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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af


I am not too focused on the dorky parts of Xin Yi more her emotional turmoil amidst all the comedy going on.

You should finish it, well probably up to Episode 15, I wasn't really keen on the first parts since it just focused on the funny parts. I rather like the angst, Joe Chen (who is a big fan of LDH) played that role with such heart, it's like I can feel her warm tears from my end every time she was overcome by sorrow. She played such a heartfelt character.

That show would have been one real solid drama if it weren't for its trite and silly parts. I feel like the script would be good for a Kdrama interpretation. With a tighter script that drama would be pulling more heart strings, I kinda felt like I was cheated when it resorted to flimsy gimmicks, because I felt it was a strong drama at its simplest form. But I guess TW dramas are like that in general. Since Korea is remaking ISWAK someone should find that diamond in a rough of a script in Fated to Love You. A little tweaking and that would be one real powerful drama.

ANYWAY... :lol: at Da Hae saying she has to wake up early every day. Well thanks in advanced for translating.

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Guest ripgal

Da Hae wrote 3 messages in total...

We're definitely in for a good half year in 2009... what else do we need other than Da Hae's constant updates? :P

Message # 1

The day will come.

The day will come when I will be able to speak Han Yu (Mandarin) fluently. Keke!

Everyone, did you all enjoy your Chuseok?

I had fun. But gained a bit of weight because I ate a lot! Keke!

I miss you guys! Love you!

Message # 2

Recently, I have been writing diary notes once to twice a week for my Chinese tutor to look at.

This is my first time writing in here... there were some mistakes, so my tutor made some corrections on my behalf. Keke!

Here's the content:

I went to my dermatologist today after waking up at 9am. I was in a very good mood. Some more, today's a fine and sunny day. So after treatment with the dermatologist, I went to Yang Pyeong (name of a place). My mom called me up to ask me to go to our house in Yang Pyeong (I think she meant her mom's house?).

I'm now in Yang Pyeong, pracitising Chinese while munching bread. I have been eating the whole day, 3 loafs/pieces (not sure) of bread! I must be mad. Altho Yang Pyeong is a bit far, but I always feel good when I come here. I think Yang Pyeong is a very beautiful place. I can't eat anymore. I have to start rehearsing my script.

Hehe... I'm sorry~~~ I write like a kid. I will continue writing diary notes in here for you guys. Hehe...I feel sleepy now. It's time to sleep. Good nite!

Message # 3

My lifestyle has changed a bit recently. Because of my busy working schedule, I have to sleep early. So I can wake up early nowadays. I think it's a good sign because in the past, when I'm free of work, I always laze around in bed not wanting to get up. And I would feel as if my day's shortened a lot. Today I woke up early too, that's why I'm writing this note right now. I'm happy to be able to do such a meaningful thing. I will make it a habit to sleep and wake up early in future.

My tutor told me to practise writing Han Zi (Chinese) today (because I really do not know how to write Han Zi... it's so difficult T.T). So he/she asked me to start writing my diary in Chinese from today onwards. I hate it!

I think if I were to write my diary in Chinese, it would take a very long time. T_T So everyone, please help me! Help me write my diary!

If you help me write my diary, I will probably copy yours and let my tutor see it!!! It's a great idea right? kekekeke...

I'm just joking. Don't tell me tutor~~ T.T

credits: baidu Chinese translations


All I can say about Da Hae ~ CUTTTEEEE!!

Such a sneak, asking us to write her diary!! :lol:

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Guest imogene_af


She is so hilarious... and it's good news that she's eating lots. :lol: She just seems like in a brighter and cheerful mood.

She's been learning Chinese for like what? since 2005? She should give herself a pat on the back for her sponge-like way of learning it.

Thanks for the translation, Jo.

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Guest ripgal


I am not too focused on the dorky parts of Xin Yi more her emotional turmoil amidst all the comedy going on.

You should finish it, well probably up to Episode 15, I wasn't really keen on the first parts since it just focused on the funny parts. I rather like the angst, Joe Chen (who is a big fan of LDH) played that role with such heart, it's like I can feel her warm tears from my end every time she was overcome by sorrow. She played such a heartfelt character.

That show would have been one real solid drama if it weren't for its trite and silly parts. I feel like the script would be good for a Kdrama interpretation. With a tighter script that drama would be pulling more heart strings, I kinda felt like I was cheated when it resorted to flimsy gimmicks, because I felt it was a strong drama at its simplest form. But I guess TW dramas are like that in general. Since Korea is remaking ISWAK someone should find that diamond in a rough of a script in Fated to Love You. A little tweaking and that would be one real powerful drama.

ANYWAY... :lol: at Da Hae saying she has to wake up early every day. Well thanks in advanced for translating.

Qiao En's one heck of a fine actress. I think the only thing I remember from watching the 7 episodes of FTLY was QE's acting. She can nail comedic scenes without too much effort, BUT when she cries or when she's getting all emotional... ahhh.... all the turmoil and angst, I just cry buckets with her. Definitely one of the best TW actresses out there (and in fact, the only one that I admire).

Have you seen her previous work with Ming Dao, Prince Turn to Frog? The guy who looks a lot like Ethan too?

I actually liked that one a bit more. But it's more OTT and silly in the beginning... hehehe...

My dream choice for Ji Cun Xi would be Kang Ji Hwan. HAHA... he would fit that character to a TEE! :P

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Guest imogene_af

Qiao En's one heck of a fine actress. I think the only thing I remember from watching the 7 episodes of FTLY was QE's acting. She can nail comedic scenes without too much effort, BUT when she cries or when she's getting all emotional... ahhh.... all the turmoil and angst, I just cry buckets with her. Definitely one of the best TW actresses out there (and in fact, the only one that I admire).

Have you seen her previous work with Ming Dao, Prince Turn to Frog? The guy who looks a lot like Ethan too?

I actually liked that one a bit more. But it's more OTT and silly in the beginning... hehehe...

My dream choice for Ji Cun Xi would be Kang Ji Hwan. HAHA... he would fit that character to a TEE! :P

Yes, I have seen Prince Turn to a Frog. I liked FTLY better not really because of chemistry/pairing but more because I LOVE Chen Xin Yi the heroine. Her road from hell and back just compels you to root for her.

there was a scene in Fated to Love You that did not show any acting out or hysterics... when her character was just crying in her sleep and the audience learns one of her secrets. I found myself tearing up, and I am so not a crybaby, so I was like, "WTH?!" so I thought, "wow, I'm attached to the character".

Ohdamn I actually put Kang Ji Hwan on my list as potential Ji Cun Xi's if ever. :lol: I can also see Eric Mun in something like that. Maybe a more mature portrayal of that role. I can see KJH, Eric Mun, Bi, Yoon Kye Sang--- ok I'm dreaming again.

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Guest ripgal


She is so hilarious... and it's good news that she's eating lots. :lol: She just seems like in a brighter and cheerful mood.

She's been learning Chinese for like what? since 2005? She should give herself a pat on the back for her sponge-like way of learning it.

Thanks for the translation, Jo.

You're welcome ^_^

Like you, I too love how she's in a cheerful and happy mood these days. Chuno filming and lotsa hot guys must be giving her the energy boost huh?

And more so, she's sharing it all with us! ^_^

You're right. She's been learning the language for 4 years. But writing and speaking is a different thing altogether...so I guess she's just troubled that now she has to take on the tougher task.

I think we fans are just so lucky. Cos we can understand her.

English or Chinese? No problem for her!

o/t: On KJH and Da Hae.. :P

I'm already imagining that classic bed scene! :lol:

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ha, ha, ha, TQ so much Ripgal for quick translation-really enjoy reading it, hope it will be more in future from her. I wish I can write and speak mandarin, so I can help her-FOC. Firstly, I will write-start looking for boyfriend/husband Dahae :lol: It doesnt' matter if you married or not, your talent can sell a lot. (look at Han Chae Young)-married and still on top.-then of course, I will make a story for her and oppa LDW. :D

Looks like Da hae really serious learning chinese-I got a feeling she will entering chinese market soon-a movie maybe. cant't wait for that.

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Guest imogene_af


China is a huge market right now. Lots of Korean actors are trying to venture there, before it used to be just Japan that they want to conquer but now with the boom of Mainland China, they can extend themselves to a broader audience.

So Ji Sub who does not know a lick of Chinese got to cross over, why not Da Hae? Park Hae Jin too is unbelievably popular there right now.

I want her to work with Zhang Yimou or maybe even HK based director Wong Kar Wai. My two faves.

Jo- Gaaah that bed scene. I don't know, Joe Chen is brave in ---erm--- doing that. I do not think LDH is that brave. But if she ever does a scene like that... I am lining up KJH as that leading man. hahaha.

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Guest maccay


Awww so cute~ thanks so much ripgal!

Re: message #1:

Indeed very optomistic in learning the language.

Glad to know she gained weight from eating during Chuseok.

We miss and love you more Dahae!

Sooo sweet!

Re: message #2:

So humble with the corrections. Cute handwriting too eh?

Love to know how her day went. The dermatologist visit, her mom's house. Does that mean she lives alone on her own?

She loves bread ha? i've seen photos of her eating bread, definitely need the carbs.

So she learns Chinese on her free time, then realizes she has to rehearse her scripts hahah...

She feels sleepy and on to her next message, awww Dahae loves her fans...

Re:message #3:

Just like many of us, or maybe, Who wants to get up early? unless we have to go to work or school early and hit the snooze button as many times like i do. Indeed true though waking up and going to bed early is a good habit, healthy too, maintains our body clock. Yeah i gotta tell that to myself too hahah...

She now starts writing in Chinese characters? that must be hard.

So funny and sneaky! wants to copy someone else's diary? I'm sure there'll be a lot of volunteers, she's got lots of Chinese fans out there. :lol:

That was so much fun reading her diary.


It's alright cherryche. That must frustrating for you not able to use the links. Hope you're able to watch it in youtube too.

This must be her next project, venturing into chinese market with a movie or something. She's already big in China and this will boost more and more of her stardom there. I like that idea.

ripgal MFL was so hyped before it even started, i watched the first few episodes with my mom, i almost gave up like i did with Triple but she asked me to continue watching it til we reached episode 9 so i gave it a chance heheh...It was okay, but lacks originality, but you know YEH when she cries, melts a part of my heart too. ;)

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hey you guys! thanks for the updates!

now here goes my ramblings...

^If Lee Da Hae takes on a romcom again, I hope it's more of a mature theme, like about a career woman's woes or a feisty young single mom or a more unconventional love story that will truly be different from Yoo Rin. With the way she's patterning her career, though, I think it may take a while before we can see her in that genre again.

I completely agree! If she'll do romcom again I wish she'd do it with a more mature character... someone like Dalhee turned romcom character! haha! or maybe someone like Choi Jin Shil's character in the Last Scandal... a struggling divorcee/single mother who found a second chance at love... O/T: OMG I can't believe I waited two years before I decided to watch it! If you haven't you must! haha It's like Fullhouse... only it was done the RIGHT way! while Fullhouse fell into a series of redundant annoying scenes Last Scandal managed to be endearing till the end! altho the last 2 episodes were kinda cheesy! haha oh well I think I gushed too much over my new found crush Jung Jun ho (ripgal, doesn't he look awfully a lot like KJH? I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll watching IRIS for JJH more than LBH! haha don't kill me!

OT but no so OT: :lol: I was watching MFL's episode 15 last night and i came across this scene...

Dahae in MFL? hehehe...


Hye Na's annoying aunt reading Dahae's My Wedding magazine, like the cute lil geeky cousin of Hye Na though. ;)

I'm off to watch the last one, they said it's a happy ending. This may not be YEH's best drama but some parts reminded me of CP and My Girl wherein the grandfather became the hindrance to their love...Romcom eh?

OMGosh maccay, I can't get over how sharp your eyes are! haha! I wouldn't be able to catch that if it were me! haha! too bad I'm all behind on MFL and am on the verge of dropping it off my watch list! haha! I've been reading javabean's recaps and I just kept on losing interest as the story progress... and as for Triple there's another candidate on my dropped watchlist! haha! I was wishing MHR's character would move on and just be with adorable Poong Ho... but since I don't think it was happening I just got frustrated with the storyline and lost interest altogether... tsktsk


I am not too focused on the dorky parts of Xin Yi more her emotional turmoil amidst all the comedy going on.

You should finish it, well probably up to Episode 15, I wasn't really keen on the first parts since it just focused on the funny parts. I rather like the angst, Joe Chen (who is a big fan of LDH) played that role with such heart, it's like I can feel her warm tears from my end every time she was overcome by sorrow. She played such a heartfelt character.

That show would have been one real solid drama if it weren't for its trite and silly parts. I feel like the script would be good for a Kdrama interpretation. With a tighter script that drama would be pulling more heart strings, I kinda felt like I was cheated when it resorted to flimsy gimmicks, because I felt it was a strong drama at its simplest form. But I guess TW dramas are like that in general. Since Korea is remaking ISWAK someone should find that diamond in a rough of a script in Fated to Love You. A little tweaking and that would be one real powerful drama.

Gosh... I too thought FTLY could have actually been the best TW drama I have ever watched... I love CXY's emotional parts I too was always tearing up with her... I just felt her pain... I loved the part when she went to the abortionist alone... that totally broke my heart! I think it was the first ever TW drama which made me drop a tear... kdramas do it to me all the time but for some weird reason TW dramas never get to me that way... too bad though I never got to finish it... I tried many times but I can't get myself to finish the last 7-10 episodes...the last episode I remember was episode 15... I might have tried an episode or two but I was just annoyed by how they ruined what could have been my most loved TWdrama... I dunno it just got too draggy and kind of unbearable for me... I do wish I'd get to finish it some time...

Anyhoo if this would be turned into a kdrama I am soooooo there! haha! I think they'd do a pretty good jib editing the script and story so that it wouldn't get unbearably draggy as it did in the TW version... at least I hope so! But, really i think LDH would do a really good job at portraying CXY...

Da Hae wrote 3 messages in total...

We're definitely in for a good half year in 2009... what else do we need other than Da Hae's constant updates? :P


All I can say about Da Hae ~ CUTTTEEEE!!

Such a sneak, asking us to write her diary!! :lol:

ripgal, thanks for the translation sweetie!

awwwwww LDH is soooooo funny! hahaha! she thought of getting in cahoots with her fans to cheat her chinese teacher with her journal assignment! LOL! clever clever girl! hahaha!!! LOL@ her change in lifestyle! haha from a bum to a busy bee! haha! I do hope she'd get the rest she needs... Chuno shooting hours are really no joke... I read in the Chuno thread that HJW prepares for the shooting day as early as 1am!!! So, I really wish she's getting enough rest she needs...

anyway... If I were you ripgal I would be bargaining with her! haha tell her you'll do her homework for her so long as she gives you 1. Chuno updates (shall include: photos or short BTS clips, short interviews with co-stars, and exclusive trivias and other tid bits) and 2. personal updates (shall include: updates on her lovelife [include even friendly and group dates], news on other projects (CFs, hosting gigs and fanmeeting), news on potential future projects both film and dramas [include every script reviewed] ).... hmmmm there... I think that sounds like a pretty fair trade right? haha!

LOL and is her laugh really "keke" haha! sooooooo cute! haha!

My dream choice for Ji Cun Xi would be Kang Ji Hwan. HAHA... he would fit that character to a TEE! :P

OMgosh! YES! YES! KJH can perfectly play JCX! haha! Oh my gawd I swear I can already see them together in this project! Mannnnnnn I'm sooooo gonna dream about this tonight!!! I can't get it out of my head now... Haiz I wish LDH would get to work with Mr.KJH... any project I'd take it!

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Guest imogene_af


try finishing it, just fast forward through the OTT parts or something. Please, please get to Shanghai parts for your sake. Episode 17 is love in that one. The few episodes before the ending was sweet too.

The abortionist clinic is NOTHING compared to the Xin Yi runs away from Cun Xi in Taiwain when she got mad at him in the hospital to the bridge scene in Shanghai. if LDH acts out anything like that I'd be one happy fangirl.

but then again, if I didn't have the DVD (it was given as a gift), I do not think I would EVER finish it either. Sitting in a computer and watching with low quality... meh. I mean prior to that I only got to Episode 2 and never finished it. It's not til I had a comfy DVD that I appreciated it.

LOL Koreans use "kekekeke" a lot, when I chat with my korean friend, he's this huge 6 footer guy and he says KEKEKEKEKEE.

Oh LAST SCANDAL is my fave drama of 2008, and up there in my fave Kdramas. I also felt I was too late in recognizing the gem that is in Choi Jin Shil.

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^ I think I got to some parts in Shanghai... okay here are the vague things I remember watching... the guy bought gifts for XY and Anna and got them mixed up... I also remember XY and CX meeting again... They had sex again in the guy's hotel room which I think is what turned me off... because I was hoping that when she meets with the guy again she'll just tough it up, be all feisty and be all "oh-I'm-so-fine-without-you-boy!"... play hard to get... I know although her miscarriage wasn't really his fault, he was still kind of a jerk to her that I wish she'd do it to him this time... haha!

Yah there were a lot of good moments there that's why I felt really frustrated when things got a little too draggy! I just loved that particular part because I remember feeling for her so much when she was going to the abortionist... ALONE! I mean I can't imagine myself doing that! and she's doing that for very martyr reasons! haha! I loved the miscarriage part too I cried like a baby... I loved the bit about the wish box.. I love how she tried to be okay with her child's father living with his one and only Anna!

anyway! I think you're really getting me intrigued again about it! haha! so here goes... I promise I'll get to it again, just because I have faith in your taste! haha! I'll get back to you once I finish it! haha

LOL@ your friend! haha! I just can't imagine LDH laughing like "KEKEKE" haha I usually see that laugh with online gamers in the Philippines... so I was like :huh:

anyway! I know what you mean about CJS! The whole time I was watching one thing kept running at the back of my mind... that it's so unfortunate that she has to go that way... I can't imagine how things got sooooo out of hand that even such a talented actress was driven to go that path... so sad...

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Guest imogene_af


OT: they didn't have sex. :lol: they didn't. they never did it again til waaay later on and we never see it. As soon as they caught themselves losing control, they stop, he starts crying and he apologizes. He asks her if the kiss she just gave him was for real, because he was for real. She didn't answer. I thought it was pretty angst-ridden scene and I liked that scene because it needed to happen. She's been keeping it in for so long. It was also when he realized that she was a much better person when he let her go.

they extended that drama waaay too much until it was plot thin. No, it wasn't that good, but I think it had enough promise. I just hated how silly the moments were. I was like, "REALLY? REALLY? I invest emotionally and you give me this kindergarten crap? Ugh."

so no don't hype yourself up too much.

on CHUNO: I'm kinda getting peeved that my OTP Daegil and Unnyun are not having scenes!

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^ LOL really?! they didn't? hmmmmmm and I don't remember seeing that exchange between them... hahaha! then problem solved I know now where I stopped watching! weird tho I remember seeing the almost sex scene but not the exchange when they stopped themselves... maybe I saw it from the preview and decided not to watch the next episode... haha! oh well I'll trace it tomorrow when I resume watching it... haha!

on Chuno: I know! I'm waiting for official stills from their scenes too... I mean all we got so far is that shot with HW glancing back at DG while she's off to escape somewhere with TH... if that's what it is tho... and I just saw pictures of the other girl riding the horse with DG and I'm already jealous for UN! haha

RE: You're Beautiful

I just read JB's recap and it sounds like a fun show... I'm gonna try the first episode on viikii and decide whether to DL it or not! haha! I just detest JGS's hairstyle!!! It hurts my eyes!

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Guest imogene_af


You're Beautiful is AMAZINGLY SINFUL. I was in tears laughing so hard last night. FINALLY, a trendy drama that DID NOT disappoint. I hated BOF, only liked the start, I couldn't hold through My Fair Lady despite hyping myself up for it, it reminded me too much of my nightmare with Hello! Miss. Maybe Brilliant Legacy was passable, but this one? just FUN.

I hope LDH can work with the Hong Sisters again, for a more mature project. They are really star makers.

LOL... hagrid you're a perv... no sex and you think there's sex.

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Guys, another message from Da Hae..

Her 3rd visit to her Official Chinese Website - leedahae.ifensi.. ^_^


Hello everyone!!! Long time no see ^^ Here I am again~~

I really miss all of you.

Feel like going to China to see you guys. Hehehe...

Thank you so much for your constant support and care.

I'm busy filming Chuno nowadays. Hope you will like my drama when it comes out.

I have lots of fun filming my drama these days... very happy! I hope time flies quicker so you can watch my drama.

I really love you guys. I want to tell you more but my Chinese isn't very good. So I'm not able to.

I feel bad about it T.T haha... I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you. ^^

credits: leedahae.ifensi/ baidu


Awww... you're too humble Da Hae? Your Chinese isn't good enough, and yet you wrote like 3 messages in your cyword? HAH!

She's definitely very happy and cheerful nowadays! ^^

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thanks so much ripgal, I was waiting for you to share it, I was browsing this afternoon and

Omo another new message from her this time in ifensi.

Gosh really humble, what is she talking about not being good enough?

I'm really happy for her that she's enjoying filming Chuno and

still find time to keep in touch with her fans. I so admire her!

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Guest imogene_af

Guys, another message from Da Hae..

Her 3rd visit to her Official Chinese Website - leedahae.ifensi.. ^_^


Hello everyone!!! Long time no see ^^ Here I am again~~

I really miss all of you.

Feel like going to China to see you guys. Hehehe...

Thank you so much for your constant support and care.

I'm busy filming Chuno nowadays. Hope you will like my drama when it comes out.

I have lots of fun filming my drama these days... very happy! I hope time flies quicker so you can watch my drama.

I really love you guys. I want to tell you more but my Chinese isn't very good. So I'm not able to.

I feel bad about it T.T haha... I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you. ^^

credits: leedahae.ifensi/ baidu


Awww... you're too humble Da Hae? Your Chinese isn't good enough, and yet you wrote like 3 messages in your cyword? HAH!

She's definitely very happy and cheerful nowadays! ^^

Dude, it makes me so happy hearing how she's so psyched for Chuno, I think she believes in the project too because as much as she's a participant she would love to watch it right now. :lol: How cute is that?

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

Gah, cant wait for chuno. the wait is killing me.

seriously how long more.

ah, but good things doesnt come quick yeah?


but for now, my mind is occupied with A.N.JELL! hahahahah, you're beautiful is totally awesome!

those who havent watch, please watch it.

its awesome. just awesome. really awesome.

seriously, the most promising drama i've seen in a long while. hahah i mean, its a hong sister drama! HAHAHAH MY GIRL, SASSY GIRL, HONG GIL DONG.

awesome. hhahahaha.

i'm not saying this cause i'm a biased jks fan, but yeah its awesome.

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