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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Guest guadi

Hmmm where did 20mil views come from? I just checked iQiyi channel, and the total is about 12 millions. Where is the other 8 millions? :-? I get that the mini-drama gets shared on youtube and other China's hosting sites, but I kinda doubt they total up to 8 millions :-\" And their press release just mentioned 20millions on IQiyi :-/
Don't get me wrong the videos are really popular and this LINE campaign is definitely successful, so Starhaus needs not to inflate the number by that much.  

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Fans created Lee Min Ho Street in Tokyo in commemoration of actor's 8th acting debut anniversary  [OSEN 2014-5-22]

Article describes how downtown Tokyo's Shinjuku neighborhood was transformed into Lee Min Ho Street with giant banners and posters on every streetlamp showing MinHo's face and images of all his past works.  There were also posters from Minoz Japan containing congratulatory messages.  Article also mentioned the special bus advertising in Taiwan commissioned by Minoz to promote The Heirs in Taiwan TV.  nyc@osen.co.kr Source: Naver 

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Guest prosperity

@guadi, I was wondering the same thing, however when I added up all the views the mini drama received on the website, I came up with about 18 million views. But I didn't just count the 3 videos in the mini drama. I also counted teasers and clips as well. Maybe that is how they came up with their numbers?

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said: @guadi, I was wondering the same thing, however when I added up all the views the mini drama received on the website, I came up with about 18 million views. But I didn't just count the 3 videos in the mini drama. I also counted teasers and clips as well. Maybe that is how they came up with their numbers?

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Posters of Lee Min Ho fill up a street in Tokyo in honor of the actor's 8th anniversary


Fans celebrated Lee Min Ho's 8th anniversary since his debut with an 'Lee Min Ho street' in Tokyo!

The actor's fan club 'Minoz Japan' ('Kizuna') hung up posters and flags that were all over the main street (1 km) of Shinjuku, Tokyo, which read, "Lee Min Ho. The 8th anniversary of a debut. Congratulations," and "Min Ho sshi, we will continue to support you. Gain strength~." Fans all around the world have also been celebrating the actor's anniversary with congratulatory messages.

Lee Min Ho shared, "As my years of experience as an actor stack up, I feel more of an earnest gratitude to my fans... I will do my best to be an actor who communicates [with fans] through productions and more to return the fans' [love]."

He is currently awaiting the premiere of his film 'Gangnam Blues'.

Congrats on your 8th anniversary, Lee Min Ho!


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Fans created Lee Min Ho Street in Tokyo in commemoration of actor's 8th acting debut anniversary  [OSEN 2014-5-22]
Article describes how downtown Tokyo's Shinjuku neighborhood was transformed into Lee Min Ho Street with giant banners and posters on every streetlamp showing MinHo's face and images of all his past works.  There were also posters from Minoz Japan containing congratulatory messages.  Article also mentioned the special bus advertising in Taiwan commissioned by Minoz to promote The Heirs in Taiwan TV.  nyc@osen.co.kr Source: Naver 

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Guest jellylovesfaith

IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time it's going to be the Top 10 Best Lines of Minho (most of them are speeches i guess) as recommended by @pixie0622. Hope you guys will enjoy it :D

10. ‘If an apology solved everything, there wouldn’t be laws and police officers.’


I honestly cannot fathom why I like this line so much. But I just do for some reason. I guess it’s because it’s such a Jun Pyo thing to say. Or maybe because he does say it quite a lot. But from all the great one-liners of the almighty Goo Jun Pyo, this is the one that’s stuck in my head at constant replay. But when you think about it, it’s such an epic thing to say right? I mean, if a person I hate simply apologized to me, I’d totally want to say something patronizing and condescending as this just to get that person into a hissy fit. Ah Goo Jun Pyo. Teaching me to be a little evil one line at a time. Good on you boy :’) . (oh yeah and this pic above is really not relevant to the quote but it looks steaming hot so I thought I might as well put it here :D )

9. "The one who wants to wear the crown, must bear its weight" 


I think I’m just stating the obvious here (I mean it is the title) but I still love the fact that Kim Tan was(is?) deep enough to understand the full gravity of that line. He knows that what he has is not something to be happy about, that is a burden he would like to get rid of. But at the same time, it is clear that he is willing to take responsibility for the entire burden and the weight that wearing the crown requires. I don’t think he ever really had to wear the crown (Won pretty much made sure he owned that division) but it’s still good to know that Kim Tan wasn’t delusional about his life. He knew that his very existence caused a rift in the family and he knows very well that things would have been much better if he weren’t born to modern day royalty. But I like the fact that he always tried to challenge it 9at least after he met ES). I guess what I’m really trying to say here is, despite the fact that he knows that the crown has a certain weight that he must endure, he really wasn’t one to just simply bear it as say, Won. If the crown were to be given to Tan he probably would have made better use of it – perhaps by decreasing class distinction or by reducing the corruption in the company or something. Either way I love this line because it stands as a contradiction to what Tan eventually became. He didn’t just endure it he challenged the very essence of it, so in a way, it makes Tan someone you could really admire (although I’d do it begrudgingly).

8. ‘Do you see my heart?’


Yes! YES I DO!!!!!!!! I see it! Look at me! No! Don’t look at Jandi. Me! LOOK AT ME!!! Was anybody not crying that out when Jun Pyo said that? Or was it just me? How romantic is that heart? How romantic is that moment? It’s such a surreal, blissful moment where we see a wonderfully happy Jun Pyo – who has said one of the simplest yet gorgeous lines in the entire series – and it’s totally shattered when the camera pulls back and reveals a nauseated Jandi.  No really. The girl looks like she’s about to throw up for some ungodly reason. Seriously what’s up with her? This guy she happens to like just poured out his entire heart to her in the most unique, most romantic way possible and she’s looking like ‘Umm…yup that’s cool and all but when can I get out of here?’. Silly Jandi. But back to the line. I think this is where the whole nation started to really fall for him as more than just a rich chaeobal character because it’s so grand yes, but it’s totally something he would say and do. It’s Jun Pyo at his greatest, doing what he does best – exploding the hearts out of every girl within vicinity of the universe.

7. “Someone I know says that the most important thing in life is living. But you and I don’t know that. To people like us, living is not dying. But that person is different. That person is really living. And with strength at that. So when I look at her, it makes me think: What am I doing right now?


This episode (12) was the moment where (imo) everything really started to change for Daejang. He finally seemed to have come to terms with his feelings for ES but most importantly, he realized one crucial thing that we were waiting the whole series to just whack him over the head with; that life is about living, not simply existing. I loved this scene for various reasons. First, for the lines. They seemed to flow naturally out of him and the moment really was perfect for such a confession. The beauty of it is, he’s saying all of this while he’s literally slaying assassins all the while losing his grip on his sword (cue nervous feelings that will not leave until the series ends) and beings to life just how much he’s suffering internally. It’s a stellar performance by Minho here because he manages to show a range of emotions here varying from anguish, to confusion, to desperation, to inner turmoil. The very fact that he is question his way of life shows just how much he’s changed since the day he’s met her but what’s even more fascinating is the fact that he’s genuinely come to respect her and her way of living and perceiving life. It’s a great change for him as a character and an even  greater change for him as a person and it is conveyed brilliantly.

6. ‘Love does not ask you to discard your pride, it’s about protecting a person. Don’t do this in the future. Don’t believe people so easily. Don’t fall in love so easily. Don’t forgive easily either. Please…become stronger.’


Jinho were you a poet in your past life? A Korean Shakespeare of sorts? You really could have been. I’m still having mixed emotions about these lines but it is undeniable that they are simply gorgeous. I love the fact that he is trying to make a stronger person out of her. It something so rare – a person earnestly wanting to make another tougher – and this makes it all the more precious. I don’t like the whole part about not forgiving easily – what’s the point of holding grudges? It’s only going to make you more miserable – but I can still see why this piece of advice is important to Gae-In. Essentially, it’s moments like these that I love these two as a couple. Gae-In pours her whole soul and wears her heart on her sleeve and Jinho in contrast tries to hide everything yet still feels the need to make her stronger and independent. And I really loved the performance here either. You could see just how confused both of them were with their feelings, trying to make sense of a muddled up mess, but behind all the walls they’ve built up against each other and the world, you could still see them reaching out towards each other. A moving scene filled with very moving lines.

5. Coming to like someone in life… I never imagined it even once. But, now that I think about how hard it would be for you if something were to happen to me… I can’t take it. The memories between you and me… I don’t want to leave any behind. Kim Nana, I like you. But, I don’t have the confidence to let you go. That’s why, you let go of me first.” 


No. NO! Just NO!!!!!!!! Why did that speech have to happen? Why did you have to send me into a whirlwind of torment and misery Minho? WHY? What did I ever do to you? I mean did you have to look like you were so defeated? As if you simply had given up? Did you have to be so breathtakingly passionate? So emotional? So utterly heart wrenching? This was one of Minho’s best performances ever, but I swear on all things kdrama, I lost it when he said these lines. He looked so incredibly vulnerable and his delivery of the lines were so moving but what those lines said? Urgh, they are sending me into a downwards spiral of depression even now. ‘You let go of me first?’ I have to say, Nana has some guts to do that without breaking down and completely losing it. Because how can you simply let go of a person like Yun Sung? Someone who has changed you in more ways that you can imagine?  This is speech was so bittersweet. It started out beautiful and ended like a bombshell being dropped into a little bit of haven. It upset me for days and days but it still deserves a spot here because it showed us one thing: Yun Sung might be the City Hunter, but he is also an ordinary guy with real feelings. He is not just a masked vigilante, a one-dimensional figure, and when it comes to love, not even our brave City Hunter is courageous enough to let go. This speech brings out the best in both characters. It shows that Yun Sung has fallen so deep that he does not even want to recover from it – that he has finally accepted it and knows he cannot , for the life of him, resist it and it also shows that sometimes, people like Nana – the ones you often tend to disregard – might also be the bravest.

4. “If I can have you, I will protect you for the rest of your life. Not just today or for a few days.’ 


Here that sound? You probably won’t, but that in fact, is the sound of my heart beating at the speed of light, trying to give me some form of cardiac arrest and make me die a premature death. I’m wondering how I survived this long because every time I see Daejang say that line – that gorgeous, incredibly romantic, simple and subtle line – my heart goes erratic once again. At this point Daejang has stopped his little dance with death so you know he’s pretty serious and all when he’s taking about ‘having her’. It’s one of those beautiful lines that are not poetic in any way yet somehow manages to carve it’s special place in your heart indefinitely. What I really love about this line is that he is indirectly confessing/proposing to her and it’s such a natural Daejang thing to do. Of course he won’t blatantly express or declare his love for her, but instead finds the most bittersweet way to pour out his heart to her. It’s not poetry that he’s composing just for her. It’s not a grand speech filled with amorous words of love and praise that he is sharing with her. It is a simple promise – a confident promise made by a man who has so much to gain and ever the more to lose. 

3. Yoon-sung: Because I don’t want to make any more children like me! If it weren’t for those five men, I would’ve grown up under a mother and father, just like everyone else. More than anyone, I want to kill those five men. But we have to stop blood spilling more blood for vengeance. When this is over… I want to try to live happily with you Father.
Jin-pyo: I will follow them to the edge of hell to kill them. Will you still oppose me then?! Answer me.
Yoon-sung: Yes. Because that is my revenge.
Jin-pyo: Even if it’s going to war with me?

Yoon-sung: Even if you go beyond war. Don’t touch the people who are precious to me. I will protect them. Even you, Father.


I LOVE this speech. It’s so epic in the way that only Yung Sung can be. I mean how selfless can a boy get? And how noble is he? What I love about these lines is that it shows YS to be more than just a fighter out there to get revenge. He is a hero who has every right to be proclaimed as such. The very fact that he does not want to resort to murder even though he is fully tempted to shows us just how deep, complex and empathetic YS really is.  He is logical in his way of approaching the matter, so much so that the very act of deciding not to kill the 5 baddies makes him into a hero worth respecting. And I adore what he says at the very end. It’s that ultimate moment when you know once and for all that there will be an epic showdown between father and son, hero and anti-hero. You know that it’s a foreshadowing of future doom and despair, but from what YS says, you still feel like thinking that these two can get their happily (albeit rather twisted) ever afters. The fact that he says he’ll protect everyone, even Jin Pyo shows just how mature and caring YS really is. This revenge of his means less and less to him by every passing day but in order for him to lead a normal, happy life with his dad, he knows he should finish the job up. But what I really love is that fact that despite all the horrible things Jin Pyo has done to him (dude tried to run him over. I’m sorry but Dads just don’t try to run their kids with trucks. It ain’t normal) he still loves Jin Pyo enough to save Jin Pyo from his own plan of mass destruction. It’s such an epic speech, made even greater by the performances of both Minho and Bad Daddy and shows just how swoon worthy YS really is.

2. ‘Even if my life were to change, you’re the one person I wouldn’t want to leave.’

Even if my life were to change.... 

Let’s take a deep breath. All together now. *Siiiiiiiiiiiigh* Jinho why do you have to be so incredibly, utterly, so unbelievably romantic? If someone could say this line to me, I’d be the happiest person in the universe. I mean just look at it. It’s almost like a statement when you read it like this and yet it says everything it needs to say and so much more. And look at those eyes…it’s such a nice touch how he;s tearing up, as if all these emotions are welling up within him just waiting to burst out. It’s as if he’s too far gone to say anything poetic so he says the most honest ting he can think of, from the bottom of his heart. Oh how I love this guy… And I like his style too. He reminds me of Mr Knightly in Emma who says ‘If I loved you less, I’d be able to talk about it more’ and this is exactly what Jinho seems to be saying. Where can I get me one Jinho? I think it’ll do wonders to my slef esteem Especially if he goes around saying I’d be the only person he wouldn’t want to leave :P

1.  “Because of faith. The faith that citizens have that the politicians they elect will act in good conscience. The faith that soldiers who enlist to protect their country have that their country will protect them. The faith that universities will turn out talented people, for the sake of our next generation. The faith that businesses will both suffer with and grow alongside their workers. And the faith of twenty-one men who were promised by their country to be met off the shores of Nampo. Protecting that faith is my cause.”


WOW. That speech is the definition of epic if there ever was one. I know most of you might disagree with this but please give it a chance. Go back to episode 20 and look at just how heartfelt and bold this speech was and you’ll be knocked out of your sense for a while. Never in so many words has City Hunter ever said anything greater that this. It shows us exactly what he’s been fighting for. And it shows that it’s more than just justice he wants. It’s much more than that. It’s the moment where City Hunter becomes more than just a typical hero. He becomes a voice of reason, a person who is hell bent on changing the corruption around him. He’s not just serving justice here; he’s trying to save Korea itself. It’s essentially something you really have to admire about City Hunter as a hero. Although he plots the downfall of the politicians initially out of his desire for revenge, he later begins to realize just how much of a bigger cause he’s truly serving. Towards the end you realize that it’s become less and less about his personal issues and more to do with making a difference to everyone around him which makes me love him even more. He doesn’t cover under the pressure of it all, and neither does he let any of the corrupted forget just how low they’ve sunk. This is why I really love this speech. In just a few lines he has shown all of what he is and all of what he stands for. And how nicely does the whole faith aspect tie in here? Honestly Minho is all about the faith :P


I'm going to be very busy in the following two weeks due to an extremely heavy load of exams so i don't think i'll be able to do throwbacks for at least two weeks... I'm so sorry but i really do need to put all my concentration into these so  I hope you guys won't be so mad. All of you have been wonderful thus far so i hope you'll understand :) Thank you for all the support and i'll definitely post another in two weeks time :D 

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class="at_ttl"Lee Min Ho’s Online Mini-drama Exceeds 20M Views

kdramastars.com korean dramas

International Hallyu star Lee Min Ho's mini-drama for the Korean search engine site Naver's global messenger "Line" for China exceeded twenty million views. It is not usual for a short commercial mini-drama that was only spread online, to exceed over twenty million views. However, after about ten days of showing Lee Min Ho's One Line Love" exceeded twenty million views, and proved his popularity in China. "Line" filmed a promotional mini drama called "One Line Love." "One Line Love " is composed of three episodes, and stars actor Lee Min Ho of the popular SBS drama "The Heirs." The drama had a record of five million views. The mini drama "One Line Love" tells a story of a female Chinese tourist who visits Korea running into a Korean man. The story shows how the two main characters, who do not speak each other's languages, communicate through the Naver's mobile messenger Line. Lee Min Ho in the mini drama plays Min Ho, who is taking a walk in the park with his dog. Ling Ling plays the Chinese tourist who runs into him in the park.

Copyright ⓒ 2012 KDramaStars.com All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

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Guest jellylovesfaith

Lee Minho (이민호) Street’ made by fans appear in Tokyo


[OSEN=Choi Na Young] Actor Lee Min Ho’s poster has decorated Tokyo’s main street. The so-called ‘Lee Min Ho Street’ has appeared.

In Shinjuku, which is the biggest main street in Tokyo, there were posters of Lee Min Ho’s face and his image in a drama he starred in on streetlamps and related videos on electronic displays. These were decorated by ‘Minoz JAPAN’ members on the wayside in order to celebrate Lee Min Ho’s 8th debut anniversary.

Fans celebrated him by hanging big bromide papers of Lee Min Ho saying, “Lee Min Ho, we celebrate you 8th debut anniversary”, “Min Ho, we always support you”.

Shinjuku area is picked as the best in Tokyo city having similar atmosphere with Myungdong and Shinchon rotary in Seoul. It is where commercial supremacy for youth is developed and for Korean town well known by Japanese who are interested in Korean culture. Many Japanese look at this unusual scene curiously and some fans take photos in front of Lee Min Ho’s photos.

Also, there were laser writings on the bridge of Boseuporuseu channel in Turkey celebrating the 8th anniversary. Turkey citizens on the street were interviewed to celebrate Lee Min Ho. Beside that there were messages from the heart from US, Taiwan, Philippines, Arab, Indonesia, Chile, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.

Especially, there were success prayers for ‘Gangnam Blues’ directed by Yoo Ha. Also they practiced love sharing by giving donation and doing service in Korean relief and youth organization.

Meanwhile, ‘Lee Min Ho’ bus appeared in Taiwan. This limousine bus had Lee Min Ho’s face made by fan club members in order to advertise ‘The Heirs’ which was going to be broadcasted in Taiwan.

Lee Min Ho who debuted through EBS drama, ‘Schoolyard Secrets’ in 2006 has become a Korean wave star in Japan, China, and Asian countries in 8 years.

Lee Min Ho replied to fans, “I sincerely give thanks to my fans as I grow up as an actor year by year. I will reward my fans by being a communicating actor when doing work making”.

credit : star.naver/minho
posted by : admin jenny

Minho for Jeju air 



cr: Jeju air fb

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jellylovesfaith said: IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time it's going to be the Top 10 Best Lines of Minho (most of them are speeches i guess) as recommended by @pixie0622. Hope you guys will enjoy it :D

6. ‘Love does not ask you to discard your pride, it’s about protecting a person.

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Guest jellylovesfaith

zinnia said: jellylovesfaith said: IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time it's going to be the Top 10 Best Lines of Minho (most of them are speeches i guess) as recommended by @pixie0622. Hope you guys will enjoy it :D

6. ‘Love does not ask you to discard your pride, it’s about protecting a person.

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Guest Moonrain

李敏鎬 updates his Line (China)64441a2fjw1egn911m3pkj20b40agaap.jpg


Cr: purple_candyThink he's promoting the stickers :)Edit: There is a contest or something from May 22 to 26 and prizes to be won!eb2575c9jw1egn9xwk9adj20dc0dcjrz.jpg

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I was surfing at DC Gall this morning and saw an outpouring of grief and sympathy for the passing of RABBIT, one of the most prolific and dedicated Minoz photographers who took some of the most iconic candid photographs of Minho through the years, many of which have graced the pages of this thread.1287368129_201010181119536530770301_0.jp

In solidarity with our fellow Minoz, I ask that we all take a moment of silence to offer our prayers and thoughts for the eternal repose of her soul.  
Rest in Peace, Rabbit!Thank you for sharing your talent with us :x1.jpg

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pixie0622 said: I was surfing at DC Gall this morning and saw an outpouring of grief and sympathy for the passing of RABBIT, one of the most prolific and dedicated Minoz photographers who gave us some of the most iconic photographs of Minho through the years, many of which have graced the pages of this thread.In solidarity with our fellow Minoz, I ask that we all take a moment of silence to offer our prayers and thoughts for the eternal repose of her soul.  
Rest in Peace, Rabbit!Thank you for the memories :x

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