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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Another extra's ps


The story I experienced shooting for movies as an extra yesterday.


I acted a gangster, a beaten gang member more precisely..

It was hard. kekeke

There were scenes while I was beaten I had to grab the ankle of my beater, protect myself guarding my face, and confront the attacker with a wooden square bar, etc. kekeke

I saw Kim Rae Won, Lee Min Ho, and Jeong Jin Young.


I didn't expect much about Lee Min Ho, but he looked more than 185cm tall, and his profile looked like a sculpture with his sharp nose...

I came to understand why women like him so much.

And Lee Min Ho gave a treat of about 200 Baskin Robbins ice creams for us including the staff saying we went through hardships. Thanks to him, we ate the ice creams and the shooting proceeded smoothly.

The filming was made from 4:30 in the morning till midnight.

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Guest Moonrain

Love Line BTS
Always wondered who wakes him up from naps like these. I'd give anything to be that pillow :Pdd842c32jw1eg6rvzyn9pj20kq0a876s.jpg
The disheveled look :)
He really likes the ripped jeans :)dd842c32jw1eg6rw9lqboj20kq0a8774.jpg
Cr: M_ M Na (weibo)

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Guest jellylovesfaith

IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this time it's a special treat for everyone because it's going to be the tantadadaaaaaa: Top Ten Most Noteworthy Kisses That Minho Has Given Us. (lets call it 'us' because sharing is quite big in k-dramaland. why do all the leading ladies get to have all the fun right?) Just a reminder that its not the top ten best kisses because i wan't to talk about the ones that i didn't highly approve of (you can never disapprove a Minho Kiss totally) too. So this should be interesting. So let the feast begin because the Game is On.

10 - The ‘Just Shut Up And Kiss Me’ kiss

I wanted to include this kiss purely to rant about it. Yeah I know it defeats the purpose of the actual kiss but hey, is this not the best kiss list it’s the most noteworthy kiss list. (best kiss list of mine would include most of these in the same order though – give or take a few). So let’s talk about this kiss. I got to say, I’m not a fan of it. At all. First of all, why? Huh? Why would they give us this kiss, when the mood was totally amazing, and right, and wonderful for that earlier scene in that storeroom? (I seriously need to get one of those, there seems to be quite a few advantages in them :P ). But in all honesty, why? This kiss was just urgh. Why did Tan have to force himself on her? Why did he become such a male chauvinist? WHY?! He was growing on me despite his tantrums and dramatics but then he does this and I felt crushed. I just felt robbed of a beautiful kiss, a beautiful moment, a beautiful relationship and beautiful everything. I’m sorry guys for being so against this kiss, but when I saw it I just felt like flipping my laptop and going all Godzilla on everybody – I was actually fuming for half the week after I saw that.  It just made me SO. MAD. /end rant.  Okay good to get that off my chest. 

9 - The ‘There Is No Other Way’ kiss1279D64850779D8B08680A

Again this is on this list not because it’s good. It’s actually not one of his best when you think about it. Not much lip movement happening and certainly no ‘gonna grab your and never let go’ type feeling. Actually I wasn’t really convinced by this kiss at all. I was more confused by it to be honest. Which is why it deserves to be on this list. This kiss made me question something – all this time, in almost every single romantic drama/movie/play/book I’ve ever watched/read, I’ve always wanted the main leads to kiss. And kiss passionately. But in Faith, I really didn't want our leads to surrender into something that felt so cliché next to their beautiful, magical, extraordinary  and subtle love. That kiss felt so unnecessary (and this is huge for me because Imja couple is my all-time fav couple ever)  to the point where I went around questioning Goryean court ethics. Yup it bothered me that much. It was so out of place – and it really didn’t do much for their relationship as a whole because we all knew they loved each other in their own mesmerizingly special and delicate way -  I mean what kind of warrior just kisses his woman for the first time in front of all those weird people who want to kill them? And I don’t think the kiss was the only way either. He could have just held her hand to his heart or something and it would have gotten the same result. Honestly, if it were me, I would have had their first kiss (if they even needed one, to which I still say that their love is greater than the significance conveyed by the single act of kissing) somewhere outside (preferably near that tree – my new favourite tree!) where they are free on prying eyes. Picture it: Daejang and ES both siting under the tree and look into the distance with all the doubt and fear pouring out of their eyes. Then suddenly Daejang turns and takes ES’s face ever so slowly, and moves a strand of her hair and every so gently and somewhat sadly, kisses her in the most beautifully chaste way possible…. Now that I would have liked to see… 

8 – The Club Kiss (or as I like to call it ‘Kiss Me And You Will be Slumping On The Floor’ kiss)


oh my doesn't that look nice :x

Girl power for the win!! So I was surprised as anybody when I saw LYS just swoop in and kiss Nana out of the blue like that. Okay I was more than surprised, I was fanning myself because the room suddenly got too hot to breathe. And that was before I even saw what Nana did about it. I guess out of all the Minho kisses, this is the one where the girl fights back –literally, so it makes this one slightly more awesome on a different scale than the rest of them. I mean sure, the usual cliché of not closing eyes does happen but who in the world would close their eyes when LYS just randomly kisses you like that? My brain would totally be like ‘Does Not Compute. Will Spontaneously Combust’ for all of the 10 seconds that that kiss lasted. The beginning was so unexpected and the ending even more but totally epic in a way that only a series like CH could manage. All in all it was a great kiss that made me anticipate the next one, and wow, the next sure did not disappoint. 

7 – The Playground Kiss


Mmmm, this is what first kisses should be like. Something straight out of a fairy tale. Forget princes- they are too rare and picky anyway- I want a rich cheobal heir with an acute obsession for me :D Jan-Di is sooooo lucky. But back to the kiss. It was just beautiful. It had this surreal feeling to it, but at the same time it felt so realistic because of the place and setting. Now every time I see a swing-set I think of a Jun Pyo kneeling beside me in the snow and leaning to kiss me in the pace that even snails would be ashamed of. Okay that was a tad bit unfair but he did take his fine time to actually kiss her didn’t he? But I just love what he did before that – it was extravagant, but so utterly sweet. So grand yet simple at the same time. I mean, of all the places to decorate with lights for your first kiss, he chooses a playground and that’s just too precious to handle.  Its these little things wrapped in such majestic things that I like about GJP, because at the heart of hit, despite his somewhat arrogant ways, the boy has a heart of gold.  GJP you are welcome to kiss me in the snow like that anytime. *Please please please take me up on that offer*

6 - The ‘I’m A Man On A Mission, A Mission To Kiss You’ kiss.


GJP striding up to Jandi – a man on a mission. Jan-di gaping at him (whats new in that though?). The sun setting at just the right moment so that there kiss seems like it’s happening in haven and not just in some random street. Result = Beauty. It was short, it was sweet, but it meant a great deal to our characters. GJP actively defies him mother, stands up for his girl and fights for his love, and the moment is just captured perfectly with the sun. It’s breathtaking even though it’s so short- but really the length doesn’t even seem to matter. It was so unexpected and so GJP-like so this kiss was just perfect. 

5 – The Air Kiss


Okay, so this kiss got me just a little conflicted (only a little though J ) about the whole scenario. First of all we have Tan going all dominant male on her, and then you have her agreeing to everything (which just confused me even more- I know, I get confused an awful lot when it comes to Heirs) and of course they are in a storeroom (if this show is giving us any advice, it’s that we should just drag Minho into some closet/storeroom the moment we meet him – no really we should. Guaranteed results for sure). But then he grabs her face and starts kissing her and omg it’s like there is nothing to ground me. Because when Minho kisses, he kisses. Just wow. I just wish it had lasted longer and we got more angles of Minho rather than PSH. But on the whole, this kiss had a lot more raw emotion to it – or should I saw raw passion?- and it finally made me believe that they were a credible couple. 

4 – The ‘Don’t Go ‘ Kiss


I’m going to need a moment here. I mean, come on, what they are hinting at is enormous here. I mean that kiss is something else – with it’s really slow ‘we have all the time we need’ vibe to it, but omg the hinting! It honestly caught me by surprise because I never expected them to actually have scenes like that. All I can say is, that kiss was so steamy. I’m just a puddle of feels every time I see it. It’s so slow and languid and both characters are so vulnerable, making it this beautiful moment of having faith in one another. Just wow. And while we are on the topic of kisses that make you speechless because you are having a waterfall of feels, let’s all remember this fine scene as well. It doesn’t even need an explanation. Just Wow. Just Hot. Just Feels.

3 – The Snow Kiss


There is Minho. Then there is Minho kissing. And then there is Minho kissing shirtless. Need I say more? Hotness overload. And for an added benefit, for those of you who don’t dig the Jun Pyo curls, guess what? They are gone too and replaced with much better looking straight wet hair, Yay win win! Not that you were looking at hair of course it’s Lee Minho shirtless! And kissing. Did I mention he was shirtless kissing? Or is it kissing shirtless? I dunno, grammar hardly seems to matter when the two leads are steaming up my computer screen like that. Minho just looks so incredibly hot there and I honestly didn’t know whether to hyperventilate over the fact that he was shirtless and sharing his jacket or the fact that he was kissing. And wow those biceps. There are something else aren’t they? All I can say is, in terms of fan-service and being generous to the viewers, this kiss goes above and beyond expectation. I really hope GB has a scene like this. It would be wonderful to see.

2 – The ‘That Rooftop Kiss – The One Where He Ravishes Her, Yes That One’ kiss.


:-O ! This face describes me every time I watch this kiss. It’s just amazing. I mean, just look at the action that’s going on in that kiss. He’s totally giving it his all and yay she actually joins in! It’s beautiful in a way that feels so right, so urgent and so vulnerable and dangerous at the same time. Both our leads have to make such huge decisions here, and as viewers our heads were pretty much spinning in every direction but the fact that for just a few moments, they completely focus on the kiss – a kiss that feels so real and so heartfelt, as if nothing in the entire world matters, or could be as amazing as that moment right there on the rooftop. Now that’s a good use of rooftops. And the best part about this kiss? The angles. Oh my the angles, I love you cinematographer! All the angles I could possible want were in that kiss which made it so breathtaking to see. And so difficult to forget. PMY you are one lucky girl I swear. I’m not going to go into any more details about this one because once I start, there is no stopping me but oh my goodness, let’s all have a minute of silence and just appreciate everything about this incredibly amazing kiss. 

1 - The Game Over Kiss – (Or as I like to call it, The Kiss To End All Kisses)


Do I even need to? No not really. We all get the picture. But I will because this one is a guilty pleasure of mine. What I’d love to do is analyse all the angles but that would getter weird faster that the speed of light and I might probably get banned from soompi. But aaaaanyway. This kiss. WOW. It just goes on. And on. And on. And the camera keeps spinning. And spinning. And spinning. And he keeps on kissing. And kissing. And kissing. This kiss destroys all my dreams of ever finding a perfect boyfriend and at the same time propels me into fangirl heaven. This kiss is dangerous. It should be labelled as hazardous or something because I certainly was not able to recover from it for quite a long time. I guess the main reason why I loved this kiss so much was because it was so unexpected. It just dropped on us like a bomb, fully packed with explosions and oh my god the chemistry between those two was just magical. But the best part had to be Jin-ho’s determined walk and the way he said ‘game over’ and just pulled her to him. Just wow. And yay she actually closes her eyes and responds! Huzza for Gae-in! All in all this was one of the best kisses I’ve ever seen and if Minho keeps on delivering kisses like this (which I think he will because now he’s officially said bye bye to school-boy roles) then all us fangirls can consider our lives well spent. Game Over. Sorry I just love saying that :P 

Hope that brightened up everyone's day/night :D 

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Guest Moonrain

jellylovesfaith said: IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this time it's a special treat for everyone because it's going to be the tantadadaaaaaa: Top Ten Most Noteworthy Kisses That Minho Has Given Us. (lets call it 'us' because sharing is quite big in k-dramaland. why do all the leading ladies get to have all the fun right?) Just a reminder that its not the top ten best kisses because i wan't to talk about the ones that i didn't highly approve of (you can never disapprove a Minho Kiss totally) too. So this should be interesting. So let the feast begin because the Game is On.
Hope that brightened up everyone's day/night :D 

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kayabun said: Translations for what the Chinese Minoz said abt BTS of GB( posted by @Mimibecon on page 1813) climbed over the wall and secretly took some pics of the movie location! oppa is shooting fighting scene. i took a pic of all his outfits! took some pic of some blurry images(referring to someone's back)! turned up to be male lead no.2 KRW. too frustrating. knowing that LMH is in this vehicle but cant see him!

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Guest kayabun


thats according to shihwaexo who posted and said it was KRW.(the pics u posted above is by another person, did she mention whose back is it?)

personally, i cant tell at all..... could it be KRW? did he loose weight?(havent seen any recent pic of his so i have no clue!) or could it be LMH? i thought KJD would have longer hair and not so clean outfit since he is a ragpicker?(unless they have moved on to other scenes)......

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@kayabun Oh you translated from shihwaexo post, I thought you translated from 媛媛一直在等待  because they had same photos hehe, so I got confused. No she didn't write anything about whose that back inside the bus. When I said there's someone else who think it's LMH's back it's not her (媛媛一直在等待 ), I saw another post from different person, and she just guessed.


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Guest shewoonmoon

class="fbPhotoAlbumTitle" style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); margin: 32px 214px 7px 213px; padding: 0px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Micro drama "Love Line"10303378_638414832910511_67131112844763010155065_638414849577176_12196397353530810314534_638414746243853_13398862722781610274025_638414879577173_47743465254679510275974_638414889577172_314747869380793

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alesia44 said: @kayabun Oh you translated from shihwaexo post, I thought you translated from 媛媛一直在等待  because they had same photos hehe, so I got confused. No she didn't write anything about whose that back inside the bus. When I said there's someone else who think it's LMH's back it's not her (媛媛一直在等待 ), I saw another post from different person, and she just guessed.

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Guest guadi


Interview (in Korean) accompanying this photoshoot from L'Officiel Hommes. 

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Guest guadi

@jellylovesfaith - my favorite kiss is definitely CH rooftop kiss. Game Over was too spinning and the extra audience in the frame. CH you can see his well defined jaw and the thirst from those lips :-* 
Have you seen behind the scene of that kiss? It looks longer. He's such a good kisser; I'm daydreaming on what types of kiss we'll get in GB 8-> I have no doubt he'll live up to his "kissing beast" reputation if there is a kissing scene in GB \m/

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Guest guadi

zinnia said:

I didn't expect much about Lee Min Ho, but he looked more than 185cm tall, and his profile looked like a sculpture with his sharp nose...

I came to understand why women like him so much.

The filming was made from 4:30 in the morning till midnight.

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