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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Guest ml_87

ths mashi. i love his outfit. so manly :D





from: leeminho.vn

cre: as tagged

some BTS piz. cauz this thread is overloaded so i only put the link here :D





from: leeminho.vn

cre: as tagged

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mashi, we can't see the airport vid. Pls upload on youtube. It can be seen in China only.

Here you go! Hopefully you can download a flv file... let me know if you have any problems.

< links removed!>

Full credit to: vickey @ leeminho.ifensi.com + dl + ul by me :D{edit} note: I'll be removing the link when the forums are opened to public

{edit edit} link removed - will provide link via pm

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juz woke up in the morning and check here.. what i see is more Levis piz! thanks gals... :)

the girl is very lucky... that Moon Chae Won! haha...^^


azura dear, Mino never failed to make us more and more crazy over him..haha... really can't get enuff of him! :wub:




official pepsi nex piz:




for more piz download here

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Guest mirca

Here you go! Hopefully you can download a flv file... let me know if you have any problems.


Suz07, sorry but still can't download the vid. It is not opened.

Yeah, now I can see it with thanks!!!!

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Suz07, sorry but still can't download the vid. It is not opened.

It worked for me Mirca

Oh so did they stop filming because the guy in the white hoodie that is with Min Ho kept looking their way??? Did he tell them to stop filming?

The Levi pics............ :w00t: Such a happy day!!! Oh where to look first.....hmmmmmmm backside, long legs, cute dimple, cute feet............

...just too much to take in!!!!! It's definitely not fair.......... I will gladly volunteer to take her place :sweatingbullets: Sounds like a plan for a dream tonight.......now if I can just force that dream!!!

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Guest mintysweety327327

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess.

All I can say is I am a bit disappointed with this experience and I believe in what I saw and experienced.

It makes me a bit sad seeing Min Ho smiling and being so friendly when he arrived in Korea.

How come our treatment is so different :o (and I know I know you guys are going to say he's tired...etc..)

But it was the same distance flying back.....took just as long....

In my opinion, i thought that Anthony guy wasn't even tipping Cecilia....

according to cecilia, she had to pretty much BEG and FISH for the info...

I personally think if something was given to you after you tried so hard to "FISH IT OUT"of someone, instead of being given to you as a favour or a secret, there's no obligation of keeping the secret. After all, the person who gave you that info wasn't given it to you as a secret. He was just feeling perhaps sorry for you after your consistent attempt.

I just thought in Cecilia's experience, Anthony wouldn't expect her to keep quiet because he didn't volunteer the info (it was given after Cecilia's numerous attempts according to her own story)

Just my opinion so if you don't agree, don't get too excited...

Plus, all I can say is that someone contacted Cecilia last Sat and was told by her that everyone was waiting at the Marriot and that was where everyone believed Min HO was staying... But according to her story now....when she was telling someone about min ho might be staying at the Marriot as she heard, she was actually waiting for Min ho at the Observatory (for an hour already).

I just thought yes, Cecilia, you don't owe us anything you don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to but at least don't mislead....Because of you, that person spent all day at the Marriot....BUT at least, when she called you, you could have said you don't know instead of telling her that you heard min ho was staying at the Marriot....(I mean you could have just said you didn't know instead of giving a misleading statement...)

The purpose of a forum is for people to "SHARE" their information and support their favourite star together...

It's getting a bit out of control after this incident....

So many people came and said they knew min ho's schedule but they couldn't tell because they didn't want someone to get into trouble ......(yes, it sounds nice of you)

But then again, so many people knew of his schedule even someone's Korean teacher......

I don't think Min Ho's crews are so stupid and unprofessional....if they really can't tell, they will not tell...

I think they know where they stand...

If they can tell you, they must have weighed the consequences and severity of the matter...

Don't underestimate people... They are professionals who deal with fans all the time..

No one will risk their jobs for someone they've only met for the first time....

I feel better now....

Just a thought, you can agree or disagree but please don't get too excited.

I am not forcing my opinion on anyone.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess.

All I can say is I am a bit disappointed with this experience and I believe in what I saw and experienced.

It makes me a bit sad seeing Min Ho smiling and being so friendly when he arrived in Korea.

How come our treatment is so different :o (and I know I know you guys are going to say he's tired...etc..)

But it was the same distance flying back.....took just as long....

I understand and sympathize with your statement. At least, in some ways you had a chance to see what Min Ho looks like in person, if that's any consolation.

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Guest KristyS

Oooh ! I love the jeans that they're both wearing xD ... He can sure work that skinny and straight jean haha

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Guest stalkingfraud


You have a good point there. I'm glad you told us your opinion x) Everyone has different opinions of course.

It makes me a bit sad seeing Min Ho smiling and being so friendly when he arrived in Korea.

How come our treatment is so different :o (and I know I know you guys are going to say he's tired...etc..)

But it was the same distance flying back.....took just as long....

About that, I guess for him it's different. I guess he feels like he's finally home when he arrived in Korea. Maybe in Australia even though he had time to rest, his photoshoot was hard or the atmosphere was different for him. And if you saw the fancams when he arrived in Australia, he WAS smiling even though he was covering his mouth. Like say you went to Korea too and stayed there for a while, I'm sure to you Australia is much more comfortable. For Minho, I think Korea's more comfortable for him.

Also, this is first time being so popular and famous. Even he said he didn't know he would get this famous. I'm sure he's not used to traveling everywhere.

I'm sure he enjoyed Australia, but he's happy to be back home (Korea)!

I think we gotta understand that.

And about Cecilia, I think in my opinion, it's her CHOICE whether she wants to share the information or not. Yeah some of you might be saying,"Why did she post the pictures up in the first place then...?" something like that, but at least she shared SOMETHING with us. It's better than nothing. And yes, I know how much Australia fans tried hard to look for Minho, but if Cecilia told everyone then I'm sure Minho would have been uncomfortable (even though he likes his fans... etc) I think it'll be more work for the manager and the staffs if a lot of fans came to see him.

I just hope next time Minho visits some other country, there won't be any problems x)

Haha, well I'm glad you feel better now (;

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stalkingfraud dear, Minho never had any problems when he visits some other countries :D

Since MinHo has returned to his homeland, i hope he could take some rest before having the leg surgery.

i do really hope he will have the surgery as planned, then he will never feel any pains around his right leg.

btw, for you guys Minsun/JoonDi's shippers, sheherizade3 has posted chapter 8: The Long Kiss Good Night B)

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errr... right....

i never said that i thought he was staying at the marriott

when ppl asked me i just said i didnt know

coz to be honest i hadnt seen his face, wasnt sure if he really was there

and besides i wasnt about to announce where he was staying anyway

i cant remember what i exactly said, i might have said ppl are waiting there but i would have never said that i thought he was there

u have to understand, ppl who waited at the marriott chose to wait there because they believed he was there

even after i said he wasnt there, there were still ppl who said he was there

then there were ppl who wanted to try the sheraton

i cant keep saying he's not at the marriott, he's not at the sheraton, he's not at xxx etc

about not spreading where he is, that is common courtesy. It's expected. In korea, there are always fans who somehow know flight times, schedules etc that noone else knows. Why? Of course they found out from some related persons but do u think the person that tells them will say "dont tell anyone ok?"? No, it's expected. My first time in korea, i found out se7en's whereabouts from someone who i had not even seen at all, but i told her i was coming from australia and she was very nice to me. She never said, i'm just telling u coz ur coming from overseas, obviously she expected i kept my mouth shut. Everything is discrete and kept quiet

i didnt beg Anthony, i was polite and apologised to anthony for troubling him. I tried to be friendly and make the atmosphere relaxed, not seeming desperate/crazy

these are things u learn if u ever chase korean stars

i understand it might work different with non korean stars, but these things are expected

i dont know how to explain this to you but experience taught me this

if a whole bunch of fans showed up at the hotel it would be a big NO NO

my friend would become the target of endless swearing and hatred back in korea if taht had happened

u know, she asked LMH to sign a $5 note as a memory of her trip to aust and korean fans called her crazy, because it was disrespectful to LMH

dont want to stereotype here, but we all know how koreans and korean fans can be sensitive

i dont konw what else i can say but u cant please everyone

like someone said, star chasing requires a bit of luck~ also need some observation and analytical skills

good luck in the future and i can give you some tips if u like

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Guest cinnitta

hi guys!

im new to this thread and dont really know how to usee this.

but omgggggg lee min hoo is so danggg hot! lol..

nice too meet you all.

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Guest mintysweety327327

i never said that i thought he was staying at the marriott

i cant remember what i exactly said, i might have said ppl are waiting there but i would have never said that i thought he was there

Hi Cecelia,

Thanks for your explanation.

No hard feelings...

I never said you said that Min Ho was at the Marriot. (so if I gave you that impression, I apologise)

I just thought that you could have finished the conversation with a simple "I don't know" instead of saying "ppl were waiting at the Marriot" Especially when you were standing right in the middle of the hotel lobby where min ho was staying.....(the real hotel)

You know how desperate the fans here wanted to see him, any clue would have led people to act..... just like what you said...it goes without saying....you don't have to tell them to go but that little "ppl were waiting at the Marriot" was good enough for someone to go there...

Anyway, it's all good.

Don't get me wrong...

We still appreciate you sharing the info and thoughts with us...

I never doubted your kindness and intention of sharing the info here..

I think everyone here is very nice.

That's why we can express ourselves freely and share the info here freely~~~~~right :lol:

That's the beauty of this forum..


Let's keep on enjoying everything about min ho here :P

I guess for you, you prefer to enjoy everything about "seven" ha ha :D

Just another thought about min ho ignoring Cecilia and fans (refer to previous posts):

I really can't accept him not saying hi back to fans for whatever reason he might have...

As one said earlier in this forum, it's a common courtesy to greet back when ppl say hi to you let alone they are your fans, who made who you are today.

Today, if he's someone you met on the street (say a new neighbour or something) instead of your favourite star and you said hi but got no response, wouldn't you feel a bit upset? would your first response be "trying to justify his behavior for him"? I really don't think so~~ We are only human beings......

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Guest ml_87

stalkingfraud:agree. he's too inexperienced (in his career) to get used to with those things like this. i'm sure all fans can sympathyze with him. and as cecilia said, u cant please everyone. so does Mino!

so gals, plz, stop arguing about such small thing like he didnt greet u back in the way u expected!

now, lets enjoy Levis piz:D

img204hjhlovesw.jpg envy with MCW. oa oa



img205hjhlovesw.jpg:wub: :wub:

bonus a gif (pepsi nex)


from: leeminho.vn

cre: as tagged


i love these screensaver. perfect!



Aversion : http://www.mediafire.com/?31jxtdkzntm

b version : http://www.mediafire.com/?tyzynjjwunw

Source : levisignature.co.kr


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okay guys, could you please stop your arguing, please?

MinHo has arrived in Seoul safety. juz let him enjoy & rest in his home.^^

we don't wanna him know we still arguing about his visits in Aussie, right? he will feel sad cos he came to Sydney for a secret project not a leisure :(

please be understand.

if you guys still wanna talk about it, please use PM function instead of arguing here. thanks :)

Now let's enjoy LEVIS and PEPSI piz :D

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Guest karinamaq

.... how koreans and korean fans can be sensitive

i dont konw what else i can say but u cant please everyone

like someone said, star chasing requires a bit of luck~ also need some observation and analytical skills

good luck in the future and i can give you some tips if u like

me! me! I want tips!

so what are the common do's and dont's

in chasing Korean actors/ celebrity in particular.

Because in my country its totally different.

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Guest rehanah91


when looking at minho pics,

i wonder how creative the photographer took minho pic or minho is totally being amazing in modeling !!

or all pictures were edited by using modern technology...

becoz MINHO is totally perfect in each pictures!! :w00t:

does minho looks like that in real life.....??????? :rolleyes:

am i too much..... <_<

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Guest chiara

Hello everyone!

Wow, this thread has grown sooooo fast. I couldn't catch checking every page.

Have these full scans of Asta TV Mags been shared?


More in thumbnails - please click to enlarge

img209hjhlovesw.th.jpg img208hjhlovesw.th.jpg img206hjhlovesw.th.jpg img205hjhlovesw.th.jpg img204hjhlovesw.th.jpg img203hjhlovesw.th.jpg img202hjhlovesw.th.jpg

img200hjhlovesw.th.jpg img199hjhlovesw.th.jpg img198hjhlovesw.th.jpg img197hjhlovesw.th.jpg img196hjhlovesw.th.jpg img195hjhlovesw.th.jpg

img194hjhlovesw.th.jpg img193hjhlovesw.th.jpg img192hjhlovesw.th.jpg img191hjhlovesw.th.jpg

Download the zip file: I WANT THIS MAG BADLY (14 MB in size)

credit as labeled

please do not hotlink

P.S. Poor Chae Won noona, the girl who scanned this mag put label on her face everytime, lol.

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