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Chinese romanisation, translations

Guest beautifuldays

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Guest hywenny

hey can you translate and romanizate this song for me pelase

Thanks !

I can help you do romanizate.. my translation really bad !! T_T

不得不愛 by Wilber Pan

天天都需要你愛 我的心思由你猜

tian tian dou xu yao ni ai wo de xin si you ni chai

I love u 我就是要你讓我每天都精采

I love u wo jiu shi yao ni rang wo mei tian dou jin cai

天天把它掛嘴邊 到底什麼是真愛

tian tian ba ta gua zui bian dao di shen me shi zhen ai

I love u 到底有幾分說得比想像更快

I love u dao di you ji fen shuo de bi xiang xiang(4) gen kuai

是我們感情豐富太慷慨 還是有上天安排

shi wo men gan qing feng fu tai kang kai hai shi you shang tian an pai

是我們本來就是那一派 還是捨不得太乖

shi wo men ben lai jiu shi na yi pai hai shi se bu de tai guai

是那一次約定了沒有來 讓我哭得像小孩

shi na yi chi yue ding mei you lai rang wo ku de xiang xiao hai

是我們急著證明我存在 還是不愛會發呆

shi wo men ji zhe zhen min wo chun ai hai shi bu ai hui fa dai

Baby 不得不愛 否則快樂從何而來

baby bu de bu ai fou zhe kuai le cong he er lai

不得不愛 否則悲傷從何而來

bu de bu ai fou zhe bei shang cong he er lai

不得不愛 否則我就失去未來

bu de bu ai fou zhe wo jiu shi qu wei lai

好像身不由己 不能自己很失敗 可是每天都過得精采

hao xiang sheng bu you ji bu nen zi ji hen shi bai ke shi mei tian dou guo de jing cai


I Ask GirlFriend how you been 來去了幾回

I Ask GirlFriend how you been lai qu le ji hui

我從來沒有想過 愛情會變得如此無奈

wo cong lai mei you xiang guo ai qing hui bian de ru chi wu nai le

是命運嗎 難道難過是上天的安排 沒辦法

shi min yun ma nan dao nan guo shi shang tian de an pai mei ban fa


tian tian de mei tian de xin si dao di you shui lai pei

我誠心 你誠意 但周圍擾人的環境

wo cheng xin ni cheng yi dan zhou wei lao ren de huan jin

始終 讓我們無法在這裡自由相戀

shi zhong rang wo men wu fa zai zhe li zi you xiang lian

我精采 你發呆 兩顆心不安的搖擺

wo jin cai ni fa dai liang ke xin bu an de yao bai

應該有的未來 是否真的那麼的無法期待 捨不得再傷害 

ying gai you de wei lai shi fou zhen de na me de qu fa qi dai se bu de zai shang hai

You're girl my girl my friend How much i love you so so much baby

看著你哀愁 要我如何怎麼承受面對

kan zhe ni ai chou yao wo ru he zen mo cheng shou mian dui

I'm sorry you're my sweetheart My love My one&only baby

會不會有一點無奈 會不會有一點太快

hui bu hui you yi dian wu nai hui bu hui you dian tai kuai

可是你給我的愛 讓我養成了依賴 心中充滿愛的節拍

ke shi ni gei wo de ai rang wo yang chen le yi lai xin zhon chong man ai de jie pai

Done !!!

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Guest kikimatic

Song name: Say U Love me

Artist: Jason (Iron Bamboo) and Lara (nanquan mama)

Say that you love me Say that you care ~

Lara:遇到对的人 是种缘分

Meeting the right person , is a kind of fate

我不得不承认 女生还是需要有分寸

I had to admit, girls do need some discretion

你需要去瞄准 你要的人

You need to aim (target) at the person you want

不再被动的等 送上嘴唇变成你的人

Do not wait passively. Send up your kiss and make him your man.

Jason:我认识一个女孩 她天真活泼可爱

I know a girl. She is naive, lovely and active.

在等待 有个人可以给她一身三千宠爱

And she's waiting for somebody to give her three thousand of love

不需要很有钱 不需要很帅

No need to be very rich nor very handsome

她脾气古怪 有时候包容有时候你必须忍耐

Her temper is weird and sometimes you need to forgive, sometimes you need to hold on.

为什么 她竟然爱上他

Why? She fell in love with him

她到底在 想什么

What's on her mind?


Did she forget that she can not love a handsome boy?

是什么 让她乱了方寸

What has made her lost her mind?


I don't know what should I do


I want to say, How is it possible?

她舍得 舍弃自己的尊严与爱好

She's willing to give up her ego and liking

女追男的游戏 一点都不害臊

The game of girl making the first move, it's not embarassing at all.


From morning to night she is noisy beside him


Just to attract his attention

看她在这边 而他在那边

Seeing her at here and him at there


And she wanted to be loved by him

而他装做视而不见 脑袋中却浮现

However, he pretends not to see her, but his head keep thinking...


All the pictures of she smiling.


And she says...

Say that you love me Say that you care ~

(就是还是更要有缘分 遇到对的人 看他的脸孔)

(Fate is still very needed. Meeting the one and look at his face)

Say that you love me Say that you care ~

(在个都会的东方转身 变成你的人)

( Turning at the north of a city, becoming yours)

Jason:重头来过 要快乐不要难过 不要谎言要承诺

Starting over, preferring happiness than sorrow, preferring promise than lies


Has the love between them become lazy


Even if the unknown factor can appear anytime


She will overcome everything and be together with him

ok 这 慢慢倡动倡动 后外面顺风顺风 吹到的心中心中 尽是无限的感动

Ok. This will go slowly, the wind outside will blow inside the heart, and fill it with unlimited of flattering

他多次去注意她任何的一举一动 才发现自己早已不小心掉入其中

He occasionally noticed her move, and finally realize he has fall within

而他知道 我想是他知道 所有她的一切 他都知道

However he knew, I suppose he knew, everything about her.

他感到 他若知道倍高兴 心里早久想把她抱紧

He feels that if he know she will be happy, he wanted to hug her tight long ago

不管未来艰难筵隙太多 只管现在能够相爱再说

No matter how hard it is in future, what really matter is loving each other now.

将一起完成的事情太多 就怕时间不够 而她说

There are too many things that need to achieve together, fearing that time is not enough, and she says...

credit chinesemusicblog

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Guest fakelunacy

hey can you translate and romanizate this song for me pelase

Thanks !

Since the romanization is done.. here is the translation :)

不得不愛(Gotta Love You) by Wilber Pan

天天都需要你愛 我的心思由你猜

tian tian dou xu yao ni ai wo de xin si you ni chai

I need your love everyday I'll let you guess what I'm thinking

I love u 我就是要你讓我每天都精采

I love u wo jiu shi yao ni rang wo mei tian dou jin cai

I Love you I want you to let me live a splendid life everyday

天天把它掛嘴邊 到底什麼是真愛

tian tian ba ta gua zui bian dao di shen me shi zhen ai

[i want you] to say [ I love you ] everyday What exactly is true love?

I love u 到底有幾分說得比想像更快

I love u dao di you ji fen shuo de bi xiang xiang(4) gen kuai

I love you How much do you really love me? Your words are faster than I can imagine

是我們感情豐富太慷慨 還是有上天安排

shi wo men gan qing feng fu tai kang kai hai shi you shang tian an pai

Is it that our emotions are too much and too rich? or is there a pre-arrangement by God?

是我們本來就是那一派 還是捨不得太乖

shi wo men ben lai jiu shi na yi pai hai shi se bu de tai guai

Were we meant for each other? Or we just can't be too nice?

是那一次約定了沒有來 讓我哭得像小孩

shi na yi chi yue ding mei you lai rang wo ku de xiang xiao hai

There was one time that you didn't show up. And that makes me cry like a baby :tears::lol:

是我們急著證明我存在 還是不愛會發呆

shi wo men ji zhe zhen min wo chun ai hai shi bu ai hui fa dai

Are we too eager to prove that I exist? Or is it because that I don't like to stare in the blank?

Baby 不得不愛 否則快樂從何而來

baby bu de bu ai fou zhe kuai le cong he er lai

Baby Gotta Love You Otherwise where can I find my happiness?

不得不愛 否則悲傷從何而來

bu de bu ai fou zhe bei shang cong he er lai

Gotta love you Otherwise where can I find my sadness?

不得不愛 否則我就失去未來

bu de bu ai fou zhe wo jiu shi qu wei lai

Gotta love you Otherwise I will lose my future

好像身不由己 不能自己很失敗 可是每天都過得精采

hao xiang sheng bu you ji bu nen zi ji hen shi bai ke shi mei tian dou guo de jing cai

It's as if I can't help myself, I can't be myself and I felt I'm a loser. But I'm having a splendid day everyday


I Ask GirlFriend how you been 來去了幾回

I Ask GirlFriend how you been lai qu le ji hui

I ask Girlfriend how you been It has come and gone a few times

我從來沒有想過 愛情會變得如此無奈

wo cong lai mei you xiang guo ai qing hui bian de ru chi wu nai le

I've never thought of this That love can become so helplessness.

是命運嗎 難道難過是上天的安排 沒辦法

shi min yun ma nan dao nan guo shi shang tian de an pai mei ban fa

Is this fate? Is sadness also arrangement by God? I have no other way


tian tian de mei tian de xin si dao di you shui lai pei

Day after day, who should I think everyday?

我誠心 你誠意 但周圍擾人的環境

wo cheng xin ni cheng yi dan zhou wei lao ren de huan jin

I'm sincere, you're sincere, However the environment around us can never

始終 讓我們無法在這裡自由相戀

shi zhong rang wo men wu fa zai zhe li zi you xiang lian

Let us keep this freedom to love each other like this

我精采 你發呆 兩顆心不安的搖擺

wo jin cai ni fa dai liang ke xin bu an de yao bai

I'm splendid, you stare into space Two hearts swinging uncertainly

應該有的未來 是否真的那麼的無法期待 捨不得再傷害 

ying gai you de wei lai shi fou zhen de na me de qu fa qi dai se bu de zai shang hai

the future that we should have, is it really that unavailable to us? I don't want to hurt you anymore

You're girl my girl my friend How much i love you so so much baby

看著你哀愁 要我如何怎麼承受面對

kan zhe ni ai chou yao wo ru he zen mo cheng shou mian dui

Watching your sorrow How can I face it maturely?

I'm sorry you're my sweetheart My love My one&only baby

會不會有一點無奈 會不會有一點太快

hui bu hui you yi dian wu nai hui bu hui you dian tai kuai

Will it be a little bit of helplessness? Is this a little bit too fast?

可是你給我的愛 讓我養成了依賴 心中充滿愛的節拍

ke shi ni gei wo de ai rang wo yang chen le yi lai xin zhon chong man ai de jie pai

But the love you given me Let me develop the habits of dependence Fill the heart with the rhythm of love

hope this helps!! :D

credits: Learn Chinese Through Cpop Music

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Guest fakelunacy

can i request rainie yang songs ai mei and zahi xiang ai ni? in english?

I am not sure if you wanted romanization or translation in english but here is both the Ai mei :)


Ai Mei


主唱Sang by: 杨丞琳

作曲Song written by : 小冷

作词Lyrics by : 姜憶萱/顏璽軒 

Translated by : athlynn17


ai mei rang ren shou jin wei qu

Ambiguity makes people nurse grievance


zhao bu dao xiang ai de zheng ju

The evidence of love cannot be found


he shi gai qian jin

When should I go forward?


he shi gai fang qi

When should I give up?


lian yong bao dou mei you yong qi

Don'tt even have the courage to hug you


zhi neng pei ni dao zhe li

I can only be with you to this far


hua jing you xie shi bu ke yi

there is still some things that we cannot do


chao guo le you qing

we're more than friends


hai bu dao ai qing

but we're not couple yet


yuan fang jiu yao xia yu de feng jing

the scenery afar seems to be raining soon


dao di gai bu gai ku qi

Should I cry or not?


xiang tai duo shi wo hai shi ni

Is it me or you that thinks too much?


wo hen bu fu qi

I'm not very convinced


ye kai shi huai yi

And I also started to suspect


yan qian de ren

The one in front me


shi bu shi tong yi ge zhen shi de ni

Is it the same, real you?


ai mei rang ren bian de tan xin

Ambiguity makes people nurse grievance


zhi dao deng dai shi qu yi yi

Until waiting has lost its meaning


wu nai wo he ni

The helpless me and you


xie bu chu jie ju

unable to write the endings


fang yi han de mei li

Let the beauty of pity


ting zai zhe li

stay here

I made some alterations to the english translations because some of them made no sense ^.^

Credits to Tabulas and Cpop music

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Thanks a lot kikimatic^^ but i was wondering if someone can romanize this too =)
























風溫柔的清晰 也許飄來好消息

一切新鮮 有點冒險


沒有人瞭解 沒有人像我和陌生人的愛戀



我懷疑這奇遇只是個惡作劇 ah~



我任性 投入你給的惡作劇








風溫柔的清晰 也許飄來好消息







我懷疑這奇遇只是個惡作劇 ah~



我任性 投入你給的惡作劇


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Guest hywenny

Thanks a lot kikimatic^^ but i was wondering if someone can romanize this too =)


ni shen shang zhuan su de mo shen wei dao


shi wo que ren ni cun zai de mu biao


bu yong lai hui zhang wang le zhi dao


jin shi wo men xiang ge zhe yi ge jie jiao


zhe me jiu le wo hai shi ke yi kan dao


gan jue de dao ni dui wo de zhong yao


bu chen bei tian hei tian liang da rao


ni mei yi chi de wen rou wo dou xiang xuan yao


wo men rou le zhe me yi quan cai yu dao


wo bi shui dou geng ming bai ni de zhong yao


zhe me jiu le wo jiu jue ding le


jue ding le ni de shou wo wo le bu hui fang diao


wo men rao le zhe me yi quan cai yu dao


wo da ying zi ji bu zai yong ren zhi rao


ying wei wo yao de wo zi ji zhi dao


zhi yao ni de jian bang yi rang ran wo kao



wo zhao bu dao hen hao de yuan yin


qu ju dang zhe yi qie de qing yi


zhe gan jue tai qi yi


wo bao qian bu neng shuo ming


wo xiang xin zhe ai qing de ding yi


qi ji hui fa shen ye bu yi ding

風溫柔的清晰 也許飄來好消息

feng wen rou de qing che ye xu piao lai hao xiao xi

一切新鮮 有點冒險

yi qie xin xian you dian mao xian


qing gao xu wo zhen mo zhou dao zhong dian

沒有人瞭解 沒有人像我和陌生人的愛戀

mei you ren liao jie mei you ren xiang wo he mo shen ren de ai lian


wo xiang wo hui kai shi xiang nian ni


ke shi wo gang gang cai yu jian ni

我懷疑這奇遇只是個惡作劇 ah~

wo huai yi zhe qi yu zhi si ge er zuo ju ah~~


wo xiang wo yi man man xi huan ni


ying wei wo yong you ai qing de yong qi

我任性 投入你給的惡作劇

wo ren xin tou ru ni gei de er zuo ju


ni gei de er zuo ju


wo zhao bu dao hen hao de yuan ying


qu zu dang zhe yi qie de qing yi


zhe gan jue tai qi yi


wo bao qian bu neng shuo ming


wo xiang xin zhe ai qing de ding yi


qi ji hui fa shen ye bu yi ding

風溫柔的清晰 也許飄來好消息

feng wen rou de qing che ye xu piao lai hao xiao xi


wo cai fa xian ni hen yao yan


qing rang wo zai qiao qiao ni de shuang yan


mei you ren liao jie mei you ren xiang wo


he mo sheng ren de ai lian


wo xiang wo hui kai shi xiang nian ni


ke shi wo gang gang cai yu jian le ni

我懷疑這奇遇只是個惡作劇 ah~

wo huai yu zhi qi yu zhi shi ge er zuo ju ah~


wo xiang wo yi man man xi huan ni


yin wei wo yong you ai qing de yong qi

我任性 投入你給的惡作劇

wo ren xin tou ru ni gei de er zuo ju


ni gei de er zuo ju

Done ~~~

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Guest devils_ear

I am not sure if you wanted romanization or translation in english but here is both the Ai mei :)


Ai Mei


主唱Sang by: 杨丞琳

作曲Song written by : 小冷

作词Lyrics by : 姜憶萱/顏璽軒 

Translated by : athlynn17


ai mei rang ren shou jin wei qu

Ambiguity makes people nurse grievance


zhao bu dao xiang ai de zheng ju

The evidence of love cannot be found


he shi gai qian jin

When should I go forward?


he shi gai fang qi

When should I give up?


lian yong bao dou mei you yong qi

Don'tt even have the courage to hug you


zhi neng pei ni dao zhe li

I can only be with you to this far


hua jing you xie shi bu ke yi

there is still some things that we cannot do


chao guo le you qing

we're more than friends


hai bu dao ai qing

but we're not couple yet


yuan fang jiu yao xia yu de feng jing

the scenery afar seems to be raining soon


dao di gai bu gai ku qi

Should I cry or not?


xiang tai duo shi wo hai shi ni

Is it me or you that thinks too much?


wo hen bu fu qi

I'm not very convinced


ye kai shi huai yi

And I also started to suspect


yan qian de ren

The one in front me


shi bu shi tong yi ge zhen shi de ni

Is it the same, real you?


ai mei rang ren bian de tan xin

Ambiguity makes people nurse grievance


zhi dao deng dai shi qu yi yi

Until waiting has lost its meaning


wu nai wo he ni

The helpless me and you


xie bu chu jie ju

unable to write the endings


fang yi han de mei li

Let the beauty of pity


ting zai zhe li

stay here

I made some alterations to the english translations because some of them made no sense ^.^

Credits to Tabulas and Cpop music

hey all, I wanna help too so I'll start with this song. If anything is wrong, then my apologies but I'll do my best. ^^

Since Ai Mei is done, I'll do Zhi xiang ai ni


Wo zhong you ai shi shuo le yi ju wo ai ni

Finally, I still said that I love you


Hai ji de na ge wei liang ye li tian kong zhen piao zhe xiao you

I still remember that cold night, small raindrops floating in the sky


Xin tiao de sheng yin

The sound of heart beat


Xiang wu dong qi ji

Like the beat of a dance


Ni kan zhe wo shuo qian wan bu yao ai shang ni

You looked at me and told me to not fall in love with you


Ying wei ni zhi hui rang wo shang xin bie sha le kuai dian han ting

Because you will only bring me heartache, don’t be stupid, quickly shout stop


Ni na me leng jing

You are so calm


Hu yuan you hu jing

Far away and then close


Wo zhi dao wo dui ni lai shuo ye xu tai nian qing

I know that for you I might be too young


Wo xiang wo cai wo wen wo zhong you liao jie

I think, I guess, I ask, I finally understand


Yuan lai wei ai liu de yan lei

The tears shed for love can really


Ye shi zhong tian mi zi wei

Also taste sweet


Zhi xiang ai ni

I only want to love you


Dang wo he ni zou zai yi qi jiu yi ding jue ding

I decided when I strolled along with you


Bu kan bu ting bu wen ye bu hui fang qi

Won’t look, won’t listen and also won’t give up


Shi ni rang wo liao jie zi ji

You allowed me to understand myself


Ke yi wei ai na me jian ding

That I could be so strong for love


Zhi xiang ai ni

I only want to love you


Hao xiang mei tian zhen kai yan jing jiu neng kan dao no

I wish that every morning when I wake up, that I could see you


Wo zhi dao wo ou er you yi dian ren xing

I know that I can be a little stubborn at times


Bu guan ni zuo ren he jue ding

Doesn’t matter what decision you come to


Jiu jing ai wo hai shi tao bi

Whether it be that you’ll love me or that you’ll hide away

Sorry 我还是不会放弃爱你

Sorry, wo hai shi bu hui fang qi ai ni

Sorry, I still won’t give up loving you

hm...I know that some parts of the translation sounds weird......but i can't do anything cause some things just make sense only in mando. Soz

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Guest *wenDzie^^*

this is justin lo's song.. but its in canto...

and like.. can anyone translate and romanize it to canto plz??



曲:側田(On Your Mark) 詞:林夕 編曲:側田(On Your Mark) 監製:側田(On Your Mark)

Hate myself for loving you so much

Oh I hate myself for falling back in love

Never been good at words I wanna say

I sing my love for you

I'll just let the music make sweet love to you




因她 無法得到因此心已死

我便自卑 不敢透氣 已經苦得想死


*直到一天 共你相見 被我知你從上次 開始接觸

便已就似觸電 猶如得到 星光的加冕

我沒被討厭 多得有你 我終於有這天*



是妳喜歡我 當然都愛妳

和她不敢再比 仍舊答謝妳

有你的眷戀 令我也有了生氣



願我拋開過去一心愛你 忘掉她的氣味

若我敢再記起 對不起了你

如果 和你一早得到好結果



而不過 從我跟她苦戀的最初

縱沒成果 顛倒的我

滿足比傷心多 難道愛辛苦方似我 Repeat*



是妳喜歡我 當然都愛妳

和她不敢再比 仍舊答謝妳

有你的眷戀 令我也有了生氣

Oh 終於得到了被愛oh



連我悲觀也改 沒有舊人存在 放心給妳愛

做人或者 不必要得到最想

如果為快樂設想 就祝福我倆

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曲:側田(On Your Mark) 詞:林夕 編曲:側田(On Your Mark) 監製:側田(On Your Mark)

Hate myself for loving you so much

Oh I hate myself for falling back in love

Never been good at words I wanna say

I sing my love for you

I'll just let the music make sweet love to you


chang ging woh nei yan gong jok yat hei yuen fei


daan ngoh waan mei ji sam jung yau nei


ying wai liu bit goh ta paak saan wan lei

因她 無法得到因此心已死

yan ta mo faat dak do yan chi sam yi sei

我便自卑 不敢透氣 已經苦得想死

wo bin ji bei but gam tau hei yi ging foo dak seung sei


wang lun yau tin gui yin oi nei

*直到一天 共你相見 被我知你從上次 開始接觸

jik do yut tin gung ney serng gin bei ngoh ji nei chung serng chi hoi chi jip juk

便已就似觸電 猶如得到 星光的加冕

bin yi jau chi juk din yau yue dak do sing gwong dik ga min

我沒被討厭 多得有你 我終於有這天*

wo moot bei to yim doh dak yau nei ngoh jung yue yau je tin


doh moh jang ngoh tai maan choi sik nei


ngoh gang ga bat serng min keung dei hui chan lay

是妳喜歡我 當然都愛妳

si nei hei foon ngoh dong yin do oi nei

和她不敢再比 仍舊答謝妳

woh ta bat gam joi bei ying gau daap je nei

有你的眷戀 令我也有了生氣

yao nei dik guen leurn ling ngoh ya yau liu saang hei


doh moh jang ngoh si jeuk mai leurn nei


ngoh pa seung yung po nei ya wei liu chut hei

願我拋開過去一心愛你 忘掉她的氣味

若我敢再記起 對不起了你

yeul ngoh gam joi gei hei dui but hei liu nei

如果 和你一早得到好結果

yue gwoh wooh nei yut jo dak do ho git gwoh


moot faat ming bak dan leurn dik tung choh


naan do ngoh lok yi dak do jit moh

而不過 從我跟她苦戀的最初

yi bit gwoh chung ngoh gan ta foo leurn dik jui choh

縱沒成果 顛倒的我

jung moot sing gwoh din do dik ngoh

滿足比傷心多 難道愛辛苦方似我 Repeat*

moon juk bei seung saam doh naan do oi san foo chi ngoh


doh moh jang ngoh tai maan choi sik nei


ngoh gang ga but serng min kerng dei hui chan nei

是妳喜歡我 當然都愛妳

di nei hei foon ngoh dong yin do oi lei

woh ta bat gam joi bei ying gau daap je nei

有你的眷戀 令我也有了生氣

yao nei dik guen leurn ling ngoh ya yau liu saang hei

Oh 終於得到了被愛oh

Oh jung yue dak do liu bei oi oh


mo lun hing but hing fan dong tin yi baat joi


yuen nei jung yue bin liu yut sung jui oi

連我悲觀也改 沒有舊人存在 放心給妳愛

lin ngoh bei goon ya hoi moot yau gau yan chuen joi fong sam kaap nei oi

做人或者 不必要得到最想

jo yan waak je baat bit yiu dak do jui serng

如果為快樂設想 就祝福我倆

yue gwoh wei faai lok chit serng jau juk fuk ngoh lerng

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Guest *wenDzie^^*

^ thanks so much for this!

but would u happen to know the translation too..

sorry if im asking so much ><

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

I don't have the lyrics cuz I can't find them anywhere but could you translate Jasmine Leong - Middle. I'd appreciate it loads...the song is so beautiful but I can't understand it.

Yes, can someone please romanize and translate Jasmine Leong's song please. It was the theme song for Love Contract. Also, can you please post the english translation and romanization for Ariel Lin's "Northern Hemisphere" song that was also in Love Contract. Thank you.

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Yes, can someone please romanize and translate Jasmine Leong's song please. It was the theme song for Love Contract. Also, can you please post the english translation and romanization for Ariel Lin's "Northern Hemisphere" song that was also in Love Contract. Thank you.

I decided to try translating but it isnt rly that good >.<

Jasmine Leong - Middle (Zhong Jian)


duo yuan neng gou zou wan zhe shi jie

How long does it take to walk around the earth


gan jue fang dao ji xian

Feeling that its at the limit


mou tian wu sheng de yu zhen xia zai mou chu

On a certain day, its silently raining in a certain place


wo bei lin shi le

I was drenched


shi tou wo xiang cai neng gen yong gan

I thought only when I was drenched could I be brave


deng zhe yu guo tian qing

Waiting for the sun to shine again


hu ran xiang yao kan cai hong

I suddenly wanted to see the rainbow


ke yi yong bao wo

It can embrace me


wo fei yue yi zhen dong chu de zhuan bian

I flew through a period of painful change


dong de xiang de jiu na xie

What I knew and what I thought about was only that


yuan lai na jiu jiao zuo sheng ming de zhong jian

That was what they called the middle of our lives


fei yue yi di gu se de yan lei

Flew past a drop of bitter tear


yu dia xia de hao zhi jie

The raindrops were falling straight


fa xian cai hong zai tian bian

Realised the rainbow was at the side of the sky


miao xiao de wo pao zai zui qian mian

Feeling so small, I ran at the front


na yi bian shi ming tian

That side is tomorrow


kan jian na kan bu jian de shi jian

Saw that invisible time


dang wo you le cong qian

When I had my past


wang qian fa chu shen ying gao shu zhe shi jie

Moved forward and told the whole world


wo xiang yao she me

What I wanted


ting jian wo yi jing kai shi mao xian

Heard that I had already started to take risks


lei shui liu xia an wei

My tears flowed down to console


ku guo de lian shi zui jian jue

A face that had cried is the most determined


fang qing de shun jian

The moment the sun came out


wo fei yue yi zhen dong chu de zhuan bian

I flew through a period of painful change


dong de xiang de jiu na xie

What I knew and what I thought about was only that


yuan lai na jiu jiao zuo sheng ming de zhong jian

That was what they called the middle of our lives


fei yue yi di gu se de yan lei

Flew past a drop of bitter tear


yu dia xia de hao zhi jie

The raindrops were falling straight


fa xian cai hong zai tian bian

Realised the rainbow was at the side of the sky


miao xiao de wo pao zai zui qian mian

Feeling so small, I ran at the front


na yi bian shi ming tian

That side is tomorrow



bu yuan lai dao yi qie de zong jian

Not long after, I came to the middle of everything.


zhuan bian



hui bian hui se yin tian dao qing tian

It will change from the grey cloudy sky to the bright sunny sky


na tian

That day


liao jie xiang yong qi de wu yi jian

Understood the incidental braveness


chu xian



sheng ming you xu duo zong jian

There are many middles in life

Ariel Lin - Northern Hemisphere (Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu)


yong ni de zao an pei wo chi wan can


ji de ba xiang nian chun jin pu man


wo wang zhe man tian xing zai shan


ting niu lang dui zhi nu shuo yao yong gan


bu pa wo men zai di qiu de liang duan


kan ni de wen hou qi zhe mo tan


fei yong guang su fei dao wo mian qian


ni rang wo kan dao bei ji xing you shi zi xing zuo ban


shao le ni de shou bi dang zhen tou


wo hai bu xi guan


ni de wang yuan jing wang bu dao


wo bei ban qiu de gu dan


tai ping yang de chao shui gen zhe di qiu lai hui xuan zhuan


wo hui nai xin de deng


deng ni you yi tian kao an


shao le ni de huai bao dang nuan lu


wo hai bu xi guan


e ge ni zhao pian kan bu dao


wo bei ban qiu de gu dan


shi jie zai da liang ke zhen xin jiu neng wu xiang qu nuan


xiang nian bu hui tou lan


wo de meng tong tong gei ni bao guan


bu pa wo men zai di qiu de liang duan


kan ni de wen hou


fei yong guang su fei dao wo mian qian


ni rang wo kan dao bei ji xing you shi zi xing zuo ban



shao le ni de shou bi dang zhen tou


wo hai bu xi guan


ni de wang yuan jing wang bu dao


wo bei ban qiu de gu dan


tai ping yang de chao shui gen zhe di qiu lai hui xuan zhuan


wo hui nai xin de deng


sui shi deng ni kao an


shao le ni de huai bao dang nuan lu


wo hai bu xi guan


e gei ni zhao pian kan bu dao


wo bei ban qiu de gu dan


shi jie zai da liang ke zhen xin jiu neng hu xiang qu nuan


xiang nian bu hui tou lan


wo de meng tong tong gei ni bao guan

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04. Kiss Goodbye


Lyrics and Song by Leehom

Traditional chinese character typed: Cynny Wu

English translation: Cynny Wu

Pinyin: Cynny Wu


Baby 不要再哭泣 (Baby don't cry no more)

Baby bu yao zai ku qi

這一幕多麼熟悉 (this scene is so familiar)

zhe yi mu duo mo shou xi

緊握着你的手 彼此都捨不得分離 (tightly holding each other's hand, both of us not willing to be apart)

jin wo zhe ni de shou bi ci dou she bu de fen li

每一次想開口 但不如保持安靜 (every time i want to speak, but it's better to keep quiet)

mei yi ci xiang kai kou dan bu ru bao chi an jing

給我一分鐘專心好好欣賞妳的美 (give me a minute to concentrate and really appreciate your beauty)

gei wo yi fen zhong zhuan xin hao hao xin shang ni de mei


幸福搭配悲傷 (Happiness matching with sadness)

xing fu da pei bei shang

同時在我心交叉 (crossing each other in my heart at the same moment)

tong shi zai wo xin jiao cha

挫折的眼淚 不能測試愛的重量 (the tears of defeat can't test the weight of love)

cuo zhe de yan lei bu neng ce shi ai de zhong liang

付出的愛收不回 (the love gave can't be taken back)

fu chu de ai shou bu hui

還欠你的我不能給 (those love that I still owe you I can't give)

hai qian ni de wo bu neng gei

別把我的心也帶走去跟隨 (don't take my heart away with you to follow)

bie ba wo de xin ye dai zou qu gen sui


每一次和你分開 (Every time me and you are apart)

mei yi ci he ni fen kai

深深地被你打敗 (I felt so deeply defeated by you)

shen shen di bei ni da bai

每一次放棄你的溫柔 (Every time I give up your tenderness)

mei yi ci fang qi ni de wen rou

痛苦難以釋懷 (it's so painful I can't come to terms with it)

tong ku nan yi shi huai

每一次和你分開 (Every time we are apart)

mei yi ci he ni fen kai

每一次Kiss You Goodbye (Evcry time I kiss you goodbye)

mei yi ci Kiss You Goodbye

愛情的滋味 (The taste of love)

ai qing de zi wei

此刻我終於最明白 (at this moment, I finally truly understood)

ci ke wo zhong yu zui ming bai


幸福搭配悲傷 (Happiness matching with sadness)

xing fu da pei bei shang

同時在我心交叉 (crossing each other in my heart at the same moment)

tong shi zai wo xin jiao cha

挫折的眼淚 不能測試愛的重量(the tears of defeat can't test the weight of love)

cuo zhe de yan lei bu neng ce shi ai de zhong liang

付出的愛收不回 (the love gave can't be taken back)

fu chu de ai shou bu hui

還欠你的我不能給 (those love that I still owe you I can't give)

hai qian ni de wo bu neng gei

我才明白愛最真實的滋味 (I only just understood the truest taste of love)

wo cai ming bai ai zui zhen shi de zi wei




終於明白 Hm~~(finally understood, Hm~~)

zhong yu ming bai, Hm~~





full credits to http://leehomaus.com

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Guest pillowbox

^ pssst. anna i was going to do it .. but i had a feeling you did it.. thats why i refreshed the page. darn you hahas:)

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