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Post Your Mp3 Player


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Ahh. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask...? :ph34r:

Anyhow, my parents bought me the 8GB iPod Nano (black). They told me that if I wanted another for a similar price, they'd return it and buy me the other. I really don't know anything about MP3 players (and tech in general). I've wanted the Cowon D2 for while, but I'm not really sure which would be better. I looked up both on CNET and although the Nano's CNET rating is higher, it's user ratings are lower (compared to the ratings for the Cowon). I love the touchscreen for the D2, but my friends are insisting that the iPod is so much more "in" and overall better because it has 8BG while the D2 only has 4GB...?

I'm rambling... :vicx: Anyway, help me choose, please!

8GB iPod Nano:


4GB Cowon D2:


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Guest jasonychoi

Ahh. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask...? :ph34r:

Anyhow, my parents bought me the 8GB iPod Nano (black). They told me that if I wanted another for a similar price, they'd return it and buy me the other. I really don't know anything about MP3 players (and tech in general). I've wanted the Cowon D2 for while, but I'm not really sure which would be better. I looked up both on CNET and although the Nano's CNET rating is higher, it's user ratings are lower (compared to the ratings for the Cowon). I love the touchscreen for the D2, but my friends are insisting that the iPod is so much more "in" and overall better because it has 8BG while the D2 only has 4GB...?

I'm rambling... :vicx: Anyway, help me choose, please!

8GB iPod Nano:


4GB Cowon D2:


Well, i don't think the nano plays any videos. I heard the Cowon plays divx/xvid files! I thought that was impressive.

IMHO, the nano is played out. Seems like even the neighbor's dog has it

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Wow, the Cowon D2 looks really nice. 52 hours of playback time w/ the backlight off! Wowwwwwwwwww. I must get that. >_<

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Guest 4ever_sweet

JJUYA: obviously the Ipod Nano is really hot right now. But do you really want an mp3 player that everyone else has??

No right?

Get the Cowon. It looks HOT and can outbeat the Nano w/it's features, even if it has less gb. I have a Cowon and I love love love their products. It's durable, can read asian fonts, has built-in radio, can record voice, view pictures, watch movies, longer battery-life, and so much more! I would've liked the Nano, but it's just an mp3 player. It's not a cool device like the Cowon D2. However, if all you want is music, the Nano is the way to go.

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Guest Loser003

Creative Zen Vision M in Black 30GB


I like everything about this player except the fact that somehow one of the coating or watever mysteriously fell off of the eaphone.So i'm planing to get a new one cause it bugs the heck out of me..and it was like loose.so i expected that to happen sooner or later.

EArphones are a little to big for my ear..TOok a while to get adjusted to it.

It takes forever for me to convert movies. and sometimes music videos. Depending on the size and qaulity that you put.

The balck one, i don't know about the other colors gets surface scrathes easily.Even though i was extremely careful i got some scratches on it, but it's not that noticable.

It takes you a while to get used to the clicky thingy.I remember i would always accidently brush my finger on it and scare myslef to death by accudently blasting the noise.

Total fingerprint MAGNET


Reads other fonts besides the american alphabet

THe videos are in good quality, very clear

Can get videos from youtube

MAny themes to choose from

Ease of use

Came with a screen protector so i didn't have to worry about the screen getting scratch.

Radio is clear.When you record the radio it's really clear.

Other then the cons it's a really good player overall. If you're worring about the thickness then it's really no problem cause it feels comfterble in you're hands. The pouch isn't the best thing in the world. But it helps keep ur mp3 from scratches and all that. I got my wall and car charger and plus silicone case on ebay.








YOu can see that one earphone is missing the thing..I forgot wat u call it..

Haha but now i'm in love with this..HEhe


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Guest cafechoc

Creative Zen Vision M in Black 30GB


I like everything about this player except the fact that somehow one of the coating or watever mysteriously fell off of the eaphone.So i'm planing to get a new one cause it bugs the heck out of me..and it was like loose.so i expected that to happen sooner or later.

EArphones are a little to big for my ear..TOok a while to get adjusted to it.

It takes forever for me to convert movies. and sometimes music videos. Depending on the size and qaulity that you put.

The balck one, i don't know about the other colors gets surface scrathes easily.Even though i was extremely careful i got some scratches on it, but it's not that noticable.

It takes you a while to get used to the clicky thingy.I remember i would always accidently brush my finger on it and scare myslef to death by accudently blasting the noise.

Total fingerprint MAGNET


Reads other fonts besides the american alphabet

THe videos are in good quality, very clear

Can get videos from youtube

MAny themes to choose from

Ease of use

Came with a screen protector so i didn't have to worry about the screen getting scratch.

Radio is clear.When you record the radio it's really clear.

Other then the cons it's a really good player overall. If you're worring about the thickness then it's really no problem cause it feels comfterble in you're hands. The pouch isn't the best thing in the world. But it helps keep ur mp3 from scratches and all that. I got my wall and car charger and plus silicone case on ebay.


Haha but now i'm in love with this..HEhe


Hi there, I also have the Vision M....How do u get videos from youtube into the player?

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Guest Loser003

Hi there, I also have the Vision M....How do u get videos from youtube into the player?

U download the youtube grabber. ANd then you convert it to Wma With cinema forge..Then you have to convert it with the creative zen converter.Some videos acutually turn out to be good quality..It doesn't take that long..

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Guest cafechoc

U download the youtube grabber. ANd then you convert it to Wma With cinema forge..Then you have to convert it with the creative zen converter.Some videos acutually turn out to be good quality..It doesn't take that long..


I tried & it's so awesome! :D

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Guest yongwonhi

Aish, I don't know what mp3 player to get!

I had an iPod (I don't remember which gen, I think it was the second one with the click wheel, so 3rd?), but it broke. Many times. I've gotten it replaced twice (the second time was b/c they didn't make it anymore so I guess they were nice and gave me another replacement... after all, my first replacement did die within a month -_-), but this time I'm not even going to bother, because they probably won't do anything about it.

Point is, that generation iPod sucks. And whenever I use my friends' iPods I don't really like them =/

The iPod video seems to drag a lot when you scroll.

ANYWAY, so I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I didn't want to start a new thread, so yeah... I need help :X

I have a huge load of music, so I wanted a 30gb-60gb mp3 player, except I don't know any except the iPod and Creative, none of which I want?

My next choice was an 8gb, but I don't know many of those either. Should I wait for the 8gb Samsung K3? It looks so cool x_x (I'll get a picture later). Or, the Samsung K5? It's only 4gb though, and that could be a problem >>;

The Cowon that was posted a few posts up looks really cool too. I've never seen it though...

Any other recommendations?

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Guest cafechoc

No problem..Glad u like it..

By the way, this is random, same thing happened to my earphone too, that thing came off without me realizing till too late, haha.

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Guest luthien

sound wise cowon is awesome! i plug it in the car stereo and the sound is noticable superior to creative and ipod.

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Guest kandi

meizu M6 8gb is out on ebay...but im a newbie to buying off ebay so any advice. any reliable sellers ppl have bought off?

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Guest fiery_raye


1.5 oz,

128 MB/512 (expandable with SD, up to 512)

FM, Flash player, Stereo

LCD (Blue backlight)

ASF, MP3, WMA, ADPCM, MPEG 2 Audio, MPEG 2.5 Audio

1 x AAA type Standard battery

Contains: Multi-language MENU. (Chinese, French, Eng, Korean, Japanse...) CAN display latin and asian languages!



Use provided program: MPIO Manager 2. (it's stinks. reeeaaaaly bad. >~>), or Windows media (I haven't tried this recently, cause no windows media x_x but I know it works.)


I got this mp3 player well over 2 years ago, and I still believe it is qute the stuff. IT HAS A MIRROR FINISH! (very handy, you can listen to music, and look at yourself =D) and it HARDLY scratches at all. I swear it would be indistructable in it's case. (I use it out. and its still non-scartched =D) The buttons are amazingly easy to use, thanks to the click-knob-switch-like thing =) + they are on the sides. Music quality is awesome. =)

Everybody thought it was BLING. (cause i was wearing it around my neck xP) when I was in Miami visiting my cousins.


The program you NEED to use works very bad for asiantagged mp3's. It will NOT display them- hence, not allowing you to transfer them (unless you have some add on for your computer that makes all programs run with asian text). If you are using pin-yin/ENLISH tags, it will work WONDERS for you. It is very easy to navigate! and use)

Oh, it also freezes from time to time, but hey, it works for a good 90% of the time. I you want to put in asian text mp3's, I had to use Windows Media to do it =)

FM Radio is kinda wonky, but it's there!

I haven't tried the voice recording, nor radio recording, but it's also there =P

Overall. I think it's a sexy mp3. It looks so hott =D and I still use it =)

awww i really like this one .. except that it's not rechargeable


Creative Zen Vision

Capacity: 30GB

Format: Micro HD


FM radio, voice recorder, video player, mp3 player, photo viewer


audio about 17 hours video 4 hours (i have the alternate battery which has double battery life both audio and video

Player Interface:

Tactile buttons. VERY EASY to navigate.


Decent software...converting videos takes a while.

Price: $379

btw, if you plan on buying this get the white version like me. black looks like CRAP.

do you know if it scratches easily ??

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Guest .moony.

Hi, can you guys recommend me a good mp3 player?

-Should be under $150 :D or around that...

-I just need 2gb and below. even 1 gb will do lol

-I listen to music everyyyyday...so I will be using it a lot.

-Something that won't break easily cuz I always drop my mp3 player lol :sweatingbullets:

-A nice design is good,but not required XD

I'm considering the ipod nano but I just want to hear more recommendations from u guys ^.^

Thanks in advance!

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Guest vannushka

Hi, can you guys recommend me a good mp3 player?

-Should be under $150 :D or around that...

-I just need 2gb and below. even 1 gb will do lol

-I listen to music everyyyyday...so I will be using it a lot.

-Something that won't break easily cuz I always drop my mp3 player lol :sweatingbullets:

-A nice design is good,but not required XD

I'm considering the ipod nano but I just want to hear more recommendations from u guys ^.^

Thanks in advance!

Try the Meizu M6. I recently bought up and I can't really fault it!

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Guest DKYang

Hi, can you guys recommend me a good mp3 player?

-Should be under $150 :D or around that...

-I just need 2gb and below. even 1 gb will do lol

-I listen to music everyyyyday...so I will be using it a lot.

-Something that won't break easily cuz I always drop my mp3 player lol :sweatingbullets:

-A nice design is good,but not required XD

I'm considering the ipod nano but I just want to hear more recommendations from u guys ^.^

Thanks in advance!

I say nano or sansa e250.

I searched online and most of the sansa e200 series are in your price range.

e250 (2 GB) about $100. http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDMX4-2048-A...8722&sr=1-1

e260 (4 GB) about $120. http://www.amazon.com/Sandisk-SDMX4-4096-S...8504&sr=8-2

e270 (6 GB) about $160. http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDMX4-6144-S...8504&sr=8-3

e280 (8 GB) about $180. http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDMX4-8192-S...8504&sr=8-7

All of it is on Amazon, with free shipping too. Really good prices. I got the e270 for about $200 at Circuit City.

The only bad thing about this player is it doesn't support unicode, so the Asian fonts will be in brackets or whatever. I still think it's worth it if your worry about the price.

If you do decide to get this player, at least spend a bit more and get the 6 GB, definitely worth it, but that's only because you said $150 minimum.

Also, I forgot to mention this, it's build is great. The back is scratch resistant, although the screen isn't. You can buy some screen protectors for cheap or use the pouch that comes with it.

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