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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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hi chiara....great to see you here again...cute Minho with his habits and quirks....

the dc cow story has been explained in few pages back...funny stuff


wish MH use minimal makeup during his public appearance..in some pix his face looks too whitish and unnatural and others great ....his skin tone is already good without having to be smothered with thick paste of foundation....anyway Minho's still looks cool and handsome ....love his outfit ....totally his style

collection from dc

white Mino....





YT fancam Lotte fansigning 2nd May 2009



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Guest crystalleeminhsia

Hi...does anyone know when is minho going for his surgery??...thanks

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so minho is back in korea ehh...

all the commotion is over now.hehe

hope he had a good time in sydney.

ceciliaand julieeee, you guys are so lucky you'ved had the chance to meet minho =)).

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Guest 0529x

mirca, may I know the reason DC MinHo gall choose 'cow' as the symbol? Is it related to Mino? I've seen a lot of fan-arts involving cows there so I'm really curious.

Chiara~! That's awesome compilation of five habits of LMH! That is real true 8D; Ha ha XD; That is so smart of youuu! *kidnaps you from school* He is so handsome in all those pictures. He is so cute in his hair front and back habit, plus looking at the mirror xD LOLLL vaaain 8D; he he ~

Anyway, about the cow, meukowz said and I quote,

"Hi babymashi, do allow me to quote this detailed answer out of your baidu thread given by one of the korean fans to the same question u posed above, which i thot is really funny~ Thx in advance!

From a passing-by Korean fan

Sometime Minho is called 강아지(puppy) in Korean because Koreans have a habit of calling somebody really cute and adorable a puppy. It's just a common Korean expression when someone is really lovely in Korea. It's because most people fall in love with little puppies.

From a passing-by Korean fan

Korean fans of DC Minho Gallary are particularly called 소떼 (a herd of cattle) in Korea because somebody started saying that Minho fans of DC gallery are like a herd of Texan cattle soon after Minho gallery opened up. This expression came from their tendency of running to or following Minho in crowds wherever Minho goes. For this same reason, sometimes Minho is called cowboy in DC Minho gallery. Since I cannot read Chinese, I don't know if you guys will get exactly what I mean. But, I hope my explanation helps. Bye~

credit: baidu"

he he ~ so cuuute. A cow 8DDDD

Btw, I've been surfing Lee Min Ho related sites and I've seen that they've included Humming (2007) , Arang (2006) , Ghost Lives (2004) , Repechage (1997) as movie appearances of Lee Min Ho. I've check his Korean, Japanese Official Site plus his official fan cafe. There's no such titles like those exist under his movie appearances. I've researched furthermore and discovered there's this director named Lee Min Ho too and has produced couple of movies like

Arang (2006) Executive Producer

Silmido (2004) Producer

Jail Breakers (2002) Co-Producer

Gawi (2000) Producer

Hamyeon Dwinda (2000) Producer (according to this site http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/contributor/1809030908 )

If you make a search in Yahoo or Google, type "Lee Min Ho Arang" , you will find out Lee Min Ho appeared in Humming (2007) , Arang (2006) , Ghost Lives (2004) ,Repechage (1997). It has spread already @_@;~

I want to clarify this one. Lee Min Ho just has two movie appearances right? Public Enemy Returns and My School E.T.?

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Guest x3Jae

the make up artist must use a lot of make up on his face eh ? o.o"

cause minho mentioned that he was pretty tanned yet in some pics he's completley WHITE LOL

oh i hope this is allowed, but if its not , ill edit it

im currently writing a fanfic with lmh coming to sydney as the beginning,

if yur interested in reading please visit


its my first fanfic on soompi so i hope yu guys support it :D

even lmh himself cant help looking at his good looking face XDD

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Guest fiori1995

good day to everyone!:D ( but not for me, i guess.:()

i can't catch up with you guys...:(

i was lost for weeks and i feel like dying saving Min Ho goodies because it was too many.:D

i missed Min Ho's thread...:D and you guys, of course.:D

a big thanks to all who shared! :D


waaah! and take note, my last post was in page 193 and i had to open pages 194-243 one by one to save all the goodies you've shared.:D

wish me luck!~

hope i could catch up by tomorrow or at least this week and start posting goodies!:) because i can't live without sharing something.:)

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Guest mirca

0529x/ LMH shoot only two movies , Gangchuljoong #2 and our school E.T. Other

filmos are wrong info. Arang was LDW's work. On wikipedia there were only two movies.

On LMH's cyworld, he updated three new pics.

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Guest 0529x

0529x/ LMH shoot only two movies , Gangchuljoong #2 and our school E.T. Other

filmos are wrong info. Arang was LDW's work. On wikipedia there were only two movies.

Thanks so much for the confirmation mirca. I was also wondering why there's 4 other movies under his name and yet, with his official sites, there were only two. Thank you for that. I will spread the word now : ] Wrong info has spread so fast @_@;~

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Guest ml_87

sharing some gifs :D

his legs :w00t: :w00t:


his eyes :wub: :wub:


cre: phonglinh@leeminho.vn

btw, today, one of Mino fanclubs in Hochiminh city had an offline meet. just wanna share with u guys the banner :D (this's the 4th meet already)ha ha. the



if u wanna take piz out, just credit to www.leeminho.vn. ths :D


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some picture BTS in jeju island for esp 21-22...







k-popped wrote :

There was a luxurious 10-page pictorial of Lee Min Ho in High Cut magazine's first issue. So these are only a few of the selected photos that appear in the spread. To view all the photos, i guess you have to buy the magazine!

credit : as labelled and k-popped

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Guest chiara

ml_87, wow mino fans from vietnam are very active. 4th meeting already! I hope your club will gain more and more members. just make sure to spread mino virus everywhere in vietnam, will ya? ;)

hi chiara....great to see you here again...cute Minho with his habits and quirks....

the dc cow story has been explained in few pages back...funny stuff

I'm also glad to be here again. thanks for the warm welcome. yeah, those habits. whenever I saved his pictures I tried to categorize them into habits also, not just the date or event. If only I'm this diligent for my school work, maybe I will proceed to phd, lol.

Chiara~! That's awesome compilation of five habits of LMH! That is real true 8D; Ha ha XD; That is so smart of youuu! *kidnaps you from school* He is so handsome in all those pictures. He is so cute in his hair front and back habit, plus looking at the mirror xD LOLLL vaaain 8D; he he ~

please do kidnap me from school work. but make sure that my sponsor won't terminate my scholarship :P . if you notice his other habits, you may add them. who knows we can make a book of Seven Habits of Highly Effective MinHo. Then we can release the 8th Habits edition once we find another habit, lol.

thanks for quoting the cow story. hahaha, that is very funny. you know I live in the country where herd of cows are common scenes. so I'm positive that from now, everytime I travel to suburb and see those cows, I will surely remember mino, lol.

On LMH's cyworld, he updated three new pics.

thanks for the notice.

you're talking about these pictures, rite?



I was hoping that he can post self-cam pictures, not the ones from his official website or something like those.

but anyway, any pictures of him will be saved. no further complaining 'tough.

alrite then. my honeymoon weekend from school will be over soon. see you guys in a week. keep this thread alive, and remember to follow soompi rules when posting. ciao.

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Guest te_400

hello everyone,

i like lee min ho in boys before flower and until the series ended, im still not over him....ive been lurkig for some updates about him in the net and found out that i had read somewhere in the net that he will be casted in the upcoming series full house 2?.... can anyone made this clear for me... thanks and what is his next project any updates? ( cause i really miss him in the small screen)........... love min ho forever!!!!

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Guest mirca

Minoz girls! Pls look at this news article re LMH's benz happening, etc. He didn't buy the benz

car but his antis wrote so many anti-comments re this all the weekend during his stay in Syd.

He just visited the benz dealer shop to try to look at the cars. But as he was a promo ambassador

for Cadillac for a year, he decided not to buy other brand's car(wise choice IMO though it didn't

matter no matter what brand you chose even the benz, you deserve the best car.) But the

irresponsible reporters wrote trash article which damaging his nice image.

As his fan I felt much sorrow for him. He said "From now on I can't do anything." It makes

our heart sad. Poor LMH! We have deep trust in your personality and your ability so don't

be discouraged. Keep on your moving!

Re below allkpop article, LMH didn't mention he would quit acting career. It was also exaggerated.

He said as I wrote "I can't do anything from now on." It meant he could be cautious in everything.'꽃남' 스타 이민호에 대한 오해 3가지

<SCTIME>2009-05-04 00:22</SCTIME>

 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'를 통해 스타로 급부상한 탤런트 이민호. 요즘 그는 잇단 러브콜과 매스컴의 관심에 행복한 비명을 지르고 있다.

 하지만 빛이 있으면 그늘도 생기는 법. 이민호에 대한 지나친 관심이 긍정적인 효과를 넘어 오해로 불거지면서 팬들의 마음을 안타깝게 하고 있다.

 이민호가 '하지 않은 것'을 '했다'고 알려진 잘못된 소식들에 대해 알아봤다.

 #오해1. 벤츠 구입설.

 최근 한 매체에서 이민호가 고가의 벤츠 승용차를 구입했다고 보도했다. 이 매체에 따르면 서울 강남의 한 자동차 매장에 매니저로 보이는 두 명의 남자와 함께 모습을 드러낸 이민호는 여러 가지 모델을 살피고서 한 대를 바로 계약했다. 구입한 벤츠 승용차는 1억원대 수준인 것으로 알려졌다고 했다.

 하지만 이 보도는 사실이 아니라는 게 측근의 설명. 이 측근은 "민호와 친한 선배 연기자가 자신이 타는 벤츠 승용차를 태워준 적이 있다"며 "민호가 관심을 보이자 그 선배 연기자가 대리점을 소개해 방문하게 된 것"이라고 밝혔다.

 대리점에는 소속사 대표와 매니저가 함께 방문했다. 이민호는 시승을 하는 등 관심을 보였지만 구입하진 않았다. 측근은 "민호가 캐딜락 홍보대사로 활동하고 있어 벤츠 승용차를 구입하는 것은 맞지 않다고 판단했다"며 "구입하지 않은 승용차를 구입했다고 보도해 난처한 상황에 놓였다"고 안타까워했다.

 #오해2. 다비치 지원설.

 이민호가 '구준표'로 활약할 당시 여성 듀오 '다비치'를 홍보하겠다는 내용이 보도된 바 있다. 당시 다비치의 소속사 측은 "앨범이 발매되면 이민호가 자신의 미니홈피 BGM으로 등록해 홍보에 나서겠다"는 내용을 밝혔다.

 그러나 이민호의 소속사 측은 '사실무근'이라고 전했다. 소속사 측은 "이민호와 강민경(다비치 멤버)이 친한 건 맞지만 다비치 앨범을 미니홈피 BGM으로 등록해 홍보하겠다는 말을 한 사실 없다"며 "당시 작품 때문에 정신이 없고, 큰 문제가 될 사안이 아니어서 그냥 넘겼다"고 전했다.

 #오해3. 열애설! 설! 설!

 이민호는 짧은 기간에 열애설이 가장 많이 터진 연예인이 아닐까 싶다. 한 작품을 하는 동안 구혜선 강민경 단지 등과 잇따라 열애설이 났다.

 초반에는 이민호도 여유가 있었다. 열애설이 하나 둘씩 터질 때마다 "친한 사이인 건 맞지만 열애는 아니다"고 해명했고, "친한 사이가 연애로 이어진다면 열애설이 앞으로 생길 여자 연예인이 3명(문채원 박보영 최은서)쯤 더 있다"고 밝히는 여유까지 보였다.

 그러나 극 중 연인으로 나오는 구혜선과 열애설이 불거지자 불편한 심기를 감추지 않았다. 소속사 측도 열애설 때문에 이민호가 스트레스에 시달리고 있다고 전하기도 했다.

 이민호의 측근은 "스타가 되면 감수해야 할 것들이 많다"면서도 "사실이 지나치게 왜곡 될 경우 스타가 입게 될 상처는 이루 말할 수 없다. 온갖 설 때문에 민호가 최근 '앞으로 아무 것도 못할 것 같다'는 말을 하기도 했다"고 말했다.

 <이해완 기자 <U>parasa@sportschosun.com</U>>

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Minoz girls! Pls look at this news article re LMH's benz happening, etc. He didn't buy the benz

car but his antis wrote so many anti-comments re this all the weekend during his stay in Syd.

He just visited the benz dealer shop to try to look at the cars. But as he was a promo ambassador

for Cadillac for a year, he decided not to buy other brand's car(wise choice IMO though it didn't

matter no matter what brand you chose even the benz, you deserve the best car.) But the

irresponsible reporters wrote trash article which damaging his nice image.

As his fan I felt much sorrow for him. He said "From now on I can't do anything." It makes

our heart sad. Poor LMH! We have deep trust in your personality and your ability so don't

be discouraged. Keep on your moving!

 <이해완 기자 <U>parasa@sportschosun.com</U>>

Oh mirca I was so shocked to read this and can't understand why anyone would make

negative comments............. he earned his money honestly and worked diligently and should

be able to spend the money any way he wants. It is not right or fair for anyone to criticize him! :angry:

How dare they! :fury:

I wanted to cry when I read that he said "From now on I can't do anything". I don't want him

to be unhappy and become cynical when he is so young and when success in his career is just

beginning. :(

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Minoz girls! Pls look at this news article re LMH's benz happening, etc. He didn't buy the benz

car but his antis wrote so many anti-comments re this all the weekend during his stay in Syd.

He just visited the benz dealer shop to try to look at the cars. But as he was a promo ambassador

for Cadillac for a year, he decided not to buy other brand's car(wise choice IMO though it didn't

matter no matter what brand you chose even the benz, you deserve the best car.) But the

irresponsible reporters wrote trash article which damaging his nice image.

As his fan I felt much sorrow for him. He said "From now on I can't do anything." It makes

our heart sad. Poor LMH! We have deep trust in your personality and your ability so don't

be discouraged. Keep on your moving!

read here before that he didn't receive any guarantee for being a Cadillac goodwill ambassador ....Mino's showing his gratitude to Cadillac as one of the sponsors for BOF.... so he is not obligated to only buy Caddy for himself.....anyway it's his own money to spend as he chooses.....that jealous reporter must have no idea on what to write about and he himself can't afford a benz so that's why he wrote those thrash....that's what happened when you are on top of the game....there will always be antis that wants to bring you down.....hope Mino's will just bear it and as you said don't be discouraged .....true fans will stick by you....it is part and parcel of living a fishbowl life

added from allkpop:

Lee Min Ho Sets the Record Straight

Boys Over Flowers overnight sensation Lee Minho has gained the interest of the media and fans alike. However, wherever there is a great shining light, dark shadows will be cast. In those dark shadows lurk the evil netizens for most Korean stars. With the recent open blog from YG big man for G-Dragon, Lee Minho's agency has set out to set record straight.

The most recent rumor surround Lee Minho is his extravagant joy ride purchase.

Recently, a media source revealed that Lee Minho was seen entering a Benz dealership with two men who appeared to be his managers. After browsing through several models, he finally chose one that he liked. Soon the cost of the vehicle he chose was revealed to the public to be one million won. People are criticizing the new star about spending his cheese while everyone else suffers due to the economic crisis.

Lee Minho's company said "the truth is that an unnamed fellow actor/actress took Minho for a ride and afterwards, he showed some interest in the car as he was impressed with the luxury car. Then the other actor introduced him to the dealership to make a purchase of his own." Although he was interested in the car, he is a spokesperson for Cadillac and would not be able to buy a Benz as it was a conflict of interest and probably a bad move professionally.

The second but older rumor was that Lee Minho was 'helping' the singing girl duo, Davichi. Mostly due to his prior connections to the singer, Kang Min Kyung. There's a youtube video online showing the two hanging out and singing in a norebang. Harmless, right?

Not according to crazy richard simmons netizens. Supposedly it was said that Lee Minho would use his Goo Jun Pyo popularity to campaign Davichi's new album via his company's BGM homepage.

This rumor is completely unnecessary as nothing was ever done on Lee Minho's part. Because of his busy schedule, filming BOF and all the appearances, he didn't even have time to do anything about it.

The last rumor is probably the most interesting one: Lee Minho's busy love life.

It was rumored that during the short time while filming Boys Over Flowers that he was dating co-star Goo Hye Sun and Kang Min Kyung. Although he had already come forward saying that there would be rumors of him dating other actresses in the past (Park Bo Young, Moon Chae Won, Choi Eun Seo) the Goo Hye Sun one was the last straw. He stated that there would be rumors as people would distort his friendly relationships as dating.

Rumors about Minho's so called playboy type lifestyle and womanizing with several actresses is causing his company stress and difficulties. They feel that if these rumors continue, Lee Minho will become depressed from these mendacious claims and quit acting altogether.

Korean celebrities must have it hard: you're screwed if you're small, you're screwed if you're big. The small ones are abused by their companies and end up killing themselves and the big stars get crapped on by the netizens.

thanks mirca for the clarification....lost in translation

CF anycall news



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Guest funkindagirl

Lee Min Ho Sets the Record Straight

People are criticizing the new star about spending his cheese while everyone else suffers due to the economic crisis.

Rumors about Minho's so called playboy type lifestyle and womanizing with several actresses is causing his company stress and difficulties. They feel that if these rumors continue, Lee Minho will become depressed from these mendacious claims and quit acting altogether.

Oh dear, I really hope it doesnt come to the point where he'd feel low enough to quit acting, it would be a real shame to let his talent go to waste.

And so what if he did get a car?? Its his hard earned money why cant he do what he wants with it???

Governments in most countries think encouraging consumer spending is the best way to get out of this recession, so people complaining are just purely jealous. <_<

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LMH will be joining the Anycall Haptic cf, and Kim Bum will be leaving due to conflict with his LG Oz cf. I'm looking forward to LMH joining the F4 team, but I wish Kim Bum could also have stayed. Umm, I wouldn't mind if it was Son Dam Bi leaving, and Goo Hye Sun coming in her place... Any chance of that happening?


Edit: Sohki, the article states, "이런 이유로 김범의 겹치기 출연이 우려돼 애니콜 CF에서 제외된 것으로 전해졌다."

The implication (from the article) seems to be that Kim Bum was dropped from Anycall, but don't quote me on this...

Also, just to add, LMH was able to join the Anycall cf because his 3-month LG Teenring contract is now ending...

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LMH will be joining the Anycall Haptic cf, and Kim Bum will be leaving due to conflict with his LG Oz cf. I'm looking forward to LMH joining the F4 team, but I wish Kim Bum could also have stayed. Umm, I wouldn't mind if it was Son Dam Bi leaving, and Goo Hye Sun coming in her place... Any chance of that happening?


Wow...... I admit I did wonder how Kim Bum could be doing both as it really seemed like a conflict of interest. Wonder if he had to choose

between the two or did someone make the decision for him. And why was it LG and not Anycall??

It will be interesting to see how they can integrate LMH into the story line at such a late point. Love the whole concept of this series of CF's

so to see Mino participate is exciting.

As to the other issue about all the outrageous rumors >>>> Min Ho and Minoz Hwaiting!!!! Min Ho keep your chin up and Minoz keep the support group strong and loud.

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