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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Actually most of the fans in the Chinese forum boards do not buy into all those speculations. At least it was a good thing that came out of all this frenzy.

They're smart enough to spot the loopholes in all those baseless articles and went about on defending all the actresses who have been mentioned.

A suggestion to that particular journalist, do some homework before you start writing! <_<

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I was like WTF? when I heard you guys described the article.... Seriously the journalist should get a life, why bother writing an article with baseless accusations and so on! I think he/she probably wanted attention and rumours/speculations to be spread fast... I do not understand why LDH is being dragged into this... After MG, she didnt have any other successful dramas (in terms of ratings) and the only project that is highly anticipated is Chuno... Seriously, give Da Hae a break! Pft...

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Mannn that article is sooooo LOW! I wouldn't even bother commenting on such a malicious article... but thanks for sharing ripgal! I dunno if the journalist is just stirring up a big scandal for these famous actresses because I think it's completely made without basis! I mean it seems to me that he/she's almost throwing any big korean actresses's names he/she could think of into the list...

and really?? where did the writer get this idea? I mean... LDH has been criticized for having the crappiest project choices so far... you'd think that if she were doing the deed she would have gotten bigger and better projects other than say EOE, which for his information, treated her like dirt and kept her going on like an unimportant minor character! Also, Hello!Miss... In addition, if he really did his research he would have found out that the writers are the one pursuing her to take these roles after she repeatedly refused to do it! She wasn't the one who came begging for these parts...

Also... I agree with imogene do you think with her well off family background she'd be stupid enough to sleep around for project deals? First, I think her family is capable enough to connect her to networks she needs in the business... secondly, I don't think her family would allow her to resort to such deed given their social status! ugh so much for not reacting to this malicious issue! hahaha! I need to find my inner peace!

anyway... been missing out lately hahaha! been busy with law school applications! haha... anyhoo the new Chuno pics of her OJH are fantastic! I'm already feeling their chemistry! My love for DG-HW is truly challenged! haha! I totally misunderstood the "first night together" bit! hahaha! me and my pervert inclinations! HAHA! but I just loved that shot... each looking the other way preoccupied with their own problems and struggles! haha! gotta love the drama!

BTW O/T: imogene... I thought I'd make you jealous by informing you that there are news going around that Won Bin would be visiting the Philippines... haha I'm not sure if this is true or whatever but my friend told me that he's even gonna be interviewed in the Buzz this Sunday... which would be weird considering none of his series nor films aired in ABSCBN... maybe his film, Mother, would be premiering in the cinemas here? I'm not sure... Mannnnn I'm soooo thinking of stalking him! haha!

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Today, I saw the news appeared in her Naver blog, probably from one of her blogger-I hope they are smart enough to differentiate between facts and rumours.

For a first time, I feel relieve that LDH didn't go to silver screen, not have much CFs nowdays, and kicked out from EOE-imagine if she got all, people will say it's true.

And, if later on, it goes to English portal side, sure a big bonus to her ANTIS-we know they always pretend to act innocense, buy just believing in everthing come out from the news.

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I really dread the day when such news go full blown in the English sites. But whatever, we're already used to it right? ^_^

We need more Chuno updates to cheer up the thread~

Checked naver and there were some newly released Chuno stills... we need more of Dae Gil-Hye Won..

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I really hope this doesn't go out in a full blown scale in English knews portals! sighhhh.... or if it does make it to mainstrem knews sites I hope they don't speculate the names behind Miss L, Miss S and Miss C... ugh!

yah there are new pictures of Kim Ji Suk and some girl... I'm not sure who she is... haha by the looks of the picture I'm not sure but I'm sensing it's a comic relief scene?

o/t: ripgal as you know I just developed this deep crush on KJH! haha sooooo last night I just finished watching Capital Scandal and I must say I regret that I didn't listen to you earlier when you asked us to give it a try! It was soooo much fun and the story was really interesting... too bad it didn't receive the audience it deserves... The thing about it that I love the most is that I completely love the characters... I couldn't find any of the main characters that I would have wanted to be scrapped off the script! I love Cha Song Joo! and I'll forever mourn the loss of probably one of my most loved kdrama characters of all time!

Also... did you hear the casting news of Road no.1? They're considering casting KHN! :w00t: :w00t: woah! that's a pretty solid cast! I'm sold! you can read about it on Dahee's blog!

okay this is more like a pm to ripgal rather than a LDH-related post! haha sorry chinggus!

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I think the kind of phenomenon as described in the articles are TRUE, but I just detest how they actually assumed and speculated on the identities of the actresses based on mere alphabets. But again, do not underestimate the power of the internet and the netizens. We can only sit and hope that this whole tidal wave dies down sooner.. ^_^

Let's move on to some other news...



The articles talks about the birth of celebrity couples and on whether stars would want to keep their relationship private/reveal it to the public..etc.

Da Hae was 1 of the 10 interviewees, and I think she said yes, in that she would make it public if she was dating/or dating a celebrity?

I googled translate her answer, but I still couldn't get the gist of it... hope some kind soul could translate..


hagrid, I told you so, KJH's really one YUM YUM guy! If not, why would everyone in DB want him? Including Javebeans herself? Have you seen the trailer of his new tele-cinema movie with Lee Ji Ah? You've got to watch that. KJH's just <3333 to the max!

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Hi guys!

Haven't been here for a while, been so busy and my arms hurt from my flu and H1N1 shots.

Got so excited looking at Hye Won and Tae Ha's stills, gosh, they sure look good together.

First they were riding on a horse, then a boat- which reminds me of something, and OMO, night scene together?

Both seem to be immersed in their own thoughts. Looks like they will find comfort in each other as they get to know more about each other. It's hard not to root for this two.

This photo reminded me of Cho Won in KFF, mostly her facial expression. Dahae look so young in here.


thanks o-cha for sharing this photo.


And what the heck is this article about? Such nonsense!!! They can't find anything to write about but to make up stories and degrade these talented actresses. And Dahae, she came from a well off family, she loves her craft BUT to get to that point to get good projects? hell NO! and we all know NOT all of her projects were great. They should make a thorough research. What kind of journalism is this? Glad ppl are not believing them and not narrow minded as the one who made that crappy article.

Anyhow, thanks guys for all the updates!!


That poster shoot clip, Dahae can't help but laugh, so cute. Yeah~ Chuno Fighting!


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maccay, I hope you're fully recovered by now. ^_^

Here's a youtube link of Chuno's poster-shoot vid


The atmosphere on set sure was fun and joyful..:D

That's a good thing... at least we know the friendship and rapport's there ^^

Thanx to cherryche @ leedahae.ifensi, here's what Da Hae said in the interview..

Host: How do you feel receiving love from 2 men?

LDH: Very happy. I haven't even been to the other filming sets till now...

Host: What's your ideal type like? (Asking her to choose between the 2 men.)

LDH: I hate this question the most.

OJH: Why? It's such an easy question. Jang Hyuk's already married, and I'm not. :lol:

JH: Yah... "ideal type" is a different issue altogether...

credits: cherryche @ leedahae.ifensi


Don't you just love their rapport on set?

That really put a big smile on my face...^^


Happy Thanksgiving Day to those in the States! ^^

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An update on the "unethical rumors"..

The rumors reached the management companies of all 3 stars, and apparently ticked off their anger and fury. They all lamented on how the reputation of their starlets could be/or have bveen tarnished because of those baseless rumors. All 3 agencies have apparently gathered together to discuss about the matter and are contemplating legal action against the involved news portals. It was even reported that one of them (could it be Da Hae?) was so affected by the rumors that she broke down in tears. =(

The inevitable has happened. And I foresee it's gonna cause a huge furor in the entertainment industry. Let's hope Da Hae can stay strong and get thru this...


Don't let them get to you!

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Guest anne0129

^Thanks for the translation of the interview with the 3 main casts. Love the rapport between them. They really seem to be having fun doing this series. Don't mind me but reading about the interactions and their answers to the question I just got the feeling that if JH was not married he would totally go for our girl. Hahaha!!!!! I mean who could blame them LDH is such an easy girl to be with and very beautiful to boot. Hahaha! I am glad our girl is having fun. Hope that she can shine again in this series and hope that this series will be a big success. CHUNO!!! FIGHTING!!!!

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ouchhhh, it hurt to read if true she was the one who broke down..probably true cos she just gone through a lot this year-since EOE, to Eru scandal and she is the youngest among the rest-hope she will be ok and remains strong. Now it goes like wild fire in China, even appeared in tv news and they showed all 3 of them..is there any regulation over there? I think you cannot simply show the faces of the people if the news are just rumours, seems like they are confident enough accusing these 3.


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I too think it will be a big blow to Da Hae's newly found confidence, given that she's just recovered from a very very bad year. So they're even showing their faces blatantly on TV over there? WTF? <_<

At least we're prepared for it, I hope Da Hae is too. =(

Hopefully Chuno will make her forget all those stuff.

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Guest janezio

Thank you, Cherryche for the translation and Ripgal for posting the funny conversation amongst our 3 Chuno stars! Yes, I love the rapport amongst them. I truly hope Chuno will be a BIG WINNER for 2010!

Poor LDH - although it is a fact that many females in the entertainment industry do "sell" themselves to rich men for a period of time, like one year to 3 years... I personally however do not see LDH as the type who would stoop so low to do this in order to advance her career. Don't worry, LDH fans, the truth will triumph in the end! May the Lord bless LDH and shield and protect her from unnecessary attacks!

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maccay hoping for your full recovery chinggu! :)

ripgal, thanks for the updates and for sharing the translation of the interview!

OMGosh! That is sooooo funny! Now I know why LDH got embarrassed with the question... Who knew OJH's such a goof also! touche! haha very nice answer! Also... it's so nice to see LDH having fun in the set! look at her cutely clapping her hands with glee because JH's jokes! hahaha

ugh! that slanderous article! tsktsk! I really hope if ever they do take action it wouldn't make matters worse and create a whole wave in the knews... I wish this would die down as quickly as possible! sigh! I feel for LDH (actually for SYJ and CR too) and to whoever broke down in tears... I wish they'd get through this just fine and not take it to heart...

edited to add:

WTfudge! just saw the clip samzz shared... they're even naming and showing their pictures over there! Now I'm sooooo pissed that I wish LDH's, SYJ's and CR's people sue the crap out of the people responsible for this whole mess! Excuse me for my words I'm just really pissed...

geeeez! this news doesn't help my serious YB withdrawal that's just starting to kick in FULL FORCE!!! sigh!

Anyway... to all LDH-ers from the states Happy Thanksgiving! pig out to your heart's content! haha eat some turkey for us too! haha! :D

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ya, me too, wishing all LDH's fans (Imogene, Maccay, Sunnocox and those I missed out the name) in USA-Happy Thanksgiving.

Maccay-hope you're doing fine..

Regarding this news, indirectly this will affect Rain reputation also, cos the news also mentioned the agencies encouraged their stars to do that.

So now I want to think like all stupid netizens 'blaming others :angry: -'maybe the news is supplied by certain individual who really wants to downgrade these actresses due to their popularity overseas-seems like somebody is supplying the news to chinese reporters. When netizens accusing just by guessing through the alphabets-the informer didn't make any effort to defend them. Actually I also got somebody in my mind based on this letters, but I RESPECT THEIR FANS, cos I have been following kpop/kdrama a lot and I realised some of them don't deserve the big project and popularity.

Hopefully, these will die down soon and we will concentrate oh her CHUNO .yehaa.

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Guest venerable

when i read this rumor i was calm "Just another rumor, nothing to worry about".But when i saw the video that samz posted here, damn it this is really annoying! (LDH-CR-SYJ) won't sell their dignity for fame. I hope J-tune will do some accurate actions regarding this issue! I'm kinda paranoid now, I'm picturing some anti-LDH are cheering and aiming their tomatoes to LDH.

:angry: :angry: :angry:

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^ me too... I thought it would just pass like a soft breeze... and it's a pity that it's slowly making the news! sigh!

anyway... you better brace yourself for the worst! :wink: you know how passionate her antis can be sometimes... I think it's kinda inevitable that some would point fingers at her and judge her character when this slanderous rumor gets out... but let's cross our fingers for this issue to die down right now...

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