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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af

I didn't even notice sunocox's avatar until Jo pointed it out... cuuuuuute.

ROTFL tiger! I would love that. SHOOO TIGAH!

maccay- they said it was recently shot, like this week. I think for continuation purposes they just wear the same clothes... I mean I haven't seen Jang Hyuk change his outfit since August 13th HAHAHAHAHA.

The PD seems really detailed, it is definitely not a rushed drama. Will it be all canned? Will it be done by the time they release it?

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

omg have i been like missing out. on a lot?

hahahahah. anyone update me please:)))

omg ripgal, i see you are in love with tamra. HAHAH SO AM I!

lee da hae is looking so good in those clothes. but why all white?

hehehhe. omg i am rather terrified by the mens hair.

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~Dahae has updated her cyworld today~

Aha ..


Looking pretty in her blue/purple costume. Is she Un Nyun here now?

STill a pretty slave.

Natural feeling~ ~



She's definitely enjoying this part of the country~

Waiting for the loofah scene?! lol!

credit: Dahae's cyworld

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TQ u all for all the new photos, he.. he... loofa scene, can't wait for that..

Dahae enjoying the river view, later on maybe she will take a bath and the 2 heros peeping on her :rolleyes:

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Guest anne0129

^Da Hae looked so young in that pictures of hers. She reminds me of one of the Girl's Generation's Yoona? She seems to be enjoying herself during the filming of Chuno. I wish HJH was with her to take silly photos (hehehe) but I guess since she pretty much is the only girl in the scenes they were filming she has no girlfriends to goof around with. Still, I'm very happy to see her hope she will continue updating her cyworld. Thanks to everyone for the pictures. :)

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Guest imogene_af

Da Hae preparing for loofah scenes! Look at her already hanging out by the river! LOL. you can feel her happiness all the way from here, it's just in her eyes. :wub: aawww. Thanks for sharing.

KISfantastic- Da Hae is a single lady, and singing like Beyonce to put her ring on it. Men need to stand in (the long) line.

kim_bum_so_eun- thanks for sharing the BEYOND CF, it looks like a sequel to her Venus bra commercial. LOL.

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I've been lurking around here and Chuno thread lately.. hehe could not resist to post and say that LDH looks absolutely stunning in hanbok!! She looks radiant and absolutely happy.. heheh who can blame her? acting with two incredibly gorgeous co-stars... Looking forward for her interactions with JiHo and JH!

I somehow didnt like DH with JH in Robbers but oh my... Im liking them here in Chuno! lol weird eh? And the drama is not even airing!!!!!! ^_^ Looking at BTS pics, DH totally has chemistry with both JH and OJH :)

The drama sounds really good.. love the cast and the story!!!! I hope this role will be a breakthrough role for DH and a stepping stone to higher acheivements/awards...

Omg! Super thanks for posting her cyworld pics!

Really late now.... Good night guys! ;)

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Guest imogene_af


welcome back csfan, glad to see our oldies coming back little by little through CHUNO.

Maybe the Jang Hyuk chemistry didn't work... because Oh Joon was mean in ROBBERS? I always believed that they had GREAT chemistry, though.

Anyway, she looks 10 years younger recently because of the hair. She's very "blooming" as they would say. :lol: she's gorgeous.

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That's the word~~ BLOOMING! She's more happier, and that's what make us all happy for her.

I thought of you and your loofah/river thing when i first saw her cyworld photos imogene! :lol:

That's such a cute CF, didn't realize that was for Beyond. She's more lively than the usual,

Like these previous ones...


credit: Beyond

I love the music that they used.

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Guest imogene_af

caps from her new Beyond CF.

Please DO NOT HOTLINK, go upload to your own server. it's easy. don't be rude. thanks.








credits as tagged, paranzui and naver

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Guest imogene_af

ohnoz Hitler will come out and go NEINNEINEIN!

thanks for sharing.

Some more Chuno teaser posters.

awesome teaser poster, they should redo the synopsis/information part though. Some of the words came off awkward.

and HOLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY digital much? *drooling at those bytes*

it's looking real promising and I hope they get the best out of the amount of work and passion they're putting into this.

Thanks to Joynara of the CHUNO thread.

now we know it's canned.

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Goodness, one night and I missed all the goodies!

Thanx guys for sharing! :D

Totally love her radiance and glow in her new Chuno pics... it really shows how much she's enjoying filming with her Oppas. :lol: The 2nd and 3rd cyworld pics... OMG she looks so freaking young. Just like a teenager... so thin and frail. I always wonder why she can look so thin in some pictures and yet look chubbier in others... is it because of the camera o the angle?

And in her BEYOND Ad/CF... totally love it! Never thought all the jumping and leaping was meant for this Ad.. hehe.. she looked sooooo adorable and happy. :D

I have come to think that Chuno has indeed brought out the cheerfulness and cuteness of Da Hae. Be it in events, her cyworld pics and all... she looked sooooo happy and vibrant. Looks like her oppas are treating her very well... hahaha...

Full Asian Song Fest Video link


credits: baidu


Elle, welcome back to the craziness. :D

Yeap, I'm so totally obsessed w/ Tamra right now. But kinda sad that it's coming to an end. =( Cos no more Beo Jin and Park Kyu moments... sighz..

But still have IRIS and You're Beautiful to look forward to...hehehe..

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Guest imogene_af


thanks for the video, Jo.

Hehehe I think part of the reason she looks "chubbier" is because her face is naturally roundish, hence that image. Though she's still skinny, she's no longer scarily thin and she doesn't look so frail anymore, before she looked so frail you can see her sunken cheek bones and every line of her muscle strain, her neck also is filled with veins and stuff. She looks so much better now.



she really looks like she's... 13 here. LOL.

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^ Yeah, just like a high school girl. :lol:

Now we know Da Hae wears casual/normal clothes to work... look at her, you would think she's part of the staff and not the actress who plays the pristine and demure Hye Won. Maybe she was there to support her Oppas?

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Guest imogene_af


That's what I love about that picture, she's at her most natural state. She even looks like she just washed her face, not a dash of make up. She looks so blissful and just appreciating nature. Like a little kid curious to see what's in store. You'd think a 25 year old actress who people may deem as worldly won't have that surge of innocence written on her face... but she does. awww.


I hope Da Hae is okay looks like there's a semi-epidemic in the Chuno set they're all having Enteritis... something in the food causing them to have fever and erm... going number 2 quite frequently. ohnoz.

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^Surge of innocence and youth. *Perfect description!*

I wanna know what she was looking at, and what made her turn around suddenly?

And the picture of her in the purple-colored slave outfit? Okay, that's SO NOT slave-looking... she still looks so amazingly good. *so envious*

Anywayz, got his from naver


It's about the new casting of Yoon Dong Hwan..

But at the end of the article, it kinda mentioned an airing date in March 2009?



Yeap, I read about it in the Chuno thread too. Hopefully Han Jung Soo and the rest of the cast are well and have recovered. Since winter's coming and the weather will become real chilly soon, they'd really have to take good care of their bodies and health. For once I'm thankful that Chuno's going to be a post production series...

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Guest imogene_af


that wasn't the first time I heard March... some say TBA 2010, Nate says January 2010. It all depends when IRIS will finish or if Chuno does not feel like they're ready, they may do a filler drama to occupy that spot. I don't know, the director seems to prefer he has more time to finish with the special effects and all.

was she looking at nekkid boys and loofah? Oh wait... that's me.

I really hope they all watch what they're eating there, everyone having IBS in Chuno cast is not pretty! I mean, we all can do fever, cold... but anything with your intestines... that sucks! Jang Hyuk has it too. Enteritis is caused by food that is contaminated so I guess they just got to be careful. Probably filming in such far provinces can do that.

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