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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest ripgal

o-cha chinggu, you're really heaven sent huh?

Thank you thank you for the interview...:D

Totally felt JMK and Da Hae's camaraderie from the interview. Both of them seemed to have enjoyed their time spent together. I LOLed at the part of JMK trying to take the picture of Da Hae staring at that picture! :lol: Told ya it was weird... they should have put his face or Bi's picture there instead. lolz..

And surprise surprise, Da Hae chose the outfits herself? Maybe that's why she had this confidence and glow in her. She felt comfortable with the amount of space given to her to flex her natural-ness. JMK totally brought out the real Da Hae... ^^

Thanx again chinggu, am waiting patiently for the rest of the translations.. take your time k?


On that article on Chuno, I think it's kind of like a rebuttal to Fantom's overwhelming news of HHJ being considered, this and that. All in all, we will never know who was first choice and what not. But I think it's not relevant right now, since they've basically confirmed that they want Da Hae for the role. We'll just have to wait for a few more days...

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Guest imogene_af

I do not think she's not confirmed at this point, it's just legalities that's keeping her from PUBLICLY confirming it. I think she's a go.

When a production speaks like so, it's pretty much final. What? Do they really want to lose face with an unsure/unconfirmed actress? I doubt it. This is good as confirmed.

And we all know how the industry works... Go Ara also never confirmed from "Heading to the Ground" only that she looked at it "positively" but not confirmed. It's best just to wait til the camera's rolling, but with the PRODUCTION and KBS saying she is the only female lead? and NO ONE ELSE? Possibly even burning bridges with other actresses? Dissing a management company in the process?

I don't know about y'all but that's just as good as saying, "Lee Da Hae will lead for Chuno."

My take is, if LDH did not want this, she would have denied the offer probably a week ago. It's just unheard of a company to do that without being sure. Verbal agreement, at LEAST. But I think it's just all showbiz crap being spewed right now.

O-cha thanks so much for being the bearer of GOODIES. thank you!

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Oh Gosh! I posted like two messages already and haven't realized that o-cha has already posted the interview translation.... When I read ripgal's reply I freaked! I thought for some weird reason my soompi wasn't working properly and missed some of the posts... Then, I saw it... haha

o-cha! THANK YOU!!! You're like my favorite person right now! You're spoiling us and we love it! We love you! haha thanks again *hugsandkisses*!!

anyway... you soooo right imogene... thanks to you my doubts and uncertainties have been fully washed off! I'm now really really convinced that she's in this!

RE: JMK's interview...

I loved how jokey and fun the atmosphere is in that shoot... They seem to be really enjoying each other's company... I LOLed at that part too ripgal... “Look at the painting, Da Hae-ya. My painting. So expensive! Yes. Yes. Your crane like neck, crane like hand, expensive painting. You have to look at the expensive painting!” I wouldn't have been able to hold it too if I were LDH... haha JMK is such a ball!

That quick trivia is also really really interesting... JMK is a prof at LDH's uni... I wish LDH will be able to take JMK's class... That would be like uber weird! or fun! haha

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Guest maccay


Hey kim good to see you here again, nice artwork there, looks for realz! :D

o-cha you're our official in house translator. We can always count on you, no matter how busy you are. Thank you...

Reading that article about Dahae and Mr. Shin was fun, and wow he's also a prof where she studies eh? It must be so cool to be in his class. The photos of her were absolutely stunning. Did you say pink ripgal? I thought that dress was white, i'm color blind :P

Still no confirmation but no denial either. I guess we should wait for the 13th...this is such a killer... ;)

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Guest ripgal

haha, kim_calvz... I remember the picture you used for Jang Hyuk... Jumong! :lol:

Well, just by looking at the bearded picture of Oh Ji Ho, I think he'd make a really FINE slave. :P

So it's pretty much a go with Da Hae in CHUNO eh?

Sorry guys... I always seem to be anxious about this and that. For all we know, most actors/actresses probably confirm their roles in dramas this way. I think it's just that Da Hae thing in me... anything relating to Da Hae, I just get excited...:P

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The other article...super duper fun to read. How can we not love Da Hae? This girl is just amazing...and of course her relationship with JMK is off da chain!

There are some parts that I'm not sure of...so if anyone else find another kidn of translation please feel free to correct my translation.


[조민기 별을 찍다] 이다해 "잘난 척 안하는 남자면 OK!"

[Jo Min Ki –Taking Pictures of Stars] Lee Da Hae “OK if a man is not a show off!”

이제는 기자 조민기가 여배우 이다해를 얘기할 순서다. 너무 친해서인 지, 궁금한 게 거의 없지만 그래도 인터뷰를 해야하니 "딱 하나 궁금한 걸 묻겠다"며 질문을 날린다. "너 왜 그렇게 인생을 빡빡하게 사니? 스스로를 좀 피곤하게 하는 스타일 같아."

Recently Jo Min Ki talked about actress Lee Da Hae. Because he is really close with her, he doesn’t have many things he is curious to know. That’s why for the interview he said “I only have one thing that I’m curious to know” He asked “Why do you work so hard in life? It’s a bit tiring to life that style.”

한참 딴소리를 늘어놓다 이다해가 에둘러 하는 말. "음. 그냥 혼자 시간 낭비하는 걸 못참겠어요. 성격이죠 뭐. 혼자 있을 때 영어와 중국어 공부를 하는데. 얼마전에 비랑 같이 홍콩 패션쇼에 갔을 때 한국말 안쓰고 영어랑 중국말만 쓰고 왔어요. 기회가 됐을 때 좋은 인상을 남길 수 있다는 게 너무 보람 있고 기쁘고 뿌듯하더라고요."

It took Lee Da Hae a while to answer. “Hm. I just don’t like to waste time alone. That’s just my personality. When I’m by myself I learn English and Chinese. A while ago I went with Bi/Rain to Hong Kong for a fashion show. That time I didn’t use Korean and just used English and Chinese. I had the chance to be able to leave a good impression on people. It was rewarding and I felt happy.”

조 → 이루와 스캔들? 털털하고 내숭 없는 성격 탓 아닐까

이 → 차만 마셔도 열애설… 점쟁이가 9월에 스캔들 또 난대 ㅋㅋ

Jo → Scandal with Eru?

Lee → Just drinking becomes a love rumour… the fortune teller said I’ll have another scandal in September ㅋㅋ

둘의 질문과 대답은 이게 끝이었다. 또다시 실없는 농담만 주거니 받거니 계속된다. 안되겠다 싶어 최근 불거진 이루와의 열애설을 확 끄집어냈다. 조민기가 이다해의 매니저라도 되는 듯 먼저 해명에 나선다.

The question and answer between the two ended like this. Their joking around continues again. The recent scandal with Eru was out just like that. Jo Min Ki went out to explain to Lee Da Hae’s manager.

"제가 이 친구에 대한 몇가지 열애설을 알고 있는데, 전부 가짜예요. 얘가 선머슴처럼 사람을 좋아하고, 좋은 마음을 표현하는 스타일인데, 그게 다 이성의 마음은 아니잖아요. 저랑도 만나면 반갑다고 청담동 한가운데서 포옹을 하고, 팔장을 끼는데? 새벽까지 술 집에 있다가 스캔들 날 뻔한 적도 있다니깐. 실은 (한)지혜, (연)정훈이도 같이 마신 건데 말이에요. 실속은 없지만 앞에서는 오리처럼 떠다니면서 발밑으로는 온갖 물갈퀴질 다 하는 친구 보다 훨씬 낫지 않나요?"

“I know how many times she’s been in a love rumor, they are all fake. She likes bad boys and her style is someone with a good heart, but that’s not rational. When she meets me, she’d welcome and hug me even in the middle of Cheong Dam-dong. We were at a bar until morning so there was a rumor about us. Actually (Han) Ji Hye, (Yeon) Jung Hoon was there drinking with us too. Isn’t that better than having friends talking about nothing substantial just floating around like ducks?”

선배가 물꼬를 터주니 이다해도 말문이 터진다.

Lee Da Hae breaks the conversation.

"이젠 속상한 것도 없고, 관심 받는 거라고 생각해요. 제가 상대 배우한테 의지를 많이 하는 편이에요. 운좋게도 매번 좋은 상대만 만났죠. (이)동욱 오빠, (장)혁이 오빠, 고수 오빠, 박해진씨.... 민기 선배님까지. 다 친하게 지내고 있어요. 외국에서 자라서 그런 지 남자들 앞이라고 내숭을 못 떨어요. 백주대낮에도 주변 시선 의식하지 않고 남자들과 웃고 떠들고. 모자나 마스크 같은 걸로 어딜 가리는 것도 못해요. 근데 이상하게 총각이랑은 차만 마셔도 스캔들이 나는 거 있죠. 답답해서 친한 언니랑 점을 보러 갔는데, 9월이나 10월쯤 스캔들이 또 난다네요. 상대가 누굴 지, 저도 궁금해요."

“Now it doesn’t upset me anymore, I think of it as people showing interest in me. I have many other opposite sex actors on my side. I’m lucky to have met many good male actors. (Lee) Dong Wook oppa, (Jang) Hyuk-ie oppa, Go Soo oppa, Park Hae Jin-ssi…even Min Ki sunbaenim. I’m close with all of them. I grew up overseas so I’m comfortable with men. I laugh and talk with men in broad daylight oblivious to other people’s attention. I don’t want to hide my face behind a mask and hat whenever I go. But strangely if I have a drink with a single man even just for tea then I’m sure to have a scandal. I was frustrated so I went with a close unni to see a fortune teller and the fortune teller said I will have another scandal in September or October. I’m also curious who the man would be.”

절묘한 타이밍에 조민기가 끼어든다. "내가 소개시켜주려는 그 남잔가? DNA가 아주 좋은 친구가 있다니깐! 빨리 만나봐!" "됐어, 됐어!" 이다해가 손사래친다.

Jo Min Ki intruded at the perfect time. “Do you want me to introduce you to that man? That man has really good DNA! Hurry and meet him!” Lee Da Hae said “Forget it, forget it!”

조 → DNA 완벽한 남자 소개시켜줄게… 이상형 말해봐

이 → 바다처럼 넓은 이해심… 잘난 척 안하는 남자면 OK!

Jo → I’ll introduce you to a man with perfect DNA… Tell me your ideal man

Lee → Someone who has vast understanding like the sea… A man who isn’t boastful OK!

 말 나온 김에 이다해의 이상형을 물었다. "바다 같은 넓은 이해심이 진짜 중요하더라고요. 겸손한 사람이 좋아요. 자기도 모르게 잘난 척 하는 사람은 안 맞는 것 같아요. 나이가 먹을 수록 이상형이 바뀌더라고요."

The conversation turned to Lee Da Hae’s ideal man. “It’s very important for a man to have a vast understanding like the sea. I like someone who is humble. I don’t think I can be with someone who is a show off. My ideal has changed now that I’m older.”

지난해말 '에덴의동쪽' 하차 후 긴 휴식을 취하고 있는 이다해. 한동안 자신감도 줄고, 자격지심도 생겼다. 한때 조급한 마음도 들었다. 하지만 조금씩 여유를 찾게 됐다. 작품이 안 들어왔다면 힘들었겠지만, 출연 제안은 끊임없이 이어졌기에 상대적으로 편하게 스스로를 돌아볼 기회를 가질 수 있었다. "조만간 좋은 작품으로 인사드리게 될 것 같다"고 귀띔한다.

Lee Da Hae has been resting since leaving ‘East of Eden’ at the end of last year. For a while she suffered a loss of confidence and had a feeling of self accusation. At a time she also listened to her mind hastily. However she regained her composure little by little. It was tough not having any projects but it gave her a chance to look at offers and to reflect on them. Lee Da Hae said “Sooner or later I will come back with a good project.”

얘기 도중 이다해의 어머니가 애완견 2마리를 안고 나타났다. 날 잡은 김에 이다해의 가족 사진을 찍어주기로 했다고 조민기가 설명한다. 조민기와 어머니는 구면. 빈손으로 오기 뭐해 김밥을 싸 왔다며 내놓는다. 가족끼리도 알고 지낼 정도로 친하게 지내는 선후배 우정이 보기 좋다.

In the middle of the conversation Lee Da Hae’s mother came with 2 dogs. Jo Min Ki explained that they’re taking Lee Da Hae’s family picture. Jo Min Ki and Lee Da Hae’s mother are old acquaintances. She didn’t came empty handed as she brought kimbap along. Even her family knows her beautiful sunbae-hoobae friendship with Jo Min Ki.

조 → 다해는 배우로서의 주관이 뚜렷한 멋진 여자!

이 → 모든 걸 의논할 수 있는 선배님, 저랑 애인 연기 어때요?

Jo → Da Hae is a great woman who knows how to direct herself to be an actress!

Lee → The sunbaenim that I consult everything with, how about acting as my lover?

"처음엔 무관심 했어요. 그냥 저런 배우가 있나보다. 그 정도였죠. 그런데 작품에서 만나보니 여배우로서 어떻게 살아야겠다는 주관과 맵이 있는 게 멋져 보이더라고요. 내가 10년만 젊고, 총각이었다면 보쌈이라도 해왔을텐데 말이야." "모든 걸 상담하고 의논할 수 있는 선배예요. 음. 나도 선배 같은 남자가 이상형이라고 해줄게."

Jo Min Ki said “At first I was indifferent. I just see her as some actress. Then when we met in a drama, I see how she has a direction of how to live as an actress. I think that’s great. If I were 10 years younger and single, I’d go after her.” Lee Da Hae said “He is a sunbae that I consult everything with. Hmm. Then my ideal man is a man like sunbae too.”

또 한번 작품 같이 하고 싶은 생각이 있냐고 묻자 또 다시 배꼽잡는 조크가 쏟아진다. "선배님, 더 나이 드시기 전에, '불꽃' 같은 드라마 한번 해볼까? 애인 연기 어때?" "어헛. 내 나이가 어때서? 좋지. 시청률 50%는 보장할 수 있는데. 누구 제작해주실 분 없나요?"

When asked about what they think about working together again, they started joking again. Lee Da Hae said “Sunbaenim, before you get even older. Should we do a drama like ‘Fireworks’? How about acting as lovers?” Jo Min Ki said “Oho. What about my age? That’s right. I can guarantee 50% ratings. Isn’t there anyone who wants to produce this?”

 < 정경희 기자 gumnuri@sportschosun.com, 사진=김경민 기자 kyungmin@sportschosun.com>

< Jung Kyung Hee reporting, photos = Kim Kyung Min>

LOOOOOVE their QA and interaction.

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Guest imogene_af


She's a meanie, she wants to torture us all!!!!

LOL I love how no one in DC believes the "not confirmed" thing. :lol:

OMG O-cha, girl, you rock! Even with the evol train, you still got to do this. THANK YOU!

:lol: at Lee Da Hae consulting fortune tellers. :lol: this girl... so funny.

Jo Min Ki... do you have a son for her?

DID they really have a SCANDAL? WTH. hahahahahaha, omg, this is a hilarious interview.

So her type is tall men... bad boys with a good heart... who's smart and vast like the ocean... and cute?

dang. BIG criteria there, LDH!

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Guest luthien

^ amber i think the sons are too young for her! :P

Thanks O-Cha for the translations!Actually even as a PHJ fan, I didn't know he was close friends with DH until I came to this thread. Will be bringing this over to PHJ thread.. ^^

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Da Hae is such a cool girl. She can even joke about her 'scandals' now...so I guess no more 'I'm so hurt' anymore? :lol:

So who should we be loking forward to in Sep/Oct? She'd be too busy filiming Chuno to have a scandal by then....hahahaha.

And yeaah what's with the "sooner of later I'll come back in a good project"

Just say I'll be back on TV in December. See you all on Wed-Thu on KBS 2TV.

Yup yup nobody in DC KBS believes of the unconfirmed status...hahahaha....

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Guest imogene_af

^ amber i think the sons are too young for her! :P

Thanks O-Cha for the translations!Actually even as a PHJ fan, I didn't know he was close friends with DH until I came to this thread. Will be bringing this over to PHJ thread.. ^^

In one of the articles from way back, both PHJ and LDH had the same vacation spots, and there was a mention that the two friends suggested it. So I think they're legit friends.

Didn't they even have a semi-scandal? and LDH got pissed. :lol: Saying, "CAN'T I BE FRIENDS WITH A GUY?"

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Guest ripgal

OMG, I laughed so much reading that interview! :lol:

o-cha, you really bring the bestest bestest goodies! :D Thank you!

I think I have not laughed so much reading an interview with Da Hae. Everything about her just came out with JMK probing her.. :lol:

I initially wanted to quote every part and comment, but just can't think in my right mind now.

All I can think of is Da Hae wanting to play lovers with JMK in some drama like Fireworks! :lol:

And how she's curious who her next "man" would be?

Damn, this is starting to pique my interest.

Maybe Oh Ji Ho, or Kim Ji Seok? Since she's gonna be surrounded by men in Chuno?

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Guest imogene_af

thank the laaaawd, she's not overly dramatic on scandals anymore. Last time, all the"my wound it hurts...!" poem just gives more ammo to the haters.

Fireworks starring Jo Min Ki and Lee Da Hae, ftw!

I was really laughing at the part when JMK pointed out even HE was involved with a scandal with her. :lol:

Jo- Add Danny Anh to the list? Bring on the scandals with these hot men.

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That's it...we're now all officially shipping Jo Min Ki-Lee Da Hae :lol: \

I bet it's been a while since JMK was in any scandal with anybody...hahahahahahahaha.

Jo Min Ki should interview and take pictures of Da Hae every single time. She just practically beams in those pics.

Yeah who would be around Da Hae in Sep/Oct? hehehehehe....we'll have to keep a lookout.

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Guest ripgal

^ Hah, yeah! I forgot the hot GOD guy..

Add him to the list.. :w00t:

I re-read the whole interview again, and the excitement just surged up to my head...

Seriously, can Da Hae ever find a man being like that? She's too close with them! Her future BF would definitely get jealous... :P

I noticed that she calls Jang Hyuk-ie oppa? Awww....how cute...

So her mom and JMK are close friends? No wonder she's so cool with her seonbae..

And he said he knew a lot about her.. so Da Hae does consult him a lot eh?

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Guest imogene_af


Kim Jong Kook?

I keed! I keed!

But so far, their management wiped that potential scandal away like great Windex!

teeheee Jo, I laughed too that she calls Jang Hyuk... Hyukie. :lol:

Yeah, JMK seems to really know her, enough to even say none of her scandals were true. I also thought it's funny that he ships her to random men. I hope she can marry a man like JMK.

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Guest ripgal

Let's not forget about Min Woo, Mighty Mouth, Bi...etc

Good gracious Da Hae, she must have lost count of the amount of guy friends she has..

No wonder she has no close female celebs, ack... they all got jealous of her :lol: jk jk...

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Guest imogene_af


exactly, she only mentioned her actor friends... she still has Brian, Kim Jong Kook, etc to count.

As we said before, she's different, she's closer to men and she seems to bond with them without malice. The problem with these kinds of girls, it will be hard to weed out the men for romance because they become friends territory too soon. And I can imagine a boyfriend being very jealous being surrounded with such men! Hot men!

She only has two girl friends from showbiz. HJH and that chick from Green Rose. Other girls will be jealous being surrounded by such hot men.

I also wonder if their significant others ever get jealous of her?

Does she still call Park Hae Jin... Miss Park? hahahahaaha.

JMK brought out stuff that she never talks about with reporters.

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