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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2024: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Taiwan News: http://udn.com/news/story/7262/791818-%E7%AB%A0%E5%AD%90%E6%80%A1%E8%A3%BD%E6%96%B0%E6%88%B2-%E6%AC%BD%E9%BB%9E%E7%94%B7%E7%A5%9E%E6%9D%8E%E6%95%8F%E9%8E%AC

According to above news,
ZZ will be the producer and leading actress of upcoming film “Eternal Doll” .
The investment of filming will be HKD 2.1 hundred million (NTD 8.5 hundred million) and Minho is invited as the leading actor with a high pay HKD 2.1 million (NTD 8.5 million).


But I think HKD 2.1 million is not a high pay to Minho. It's less than his pay for KangNan 1970 or a drama.

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@humblebee I think he was more amused than happy.  I find it rude to call out her name when she's not even there  [-(But yes, he was cute and shy at the same time :x :x86eab682jw1eqkn5kbwxsj21kw11xgs6.jpg


cr Mint薄荷心
P.S.  I still see the blonde streaks although the overall tone now is darker.  Maybe he lightened his hair on a whim in Europe, but now that he's back working, this haircolor looks more professional IMO.  

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Layali said:
@Danie_A  RS  is a term that originated at the soompi Faith thread.If you watched Faith,you'd see characters in the drama eating  soup with rice in it.And Daejang loves eating rice soup,so much so he once emptied the entire bowl that was meant for  Imja.so claiming MinHo's assets sort of turned into  like fighting for rice soup as in Faith .@sia3 I hope I got this right!

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Houny said:

I should be careful of what I wish for in the future last time I said suzy and LMH pairing for a rom-com movie would be awesome richard simmons happened in real life and now my favorite actress non other then ZZ herself will act with minho surreal. hope he accepts.. :))



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I watched that clip, I'm not sure if I'm deaf or something, but all I could hear them say was LeeMinHoSsi!! It did sound like they were saying "Suzy" but after listening carefully I think they were just calling HIS name?! 

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 @Latifah really? I did replay it a couple of times to see what's the fuss all about...But I swear all I could hear her say was MinHoSsi! Yes I did see that reaction, so that could be the only clue that it did actually happen lol..He was adorable, I know he knows that we support them both and we're happy for them. I mean we all sent him tons of tweets saying we do :D So I'm sure he took it as a sign of love (not mockery or intrusiveness, I hope)! 
He's so sweet, it would be so amazing to be a fly on a wall when he's actually being a "real" loving partner..I mean we are all so fascinated by his romancing skills while "pretending" to be in love with a co star, imagine his passion that he gives willingly to someone he truly and wholeheartedly adores?!! Gah!! Too many feels!! And no I am not a shipper nor do I read shipping fanfics or would want to lol. He just fascinates me and the way he truly loves is something I'd like to be privy to...Sadly, that can never happen so I'll settle for his "pretend" loving :P

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Guest lotus0622

sheesh!!! i don't like the hair... pls. don't hate me guys, i'm just telling the truth  :-SS
but i still love him !!

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GM Minoz
A few more glorious pics from yesterday's happenings! These are bright and beautiful ENJOY! 

This boy and his beautiful smiles :x  Warms my heart every single time   :-*  
P.s what's in the spoiler is an outburst not more pix..Please read at your own peril! Fair warning!  
I made the mistake of stepping into the minshin thread this morning due to some interview that was given yesterday and let me just say that: This is for all the minshiners out there, please stop making your girl sound so pathetic and stop hating on LMH! Just because you had too much time on your hands to sit and analyze and fantasize about a couple of actors "playing a role" and deludedly woven them somehow into a "real thing" doesn't mean your "perceptions" were EVER REAL!! To create such ruckus and reek havoc on a young budding relationship just to appease your delusional minds is so freaking disrespectful to LMH and his current lady friend! I am appalled at this invasion of privacy and the blatant lack of decency you insist on blabbing on every single day!! I truly enjoyed PSH's performance in Heirs, but now that I see that the thread has basically turned into a weeping circle for "PSH" lost love, I have been officially turned off of her THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!  What's more, you almost managed to turn me off Heirs, a drama that I truly cherished and enjoyed...Now all I'll ever think of if I ever watch again is how disrespectful you all are to LMH on behalf of PSH, which will make me resent her and not want to watch her in anything ever again...So blame yourselves for that! Not only are you painting her in the most negative and pathetic light ever, you're also garnering much hate from Minoz for belittling and painting LMH in such a terrible womanizing/user/playboy image UGH!! For real!! 
What makes this sad is that none of your BS is based off any HARD FACTS, you just basically dreamt this whole relationship into life...I have no idea why or how...nonetheless PLEASE STOP WITH YOUR INSANITY!! Leave LMH be, he never asked you to INVENT this imaginary relationship or support or bash him for it now that he didn't live up to YOUR expectations! Certainly not the MINOZ expectations, cuz all we ever expected from him are his good works and performances...And will wish him well in whatever path he choses...SO STOP STOP STOP it's so sick what you're doing I beseech you...go on with your lives, pay attention to your families, children and husbands... stop trying to live vicariously through some poor people who never even invited any of this attention to their personal life...They all simply wanted you to enjoy their work and what you went and did was absolutely abhorring. 
Yes, you have the right to dream and fantasize, but to turn all this fantasy into somehow a bitter reality because you THINK you can, is disgusting, disrespectful and PATHETIC!! ...I sure hope as hell that you won't continue to cause LMH distress and pain, because you insist that you were somehow RIGHT in YOUR assessment of this "imaginary" relationship...I hope you won't continue to disrespect him and his new relationship just to hang on to some shred of "I was right" attitude. Keep pitying PSH and keep making her look like the jilted lover...But that's only your delusion speaking, and is not based on any sort of reality...I seriously hated to spew all this but what I hate more is you hating on my boy cuz you just want to continue to DELUDE YOURSELVES that HOPE STILL EXISTS and there's always a rainbow after the rain...NO! Please wake up and find better things to do with your "extra" time, like take up a hobby that won't cost two lovely people their dignity, sanity or peace of mind. 
I truly truly wish and pray that LMH fans (if you are actually his fans and not the relationship's) will free him from the burden of bearing their OWN cross of this totally cooked up situation![/spoiler]

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