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class="at_ttl" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: 400; font-style: inherit; font-size: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 35px; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; list-style: none; letter-spacing: -0.03em; clear: both;"Five Reasons Why You Should Watch “God’s Gift - 14 Days"

BY Joan MacDonald | Mar 04, 2014 11:24 AM EST 

God's Gift - 14 Days

 "God's Gift - 14 Days" just started but already there are at least five reasons you should watch this quick paced time travel melodrama. Here is why you may want to fit this drama into your viewing schedule:

1. Lee Bo Young. She's last year's Daesang winner for her roles in "My Daughter Seo Young" and "I Hear Your Voice. Her portrayal of successful TV writer Kim Soo Hyun in this drama is so different from her portrayal of prosecutor Jang Hye Sung in "I Hear Your Voice." Kim Soo Hyun is a perfectionist, a woman who is driven to succeed, which is good in the workplace but may not make you the best or kindest mom. Lee Bo Young is such a good actress, that it's easy to identify with her all the while knowing that her parenting skills need some help.

2. The appealingly expressive child actress Kim Yoo Bin plays Han Saet Byul, Kim Soo Hyun's daughter. Han Saet Byul is sweetly compassionate and boldly independent. While her independence and concern for others are not qualities that a parent might want to completely squash, they do expose her to risk.

3. The rest of the cast. So far, the focus has been on Lee Bo Young and Kim Yoo Bin, but the rest of the cast is excellent too. Jo Seung Woo plays Ki Dong Chan a character you want to hate but you suspect was once a better person. Kim Tae Woo plays Han Ji Hoo, Kim Soo Hyun's husband. He seems like a nice guy but he also has a secret. And then there is Jung Gyu Woon, Soo Hyun's first love.  Baro of the band B1A4 gives a subtle performance as Ki Young Gyu, a developmentally disabled boy. It will be interesting to see how this k-drama deals with the subject of developmental disability.

4. Suspense. With its tight writing and editing, the first episode was already quite suspenseful even though none of the characters knew exactly what kind of danger the future held for them. The drama can only become more suspenseful as the stakes become higher.

5. Time travel. If you love a good time travel story, this promises to join "Nine: Nine Time Travels" as one of the most engaging dramatic ones. It's no spoiler to say that Lee Bo Young's character will lose her child. There is no worse tragedy and even without time travel, a mother might torture herself with "what-ifs." But Lee Bo Young's character gets the chance to travel back two weeks in time to see what she could have done to prevent her child's death. In the process, she will have to examine the role her actions played in setting up the circumstances and also the parenting priorities she held so important.

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I've been lurking around in this thread for ages after watching Lee Bo Young in I Hear Your Voice. Just wna say I am watching God's Gift and the first episode was sooo good! Hope this drama adds on to her list of epic dramas ^^ 

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis;"SBS Night of TV entertainment - 5.3.2014 notice with gg14days cast

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tumblr_n1y6nlvPYD1t3cuveo1_250.giftumblr_n1y6nlvPYD1t3cuveo2_250.giftumblr_n1y6nlvPYD1t3cuveo3_250.giftumblr_n1y6nlvPYD1t3cuveo4_250.gifPlease let go of your anger and send Saet Byeol back. 
She is my everything.                                                                                                                                cr: soosungs 

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class="titleNews" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 23px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); line-height: 28px; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); "[Ratings: Tues, 03.04.14] ‘God’s Gift’ Plays Out Like a Realistic Movie with Ratings Increase
With its second episode, SBS’ God’s Gift – 14 Days set down its plotline, piercing fear and thrill into the viewers. 

The first two episodes introduced the characters, before immediately jumping into kidnapping and murder of the drama’s youngest character. Viewers have been praising the high quality story, as well as the acting of Lee Bo Young, who perfectly portrayed a mother who is willing to do anything to save her child. 

The episodes also brought up many social issues that have been taking place in Korea, sending fear at the possibility that what’s happening in the drama could easily happen in real life. 

Although the drama received a ratings increase, so did MBC’s Empress Ki, who kept its overwhelming record at first. 

[Ratings: Tues, 03.04.14] ‘God’s Gift’ Plays Out Like a Realistic Movie with Ratings Increase
Tuesday, March 4, 2014


1. MBC Empress Ki 26.2 →28.3

2. SBS God’s Gift – 14 Days 6.9 →7.7

3. KBS The Full Sun 3.3 →3.6


1. KBS Our Neighborhood Variety and Sports 7.3

2. SBS My Heart Beats 4.4

*All ratings are based on AGB Nielsen Media Research

Photo Credit: SBS.

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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 26px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "Actress Lee Bo Young Discusses Her Colorful Resumemeltedd March 4, 2014
Actress Lee Bo Young Discusses Her Colorful Resume

Actress Lee Bo Young is best known for her roles in KBS 2TV family drama “My Daughter Seo Young” and SBS drama “I Can Hear Your Voice,” but she has also had a colorful past.

Lee Bo Young appeared on SBS “Healing Camp” on March 3, following actress Kim Hee Ae’s episode.

She revealed that prior to becoming an actress, she was a Miss Korea contestant, almost became an MBC announcer, and also dressed up as an air stewardess as a model for an airline company.

Lee Bo Young said that she had successfully passed the air stewardess examination, but gave it up in order to apply to become an announcer. “At that time, I applied only to MBC, but I was eliminated. Then I found that that MBC was the only broadcasting company that picked one person, while KBS and SBS picked many people. So I thought to myself, ‘Next year I have to apply to all three companies,’ and gave up on becoming an air stewardess.”

She later became the model for Asiana Airlines in 2004, appearing in commercials for the airline company. Her elegant looks and easy smile helped to build a positive image for the airline.

She also talked about her university days, saying that she took the TOEIC exam (an English proficiency test) multiple times in order to find a job. MC Lee Kyung Gyu commented, “This is the first time a guest has talked about the TOEIC exam. It’s a little bit uncomfortable,” causing laughter all around.

Lee Bo Young is currently starring in the new SBS Monday-Tuesday drama “God’s Gift – 14 Days.”


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class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; line-height: 35px; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"'God's Gift" Lee Bo Young, Queen of Blind Dates'God's Gift" Lee Bo Young, Queen of Blind Dates

Actress Lee Bo Young said that she was the queen of blind dates.

Lee Bo Young appeared on the episode of SBS "Healing Camp" broadcast on March 3rd and said that she often went on blind dates in college.

Lee Bo Young is from Seoul Women's University and said, "Back in college, I really went on a lot of dates.  I went on a 9:9 date. I wanted to date men and I didn't know how so I really dated a lot.  For about a year to two, I really dated a lot."

She also said, "I was the queen of blind dates but the success rate was low.  Once, I succeeded at a meeting.  I think quality is better than quantity" as she drew laughter.

Netizens responded to Lee Bo Young's college dating remark saying, "God's Gift Lee Bo Young, these people are so lucky" "God's Gift Lee Bo Young, why did these men lose her?" "God's Gift Lee Bo Young, must've been amazing" "God's Gift Lee Bo Young, she msut've been really pretty and lovely." "God's Gift Lee Bo Young, she would go to a blind dates and everyone would be wiped out."

Meanwhile, the new SBS Wednesday/Thursday drama "God's Gift" features Lee Bo Young.


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class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"“Healing Camp” Lee Bo Young Talks Down On Her Husbandgod gift
"Healing Camp" actress Lee Bo Young shared an episode with her husband and actor Ji Sung after the 2013 Drama Award. Lee Bo Young made her appearance in the SBS entertainment program Healing Camp, which aired on March 3, 2014, and shared an episode with her husband Ji Sung after the 2013 Drama Award. Previously, in 2013 Drama Award, Ji Sung had received the best actor's award and Lee Bo Young received the grand award for the 2013 Drama Award. On this day's Healing Camp, host Kim Jae Dong asked Lee Bo Young, "Did it ever occur to you that you would receive the grand award?" Lee Bo Young said, "I have never thought about it, but I have read articles before the award that I was nominated for the award, so I did have a little bit of expectations." Lee Bo Young then said, "So far, husband Ji Sung has been my acting teacher. Before I filmed dramas, I diligently followed his acting advice."

Lee Bo Young then said, "But then before filming the SBS drama 'God's Gift - 14 Days,' he gave me another advice. I joked, 'You received the best actor's award and you're giving an advice to grand award recipient? Don't give me any advice!" and made the audiences laugh.

In related news, "God's Gift - 14 Days" is a new SBS Monday Tuesday drama starring actress Lee Bo Young and actor Jo Seung Woo. Lee Bo Young plays a mother Kim Soo Hyun whose daughter gets kidnapped and eventually murdered. A former detective Ki Dong Chan, played by Cho Seung Woo, takes over her case and helps her find the person who kidnapped her daughter. "God's Gift - 14 Days" is a mystery, thriller fantasy drama where Kim Soo Hyun and Ki Dong Chan go back in time to track down the kidnapper of her son.


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class="tit_detail" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 17px 0px 13px; border-style: none none solid; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-color: rgb(73, 79, 95); outline: 0px; vertical-align: top; line-height: 36px; width: 710px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 0px !important;"source: http://www.kofan.com/?p=51169 class="tit_detail" style="font-style: normal; font-size: 28px; font-family: Arial, verdana, dotum, AppleGothic, 'Lucida Grande', Tahoma, gulim, Arial, helvetica; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 17px 0px 13px; border-style: none none solid; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-color: rgb(73, 79, 95); outline: 0px; vertical-align: top; line-height: 36px; width: 710px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 0px !important;"Lee Bo Young past pictures revealedimage

Actress Lee Bo Young’s past pictures have become an issue.

On March 3rd in SBS ‘Healing Camp’ Lee Bo Young came out as a guest and talked about herself.

On the show she talked about how she went out to Miss Korea beauty pageant and the Lee Bo Young’s pictures from the competition were revealed. In the pictures, Lee Bo Young had different hairstyle and make-up but she had the same beautiful looks that she has now.

Also there were pictures of Lee Bo Young working as a model for a commercial airline.


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2014 Forbes Power Celebrity 40 Full Rankings

Basic Background:
Forbes Celebrity 40 is determined by first taking the top 100 most searched people of the year (data provided by Nate) and ranking them based on 4 different measures:
1. Sales - estimated based on appearance fees, CF guarantees album sales, etc. + reported overseas income
2. Media exposure - number of apperances in the top 3 newspapers, covers of 8 magazines, Ilgan Sports
3. Television exposure - CF model ranking and appearances on talk shows and variety shows
4. Professionalism - TV ratings for actors/MCs, total audience for movie actors, Gaon digital and physical sales rankings for singers, competition results for athletes

Final list is the 40 celebrities with the highest average ranking across all 4 categories.
*Note that sales especially are subject to error because data may not always be complete.

Occupation is listed as Forbes categorized them.

1. Girls' Generation (singer)
2. Big Bang (singer)
3. Suzy (singer/actress)
4. Ryu Hyun Jin (baseball player)
5. Exo (singer)
6. Choo Shin Soo (baseball player)
7. TVXQ (singer)
8. SHINee (singer)
9. Kim Yuna (figure skater)
10. IU (singer/actress)
11. Park Inbee (golfer)
12. Yoo Jae Suk (gagman)
13. Psy (singer)
14. Lee Seung Gi (actor)
15. CNBlue (singer)
16. Lee Byung Hun (actor)
17. Kim Soo Hyun (actor)
18. Infinite (singer)
19. KARA (singer)
20. Song Kang Ho (actor)
21. Lee Min Ho (actor)
22. Song Heung Min (footballer)
23. Kim Tae Hee (actress)
24. 2NE1 (singer)
25. Hwang Jung Min (actor)
26. Girl's Day (singer)
27. Song Joong Ki (actor)
28. Lee Bo Young (actor)
29. Yoo Jun Sang (actor)
30. Lee Dae Ho (baseball player)
31. Ki Sung Yueng (footballer)
32. Park Ji Sung (footballer)
33. Shin Dong Yup (gagman)
34. Jun Ji Hyun (actress)
35. Han Hyo Joo (actress)
36. Baek Ji Young (singer)
37. Jang Dong Gun (actor)
38. Kim Jun Hyun (gagman)
39. Park Chu Young (footballer)
40. Kim Min Hee (actress)

By occupation:
1. Girls' Generation
2. Big Bang
3. Suzy
4. Exo
6. SHINee
7. IU
8. Psy
9. CNBlue
10. Infinite
11. KARA
12. 2NE1
13. Girl's Day
14. Baek Ji Young

1. Lee Seung Gi
2. Lee Byung Hun
3. Kim Soo Hyun
4. Song Kang Ho
5. Lee Min Ho
6. Kim Tae Hee
7. Hwang Jung Min
8. Song Joong Ki
9. Lee Bo Young
10. Yoo Jun Sang
11. Jun Ji Hyun
12. Han Hyo Joo
13. Jang Dong Gun
14. Kim Min Hee

1. Yoo Jae Suk
2. Shin Dong Yup
3. Kim Jun Hyun

1. Ryu Hyun Jin
2. Choo Shin Soo
3. Kim Yuna
4. Park Inbee
5. Song Heung Min
6. Lee Dae Ho
7. Ki Sung Yueng
8. Park Ji Sung
9. Park Chu Young

source: http://kpopselca.com/forum/korean-celebrity/2014-forbes-power-celebrity-40-full-rankings-t33942/
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