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PHOTOGRAPHER's DIARY: My first time attending a Fan Meeting

written by Takuma Kunihiro

(translated by Priscilla)

Sunday, July 10th, 2005 ~ Clear weather

My first time attending a Fan Meeting.

The Fan Meeting with Mr. Jisub is over.

It was my first time ever that I’ve attended a Fan Meeting.

The program was beginning at 2 p.m. and I had arrived at 12:30 but already a great number of fans were gathered there.

The agent in charge had told me to call when I get there so I parked my car in the garage, and walked towards the main entrance.

The person guarding the entrance didn’t seem to understand me so I sat on a chair and I called the agent.

However, he wasn’t coming out.

I sat down thinking I would have to wait for a while…

“Ah, that man over there, isn’t he the master photographer?” I’m not really a master…

“Ah, Isn’t he Mr. Takuma?” I heard such comments.

Today, my hair wasn’t fully grey, and I wasn’t wearing a red shirt. I wondered how they recognized me.

Now that I think of it, it’s obvious. I was the only male in that gathering (ha ha).

Feeling scrutinized, I rapidly hid myself, although I haven’t committed any crime…

Eventually, the agent arranged for me to be led into the guest’s room.

There, I found the hostess, and the translator.

Together, we went towards the dressing room to greet Mr. Jisub.

He always has such a nice complexion, and he came out to greet us with a bright smile.

He looked a little plumper than during the photo-album shooting.

I gave him the gift I had prepared for today.

Then, I returned to the guest’s room.

The agent: “Mr. Takuma will be joining the program today, during the photo-album presentation. What would you say then? Should we go over it?”

I: “I’m sorry! Even if we go over it, I wouldn’t be able to remember anything. So just throw questions at me during the actual event. I’ll say anything I want then.” (hee hee)

The agent happily agreed with this.

Seriously, I wouldn’t be able to remember if we go over it. (hee hee)

Afterwards, the program with Mr. Jisub was about to start, so the agent came looking for me.

I: “Let me go right after going to the men’s room.”

I thought the agent would be waiting for me outside of the men’s room, but when I came out~ no one was there.

That’s why I went towards the stage on my own.

However, after walking up the stairs, I opened the door and I was outside . (ha ha)

”What~~ I thought this was the same stairs I used before, but I guess not~”

So now, I walked down the stairs and opened the door. There was a hallway leading to the lobby!

“Oh My! I got lost! What should I do~~” I was about to cry when the agent came looking for me (I was sweating!).

Such a close call! A second later and I would have made Mr. Jisub wait for me standing alone on stage.

Then, when I went up the stage, I sat on the wrong seat (sweating again).

Hostess: “Ah! You’d like to sit there?” she said this keeping herself calm. (Sweat)

Mr. Jisub, trying to restore my honor, sat next to me (hee hee).

Then, after saying “Hello!” in Korean, in spite of thinking I might get mobbed by the 2000 fans present there, I hugged him (hee hee).

Somehow, the program went smooth sailing, making enough people laugh. But when it was about to end, something very unexpected happened!

I can honestly tell you that, though I’ve been a photographer for long, I’ve never experienced something like this before!


(photo from: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?Ne...07111142440100)

This happened after the hostess said: “Then now, Mr. Jisub, would you like to say some final words to Mr. Takuma?”

SJS: “It never crossed my mind that I’d get to meet Mr. Takuma today. I’m really glad. If I’d known this in advance, I would have brought a gift for you, but I wasn’t able to. So I want to give you something that’s precious to me.” Saying this, he started taking off his wrist-watch.

I: “What! No, no, you shouldn't do that…” Saying this, I was trying to walk away. But Mr. Jisub already strapped his wrist-watch around my left arm.

Then, I was so happy. “Mr. Jisub, Thank you~~!” Saying this, I hugged him again. (ha ha)

By now, I was sure I would get mobbed by all his fans!

A wrist watch, in my opinion, is the most special thing you wear on special occasions.

Mr. Jisub gave me just that, the most special thing he brought.

To the 2000 fans: “I’m sorry for being the only one getting such a nice gift!” Thus apologizing, I walked down the stage. (hee hee)

After the program ended, I wanted to find out what was being displayed during the exhibition, so I walked out of the guest’s room towards the lobby. And I got caught.

A fan: “The~ the watch you got from Mr. Jisub, can I take a look?”

“No way!” If I’d say this, I didn’t want to imagine what would happen, so instead I said,

“Yes, this is it!” And I extended my left arm.

”Can I take a picture of this watch?”

“Yes, go ahead, as long as it’s not my face!”

All was good till now.

However, other fans saw us. “Look! Me too!” And they all crawled around my left arm like ants.

“I’m sorry! But this is enough!”

And I tried to leave, but now: “Please, can you sign my photo-album?”

“No, because I’m not Mr. Jisub!”

“Please, Mr. Takuma, we want your autograph!” So I went to a stand and I started signing.

In a matter of seconds, I was surrounded by fans holding their autograph pens (sweating). “By the way, what did Mr. (Kim) Raewon give you?”

I thought to myself: “Isn’t today Mr. Jisub’s day?” (ha ha)

”What’s the brand of the watch?”

“How do you feel” “Why?” “What?” “Then?” “What about that?”

I got so many questions at once. (sweating)

I went back to the room like a fugitive.

”You guys are amazing! All Jisub’s fans, I’m sorry for running away like that~~~~!!”

And I went back to the guest’s room.

Mr. Jisub came to me wearing a white hat and a red shirt.

He looked really happy after today’s meeting!

“Mr. Takuma, don’t forget me until I come back from military duty,” he said.

My heart felt warm…

And my left arm felt really heavy wearing his present…

A Korean Staff told me, “Mr. Takuma, you must not return the gift you got from Mr. Jisub, not even with something else!” and making me promise that.

It seems that in Korea, when you received a present, if you return the gift with something else, that might be taken as if you were not happy with the present.

That’s why “Thank you!” seemed the best response on my part. Only then they’d know that “I’ll definitely treasure your gift.”

I was glad to have learned this!

Indeed if the country’s different, the customs are different too.

Original letter in Japanese


(Thanks Saturn unni for sending me the original article! *wink )

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Guest Thursday

What a day to have a problem connecting to the Internet! I missed posting a birthday greeting here yesterday! :(

To make up, here's a really big collage of the birthday boy's many faces...


Credit: Saturn, posted by Thunderbolt at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005

Belated Happy Birthday, So Ji Sub-ssi!

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Guest Thursday

Still on our birthday boy. His birthday was yesterday, November 4, but the birthday party with the fans will not be until Sunday, November 6. To put us in an appropriately anticipatory mood, here are some pictures of his fan meeting in Japan a few months ago. So Ji Sub was on stage and he met the photographer who worked with him in the My Gift photo album. He wanted to give Mr. Takuma a gift, but he had not prepared any because he didn't know he would have a chance to see the photographer. This was what happened...

Jisub's watch, which he said was precious to him...


He didn't just hand over the watch; he put it on Takuma-san's wrist personally...


The watch now belongs to Mr Takuma, a gift from Jisub...


No more watch on Jisub's wrist... as he is shown reading his letter to the fans... in Japanese


After the fan meeting, his fans line the whole street to bid him farewell...


Credit: Saturn, shared by Thunderbolt at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005.

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Guest Thursday

Two gifs made by fans


Credit: Pocky, posted at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005


Credit: Crfan @ Forum Indosiar; posted by L4ura at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005

Hey! I own the page... :D

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