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[jp Movie 2008] Hana Yori Dango Final 花より男子~フ&#1244

Guest Shiget^

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Guest dw9lives

be prepared for anything. yup! that sounds like here! haha.

as for age, i'm 21, same with the friend that's going with me, it'll be just us.

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2) MY FRIEND ( KIMBERLY)___X (already done)

3) minilight1080 (CONNIE)____X (has sent info)


5) Saki- chan (sam)____X ( Has sent info)

6) Arashikitty (jing)

7) dw9lives (Veronica)

8) crazypilovee (___)_____X (has sent info)

9) Her friend (___)_____X (Has sent info)

10) hamstaball (Tiffu)____X(has sent info)


1) Touka (Sharon)___(has sent info)

2) Her friend

3) crazypilovee's friend #1

4) crazypilovee's friend #2

5) ThiNgiE

6) Her friend

7) zinnie

8) theahhmoment

ALL the people on this LIST IT WOULD make it so much easier for us to meet

if i find out:





5) AGE




I'll post is or PM THEM TO EVERYONE


on the forum aleast hahaha

and oncei find out the info we could or i'll choose a location

where we can meet :D

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Guest crazypilovee

don't worry. the first five times i called too they said they didn't know what i meant. i don't think everyone knows about it. my dad's casino host didn't know till we asked her to find out and then she said she'll give us a copy of the filming schedule when we get there, and i don't think she's lying, so it is happening.

ahh please tell us wat their filming schedule isss!!! i'll be going on wednesday onlyy so u guys will prolly get it on tuesday? please post it on here or pm meeee!!1 pleaseeeeee :D

andd all of u going on/before tuesday, TELL US EVERY DETAILLL RIGHT WHEN U SEE THEM!!! :D

ooh, New York New York. you should definitely ride the roller coaster while you're there. after seeing the map, i decided there's no way my dad's gonna let me go to any other hotel. i guess it's good that there's plenty to do at the orleans. (to be honest, it's a miracle that he's just letting me go around the hotel by myself.) everyone going is younger than 18, right? are you guys going alone or with parents too?

and by the way, my AIM is loneninja00 if anyone's interested.

hmm just wondering, can ppl under 18 roam around the gaming area..? like i won't touch the machines or anything.. but just walk around there? hehee...

i really doubt ANY of the HYD cast will sign anything for us...-.- they've got a longgg day of filming and if they get breaks they will definitely wanna just chillax i think haha.. plus w/ the hong kong fans they'll prolly be scared of us :P

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hmm just wondering, can ppl under 18 roam around the gaming area..? like i won't touch the machines or anything.. but just walk around there? hehee.

i really doubt ANY of the HYD cast will sign anything for us...-.- they've got a longgg day of filming and if they get breaks they will definitely wanna just chillax i think haha.. plus w/ the hong kong fans they'll prolly be scared of us :P

it depends on which area b/c like where the slot are ppl think were going to the movie

theater or like the bowling alle..soo not sure..

but like where the tables are no..unless we have someone over 21

which is a problem for me since im only 17 :o

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Guest saki-chan

kurosakineko, i pm'd you my answers!

I think, as long as you aren't loitering at the tables or machines, just walking through the casino is ok. also, dw9lives said she's 21, so if she doesn't mind "chaperoning" us, we'll be set on that front.

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LOL the film thread turned into a let's meet one!! XD anyway trying to keep thing on check here , from Hk Kiki in d-addicts has posted a couple infos in Jun's thread including some interesting links

This comes from one of them , from baidu


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Guest saki-chan

hehe, thanks for the pic (and getting back to the topic) ginoru! Shota-san looks so cute there!! he's not wearing the normal shocked/shy look he has during interviews i've seen either! maybe those sunglasses give him power!

i envy the woman holding his arm, tho.

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Guest tenma321

Tuesday, Feb. 19

Afternoon -> Prime Rib Loft restaurant. Now I have mentioned that this restaurant is rather small. I don't know if security will let fans come inside.

Evening -> Valet entrance. This is outside, so remember to check the weather. put zipcode 89103. the weather in vegas has been weird. yesterday was in the 70s, and today we're in the 50s.

Wednesday, Feb. 20

All day beginning at 11am -> Gaming/Pit area, located near the Alligator bar. There will be scenes with Black Jack, Roulette, and Slot Machines.

Very late evening -> Valet entrance again.

thanks for this information! although i cant go...its still interesting to know..

also i have a question if u dont mind...

in ur case the ppl probably came to u to ask if u wanted to be an extra....but generally..how did u even know they were going to film there? and also...did u have to audition or anything? or is it the type tht u just need to sit in the backround audience?

thank u :)

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Guest trunkims

Wow...I feel so left out cuz i'm not going and also cuz I feel so much older than everyone here. I'm 24, turning 25 in May.

I'm so jealous of everyone going, but I know we'll be hearing from everyone when the day is up. I want to try and participate in it, even though I'm far away, maybe like make the tags for everyone? I could maybe make it and send it through email to whoever lives down there...i dunno, I just feel like I need to be part of this even though I'm not going... :tears:

But here's the updated list as of 11:07pm PST 2.15.08




3) minilight1080 (CONNIE)


5) Saki- chan (sam)

6) Arashikitty (jing)

7) dw9lives (Veronica)

8) crazypilovee (___)

9) Her friend (___)

10) hamstaball (Tiffu)

11) meromero

12) Touka (Sharon)

13) hamstaball's mom

14) hamstaball's brother


1) Her friend

2) crazypilovee's friend #1

3) crazypilovee's friend #2

4) ThiNgiE

5) Her friend

6) zinnie

7) theahhmoment

8) zinnie's friend #1

9) zinnie's friend #2

10) Trunkim's Cousin yay! I have someone who might be going as my substitute

Oh, is anyone bringing a laptop, possible one with a webcam? I wanna join in on any late night meetings you guys are having lol....it'll make me or even us who aren't going, feel like we're there.....just a suggestion.

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Guest saki-chan

wah, i feel so bad for you trunkims!! i know it doesn't help saying that, but it's true at least! also, yes, i am bringing my Fernando (that's my laptop's name. i named him after an ABBA song, because i had just seen Strawberry on the Shortcake and was in an ABBA phase when i got him ((and yes, i know it's slightly crazy that my laptop has a name and a gender and that i use the appropriate pronouns for him, but still))) and he's got a webcam, so if we do have late-night meetings and if you want, we can film them for you?? is that what you meant??

by the way, am i the only one who is keeping the forum page open while doing something else and occasionally refreshing it to see if there's any new news?

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Guest hamstaball

wah, i feel so bad for you trunkims!! i know it doesn't help saying that, but it's true at least! also, yes, i am bringing my Fernando (that's my laptop's name. i named him after an ABBA song, because i had just seen Strawberry on the Shortcake and was in an ABBA phase when i got him ((and yes, i know it's slightly crazy that my laptop has a name and a gender and that i use the appropriate pronouns for him, but still))) and he's got a webcam, so if we do have late-night meetings and if you want, we can film them for you?? is that what you meant??

by the way, am i the only one who is keeping the forum page open while doing something else and occasionally refreshing it to see if there's any new news?

LOLOL that's what I've been doing~ If you look on the bottom and it says who's looking at the page, I'm always there :lol:

Haha and seeing on my bro/mom on the list cracked me up !! it's not really necessary :P

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Guest arashikitty

Wow...I feel so left out cuz i'm not going and also cuz I feel so much older than everyone here. I'm 24, turning 25 in May.

I'm so jealous of everyone going, but I know we'll be hearing from everyone when the day is up. I want to try and participate in it, even though I'm far away, maybe like make the tags for everyone? I could maybe make it and send it through email to whoever lives down there...i dunno, I just feel like I need to be part of this even though I'm not going... :tears:

Oh, is anyone bringing a laptop, possible one with a webcam? I wanna join in on any late night meetings you guys are having lol....it'll make me or even us who aren't going, feel like we're there.....just a suggestion.

Don't think you're old trunkims--I'm 22 turning 23 this April =) Also, I'll be bringing my laptop so we might be able to go online so you can see everyone!

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Guest saki-chan

LOLOL that's what I've been doing~ If you look on the bottom and it says who's looking at the page, I'm always there :lol:

Haha and seeing on my bro/mom on the list cracked me up !! it's not really necessary :P

i know, i am too. and by the way, i love love love your icon. it's hilarious and true.

if your mom and brother are on the list, my dad should be too then, i guess? do you call your brother 'ni-chan'? that's what i call mine and it pisses him off. i call my dad Oyaji or Jiji, too. it's fun.

now to validate my post with something pertaining to HYD:

DO you guys think Oguri Shun's hair is a wig? or do you think he just went from the airport to a salon to filming?

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Guest hamstaball

I think its a wig, because the color suddenly changed so fast! if you watch the video its like completely different hair XD Or maybe he really did dye it? :/

Haha i don't call my brother by anything special besides his english name

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now to validate my post with something pertaining to HYD:

DO you guys think Oguri Shun's hair is a wig? or do you think he just went from the airport to a salon to filming?

I don't know if he had time to dye it. He arrived in the afternoon, then went to the hotel. Then he had to film a few hours later. Shun's only in HK for 3 days. You might see clips of him leaving from the airport on Saturday if they find out his schedule ^^;

Hmm...come to think of it. With the time difference, Shun might actually make it to filming on 21st. If he leaves on Feb 21 at say 10am. It will be LA time Feb 20 5pm. Add in the time it takes to travel from Tokyo to LA and you can guess around what time Shun will be at the airport LOL (check out the first few flights out of Tokyo :P )

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Guest trunkims

saki-chan and arashikitty thanks for letting me in. Actually I meant like a live feed. like i think on an IM or something, I haven't done so in a long while so I'll have to look it up. I'll try to make a live chat thing for everyone else who can't go either...yay!!

Oh and I've been checking up on the forum at least every 15-30 min. I'm watching Meteor Garden right now, trying to remember it.

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Guest trunkims

wah, i feel so bad for you trunkims!! i know it doesn't help saying that, but it's true at least! also, yes, i am bringing my Fernando (that's my laptop's name. i named him after an ABBA song, because i had just seen Strawberry on the Shortcake and was in an ABBA phase when i got him ((and yes, i know it's slightly crazy that my laptop has a name and a gender and that i use the appropriate pronouns for him, but still))) and he's got a webcam, so if we do have late-night meetings and if you want, we can film them for you?? is that what you meant??

by the way, am i the only one who is keeping the forum page open while doing something else and occasionally refreshing it to see if there's any new news?

i know that song too lol.... singing:"there was something in the air that night, the stars were bright...Fernando...."

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