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So Ji Sub 소지섭 - Best Korean Actor & Rapper -


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Guest VyLeTtE

my first time to visit SJS's thread since im too busy already with my other sarangh BI kekekek visited so i can greet SJS a happy happy birthday :) we're of the same age only i was born a few months earlier :) whats new abt him? i thought he's goin to the military this yr?

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Guest VyLeTtE

Today is his birthday? Happy birthday to the gorgeous SO JI SUP!!!

>>>>> yep he's 28 today :) i cant really kol him oppa since im older so im gonna kol him chagya :)

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Happy Birthday So Ji Sub!

Wishing you ALL the BEST that life has to offer!


posted by pocky in sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com


posted by izzat in sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com

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I'm back to posting articles and photos :) Please enjoy reading them especially to all the newbies :)

This article was posted by boola in sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com

"So Ji Sub Japanese fan meeting, 2000 Japanese fans were crying"

So Ji Sub was holding a fan meeting in one Japanese femal college at 2:00 pm July 10. Over 2000 Japanese fans lined up waiting for him from 1:00 pm.

About 2:30 pm, So Ji Sub appeared in the stage with a gray suit and black trousers. He said excitedly, "glad to meet you again", "I was worried you have forgotten me, but seeing so many people here made me relieved and very happy".

The host asked which hairstyle he prefers to in the drama "I am sorry, I love you", he answered long hair. Then he was asked why he decided to do this drama" at that time, he said he liked it very much and accepted immediately after reading the synopsis".

During the fan meeting, he presented some scenes in the drama, saying despite of the sorrowful mood, the crews of this drama were getting along with each other very well. He also expressed his wish to visit the shooting spots of Japanese drama and movies, and eat the unforgettable Japanese noodles again which he had last time.

After all the events, he stepped out the stage in order to see the fans more clearly, waving and saying hi to them. Then he went back to the stage and read the letter he preapred for them in Japanese. The 2000 fans started to weep, So Ji Sub got tears in his eyes too. All the fans sang a song " the only flower in the world" together to express their appreciation to him. So Ji Sub was really moved and said " I am so happy now. I will remember this moment forever. Again, wish all of you happy and healthy". Then he left the stage.

But the fans kept applausing, wishing to see him again. Then he went to the stage again and yelled "only once" to end this fan meeting.

All the fans were not willing to say goodbye. They lined up from the schoolroom to the gate of the college, seeing him off. This proves again how popular So Ji Sub is nowadays.

origina source: [url=http://www.kdocn.com/bbs/viewthread.php?

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

^ OMG! I'm watching that right now and he's so HOT as a general! Him and Sung Yuri make a really cute couple! Can't wait to see the rest of the drama. Can anyone tell me if it's a happy ending or not? Thanx!

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Guest aki_wagi

this wish specially to u oppa!!!!!


here's ur cake i made it just 4' u....hehehehehehe... :lol::lol: ....since u in the army now, i make this cake that looks like a an army hat!!! :P:P


keep entertaining ur fans with ur awesome acting!!! love it!!!! ;);)

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Izzat posted the following picture on Hotelier2002 on July 1:


Follin created and posted these two MVs on July 2:



Her clubbox:


I posted the following translation on July 3:

Hmm. I was going to post this on Soompi first, but since it's down, I guess you guys got lucky. Yes, I have finished translating Star Story 5! This one was a heck of a lot easier than the last one to do, and the check-over with my dad only took about ten minutes. But what am I babbling about? I should be done with the next (and last) installment of the Star Story series very soon, so wait for that.

If you haven't read the previous installments of Star Story, go to Priscilla's xanga: http://www.xanga.com/contentlatest.asp?use...b=reviews&bflag

[[Written by So Ji Sub]] Star Story 5

My Best Friend 'Park Yong Ha'

September 6th, 2000. 14:05.

My best friend, entertainer Yong Ha, who taught me about motorbikes.

I'm really good friends with actor Park Yong Ha, who's in the entertainment business with me. I can get my feelings across to him very well, and our thought processes are similar as well. We also both like Starcraft.

I met Yong Ha in 1998 while leaving an MBC studio. At the time, I was shooting <Three Men, Three Women>, and Yong Ha was shooting <Meet Again and Again>. We came across each other while smoking during a break in filming, and we naturally moved on to drinking together, and thus got on soul-baring terms with each other.

I learned a lot from Yong Ha. First, motorbikes. Although he has a strong image of the straight-edge teacher he portrayed in <Meet Again and Again>, Yong Ha is really tough, to the point of trying generally all the tough sports. He was a member of the Motorbike Conference, and even has a racing certificate. He's so good at it that when he entered a race, he received the top mark in the second-best group - he's at that kind of level. Before I learned from Yong Ha, while I was shooting the MBC TV <Best Theatre> "You Can't Forget The Things You Keep In Mind" with Miss Jun Do Yun, I learned about motorbikes for the first time. In the show, my character drove a motorbike around, and I felt the charm of motorbikes during that time. But it was only after I met Yong Ha that I truly tried hard to learn.

Late at night, we'd drive with so much fun at Olympic Road, or at the riverside. Sometimes we even drove on roads where "driving was prohibited", without trying to conceal what we were doing. Of course we wore safety equipment perfectly, without fail. In the autumn of last year, we went to the motorbike track at Everland to take a riding test, and received a certificate for the racers' written exam, although we couldn't take the road exam because we didn't seriously try to take it. But just after the beginning of this year, I had to sell my motorbike, because my family thought it was too dangerous, and pushed me to stop.

Because of this stubbornly pushing wind, I had no choice but to sell it.

September 7th, 2000. 14:30.

I didn't just learn about motorbikes from Yong Ha - I also learned about Starcraft and snowboarding.

After some thought, I realized that I didn't just learn about motorbikes from Yong Ha. I learned about my most diverting pasttimes, Starcraft and snowboarding, from Yong Ha, too.

Back when Starcraft was popular everywhere last year, I followed Yong Ha to a PC room*. I wasn't good with computers, and I thought that Starcraft was just like other games, and that it was a "children's game". Even when Yong Ha took me to the PC room, I asked with disgust, "Why do you play such a childish game?".

However, after trying it once, I spent the entire night playing Starcraft. We generally went to our favourite PC room in front of Hong University, and we wore our hats pulled low over our faces and spent all night in front of the computer monitor, glaring at it. Yong Ha is so good at it that he won first place at the Entertainers' Starcraft Contest. At first, I, too, was only chasing after him, but since I put a lot of effort into it, my skill is now similar to his.

I learned how to snowboard last winter. I said this yesterday too, but despite appearances, Yong Ha enjoys tough sports. Motorbikes, ice hockey, basketball...Because of him, I, too, who had lived in the water during all the seasons because of swimming, came to enjoy a variety of sports.

I almost died on my first day of learning how to snowboard. At the very start, I immediately fell backwards and hit the back of my head on the ground. I showed symptoms of being slightly knocked out, and because I felt dizzy, I had to stop there that day. Really, every time I think of it, I laugh.

After I learned how to snowboard and practiced, whenever I had time, I went to either Ji San Ski Resort or Yong Pyung Ski Resort. But even after just passing the stage of a beginner, I had a few accidents. These were cases where, while mostly doing jumps, which I couldn't do well, I'd hop up and fall over with a bam. At the board shop, I'd often see (Kim) Ji Soo noona**. She was really good at snowboarding. I'd automatically be in awe over her and blurt out, "Wow, girls can do that, too." After I watched Ji Soo noona, my pride was wounded, and thus I practiced even harder.

*PC room - a public room with computers, where you can go online or play games.

**noona - literally meaning "older sister", it's used by guys for real older sisters, or for unrelated older, young women. By the way, Kim Ji Soo is an actress.

**Translated by Dahee Fanel

And Thunder posted these pictures on July 3:






Credit: Youngsosa

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Fans Meet in Japan :: Portion of Q & A

posted by boola in sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com


Q: What's the way you love?

A: Frankly, I am not skilled at love. I wish to have the love I can watch for and protect nearby.

How Jisub and Kyu-in (dating now) are alike!

Q: From the photo ablum released on 4/23, your underwears seen are mostly red, is it your favorite?

A: (Jisub was blushful): No, I usually wear TrunkPanties (is it a brand of underwear?). But the underwear I have today is kind of red indeed.

He answered so sincerely that the whole room burst into laughter.

Q: What will you do if your girlfriend prepares an unsavory meal for you.

A: I will eat anything unconditionally she cooks for me. But if she keeps cooking like this, I'd like to do myself. Actually I like cooking a lot.

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[[News]] [My Daily] 2000 Female Fans Shed Tears At So Ji Sub Fan Meeting

2005, July 11th

Posted by: mara

Translated by: Priscilla



[On the 10th of this month, in the Lecture Hall of Show-Wah Women’s College in Tokyo. There was a So Ji Sub picture section time for the media at 11:50 a.m. So Ji Sub during the picture section(Above). After 2 p.m., So Ji Sub with 2000 fans in this emotional fan meeting.

Photos by = Lee Tae Moon TukPahWon gounworld@mydaily.co.kr]

The fans have not forgotten him, and respectively So Ji Sub showed them how much he has matured through their love and encouragement.

On the 10th of this month, at 1 o’clock Japan Time, the front of the Lecture Hall of Show-Wah Women’s College at Sae-Tah Ga-Ya-Goo, Tokyo, was already packed with a long line of 2000 female fans who came to meet So Ji Sub for the second time; six months after their First Fan Meeting that took place on February 13th.

At 2 p.m., the “I’m Sorry I Love You” soundtrack music “Snow Flakes” was heard in the background, signaling the beginning of the Fan Meeting with So Ji Sub. This song was originally a Japanese song, “Yukino Hana,” sang by the top Japanese singer Nakashima Mikaga. Park Hyo Shin remade this, adding his special touch and still wonderfully keeping the sad emotional overtones. Presently, Park Hyo Shin’s song too is very popular in Japan.

The Auditorium, which was completely packed by 2:30 p.m., was shaken through the roof by the many ovations and applause when So Ji Sub made his entrance wearing a gray suit and black trousers. “Hello everyone, I’m glad to meet you again.” Then he continued, “Before coming here, I had worried a lot. What if you have forgotten me already? However, once I came, and seeing so many of you here in person, I feel relieved, and I’m happy now.” He could not hide his emotions.

There were two types of hair styles displayed at the photograph exhibition, and he was asked which one he prefers. He answered that he personally likes the long hair one. Following, he was asked how he had decided on doing “I’m Sorry I Love You” and he said that “As I was reading the synopsis, I liked it so much I didn’t want to lose this chance so I decided on doing it right away.”

While mentioning how well he portrayed an impassioned Moo Hyuk who was abandoned by his mother and was sent for adoption to Australia (*1), he was asked how he handles love in real life. “I’m so unskilled in terms of love that I just wish when I love, I’d be able to guard and protect.”

For the most touching scenes, he chose the scene right before his death, where his mother Audrey (Lee Hae Young) cooked ramen for him and he ate it, unable to reveal to her that he was her son; and the scene where Eunchae (Lim Soo Jung) is confessing her love for him (*2).

There followed a series of questions asked by fans which answers So Ji Sub have prepared in advance.

First, the most memorable script lines were “Euncha, let’s play!”(*3) and “Mother, I love you. In my next life, I want to be born again as your son.” While saying this, he stood up and he acted them out.

For unreleased inside stories, he said “The story of the drama is sad, but the staff and co-stars were really good, getting along with each other so well that the working environment was always nice.”

Regarding Japanese places he’d like to visit and Japanese foods he’d like to eat, “I’d like to visit Japanese filming sites and eat Cup-ramen again, which I could not forget after tasting it the last time I came.” He received many applause through his honest and yet skillful answers of an actor.

In the Photograph Album “So Ji Sub Gifts” which was released on April 23rd, there were many shots of him wearing a red underwear. “Is this your personal preference? Also, what are you wearing today?” He blushed, and answered “Not really. I usually wear square-shaped boxers. But today, I’m wearing one mixed with some red in it.” His honest answer filled the auditorium with laughter.

”If your girl-friend cooks something that taste bad, what would you do?” To this he answered “If she made it, I’ll definitely eat it. But if this continues happening, I’d feel bad for her and I’d do the cooking. I enjoy cooking a lot.” He received many cheers..

”If you were a woman, what would you like to do most?” To this he answered “I’d like to grow my hair long and straight. Then I’d wear clothes my boy-friend likes and holding his hand tight, I’d go to an amusement park.”

“And if you were invisible for 24 hours?” “Again, I’d go to a crowded recreation park and enjoy all the rides, and play tricks on those who hurt me. I’d like to go to the women’s section in the public baths.” This brought lots of laughter. "I especially would like to go to an amusement park since I haven’t gone there yet. I really want to go on all the rides,” he confessed.

“There’s a rumor saying that you only eat one meal a day?” “I did that when I was going on a diet, but not now. I make sure I have my 3 meals a day, followed by exercise.”

“What do you enjoy doing most these days?” “Nothing much. I’m trying to adapt to my new environment, as well as studying and exercising.” He revealed that he wants to be ready to act a new role when his army time is over.

At the end of PART I, they showed Jo Song Mo’s Music Video “Mr. Flower” and picture compilations of “The Unsaid Word.” Among the fans who watched So Ji Sub’s intensity, many of them were wiping their tears.

PART II started by showing “So Ji Sub Gifts” Photo-album taken by photographer Takuma Kunihiro. It was followed by a Talk Show revealing behind the scenes of this photo album shooting. Mr. Takuma made the photo-albums of Japanese stars such as Kimura Takuya, Amuro Nami among many other famous stars. He is a very renown photographer in charge of many other photography projects and ads in Japan. But So Ji Sub was his first Korean project. (*4)

On this day, Mr. Takuma said that “When I looked at him through an angle, I felt his gaze was like a full moonlight. Soon after, he was completely absorbed in what he was doing.” Especially, he wanted to take natural poses of So Ji Sub standing by himself, and seeing how easily he changed his expressions, he thought this man must be a great actor. When he was talking about the semi-nude bed-scene photos, “I took those pictures not as a photographer, but thinking about his fans.” He confessed this was a special service he was doing for So Ji Sub’s fans, feeling they would want this.

As for So Ji Sub, he confessed that “Before, I had a complex regarding my small puffy eyes. But now, this is what I like most.” Reporters who met him and his fans too, most of them has chosen his deep gaze as his most charming characteristic.

On the other hand, the photographer Mr. Takuma also talked about the bath-tub picture taking incident. The work was getting delayed because the lenses were getting foggy, so in spite of the cold weather, they added ice into the water so they could finally finish shooting. While recollecting this, Mr. Takuma shared his admiration saying, “When I saw So Ji Sub working so hard without complaining, not even once, I felt he was a true actor.” When he was finished talking, So Ji Sub went up to him, “I didn’t know I’d meet you here. I wasn’t able to prepare any present for you, and this may not be too polite, but I’d like to give you my wrist-watch which I value a lot.” So saying, he gave his watch away.

Soon after, the fans who brought their Photo-albums were given the chance to get his personalized autograph. He might have gotten so comfortable with most of them hugging him without hesitation, that he looked disappointed when a fan just shook his hand and left, making everyone laugh. Following, they introduced the pair of Jeans carrying his name, and they picked fans among the audiences who went up and hug him.

After PART I & PART II was over, So Ji Sub revealed that as a token of thanksgiving, he wished to see closely the faces of each fan. The auditorium filled with excitement. After walking through each row among the audience, turning from one side to the other, waving his hand and bowing, he returned to the stage. Then and there, started the most emotional part of this fan meeting. After he read a letter he prepared in Japanese, he walked down the stage. The 2000 female fans began sobbing. There were tears in his eyes too.

”Once again, greetings to everyone! I’m really glad that I’m able to stand in this great place, thanks to you all. It would be difficult for me to return again any time soon, but when we meet again, I will make sure I’ll show you a more matured So Ji Sub." The Japanese fans were all moved by this thanksgiving letter, and as their response, they started singing in unison the hit song “The Only Flower In The World,” a song which sold more than 200 million last year, breaking records in sales, originally sang by the popular group SMAP. So Ji Sub, whose emotions were already heightened while he read his personal letter, started tearing again in front of such a big demonstration of love. “I’m really happy. I will treasure this moment for the rest of my life. Take care of your health, be happy, and share lots of love with each other.” After saying this, he left the stage.

However, the fans wanted to see him again in order to treasure this memory, and they continued clapping and waiting. In response to this standing ovation, he went up the stage again. “Only Once.” Shouting this, the two hours and a half long fan meeting came to an end.

It has been a long time since they last saw him, and now they looked sad, as if they did not want to part with him. Even after the program was over, the fans did not leave and started forming a long procession outside, hoping to watch So Ji Sub leave. This was another living proof of his immense popularity.

[My Daily= Tokyo, Lee Tae Moon TukPahWon]


*1: The Article in Korean said "Canada" but I translated to Australia, which is the correct country.

*2: According to the article, Moohyuk's confessing his love to Eunchae, but this too, should be a mistake.

*3: The Article said "YoungChae" but this is a clear TYPO!

*4: After SJS, he also did Kim Rae Won's photo-album

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Guest rochinipark

jus comin to wish ji sub oppa happy birthday

happy birthday ji sub oppa@saeng il chukka ha mi da oppa

hv a merry 28th birthday wit many happy years to come.be happy & healthy.

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VOD and Song Lyrics ~ Japan Promo and Fans Meeting

taken from sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com

Saturn : Video clip of the Japanese promotion event which was taken by fan, is in my clubbox, 2005 folder.


Priscilla : The following is the song they sang there, translated and posted by a Japanese fan (I think she was there), Yoko~ I hope she can visit this hotel and give us an eyewitness account...

One of a Kind ("The Only Flower in The World"~literal translation)

*Here's an English version of the song we sang at the fan meeting on the 10th of July, 2005.

<One of a Kind>

No need to struggle to be number one

Just be yourself, be the only one

Look at the flowers that stand in the shop

Each has a beauty that makes your heart stop

We all have our favorites, but one thing is sure

Flowers will bloom with a beauty that's pure

Which one among us is better than the rest?

No competition, no need to contest

There in the buckets, the flowers stand tall

Heads held in pride far above it all

Yet why do we people do what we do?

(Why are we )Always wanting to compare

Fighting each other to get to the top

When we all have a treasure so rare

Why don't we get it?

In this wide world you are one of a kind

Cherish your beauty, there's no need to hide it

Each of us is holding a different seed

Just be yourself, that is all you need

Small flowers, big flowers, all kinds of flowers

You'll never find any one that's the same

No need to struggle to be number one

Just be yourself, be the only one

La la la la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la la la

(*Dictated by YOKO)

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