreme situations. I don’t know who he was trying to convince when he insisted that he was the boss. But when a 5’4, 99 lb girl could harass and hen-peck him, tug him to bed, spray him with perfume, pound him with a pillow, divebomb on his lap, and make him air-kiss her, with impunity, it’s a no-brainer:  He might be the boss, but she’s master of his universe. 

Guigui had me in stitches many times, especially when she merrily ignored his protests and continued to rip open the pillow while he was panicking and telling her to “Wait a second, [willya]?” because he still had to situate their camera.  My delusional thought was: if he’s already feeling harassed because she’s hurrying him up for a pillow fight, wait till she orders him to step on the gas because their baby’s on the way.  Oh! How I wish we had a second season. There are so many more creative scenarios that we can put this couple in. @chu3x, any Taecgui story with them as expectant parents, in the pipeline?

2. Her luggage. While some critics ridiculed Guigui’s metallic, plastic-y suitcase as tacky, I admired her for the contents of her luggage.  The couple aprons and PJs, the after-dinner snack, her favorite alien character gears and her photo album, even the ehru [which I assumed she intended as house décor because she couldn’t play it], all these things were meant for sharing. All the stuff she brought from Taiwan were for their virtual life together, including her English books, because she was studying English to communicate better with him. [Taec did the same thing, too, with the couple “feelings” mugs and his piano gift.]

Oftentimes, the problem with shallow people is that they mistake a rain puddle for the Atlantic Ocean. Though Guigui didn’t bring “all about me” items like the bling-bling, the toys, and the trophies [and I mean the physical trophies as well as the symbolic ones to embroider or publish their accomplishments], her dowry showed us her true self the best of all. She’s a generous person…and a modest one to boot. Right, @lmofan? We love her for that.

3. Their books.  [Thanks to @angelangie and @luliastefania for their excellent sleuthing skills. They noted Taec’s Harry Potter books.] We know: Guigui’s English workbooks must look woefully elementary beside Harry Potter. But I wonder if briefly scanning her books reminded Taec of his own experience of learning English in a foreign country. Taec wasn’t a native English speaker himself. He only came to Massachusetts when he was what? 6? 7? years old. That would’ve meant that he was segregated to attend English as a Second Language classes in the primary grades (<2nd grade) until he reached a proficiency level that would guarantee him success in the mainstream classes. He would have felt a kindred spirit in her and empathy for her struggles instead of shame and condescension for her poor English. 

On a side note: That’s why many of the Taecgui fans here at this forum also don’t mind a poster's English, educational attainment or professional status. As long as you, lurkers and new posters, come here to post with good intentions, the welcoming brigade, made of @angelangie, @bladerunner, @pluie625, @minwooluv78, et al, wishes you a happy home here in the forum.

4. Their 10 Commandments. I think this segment is important because it previewed their approach to settling differences in the future. For instance, psychologists would have a field day analyzing their individual posters for character traits. Guigui used neon green poster board, handwrote her rules, and decorated it with random but cute artwork (i.e., a ghost). Taec used white paper, computer-printed his rules, and omitted any decorations; his was just stark black-and-white. Considering her English, she must have spent at least an hour on it and consulted the dictionary, too. (It’s okay, Guigui…I knew you meant housework instead of husband.)  Taec would’ve been done with his in 30 minutes, tops.

 Also, the lists themselves are stylistically different.  His list was generic and, except for the last three line-items about waking up, eating breakfast and staying away 10 m when he was sick, all of the rules were incontestably true [meaning: how can you argue against his rules to be honest, share housework, etc.]. GG’s list on the other hand, was refreshingly earthy. It referred to holding hands in public, snoring, scratching body parts, and farting under the blanket.  Also, some of her demands were clearly wife-biased, like the husband should apologize first no matter what. lol. It was like she was testing her boundaries to see whether Taec would allow her to get away with murder. Of course, we all knew she was teasing because of the ease and readiness she gave in.

But I’m relieved that they didn’t tiptoe around the key flashpoint: breakfast. Guigui’s Spiderman-tingly sense alerted her to Taec’s evasiveness and she tried to get him to commit while he was purposely withholding his consent until he got a word in edgewise. I would’ve disliked it if GG were to walk away from arguing her side, simply in order to maintain peace between them, in the same way I would’ve disliked it if Taec were to acquiesce to her demand lest she dissolve to tears. I’m also glad that neither one exhibited passive-aggressive traits….There’s nothing as frustrating as a partner who flip-flops between passive acceptance of a situation and aggressive tantrums, combined with sulking and/or demeaning of “lowly staff.”  We know who we’re talking about, @angelangie? Wink.wink.

Their end result was a 50/50 split. Briefly, their new set of rules comprised of:  1) GG: Greet with big smile; 2) TY: Share housework; 3) GG: Scratch itchy parts of body; 4) TY: Don’t lie; be honest; 5) GG: Always help with housework; 6) TY: One complaint a day; and 7) GG: Enjoy every meal.  I didn’t see the last three rules in screen, but I’m assuming they were:  8) TY: Don’t force him to wake up; 9) GG: Hold hands when outside; and 10) TY: No breakfast. For Taecgui, giving each other their genuine responses, rather than placating each other with white lies, enabled them to discover certain non-negotiable truths about each other. In the long run, this type of relationship is eminently more satisfying than a relationship where one person plays the martyr card and the other one plays the victim card.

5. Cooking time. If the Creation of Rules showed us how they compromised and consolidated their differing values, their Cooking Time put their rules to the test. What I liked about GG is that she took to heart Taec’s original 2nd commandment to “take care of your own business,” and that “if you’re cooking food, then you’re cooking food. I’m not cooking for you.” I believed that was why she was reluctant to ask for his help to chop up the chicken.  However, what I liked about Taec is that, even though he appeared rigid and unyielding with his prescribed rules, he was much attuned to GG’s needs, and he actually offered his help before she asked. Like in Ep 1, when he was concerned that she’d hurt herself slipping in the snow, here in Ep 2, he was anxious that she’d hurt herself with the knife. And we’ll be seeing this over and over again where his solicitude toward GG overrides any preconceived rules he has of His and Her chores. Without a fuss, he’ll just take care of business [see housewarming party] and help her.  Don’t you agree, @shermainelng? Who wouldn’t want a guy like that by her side?  

6. Their physical proximity.  Our sharp-eyed @xybershock and @mikoshine probably already noticed how physically close Taecgui were throughout these episodes. Except for when he was adjusting the camera or when they were frolicking in the snow, they were rarely separated more than 2 arms-length from each other. Of course, Taecgui killjoys would argue that Taecgui had no choice but to be physically close since the show’s taping was done indoors. Firing back, this evil smartass girl would point out that if Taec and GG were independent countries, Taec’s actions would be construed as a full-scale invasion of the personal space of neighboring GG with the single goal of her annexation into Taec’s world. His relentless campaign IS a declaration of war, and only Antarctica [legal residents: penguins and killjoys] would coldly insist on the contrary. 

For instance, he hovered around her all the time. Had GG suddenly stopped dead in her tracks while he was following her, he would have ran over her like a Sherman tank. When there was the whole expanse of the living room, he’d still managed to bump against her like he was some sort of heat-seeking missile. The three-seater couch? The staff could have saved money and opted for a loveseat, since Taecgui only occupied 1/3 of the couch anyway. Or they could’ve bought a chaise longue, instead, for Taecgui did like to lounge on each other, didn’t they?  And when Taecgui consulting her phone after the pillow fight, did he really have to stick his face beside GG’s face, and to practically breathe in the same oxygen, when he was tall enough to look over her head? For a guy so prudish that he didn’t want to lay down ON that queen-sized bed with her [yes, he even dangled his legs at the side of the bed], he surely had no qualms being this close >..< to her.  Methinks, the gentleman doth protest too much.


I agree with Guigui about:

1. The Robot. It did break in her hands but it was also poorly packed in the box. The jostling and shaking during the transport no doubt contributed to its easy breakage.

2. Chicken. A guy coolly chopping off a chicken neck with a loud “twack!” looks manly. It’s this whole “Me, Tarzan, You, Jane” image stamped into our feminine psyche. Plus, chicken is REALLY hard to cut up when you aren’t swinging down your chef’s knife with full force like a machete. And CONFESSION time…how many of us here have actually cut up a whole chicken? I haven’t. If I buy the whole bird -- chicken, capon, duck, geese, or turkey -- it’s going to go in the oven as a whole bird. I do not mess around with chicken parts and innards.

3. Superman. At first viewing, this segment when she donned the curtains as a cape, struck me as odd. I questioned why was GG doing this and concluded that she was still very young at heart [euphemism for acting “childish and silly”]. Now, however, I think GG was just putting on her “variety show” persona to save the day. I bet they were filming for hours, and Taec’s energy level was beginning to flag. Being an introverted person, he would retreat into his quiet shell. Most likely, GG sensed this and had to play court jester for a while to keep up the entertainment. Later on in the season, when their body rhythms were more in sync with each other, like at the aquarium at Jejudo, there was less and less need for her to put on a performance and carry the show. By that time, she was relying more on Taec to set the pace of the show.

I agree with him about:

1. The headlock. I originally thought that was one awkward way to cover somebody’s eyes. The customary method is to extend both his arms out and have both hands cover her eyes. It would look like a backhug but with Taec’s long arms, there would be ample distance between their bodies….But that’s the schoolmarmish me rationalizing. My fangirl soul is telling me that a one-arm headlock is doubly romantic. Why? Again, it fits this “Me, Tarzan, You, Jane” trope where the primitive hero grabs the girl by her hair, slings her over one shoulder and carries her to his man-cave.  But since we aren’t watching a B-movie, we’ve to settle with Taec hauling Guigui away to their honeymoon house within the crook of his elbow. lol.

2. Her eyes. Her eyes did grow big when she saw his gift. I’m glad that he noticed her eyes [ep 14, too, when he said the stuff toy they won at the shooting gallery had her big eyes] without feeling pressured to compliment her for her “beautiful” eyes each and every occasion...if you know what I mean. J  Taecgui fans have really simple, Victorian pleasures...we swoon over their eye contacts.   

3. Guigui choking on feathers is funny. He tried to take them of her mouth and brush them off her sweater. [be careful, Taec, you might accidentally touch her chest! lol] But the way his face lit up in the interview, when he was remembering her choking is…so Tom and Jerry-ish.

4. The Alien pajamas. With her last gag-gift, Taec’s reversal-of-fortune, from cool, beastly 2PM member to dorky husband of Guigui, was complete. But what I liked about him is that, although he knew he couldn’t say outright that he disliked the gift without appearing ungracious and churlish, he nonetheless registered his dissatisfaction with the selca picture. His cross face on the 1st selca was his method of showing his honest opinion; his smiling face on the 2nd selca was his way of appeasing her afterward.  Good one!

5. “Expects more.” I think the anti-fans deliberately twisted his interview to point out that he was dissatisfied with their current status and he wanted better.  No. I think he meant that, given the fun that they’ve had so far, he anticipated and looked forward to the small but steady steps they were taking together to build a meaningful relationship in the future.  Given that he only had 5 seconds to give a soundbite, it must have been difficult to formulate his thoughts, without sounding like a cliché.

You know @lmangla, you had asked how many times Hongki proposed; honestly, I stopped counting at three -- at the bridal shop, at the photo-shoot where he sang and used his shoes as props in the proposal, and at the small chapel in Okinawa. If we were to count only those proposals made verbally, then yes, Taecgui only had one proposal. But if we were to consider also those proposals made in deed, not just words, then I’d regard the jjanddori/silver shoes moment as their first, dry-run, proposal scene.

I understood Guigui’s intention when she had asked him to buy the shoes for her. The request wasn’t so much about the shoes per se, because she could afford to buy 10 pairs for herself if she wanted, but it was about her unvoiced questions: Are you, Taec, willing to take a walk in life with me? Taec, will you be generous enough of yourself, of your time, effort, and commitment, to make our next three months work? Do you like me enough, Taec, to grant me this favor? In essence, the shoes became the “objectification” of her unspoken fears. So, when he refused, I understood also her disappointment. In the literal sense of the word jjandori, Taec was a tightwad, a cheapskate, a Scrooge. But in the deeper, inexpressible level, she might have believed that Taec was going to be an emotionally stingy partner, the type of man to hoard one’s affection and to ration out small pieces of his heart. That was why the gift was such an unforgettable item for her and she referred to the moment as pivotal [technically, she said “Before shoes…After shoes,” like it was a historical event similar to B.C. and A.D.]. She had discovered then that she could put her faith in him.

For me, the jjandoori/silver shoes represented a significant milestone. It wasn’t an engagement ring nor was it a song-and-props fanfare, but as his first formal gesture to sweep her off her feet, he was successful in inviting her to trust him and his sincere intentions to do his best for their virtual marriage. It’s good enough of a proposal for this old gal.  

Good night, y'all. 

Manila girl: cdbarzun 

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Guest virpotter

I am about to rant here...no other place for me to do so but here...with my micheosso loving family...so pls forgive me if anyone find this post boring or offensive ( just skip it coz I desperately need to vent out my dissatisfaction!). It's gonna be a loooong post...so here goes... Just recently I had watched wgmg again on wonderful generation with the full version n eng subs. Just can't help myself reading all the comments down below n tho they are old comments but still they grate on my nerves! I knew wat to expect but still cannot help rolling my eyes over some of their( the haters ) views. They kept harping abt Taec's inability to show interest in GUI GUI n his reaction on GUI GUI's dance event (tat he was embarrassed) when in fact he was referring to HER being embarrassed to dance in public n he was touched by her bravery. May b these ppl just don't understand eng very well...they need to understand the whole context n not just 1 sentence or a few phrases or words #-o ..Really...!! (Reminds me of someone here who misunderstood ppl's English due to the lacking of hers) Plus they (the haters) must not have had eagle eyes like our dear ms bibidep n other beloved shippers here coz they'd totally missed out on all the sweet n caring things that Taec had lavished on GUI GUI n not to mention his chivalrous side (natural, not put on for show) which all of us can be witnesses to... 8-| N wats wif the talk abt sibling feel or father daughter feel betwn them :-/ :-/ Just becoz he once wiped her nose n he mentioned he felt like an appa??? Really??? R these ppl blind or in denial??? Let me ask u which father has perverted thoughts on his daughter (unless he is a sicko...eeewww...) from merely eating abalone plus the times GUI GUI mentioned doing something on the bed n having babies?? I admit taecgui's relationship is based on happy n play theme. So they played n laughed a lot. Does tat constitute being sibling-like to these haters?? They'd prefer a boring couple doing all the romantic events like other couples just like a k-drama (would have fallen asleep if not for the funny antics of our beloved couple...), conversing perfectly in the same language which in my opinion defeats the purpose of having a global edition of wgm in which language barrier is supposed to be a challenge! So kudos to our beloved taecgui cp who managed to overcome tat challenge gradually n even found their very own special ways to communicate. I really can't see which part of Taec's action/expression said he was bored/disinterested wif GUI GUI..?? Sure I admit sometimes he looked tired but tats due to his heavy workload n missing his beauty sleep 8-| .... I recalled he was once quite exasperated wif GUI GUI when she kept trolling him abt having other women but stil he playfully joked with her asking her whether she had paranoia or schizophrenia (bts ep in which they tried on their wedding attire). Still I can't see any disinterest there...in fact the cameraman noticed that his gaze had changed (remember tat scene?) Besides Taec n GUI GUI had fun right? Taec obviously smiled n laughed till his healthy gums r all over the screen.... :D Someone said tat he would b better off paired wif his female counterpart (ie. someone like him)...if tat really happened, I'd have fallen asleep thruout the show n he'd b smiling without showing his gums so often...or mayb not at all...(get my drift?) Previously, he might hav chosen someone like the ideal Yoona...but after having a taste of bubbliness, fun bright energetic sunshine (u know who), does he stil remember or want the boring ideal woman?? /:) There....satisfied now!! If only I could do a gif, I'd put up the pic where GUI GUI showed her satisfied look after the cookie smashing scene....again sorry for the long post...:)>-

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Guest virpotter

Someone doesn't really know when to stop , does she? The more she's firing back, the sillier she becomes.... 8-|

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Guest Mrs.Okcat

oh my god.. "WHO ARE YOU" ep 4 is veryvery awesome >.<have you all watch?? hehhehethis is pict from ep 4

oppa so handsome day by day :*

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Guest nalikahibar

@mrs.okcat thanks for updating WAY drama pics! So refreshing.. :D

Seeing taec's pic on sofa makes my pervy mind mode on. Imagining he say "guigui.. Come here.."

Ahahahahaaahaa.. :\">

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lamey said: chinly Lin said: xzz33 said: I remember some of you @amylove mention about vietsubs having some unseen cuts. you can actually see this ep 2 complete version english sub: http://www.kshownow.net/2013/04/we-got-married-global-episode-2-english.html?m=1

Two scenes where they reenact the photo on the bed and guigui sitting on taec's lap are in the link above, which are missing in the wonderfulgeneration.net/ full version.

Cheers... :)>-

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Gums? Did you mention his gums?  Nooooooo…. His gums are like kryptonite to my Super(wo)man powers.  

I’ve been re-watching the show on wonderful generation, too, because my dramafever account doesn’t work here.  So far, I’ve been good about ignoring the comments section; I didn’t want to be sucked into their wormhole of a brain. 

But I do wish we can somehow teleport those antis here in our forum and enroll them in one of our specially designed classes. They can take their pick: Remedial Taecgui, Taecgui 101, Art Appreciation: Taecgui, or Taecgui for Dummies. It’s clearly evident that they need help clearing up their misconceptions. ….plus, a mind is such a terrible thing to waste.  Tsk. Tsk. 

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Guest virpotter

packmule3 said: @virpotter,

Gums? Did you mention his gums?  Nooooooo…. His gums are like kryptonite to my Super(wo)man powers.  

I’ve been re-watching the show on wonderful generation, too, because my dramafever account doesn’t work here.  So far, I’ve been good about ignoring the comments section; I didn’t want to be sucked into their wormhole of a brain. 

But I do wish we can somehow teleport those antis here in our forum and enroll them in one of our specially designed classes. They can take their pick: Remedial Taecgui, Taecgui 101, Art Appreciation: Taecgui, or Taecgui for Dummies. It’s clearly evident that they need help clearing up their misconceptions. ….plus, a mind is such a terrible thing to waste.  Tsk. Tsk. 

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Guest xybershock

packmule3 said: @virpotter,

Gums? Did you mention his gums?  Nooooooo…. His gums are like kryptonite to my Super(wo)man powers.  

I’ve been re-watching the show on wonderful generation, too, because my dramafever account doesn’t work here.  So far, I’ve been good about ignoring the comments section; I didn’t want to be sucked into their wormhole of a brain. 

But I do wish we can somehow teleport those antis here in our forum and enroll them in one of our specially designed classes. They can take their pick: Remedial Taecgui, Taecgui 101, Art Appreciation: Taecgui, or Taecgui for Dummies. It’s clearly evident that they need help clearing up their misconceptions. ….plus, a mind is such a terrible thing to waste.  Tsk. Tsk. 

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virpotter said: I am about to rant here...no other place for me to do so but here...with my micheosso loving family...so pls forgive me if anyone find this post boring or offensive ( just skip it coz I desperately need to vent out my dissatisfaction!). It's gonna be a loooong post...so here goes... Just recently I had watched wgmg again on wonderful generation with the full version n eng subs. Just can't help myself reading all the comments down below n tho they are old comments but still they grate on my nerves! I knew wat to expect but still cannot help rolling my eyes over some of their( the haters ) views. They kept harping abt Taec's inability to show interest in GUI GUI n his reaction on GUI GUI's dance event (tat he was embarrassed) when in fact he was referring to HER being embarrassed to dance in public n he was touched by her bravery. May b these ppl just don't understand eng very well...they need to understand the whole context n not just 1 sentence or a few phrases or words #-o ..Really...!! (Reminds me of someone here who misunderstood ppl's English due to the lacking of hers) Plus they (the haters) must not have had eagle eyes like our dear ms bibidep n other beloved shippers here coz they'd totally missed out on all the sweet n caring things that Taec had lavished on GUI GUI n not to mention his chivalrous side (natural, not put on for show) which all of us can be witnesses to... 8-| N wats wif the talk abt sibling feel or father daughter feel betwn them :-/ :-/ Just becoz he once wiped her nose n he mentioned he felt like an appa??? Really??? R these ppl blind or in denial??? Let me ask u which father has perverted thoughts on his daughter (unless he is a sicko...eeewww...) from merely eating abalone plus the times GUI GUI mentioned doing something on the bed n having babies?? I admit taecgui's relationship is based on happy n play theme. So they played n laughed a lot. Does tat constitute being sibling-like to these haters?? They'd prefer a boring couple doing all the romantic events like other couples just like a k-drama (would have fallen asleep if not for the funny antics of our beloved couple...), conversing perfectly in the same language which in my opinion defeats the purpose of having a global edition of wgm in which language barrier is supposed to be a challenge! So kudos to our beloved taecgui cp who managed to overcome tat challenge gradually n even found their very own special ways to communicate. I really can't see which part of Taec's action/expression said he was bored/disinterested wif GUI GUI..?? Sure I admit sometimes he looked tired but tats due to his heavy workload n missing his beauty sleep 8-| .... I recalled he was once quite exasperated wif GUI GUI when she kept trolling him abt having other women but stil he playfully joked with her asking her whether she had paranoia or schizophrenia (bts ep in which they tried on their wedding attire). Still I can't see any disinterest there...in fact the cameraman noticed that his gaze had changed (remember tat scene?) Besides Taec n GUI GUI had fun right? Taec obviously smiled n laughed till his healthy gums r all over the screen.... :D Someone said tat he would b better off paired wif his female counterpart (ie. someone like him)...if tat really happened, I'd have fallen asleep thruout the show n he'd b smiling without showing his gums so often...or mayb not at all...(get my drift?) Previously, he might hav chosen someone like the ideal Yoona...but after having a taste of bubbliness, fun bright energetic sunshine (u know who), does he stil remember or want the boring ideal woman?? /:) There....satisfied now!! If only I could do a gif, I'd put up the pic where GUI GUI showed her satisfied look after the cookie smashing scene....again sorry for the long post...:)>-

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Guest Jenny Johnson

Ok just trying out but don't seem to work. Just click it and smile~

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Guest Mrs.Okcat

@JenJ  may i ask something?i wanna put video here.. but i can't make it like you, i just can show the link.. can you help me?? 

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