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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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TQ so much AQ for all the wonderful pic-she's so beautiful with light or maybe with no make up at all.Those who said she's not beautiful before PS, try to look at those pic, with a glasses covering half of her face, you still can see how beautiful she is.
ok I just about to go to bed, so tired today cos I have to finish all my task before taking my long break next week-just to unwind and purposely want to see my new boss struggling with her tasks. For nearly a year she's using me, asking me do all stuffs but the credit all go to her. I even asked all my friends to keep it as a secret on my where about, if not she will cancel it if she knows I just want to  a break. She is 100% carbon copy of " The Devil Wear Prada" Meryl Streep.
The reason why I have to postpone my sleep because my imaginary drama just pop up after seeing YF wishing Happy Birthday to his on screen brother Joe Cheng. Joe replied back saying THX bro, long time no see, miss u. (deep inside I wish to see him teasing YF due to current scandal with our girl). His on screen father Mr Chen also wish him HB, only his cute on screen wife still in silent mode today.hehehe
So the ending of LOVE ACTUALLY is like this, -there are some changes on the script plus the second lead actress is replaced by Michelle Chen.
So Hoe Feng at last go back to his ex girlfriend and continue with their dream to open a restaurant, the location is Taipei, cos properties in Shanghai is so expensive.
here is HF and his new beau.@ Michelle Chen michelleZheng boss, wish you all every day is beautiful, raw music. @ Zheng Yuan Chang small mechanized http://t.cn/zH3Nuer

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504b64a3jw1e5tay6o26nj20h00h0dho.jpgSmall Summer is so heart broken, but Li Yang is always there to cheer her up, slowly Summer started to have feeling too, and they move to Beijing. They were spotted together buying furniture at IKEA for their new house.


and Samzz note,- who the hell change the script-is the director also change to East of Eden's director.

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@samzz, LOOOL but may be this time our girl actually like the change in the script ;):))
And ooh dear, poor samzz. No wonder you wanted to quit your job. But I like your move, now let her suffer the absence of you :D
I will give LYF and Dahae some rest from keep talking about them in this post (oooh it seems that I just did :)) )
As we all agree, the main advantage (and may be the only one IMO) of our girl taking on IRIS 2 was that we see her doing action. So, I post some GIFs of her in action :x

Credit: Baidu and as tagged

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AQ, you are absolutely right, I'm sure she doesn't have any grudge towards the director/writer with the changes of script.

On my boss, yes that the main reason -I can say she's the worst in this world, with no respect towards her downline. She even shouted at her husband through a phone when we were at the meeting at one time.

Thinking back about our girl new find of happiness, I strongly feel it's more like close friendship between 2 costars. She love Chinese culture, the language, the country and everything, having both YF and Anna as close buddies is just like a gift to her. If they are lover, Dahae will be there earlier or longer right after she finished her activities which I think around early May last month. Usually young lovers, they always want to be together, even I day separation is like 10 years (talking from experience lo). Unless they feel their love is not a priority in their live right now, so seeing each other once in 2-3 months is consider OK. There are couple like that, both are not clingy type, both have own freedom, talking through skype everyday is enough already. Romantic conversation is actually common even between 2 friends like our girl and YF.

 Michelle and Joe also did the same, and from what I know they are not a lover more like close bussiness partner who really supporting each other. Michelle was in my country last few days promoting her new album and as always the standard question is about if she has any boyfriend. She said no, and not looking into any relationship at the moment. I think she tell the truth because last Dec her friend mentioned to the media she tried to set a blind date for Michelle with one Hong Hong star.She's also very close to Wilber and Wilber gave a birthday party for her this year, and she mentioned it in weibo, the best birthday she ever had.

If in korea this kind of relationship is considered as scandal already but not in Taiwan, so maybe Dahae doesn't feel so much burden showing her close friendship with YF, with a hope Chinese fans will look at them as friend but not lover. However, from what we know many YF's fans are not happy and many from both parties believe they an item. Only time will tell.


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@samzz, Yes I think our girl doesn't worry about how fans would think of her close friendship with a male friend. You know how all fans dealt with her relation with Wilber and she freely talked a lot about him even on public television :)) but I think it is natural that she may start to worry if it is in real more than just friendship.
What I knew from fans that LYF finished filming his latest drama in early June and at that time actually our girl was sick. So, that is may be the reason our girl didn't go there earlier. Also LYF went to Shanghai once Dahae left to Korea as he has work there. So, this may be the reason why she didn't stay long.
Don't forget that may be they actually felt burdened after fans got notice of them together and all that buzz on Weibo. Which will surely result in them not being free to go out as they may be get spotted together again.
And talking about different types of relationships, I think long distance relationships won't allow you to be with the one you love all the time or even see each other often specially when we are talking about busy and famous celebrities who will be noticed to leave or enter a country.
But generally as you said, time only will prove if all these speculations are true or not. I believe it is actually hard to tell a story you are not part of. So, no body can confirm 100% what is really happening between these two.
And with an open girl like Dahae who have many male friends and usually become so close to them to the extent to get really suspicious, it is even harder to tell when she exceeds the friends stage with one of them.

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yes AQ, it's hard for us to tell just based on pic and chronology of events, sometimes even one pic can tell 1000 stories, sometimes it can misleading us. I also think both agencies managed to stop the media from spreading it, because previously it caught the media attention just by one pic you posted above-the one which YF in the train on his way to Korea. However, some Chinese media still itchy to report on Dahae trip. English Sina said Dahae in China because work commitment (I don't know whether to laugh or not). I think they put it in cynical way because the day before many news published it,-  Dahae is on vacation -based on her twitter pic. 
South Korean actress Lee Da-Hae was seen at Seoul Gimpo Airport yesterday afternoon after finishing work commitments in China.

They should translate it as "....after finishing her vacation....."

If both agencies don't interfere with their private live, I think no issue if they declare it to the public because everybody is doing it right now. In Korea almost everyday we hear new couples emerging from Ent circle. In China even more common celebrities dating openly. So what we need is a confession from both them because I don't want to hear bad thing about them (esp our girl) which is spreading in weibo few days ago. 
and another reason why I'm still not convince if based from the facts mentioned above, I think Dahae and Zio chronology were more suspicious e.g through their pic, Chuno BTS, Zio's confession in TAXI show, a hug after KBS Drama Award, of course RM and Kim Jong Kok teasing them as secret lover-even evidence like this still hard to tell if they were an item before. Or they were but very short term love affair.

but one thing for sure- we know what she's doing at night or during free time-skype. with dugu? of course YF.
old pic, another evidence how tomboyish our girl in real life-at 00.02.20, Jo Yeon Woo said he and Dahae could be sibling, Dahae's more like a guy. Another reason why she' so comfortable with male friends.

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@samzz, WOW, thanks a lot dear for all the beautiful pictures :x
And about Sina translation, I would say you should laugh. I am laughing hard about that actually. Not only it is different from Dahae twitter news but also totally different from the Korean news reports they are actually translating :D
And ooh, you don't know how much feelings Dahae and Zio did give me. And how I always laughed at Google for reading my mind when it gave me headline of search results saying "Lee Da Hae And Oh Ji Ho Dating" when I just search our girl's name :))
Also don't get me started about celebrities going public and what they face and suffer from Netizens. I know that everybody have their opinion about a person and you may agree or not on a choice your favorite star or idol do when it comes to dating or marriage and some actually do comment about this because they care.
But it got to have a limit, every time I read such comments I want to say to them, who made you a guardian on your favorite star, his/her feelings and decisions. It is their life to live not yours so, they have all the right to take the decisions on their own without caring how you feel about it. And don't they know that when they actually say bad things and hurt the one who their star like/going to marry that means that in the end they are actually hurting their precious favorite star?? What a pity!!!!
Anyway, we got a new picture from PL for our girl today :x

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Guest yhch88

@apqaria PICTURES!! our girl looks wonderful!! and LOOK AT THAT SLIGHT BOW! LOL she's being polite to photographers! while somewhere in the States! some celebrity is waving a middle finger at someone outside of some club! :D (WOKAY! not gonna get into the whole cultural difference :D )THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE PICS! (and bless those who took it! :D ) AND THOSE BREATH-TAKING .gif's (I just have a soft-spot for femme-fatale or action actresses! SPECIALLY OUR GIRL!!) I just can't stop watching those .gif over and over again! LOL Our girl is just wonderful doing action scenes just like Jang Hyuk said! :D 
BTW! I support AQ that she supports our girl :D even though I don't neccesarily like the fact that our girl starts to date, cuss that way she'll be married soon :(  (even thought I do wish she can find happiness with a man she loves ) and SOME ACTRESSES just drops all after marriage! hopefully Dahae wouldn't do that after marriage (sorry if I'm taking this to the worst case scenario and about 5 or 6 years to the future! but I CAN'T HELP IT) :o
@samzz :D I knew it! I know a detective when I interact with one!! LOL naah seriously! thats pretty awesome!! but you sound terribly busy too! How on earth do you find the time to keeps us entertain and informed! Bless those skills of yours! Enjoy your well deserve break @samzz I know the feeling of working under someone and have them get the credit all the time! it's that suffocating feeling of wanting to do something about it; but still can't! cuss sadly we need the job and some unknown nonhuman livings in this world just doesn't know how to treat someone! So all I can do here is cheer for you and wish you a wonderful break :D  Samzz Hwaiting! :)
I can't help but to think that Our girl would be a so cool to hang out with! LOL :D down to earth and not TOO GIRLY those kind of girls whom you can just chill and have a great time! :D . I think this assumption makes me an even bigger fan! LOL .
And I just love those close ups @samzz Thank you for those!! Can anyone imagine if we were to have her THAT CLOSE! I think I'd stop breathing! LOL wokay! a bit exaggerated! but I would stood there like a statue until someone calls security and removes me from that spot! LOL
AQ couldn't have made her point even clearer than that! I agree 100% (even though I do hope that our girl can meet a guy and have a wonderful and happy and fun marriage like her fellow co-star Kang Hye Jung when she married Tablo and STILL! continues on her acting career! :D )

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yhch88, TQ for words of encouragement, I'm sure I will be having nice time with my family, in fact I already had it yesterday, the only things that spoiled my mood when I saw 5 missed call and 5 messages within 1 hour from my boss. I only answered her once, then I off the phone.
my job is not that busy actually, the travelling- yes , but the advantage is I can use the waiting time to surf the net, plus most of the hotels I stayed have super fast internet connection- I can download lots of things.
on our girl close up pic, the same with me, in fact most of us here always in awe when looking at her perfect complexion. She is not that photogenic if looking from afar, but close up WOW. No wonder nearly most of men who knew her or have interaction with her,  smitten by her beauty. Best example is Joe Cheng (he met her 3 times before LA, and we know he choose her as his costar) )and of course Yi Feng. I remember the director of her drama Robber said she is the  most beautiful woman on earth, he meant form every aspects, her face, her complexion, her personality, her physical build (of course the long beautiful legs), and the most is her talent. She was just 24 yrs old when she paired with JH, but she can match his acting in that dark heavy drama like that.and from the scene below we know he's telling the truth

AQ, to me, if true she's with YF now, I think it's good if she declare it, it will stops the rumors, the longer the rumors the the worst the perception she will get from some fans or the best is from her antis. Even now I can see some said bad words already, saying that she bring bad influence to YF cos our girl is full of scandal, YF is  still in his clean images. For sure our girl will get "THE BEST" treatment from the netizen, I can guess already what they are going to say e.g, whose that guy, why Chinese guy, because no Korean men want her, bla bla bla. I'm not sure how YF will handle Korean media and netizen later. 
Actually having a stable boyfriend is good for her at this age, cos she can focus more on her career, don't have to think where to find Mr Right anymore. I'm sure Forestar is in chaos right now. I understand I can't blame them 100%, they are businessman not dating agency. Usually if the actress already taken, the offer will be less. Even now, it's shown or very obvious they are incompetent, Dahae has been with them nearly one and half year already, the best they can advise her to take that lousy IRIS 2, and minimal public exposure I have ever seen in Dahae entire career. All the media attention actually coming from her own effort, credit to her weibo and twitter.




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@yhch88, I think you won't be alone freezing if you see our girl that close :))
And I understand your worries about our girl future career if she gets married. I know many actresses abandon their career or less appear after getting married. But I also see many who don't and they still be very successful. I won't precede events but let us hope if this happens our talented girl will still get a lot of projects and still successful and popular.
And I totally agree that our girl tomboyish personality is one her most appealing charms for me :x
@cocomhe, thanks a lot dear for the beautiful art work :x
@samzz, I also wish our girl to go public about her relationship (if this is true) not only because as a fan I actually want to enjoy seeing her freely dating and happy ;) but because I see that it is her right and the right of every person to enjoy their life freely. And as one of my friends said, fans will get angry as long as you keep them in the dark about your relationships but once you share them in it and they see how happy your are, any true fan will support you.
But I would say that it is harder for a couple who are in early stages of dating or discovering how deep their feelings for each other are to go public. And if it is her decision (yes her decision not her company's decision) and she prefers to have more privacy in all of this, I can understand that as well because I know how our girl is secretive when it comes to her private life and this can't be taken as a point against her actually.
About LYF fans, I also read a lot of bad comments and I would actually say that I see many Dahae fans not so happy about this relation (if true) as well. But who says that you can please everybody and to be honest from when our girl actually receives many good comments in general? :D and I have already talked enough about such bad comments in my previous post.
In the end, I don't care about any of these comments. All I care about is our girl, if she really found in LYF a person who she love and care about and he love and care for her so I am the happiest person and if she found just a good friend in him who she can rely on, I am happy too. So, for me it is a win win situation all around :x

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@skyseo1, Thank you so much for the video, I've been looking for it for ages, the whole ep was available in YT before, 
and welcome to Dahae's thread, hope you enjoy it here. I thought your siggy is Dahae's pic, they really look alike.

credit weibo

poor YF, but only on screen-off screen, no need to elaborate......


AQ, if YF's fans not happy, i fully understood why, so far not many fans that I know love their fav actors/idols involve with women older than their fav. I do have one friend who married a guy 4 yrs younger than her, plus she got better income than him. I saw her recently when we had a reunion, since I'm one of the group which is still not married, the first thing she said to me, when looking for husband, if possible try to find at least 5 years or more older than us, Even 1 year older is still no good. reason she said, we mature fast, they don't. Well I just laugh, then I said if he's devastatingly SO GOOD LOOKING and love me and got everything as perfect husband, what I'm going to do-then she said just DREAM ON.
sorry Dahaeshii,- I'm talking non stop abt it and interfere into your private life, if you want to keep it private at least please don't TEASE us with your mysterious messages, make it totally confidential, kay. But if you feel like you want to test the waters, then it should be ok, at least it can entertain us while waiting for next project.

since she is hiding again, -this is the situation or period that I hate the most actually. Furthermore, seeing some actresses busy with new drama and movies, plus some are very smart in choosing high quality production-it makes me a bit sad. 

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Guest skyseo1

hi Samzz, well, i'm not an active fan in Soompi for Da Hae but she is always one of my fav actress. I followed her in twitter but lately she seldom visit her twitter page anymore. She used to be quite active. Thinks she's been spending more time in weibo. Been admiring her since My Girl era. For me, she is one of the few in the field that has real talent.

Its been really quiet post Iris 2. but just keep supporting her k :D

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skyseo1 said: hi Samzz, well, i'm not an active fan in Soompi for Da Hae but she is always one of my fav actress. I followed her in twitter but lately she's seldom visit her twitter page anymore. She used to be quite active. Thinks she's been spending more time in weibo. Been admiring her since My Girl era. For me, she is one of the few in the field that has real talent.

Its been really quiet post Iris 2. but just keep supporting her k :D

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Guest skyseo1

hello @cocomhe :)  yes, its been a long time huh. i know you're quite active in both Haneul and Dahae's threads. its tough liking these actresses. they tend to disappear for a long time. i guess i'm just not a good fan.

To fellow Dahae's fans.

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@skyseo1, welcome to LDH thread :) and thanks to you, now I can see the whole HT episodes again :x
And yes, our girl doesn't update much her twitter. She is more active on Weibo but still not that much as well or at least not as I want her to be :))
@samzz, I feel sad too when I see many actresses (some who don't have half the talent she got) jump from project to another and many are quite successful while our girl is hiding and suffering to find herself a good project. It is hard to wait each time she becomes idle specially this time, because I didn't like her last project.
And I must say that when you are an actress who usually takes only a project a year (like our girl) you must choose your project wisely and carefully because it gets to impact you more if it is not successful because you actually don't recover from that quickly.

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