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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af

So our girl has mixed tastes huh? :P

I wonder if she also goes GAGA over 2PM.. they're like Nuna killers.. all the ladies and nunas out there want a piece of em! haha..

I won't mind if Da Hae's character dies in the end... I've come to accept that death in dramas aren't necessarily bad..

If the flow's good, and the drama requires it, why not?

Maybe it'll end with Dae Gil and Tae Ha killing each other for Hye Won/Un-Nyun... and when she sees that, she rushes into the middle, in between their swords... and alas, there goes our girl! hahaha..

1.) Can you imagine her noona over 2pm?! Dancing to Again and Agaaaiiiin.

2.) LOL that's one grand way to go... have their swords stab right at her. How very "Frozen Flower".

With that said, I am also the type who accepts tragedy in drama if it is warranted. sometimes a bittersweet ending has a more prominent and stronger impact than say... a convenient and happy one. WHY AM I TALKING ENDINGS ALREADY?

It's September now in Korea, and she'll shoot in September. I wonder when her first shooting day will be?

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Guest antinh85


2pm>> who wouldn't love them. Nickhun is just the cutest thing alive. If only Da hae is younger, they would make the cutest couple, In my imagination that is. lolz

I agree with you. Since this drama has such an intense plot. Not so sound weird but i'm starting to feel sympathy for Oh ji ho's character already when we dont really have much info from it yet. But it seems like he's going through some touch ordeal and the one he loves will love his enemy. I always seem to feel sorry for the second lead for every series. hahah

Either way i think one of the three will die at the end. It could be that both guys die or her character will die.

I remember a series with "charmaine sheh (chinese actress), forgot the title. It has a similar plot where both guys fight it out until the end because she could not make up her mind. So instead she kills herself so they would stop killing each other. IDK if anyone would kill themself just to save two other people. Kinda weird plot.lolz

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^ Yeah, who wouldn't love those boys? I think they're all cute, but Jae Bum/the leader is my favorite. He's a man and boy mixed into one..hahaha.. a tad shorter than the rest, but he's just so freaking adorable!!

Well from the pics, it does seem like OJH will endure a tormenting ordeal. And yes, if his dear Un-Nyun/Hye Won falls for his enemy, that would be devastating. So very cliche...but that's why we love our Korean dramas eh?

On Da Hae dancing to Agaiiin and Agaiin, won't be surprised at all. If she can do it on TV (remember her gig in Robbers?), she probably does it all the time at home! :lol:

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Guest imogene_af

Either way i think one of the three will die at the end. It could be that both guys die or her character will die.

I remember a series with "charmaine sheh (chinese actress), forgot the title. It has a similar plot where both guys fight it out until the end because she could not make up her mind. So instead she kills herself so they would stop killing each other. IDK if anyone would kill themself just to save two other people. Kinda weird plot.lolz

that made me LOL hard. Am I harsh?

For me, I just think that Hye Won/ Un Nyun masquerading as a noblewoman is just going to get her in to deep crap later on. With the way they treated slaves back then, it's just not going to be pretty when they find out she's a slave and veiling her identity as a noblewoman of all people.

Just that the whole politics with slaves during that time makes for some messy, messy ends.

And I think she will fall for both Dae Gil and Tae Ha just to make it more ~tragic~.

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I have heard that song before ripgal, i think somewhere in HK. It's a beautiful song.

:D various taste of music eh? wouldn't she include her single "I love rock n roll" in her list of songs? :D

imogene i must say this will be a really challenging role for Dahae, i'm thinking of her role in KFF where she got possessed, and she was totally different from that young sweet girl. I know this is sageuk and a totally different role but i just have so much faith in her in this dual role. If she dies, this will be her first in a drama, and she'll break two hearts as well. If the story goes this way and beautifully done, i'll applaud all of them.

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RE: MFL's Poor Reviews

Looks like the DB is getting some backlash on her MFL Ep 3 re-cap. Now it's the time for the YEH fans to go wild..*remember how some LDH fans went wild whenever she has a thread in DB? Altho none of the news were on her acting per se* Fangirl-ism is really scarraayyy!

Gosh! All I can say to X's review of MFL is OUCH! and I mean dagger-to-the-heart OUCH! haha! I must say I admire Mr. X's bravery! haha! I'm so afraid for his life right now! YEH fangirls must be tracking his whereabouts right now! haha kidding!

DB, however, I thought was kinda light on the YEH criticism so I was pretty surprised with the rather aggressive comments she's been receiving... I wonder if those people read X's review because surely if they that would send their BPs off the roof! haha now I truly understand how crazy we sound when we turn all fangirl on her! haha

anyway, ripgal, thanks for the review... and I just have to say I sooooo agree with your comments about MCW... I think she's one of the best talents of her generation... I'm sorry to HHJ's fans but I really really thought that in BL, HHJ was always owned by MCW in their scenes together...


Lee Dong Wook had a last interview... mentions Da Hae, My Girl Shippers rejoice. :lol:

Eugene and Lee Da Hae Promise to Visit Me


AWWW! You go girl! Keep on pining for LDW! You have our approval! haha!

OHMYGOD, the additional cast of HOT men in CHUNO is really made to like... give my estrogen a whirl or something. I'm having a nosebleed seeing those men. CHOI CHUL HO, people. CHOI CHUL HO!

OMGoodness!!!!! You all know how much I gushed over my new ahjusshi crush when I was watching QOH, right! and badabimbadaboom! He's in LDH's next project! Thank you kdrama gods! I owe you a giant basket of offerings!

Ehenyway! I'm not much of a fan of him in serious roles (well my range of comparison is pretty limited namely, QOH and Partners) but I thought he was kinda stiff as a stick in the latter... haha! but I don't care just as long as he takes off his shirt Imma be fine with that!

Chuno is turning out to be the most DELISH kdrama evah!

Welcome to the insanity, lolobe!

Have y'all seen Oh Ji Ho's incredible transformation for "Chuno"?


daaaaaaaaaaamn! I must say I'm flabbergasted, astounded and VERY VERY DISTURBED (I mean in a positive light) with this transformation! I dunno I find these set of pics kinda chilling as in disturbingly chilling!!! I dunno if I would be able to watch this scene without covering my eyes... haha! haiz! October or January or MArch (or whenever Chuno will be aired) please come already!


partay time! Say goodbye to the long locks she has carried for five years now. I am excited to see her CHUNO pictures, because so far Oh Ji Ho's transformation was like WHOA. Jang Hyuk needs more pictures too.

haha you know you're mean right?! haha! I can imagine you going "woooohoooo say byebye to your locks now! *pops party popper*" while LDH is sobbing her eyes out over her magnificent locks! haha I'm pretty sure she'll pull all your hair out too if she just knows you're celebrating her major haircut! bwahaha

Wow, Da Hae really surprises us a lot nowadays huh?

She even created a special folder for her Chinese fans "For my China Fans"... a lot of them are going crazy in baidu... :D

Anywayz, here's what she wrote..


Equal pay for equal work/ No pain no gain

zhe shi wei shenme wo yao geng renzhen, jianchi xuexi hanyu you nuli gongzuo!!~ nimen dou tong yi ma???^^yay~~!!!

This is why I want to be more dedicated and to be more determined to learn Han Yu (equivalent for Mandarin) and work hard. Do you all agree with me??? YAY~~

yi qian wo qu zhongguo de shi hou, wo gen wode yingmimen baozheng guo wo hui mashang kaishi xuexi zhongwen, suoyi wo hui lai han guo yihou, wo yizhi nuli xue xi zhongwen.. sui ran xue xi hanyu hen nan, wo bu neng.. ban to er fei!!!! nimen deng zhe ba..wode zhongwen yiding hui yue lai yue geng hao!! wo zhen xihuan nimen..! ju dajia meitian xingfu jian kang!!^^

When I went to China the last time, I promised my fans that I would start learning Chinese immediately. Therefore when I returned to Korea, I started to learn Chinese diligently. Although learning Han Yu/Mandarin is difficult, I cannot give up half-way. Wait for me, my Chinese will definitely get better and better. I really like all of you. Be happy and healthy always!!^^


Awww.... Da Hae's soooooo sweet..

Here's hoping that she'd dedicate one folder to her International fans out there one day! ^_^

Awwwww she's the sweetest thing ever! No wonder she's got psycho fans like us! She truly deserves some psycho fangirls!


I seriously think this is going to be a major triangle with no clear cut angle on who UN/HW will love. I think they'll put in a plot point for Hye Won to fall in love with Tae Ha... maybe by thinking that Dae Gil died or that Dae Gil betrayed her. lotsa angst all around.

It helps that LDH plays a dual role, one isn't the same from the other.

But am I the only one who has a feeling that Un Nyun/Hye Won will... die? :lol: I know, I know... too early. These angst-ridden triangles always have people die on ya.

dude! we haven't seen UN/HW alive yet and you're killing her already! BWAHAHA! but yeah the plot pretty much spells T.R.A.G.E.D.Y. haha!

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^ OMG! Is that MYMP!??? as in the Filipino duo-band group MYMP? As in Juris and Chin MYMP? OMIGOSH! I LOVE MYMP! haha I love Juris' voice it's so cold and soothing.... Gosh this is soooo weird I feel sooooo connected to her than ever! hahaha! imogene, maccay and anne join me in this will ya?!?

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Some more from Da Hae's cyworld..

Didn't get to translate this part just now..

I created a special folder in my Cyworld yesterday just so that I can interact with my Chinese fans. I'm happy to be able to interact with you all like this. I hope you guys like it too. From now on, you all will be my teacher. Please correct me if I make any mistakes. Thank you~~

credits: baidu/dahae's cyworld..


Awww.. Da Hae's sooo sweet...

Maybe it's time we bombard her cy and tell her that she has international fans too! hehehe..

Some old vids

Da Hae's 2007 Mnet Festival Drumming/Dancing Rehearsals

(I'm not sure the vids have been posted here before...they're clips of her rehearsing on stage)







credits: baidu

Aiks.. I just found out that SS501 (yes, the one with Kim Hyun Joong) are here in Malaysia right now, and in the state where I'm living right now!! Got a bit excited until I found out that they're miles away in some secluded island to film a DVD special or something... thought I could like stalk them or something..:lol:

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Guest anne0129

^ OMG! Is that MYMP!??? as in the Filipino duo-band group MYMP? As in Juris and Chin MYMP? OMIGOSH! I LOVE MYMP! haha I love Juris' voice it's so cold and soothing.... Gosh this is soooo weird I feel sooooo connected to her than ever! hahaha! imogene, maccay and anne join me in this will ya?!?

OMG! MYMP------I love this band or group.....:D :D :D

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Guest imogene_af

:lol: Yeah that is a MYMP song. CRAZY. She has such a diverse taste in music. From Clay Aiken... Aussie Rap... to friggin random Asian artists. :lol:

Okay... note to self, love Lee Da Hae more, no turning back now... because she likes Make Ya Momma Proud. No turning back evah.

And who is treating like you ICE, Da Hae? Why you like that song? :lol: (the song is about a guy who is cold as ice to her, but she tells him she wants to be more than friends, I like the lyrics of the song but I hate Juris' voice in it, she has better songs)


O/T: RIP Jan Jin Young. She was very brave in her battle for cancer. :(

I think the reason she made a Chinese folder is because her Chinese fans ALWAYS ALWAYS message her in cyworld, so it's very sweet of her!

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the lyric...I want to be more than just friend' ----is she in love with someone right now?Mr Iceman or Snow Man..hey that guy is LDW or maybe MR RAIN, ... my imagination is running wild. Both guy really fall into that category.

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Guest imogene_af


LOL. I think she just likes the song. :lol: I do not think the moon represents her heart either as Teresa Teng said.

And actually in the lyrics, the girl singing gets treated like ice. Why would you want to fess up your feelings to a man who treats you like ice... dunno, ask Juris (the composer). It's a nice accoustic ballad, though, just thought Juris' voice is too high. All her songs are about silent, painful love. LOL.

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Guest imogene_af


She is quite popular there but I do not think she has an arranged fanbase there i.e. like in China or Thailand. Only Rain has Cloud Philippines. Like a formal club... maybe Hagrid the perv can do it. President Perv. :lol:

My conclusion is she just has a Filipino friend/acquiantance. We are everywhere, it's scary.

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Guest antinh85


Imogene? you're Filipino? I never knew that. I always thought you were chinese.lolz

I never heard of Filipino music. Anyone recommend a good clip or band? lolz i'm open to new music. I been listening to chinese, then japanese, now addicted to Kpop. I need a new addiction. Currently switching to spanish.

Hey isn't there a Filipino remake of "my girl"? I think i saw one episode of it some time ago on Aznv.tv.


Rather sad reading today's news about Jang jin Young. Just saw her acitng in Lobbyist not too long ago, now in a blink of an eye, she's gone.

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Guest imogene_af


Yuppers but I grew up here in the US. Lots of Chinese friends, though. :lol:

Good Lawd, the Filipino remake of MY GIRL is an embarrassment. We can churn up good dramas, if we only veer away from remaking what's already good. Fixing what ain't broken.

Filipino music is known to be more mellow and sentimental (overly so), we also have lots of English songs.

LDH's band is MYMP, they are more of a cover band, they're for easy listening.

OT: My foreign friends like these:

if ya want pop:

Friend of Mine, MYMP

Close to You:

Catch Me:

If ya want rock:

Eraserheads, Bamboo, Rivermaya, Hale, the like.

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~Another cyworld update~


jin tian wo shang ke de shi hou, wode lao shi zhao le zhe zhang zhao pian~^^ ni zhao de bu cuo laoshi!!^^

~Yey everyday she updates her cyworld, now she's bombarded with so many messages from her Chinese fans.

That must be a scrapbook sent in by Chinese fans. She's soooo sweet interacting with her fans these way.

ripgal we need your expertise in transalting again, thanks my dear...

credit: Lee Da Hae's cyworld


hagrid I know MYMP? who would have thought she'd listen to MYMP's song. Yeah Dahae who is your iceman? he should have melted just by the sight of you... :D

antinh Filipino music has more ballads, but i like MYMP and Rivermaya.

Also Dahae has a large fan base too in the Philippines because of My Girl, isn't there a Philippine forum too imogene? Nahhh, didn't like the Philippine version of MG.

ripgal we should send tons of messages to Dahae too in her cyworld so she'll acknowledge us, does she know we exist? :lol: waaaahhh... Thanks for sharing her Mnet rehearsals. SS501 in Malaysia? wooow my chinggu's so crazy about this guys.

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Guest imogene_af


You can search their songs anywhere, really, I swear. It's easy to access. LOL.

maccay thanks for the update. OOOOH they sent her a BIG scrapbook. How sweet of them.

Is her hair cut off yet? LOL

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