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Guest limelight

- when you flipped your hair for the first time.. all the feelings came back... AGAIN. why do you play with my feelings like this? :[ i know you will never treat me the samee... but stop giving me hope T_T

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I have never met an bubble gum as bad as you are. I have never met someone so SELFISHLY BLIND AND IGNORANT.

You talk this big talk about ignorant people, but you're even worst than them! You judge people about their

appearances and say trash about them when you don't even KNOW them! Further more, you are the biggest hypocrite I

have ever met. Go back and die already.

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Guest <milk.BOX>

stop telling me, "i love you!" in these dreams i have at night,

& tell me you LOVE me in real life.

its okay. i'll be waiting.

& even if you never ever do tell me in real life, that you love me, thankss for blessing me with the feeling of ever falling for you ♥

heehee you make me blush everytime i talk to you (:

ps. stay outta my dreams, jerkface >: p

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Guest meilove

1) srry..*sigh* i kno i hurt you so bad

2) idk what to do about you lmfao

3) think think think!!!!!!

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Guest severus

i hate how you don't just go away and stay away

you've made my life so hard, and abnormal.

but if you were to go now.....

... i don't dare imagine


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Guest --infatuated.

sigh. missing you.

it's been too long.

damnit, i need to find a way to saaaave.

cus that's gonna be too much. :[

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Guest joolee.

Depending on somebody else for your happiness is not the way to go.

One should always think if their significant other were to leave the next day, you could go on living without them.

That way, you're not a total mess when it does happen. It's better to be safe than sorry, I should have followed this motto.

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god your an idiot!

is she really worth it? why issert that when you fall for someone.. you fall so deep?

yous have been going out for how long? not even offical & you wanna get engaged at the end of year?

are you really that foolish? has "love" really blinded you?

idk what to do with you.. should i tell you the hurtful truth or let you find out the hard way?

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Guest crystallizedtear

i am waiting for you to receive my message.

ive been waiting the whole day.

i know it's stupid.

i know i'm becoming dangerously obsessive now.

i know i act like i don't care around others.

i know i don't deserve you.

i know i need to work on my stuff.

ARG why can't i get you out of my mind!!??

(and i know this 'message' to you is extremely childish. im not growing up... im growing down it seems. o__O)

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Guest enticing

"You got better"

Wait, are you implying that I wasn't good before? -__- I don't really know whether to take offense to it or to just take it as a compliment. Oh whatever. No harm done. :ph34r:

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Guest perezosa

you looked at me today like you were lost or interested or something. we see each other every weekend out of school, yet we don't speak. when will you approach me; there and in school ? :[ you used to talk to me, but then idk what happened. i wanna be friends, not just distant acquaintances. :l

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Guest mojomunkeez

See what you hath wrought?

I don't want to make you feel guilty, but my life is a mess because of you.

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Guest kwanitee

i just realized the other dayy that i like youu, and i just wish that youu would talk to me again. just like we had been before seeing youu again. i wish i hugged youu longer and better when i first saw youu that dayy. but i can't change that. the fact that you're not talking to me makes me believe that youu don't think i'm so great and wonderful anymore.

i wish youu would just call me. i just want to hear your voice, your breathing, the silence around youu. i want your "help" on "precalculus homework".

god, i'm falling fast, and you're just leaving me hanging. i don't want to jump in front of that train again. not alone.

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Guest lilaznluv143

i wish i can really forget you..i dun get how some1 can hurt me so bad wen im w them ..n hurt me more wen theyre not there..

god please help me..please help me forget..cuhs even thou i mite seem fine..im slowly dying inside...

i jus really miss u...i shouldnt hav any regrets..but i wish we can go bak ...

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Fck you. I hate you. I couldn't care less if you dropped dead right now. You've always treated me differently from my other sibilings. You used to always say "you can do whatever you want when your done with your chores." BULLSHT. All they do is sit around.. when I have to do everything. And I can't spend the remainder of the day doing whatever they're doing!? Fck you.. I can't even read in the privacy of my own room because of you.

They have every right to get angry at you. And yet you show them mercy!? You have nice talks with them. And YET you wonder why I don't talk to you!? ARE you brain dead or something? If you want that with me, stop critisizing every little thing I do, btch.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

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Guest GO!zilla

if you think its funny, i want to punch your face.

actually i want to punch them anyways.

friggen annoying. it aint funny.

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Guest AMIbunny

ugh.. why do u do that?! how can you just leave without telling me ? =_= don't you know that I wonder? Don't you know that I care? What goes through that head of yours?

*sigh.. sometimes I just wanna break up with you and make you feel really bad and hurt...to make up for all the times you've made me wait and worry about you....>o<

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