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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest Mariposa28

thanks for the gorgeous pics, and for the fanmeeting pics, japanese fans are soo lucky

is he still in japan??

i found this article on newsen, hope some kind soul can translate it for us, from google weird translation, i notice some talk about his movie, :unsure::unsure:

권상우 '내사랑 내곁에' 출연번복 취소 충격파


[뉴스엔 박세연 기자]

배우 권상우가 11월 중순 크랭크인 예정인 영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'(감독 박진표, 제작 영화사 집)에서 하차했다.

권상우는 지난 9월23일 '내 사랑 내 곁에' 캐스팅 후 출연을 확정지었으나 갑작스럽게 출연 번복 의사를 밝혀와 충격을 주고 있다.

현재 '내 사랑 내 곁에'는 주조연급 캐스팅을 끝내고 스태프 구성 및 촬영 준비까지 모두 완료된 상태로 크랭크인을 코 앞에 두고 있었으나 주연 배우 권상우의 갑작스런 출연 번복으로 제작사에 상당한 손실은 물론 타 배우들과 제작 스태프들의 피해가 불가피할 전망이다.

'내 사랑 내 곁에'는 '너는 내 운명', '그놈 목소리'를 연출한 흥행감독 박진표의 신작이자 충무로 흥행 퀸 하지원이 캐스팅돼 화제가 된 영화다.


another article, love the pic

권상우 하차 '내 사랑 내곁에', 男주연 교체후 제작


권상우가 출연을 번복한 박진표 감독의 새 영화 '내 사랑 내곁에'가 남자 주인공을 교체해 제작될 계획이다.

'내 사랑 내곁에'의 영화사 집 관계자는 27일 권상우가 출연을 번복했다고 공식 발표한 뒤 스타뉴스와의 전화 통화에서 "남자 주인공을 새로 캐스팅한 뒤 촬영에 들어갈 계획"이라고 전했다.

이 관계자는 "남자 주인공의 갑작스런 하차가 당황스럽지만 현재로서는 투자가 완료됐고 여주인공은 물론 조연까지 모두 캐스팅된 상황에서 촬영만을 기다리고 있었던 만큼, 남자 주인공을 교체해 제작하는 것으로 가닥을 잡고 있다"고 밝혔다.

앞서 영화사 집 측은 공식 보도자료를 통해 "권상우의 이번 하차는 배우의 출연 번복 의사에 따른 것"이라며 "권상우는 제작사와 영화에 출연하기로 합의하고, 지난 9월23일 상호신뢰 하에 출연 확정과 11월 크랭크인 예정 사실을 보도자료를 통해 공식 발표까지 한 터라 이번 사태는 다소 충격적이다"고 설명했다.

이들은 "더욱이 영화 '내 사랑 내 곁에'는 주조연급 캐스팅을 끝내고 스태프 구성 및 촬영준비까지 모두 완료된 상태로, 크랭크인을 코앞에 두고 있다"며 "주연배우의 갑작스런 출연 번복으로 프로덕션 막바지 준비 중이던 제작사에 상당한 제작 손실이 발생할 전망이며, 이 영화에 출연할 예정이던 다른 배우들과 제작스태프도 피해가 불가피해졌다"고 덧붙였다.

'내 사랑 내 곁에'는 '너는 내 운명', '그놈 목소리'를 연출한 흥행감독 박진표의 신작이자, 권상우와 함께 하지원이 캐스팅돼 화제가 된 영화. 권상우는 루게릭병 환자 역을 맡아 변신을 꾀할 예정이었다.

credit moneytoday

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Guest Mariposa28

'권상우 변심' 안방극장 복귀하나


'내 사랑 내 곁에' 크랭크인 직전 번복"

톱스타 권상우가 차기작 '내 사랑 내 곁에' 출연 약속을 번복했다는 주장이 제기돼 논란이 일고 있다.

' 내 사랑 내 곁에'(감독 박진표)의 제작사 영화사 집은 27일 보도자료를 통해 "권상우가 제작사와 영화에 출연하기로 합의한 상태에서 이를 일방적으로 번복했다"고 밝혔다. 이에 따라 '내 사랑 내 곁에'는 촬영 연기가 불가피해졌다.

영 화사 집 이유진 대표는 이와 관련해 이날 "22일 오후 서울 청담동의 한 카페에서 권상우측 관계자를 만나 이 같은 사실을 통보받았다"면서 "단지 '일이 꼬였다'며 출연 번복 의사를 밝혀왔다"고 말했다. 또 "일부 언론의 취재에도 권상우측은 이미 출연 번복 의사를 전했다"면서 권상우가 "25일 일본 팬미팅을 갖고 드라마 출연 의사를 밝혔다"고 주장했다.

제 작사는 이와 함께 "캐스팅과 스태프 구성 및 촬영준비까지 모두 완료돼 크랭크인을 앞둔 상태에서 이로 인해 프로덕션 막바지 준비 중이던 제작사에 상당한 제작손실이 발생할 전망이다. 다른 배우들과 제작 스태프들도 피해가 불가피해졌다"면서 크게 당황하고 있다. 캐스팅 사실이 공개되기 전에 배우가 출연을 번복하는 경우는 종종 있었지만 촬영 시작 직전 주연배우가 일방적으로 출연하지 않겠다고 통보한 것은 드문 일이다.

권상우는 9월 손태영과 결혼을 발표하며 "꼭 좋은 작품으로 인사하겠다"고 수차례 밝힌 끝에 '내 사랑 내 곁에'를 차기작으로 선택했다. 하지만 촬영 시작을 앞두고 영화계에는 "권상우가 대형 드라마에 출연할 것 같다"는 소문이 끊이질 않았다. 결국 그의 출연 번복으로 이 같은 소문은 사실이 되고 말았다.

이경호 기자 rush@donga.com

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Guest valley girl

so tell me why Kwon Sang Woo isn't wearing a wedding ring???? hummmm???

come on no one not know he is married now hehehhehe..

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short Youtube clips on Oct 24...

At airport.. he bowed and waves while fans shouted out his name Sangwoo Ssi ...


he waved Fans from the car... We could hear fans shouting and screaming outside!! :lol:


Hi TY - thanks for sharing the clips. Gosh, so many fans were there at the airport to welcome him. He bowed so many times. Even when he was in the car already, I could hear screams from them. He deserves this. He waved back. Our man in suits when he arrived is so HOT! Although I prefer casuals more on him. :lol:

I think he's already back in Korea by this time? Can't wait to see him film his upcoming drama soon. About his quitting the movie, KSW has a good reason to opt out at the very last minute. He won’t be doing that if he didn’t have one. :)

A clever person needs to hear from 2 sides..

After many unilateral claiming reports today, finally here goes another side report... Fantoment on behalf of Kwon Sang Woo.

Film Production company issued an unilateral absurd announcement.

Newsen [2008-10-27 17:17:39]


Such stupid people! they wanna to PR their production by stiring a blame on Kwon SAng Woo!

No wonder nobody invested!

TY, thanks for sharing this. Finally.........his & his company side. They said it right - the production people are funny for making such statements that KSW just backed-out suddenly for this project without any reason at all. Why try to blame an innocent person? He has a reason why he did that. <_<:)

so tell me why Kwon Sang Woo isn't wearing a wedding ring???? hummmm???

ilnh, I don't think this is an issue.......... there are people who's not fond of wearing rings & he may be one of them......... i don't think he's oblige to wear it all the time. :lol::)

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Tried yourself loss weight from 4-5 kgs then what happened to your fingers?

Not to mention nobody re-size his/her wed ring.. :rolleyes:

TY, hahaha - you're so funny, my dear! Ye, his finger also loses weight - lol that's why the ring is too lose anymore - can't fit to his finger - :lol:

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Hi Mariposa, Thanks for article...

those are same content that i have translated above.. Kwon Sang Woo and Fantoment has their voice out to defent to those unilateral information stirred up by film production!

and yes, he has home on Monday Oct 27... Our 007agent Azura informed us that..

TY, hahaha - you're so funny, my dear! Ye, his finger also loses weight - lol that's why the ring is too lose anymore - can't fit to his finger - :lol:

yes, dear ... heheh

there are manything better to focus instead of a finger or wed ring.. The matter is how they love each others not how they wear wed ring or not..

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Guest valley girl


i don't know that ksw taller than byj!! heheheh. even not really sight.. anyway he ask to loose his weight for this movie??

seems loose weight become trend due the carachter on movie i mean song kang ho, joo jin mo, jo in sung loose 10 kg for their role maybe

mylove by my side is a drama romantic movie isn't?? .. maybe ksw want to loose his weight if the movie is another genre .. if ksw was asked to loose his weight when he started shooting ??.. all actor that i said above waiting 3-6 months untill shooting . this movie only 1-2 month announced

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i don't know that ksw taller than byj!! heheheh. even not really sight.. anyway he ask to loose his weight for this movie??

seems loose weight become trend due the carachter on movie i mean song kang ho, joo jin mo, jo in sung loose 10 kg for their role maybe

mylove by my side is a drama romantic movie isn't?? .. maybe ksw want to loose his weight if the movie is another genre .. if ksw was asked to loose his weight when he started shooting ??.. all actor that i said above waiting 3-6 months untill shooting . this movie only 1-2 month announced

Kwon Sang Woo is slightly higher than BYJ 1.83m vs 1.80m :rolleyes:

The mag is showing the correct and true image.

Actually, this movie production team keep saying that they lack investment.. but yesterday they shouted out that film will start in mid of Nov ! LIARS!

Nevermind, lets forget those ppl..

Here is news i learnt fr Japanese fans regarding his coming drama..

KSW next work may be a MBC drama "Cinderella man". The release date of drama will match the New Year. "Cinderella man" is about a cheerful and romantic love story of a poor honest pure man with a upper class rich woman. :rolleyes:

It is just a news rumor among Jp fans... :rolleyes:

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Kwon Sang Woo is slightly higher than BYJ 1.83m vs 1.80m :rolleyes:

The mag is showing the correct and true image.

Actually, this movie production team keep saying that they lack investment.. but yesterday they shouted out that film will start in mid of Nov ! LIARS!

Nevermind, lets forget those ppl..

Here is news i learnt fr Japanese fans regarding his coming drama..

KSW next work may be a MBC drama "Cinderella man". The release date of drama will match the New Year. "Cinderella man" is about a cheerful and romantic love story of a poor honest pure man with a upper class rich woman. :rolleyes:

It is just a news rumor among Jp fans... :rolleyes:

TY, thanks for sharing this bits of info about his upcoming drama. In case, this is true, he'll be playing as a poor man here. Does it mean that I won't get to see the gorgeous kind of man in this drama? Actually, I always prefer him to play a rich guy in his projects but i know this won't happen all the time. Wondering who's the female partner here? I'm excited & curious to know. :lol::)

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TY, thanks for sharing this bits of info about his upcoming drama. In case, this is true, he'll be playing as a poor man here. Does it mean that I won't get to see the gorgeous kind of man in this drama? Actually, I always prefer him to play a rich guy in his projects but i know this won't happen all the time. Wondering who's the female partner here? I'm excited & curious to know. :lol::)

Dun worry about the attire dear, he is always handsome in whatever clothing!

even just a shirt also look suave on him! heheh.. :D

i thought, if it is true, his character will be a poor handsome man! ehhehe..

just hope, they will cast a beautiful young lady to co-star, and first of all, she CAN ACT! :lol:

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Captions from NUDE DVD

credit CSWS

Those who are interested to puchase this DVD please pm me as i'm collecting name to place order from Japan

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Those who are interested to puchase this DVD please pm me as i'm collecting name to place order from Japan

azura, as much as I really want to, I'm backing-out for the meantime. I've so much to pay for next month due to many stuffs I ordered, which will be shipped next month. (blaming this from the person in my avvie.. hahaha) Do you know how long will this be available in japan ( hopefully, for sale as long as the supply lasts). <_<:)

Captions from NUDE DVD




credit CSWS

azura, Oh my - I'm sure I'll be missing so much if I can't have a copy of this DVD. Looking at these captions - so interesting & he's so yummy. How I wish my money tree will be watered so fast........... sigh........... <_<:wacko:

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azura, as much as I really want to, I'm backing-out for the meantime. I've so much to pay for next month due to many stuffs I ordered, which will be shipped next month. (blaming this from the person in my avvie.. hahaha) Do you know how long will this be available in japan ( hopefully, for sale as long as the supply lasts). <_<:)

azura, Oh my - I'm sure I'll be missing so much if I can't have a copy of this DVD. Looking at these captions - so interesting & he's so yummy. How I wish my money tree will be watered so fast........... sigh........... <_<:wacko:

Dear willenette, dont worry....i'll see if i can burn you a copy when the order come.

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