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[drama 2005] Rebirth - Next 환생-넥스트

Guest piano_lady

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Guest puppyiz

Hey ~ Ho --- What's cooking ppl ?? *WAVE ~ WAVE *

I must be the 8th newest member jst arrived @ this thread ?? :w00t:

OMO !! Doctor Min looks much too chubbier than Gi Chan !!

piano_lady Thanks so much for creating this thread -- & this hardsubbed drama @ VEOH !!

Much too tempted to watch this drama -- cos my fav leads are here !

Destiny .. Love ???

Hmmm.. good question. I guess it's sort of one.

Coz I believe both --- 'destiny & love ' are must haves.

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Guest piano_lady

hiya everyone!! and yes, a warm welcome to our dear puppyiz! *wave~wave*

dears, i am very much enjoying rebirth...finished 2 epis tonight! and i am really proud of myself coz i was able to restrain myself for watching more even though i really, really wanted to! :P <i usually do marathons...and i suffer at work the next day! :lol: > the plot is getting more interesting...

anyways, i can't help but notice that RSY really looks great in that traditional korean costume with the beard and all. :rolleyes: honestly, i've never admired men donning that...but with RSY, that costume really suits him! <oh, can't wait to see him as the mongolian general or something> :blush:

well, got some ep2 caps here...i'll do ep3 tomorrow. it's almost 12 midnight and have to prepare for work tomorrow!

so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!




preview of ep 3


destiny...and love? i strongly believe on these too!

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Guest piano_lady

Additions to the OST

There's this song that was played at the very beginning of Ep1 when Jung Hwa was on her way to the subway station. If anyone's interested, the song is called "Sweety" by Clazziquai (same group responsible for the hit songs in My Name is Kim Sam Soon). I have uploaded the song and it's remix version (which I like better). The link is in the intro page :-)

There's also an English song played in either ep2 or ep3 but I've forgotten what it was. Will check it when I get home...and will post the link laterz....

Cheers to all!

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Guest piano_lady

Caps for episode 3 - i love, love this epi! and do i have to mention again that RSY is so handsome in the traditional garb? :blush:


Childhood bestfriends separated by circumstances


And they're back together after 10 years...

Now checking out the cute guy in a jade robe :D


Exchange of poetry


"I want to talk to you"


The chong dung mirror



Returning the favor



Confrontation and rejection



The supposed last meeting



Oh no :tears: my heart bleeds for her...it's her bestfriend and fiance! :tears::(

I'm so liking this series! Off I go to watch epi4!

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Guest piano_lady

Just watch it gerryg! :lol:

Sorry, still haven't made caps for ep4. I've been busy with other things. Anyway, I love-love-love ep4! It was really sad and depressing as I mentioned earlier in the RSY thread. One of the reasons was because RSY died in the end! <I'm one of those who enjoys crying when watching dramas! Other tearjerking dramas are MiSa :wub: and Autumn in my Heart>

Anyways, my parents (they LOVE this series too!) watched it tonight while I was doing my Bad Couple avatar and darn, I was in tears while working! .... I know, I know....too sentimental, I guess....but really...people, just watch this and you'll know what I'm talking about!!

I'm really liking this drama and it's also going up fast in my top favorites list!

Will try posting ep4 caps tomorrow! Nite-nite everyone!

Oh, before I forget, ALL EPISODES HAVE ALREADY BEEN UPLOADED TO MEGAUPLOAD. EPS 1-9 ARE SPLIT INTO 2 FILES AND EPS 10-14 ARE SINGLE FILES (I discovered too late that max of 500 mbs can now be uploaded to megaupload) . ALL ARE MQ ENGLISH SUBBED.

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Guest anachronista

Get ready for more tears! I usually don't care for the tear-jerkers, but this one was absolutely enthralling.


Just a couple of random pictures from the drama to pad my short post. :P

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Guest debratan


I'm so sorry about the "jerk" thing :vicx: , maybe the word used is too harsh for our RSY. :sweatingbullets: What I actually mean is that the character portrayed in here is different from the usual RSY role we have seen. And that's one of the many things that the drama interests me, like the torments he have gone thru etc.

Another thing been the beard, I like the beard on him (a lot), especially the role for M.Warrior, that story is the most touching of all (to me). The thing that he did for the lead lady in that story bring tears to my eyes. Anyone see that part yet?


Tks for the OST.

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Guest piano_lady

Don't worry about it, dear Debra...we understand ;)

Oh, I'm on ep6 tonight which is the 2nd ep of the Koryo era. Oh...yes, our RSY looks fine with the beard. I like it too ;)

Darn, I wonder what's going to happen to the Koryo maiden when he brought her up to the mountain to show her the ransacked village below. Moved by the sight below, she was unknowingly telling him about family, her background and her dongseng which is younger brother...Omo! I wonder...Did our mighty Mongolian general notice that she was talking about A brother? Darn, is he gonna kill her :ph34r: , or will his love for her prevail? :tears:

I just can't wait to see watch ep 6 tonight!

By the way, quite a lot of people are watching and downloading this series! It has even more subscribers than the others! I'm happy! ;)

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Guest debratan

Don't worry about it, dear Debra...we understand ;)

Oh, I'm on ep6 tonight which is the 2nd ep of the Koryo era. Oh...yes, our RSY looks fine with the beard. I like it too ;)

Darn, I wonder what's going to happen to the Koryo maiden when he brought her up to the mountain to show her the ransacked village below. Moved by the sight below, she was unknowingly telling him about family, her background and her dongseng which is younger brother...Omo! I wonder...Did our mighty Mongolian general notice that she was talking about A brother? Darn, is he gonna kill her :ph34r: , or will his love for her prevail? :tears:

I just can't wait to see watch ep 6 tonight!

By the way, quite a lot of people are watching and downloading this series! It has even more subscribers than the others! I'm happy! ;)

I believed that you be touched by the ending of the this particular story, like I do.

The storyline is rather short, but do leave an strong impression on me.

One more things good about this drama, is that all storyline are kept short.

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Guest snowprincess

the Mongolian part was my favorite too debratan. RSY looks so tender and tough at the same time. long hair looks good on him! :lol: and he has good chemistry with the Koryo maiden.

i was kinda shocked though when she jumped over the cliff and she was actually carrying his head! shocking and romantic. he after all saved her brother from being a serf. yup it was a beautiful but tragic ending.

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Guest anachronista

By the way, quite a lot of people are watching and downloading this series! It has even more subscribers than the others! I'm happy! ;)

I'm really glad to hear that! I first saw this series available on DVD about a year ago, and since I didn't know the actors in it at the time, I didn't think about it much. Then after a while I got this crush on RSY and when I spotted Rebirth/NEXT on DVD again I bought it, bought it, bought it!!! Even then it didn't appear to be well known. The place I bought it from sold out and now there is only one other place (in the U.S.) I know of where you can buy it, and who knows when they will run out? It just seemed to be a little obscure, but if it's being downloaded a lot, maybe it won't be so overlooked anymore.

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Guest minshoo

sorri but can any1 explain to me about the ending? i dun get it! so who's ending up with who? they didnt really say so is it suppose to be like think whatever you like?

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Guest piano_lady

you guys were right! the Mongolian-Koryo story was very moving! my goodness, i almost finished a whole box of tissues! I wanted to post something when i finished ep6 last night (or early this morning!) but i just couldn't bring myself write anything! the tears clouded my vision and just kept rolling down my face! good thing i watched it when everyone was asleep :mellow:

ahhh....what love, what sacrifice! RSY (as usual) and PYJ shone in this episode! :blush:

re: the downloads, I was just talking about the figures in veoh. i am monitoring the downloads in megauploads and i'm quite contented with the results. hmm...speaking of this series being overlooked (esp when it was aired), i'm wondering which series were aired at that same period? anyone know? how about ratings? how did this series actually do in korea? :huh:

oh Anachronista! So you've got the DVD?! and you too, Debra?? Waaa...I want to buy this too! Oh, did the DVD include the extras too? If so, maybe you could rip it and upload it to veoh..please? :P

Oh, hi minshoo!! (wave~wave)

welcome to this thread! maybe someone can answer your query.. <but pls don't post the ending here!! PM only please...;P>

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Guest debratan

Sorry mine is vcd w/out extras. It's seem that during when I get it, there is no DVD for this drama.

Come to think of it, the first I saw this drama rented, it's also a VCD.

Ebay has come out with BC, I don't think it's original..right??

For RSY, I will try to get hold of the original copy.

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Guest piano_lady

Sorry mine is vcd w/out extras. It's seem that during when I get it, there is no DVD for this drama.

Come to think of it, the first I saw this drama rented, it's also a VCD.

Ebay has come out with BC, I don't think it's original..right??

For RSY, I will try to get hold of the original copy.

Hi Debra dear! Hope Anachronista's DVD has extras :)

I actually searched for the DVD at ebay and they don't seem to have it. True, BC is available but I also don't think they're original.

But we'll wait for the official copy...all for the love of RSY :D

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