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Guest chinkymars

i've translated the content of the interview into Chinese, and......do you need an English version as well?

hello Yooko, did you post the english version already...wasn't able to see it...would you mind posting it...thanks much?! B)

hello FAYE!!!! :w00t: having a bit of babyYOO for breakfast, huh?! :lol:

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Good Evening YOOgals -______- im not very well today.My feeling's so awful! btw,,,,Let's it go.

* take a deep breath* and just focus on baby YOO instead 555+

My dear OC, are you getting better now? Sorry I dont know that our active Spy girl was not well. Waiting for more YOOnews from you.

Good Morning YOOGALS! Van signing in..komawo for welcoming me here in YOOhouse. i hope BabyYOO is having a good time in SKR with his family and friends, he only have two days left before his MS :tears: . His scenes with KSA in SDiary was so freakin HOT, honestly I never imagined him doing those scenes it's very different from Han Kyul. I'm amazed that YOO is really gifted with the looks,charm and so much talents (acting, singing, and playing the piano). Is there a video of him dancing? I really want to see him dancing :lol: I also watched a short clip of him dress up as a girl in School 4..he's really pretty!!, OMO I was laughing really hard! :lol:

what's wrong with YEH giving YOO a gift? It's not a crime to give a cyworld skin to a friend. YEH and YOO have a great on-screen chemistry, a lot of people fell in love with han kyul and my chan :wub:

Hello Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae, well, look at your name I read it Vivaldi at first, hahaha.

Welcome to YOOhouse, VAN. Oaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that's too similar to my name VAL. Should we let people call us VAN and VAL? So confuse :)

So have you got your chance watching other YOOdramas?

good evening YooGals! just want to remind you all..... deadline for submission of fanart contest tomorrow at 8 pm pacific standard time and prizes at stake are:

1. winner's choice between a tote bag or a backpack with the same make as my coffee prince satchel with of course the picture of the best couple

2. winner's choice of yoo's dvd (1)

3. winner's choice of yeh's dvd (1)

and i'm feeling generous so i'm throwing in a coffee prince dvd as well which is only fitting

*waves* at all YooGals online..... <_< we are on conference right now if anyone wants to join us..... you know where to go! as in right now! :P

FAYE dear, how is going on with the fanart contest? You must be busy with all fanarts now. Waiting for your announcement.

hello all...just got this video from sidushq...not sure what it is about

heres the sharebee download link: http://sharebee.com/fcdf321d

watch it on youtube:

just a quick translation for reference :lol:

Thank you Jinkz and Yooko for posting and translating his touching message. He also moved to tear saying goodbye to us, choked with emotion. We will wait for you and always support you. Please come back safe as a more mature and hottie man and actor.

Yooko dear, you seems to know multi languages? English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese as well? Wow, amazing.

Morning Val... I miss you... :) Don't worry about not able to reply or anything.. being here with us is good enough.. :)

yes. val.. finish my date with Gun.. I won't say goodbye to baby YOO.. I want to say hi to him.. :D yes yes.. we will have happy ending.. ;) BTW, thanks for adding me to your friends list.. :D

Unnie, thank you for understanding me not to be here often.

Hi hi, of course you are the most welcomed person in my friend list, unnie. I didnt have my friendlist, just updated it today.

Hi Val. Well Yuri's acting in OFD was actually an improvement from her previous work. I think Sidus sent her to acting classes... she was better in Snow Queen, but I didn't finish it coz I find it slow and draggy plus sad ending.. and no baby YOO.. haha.. people might think her acting in HGD is exaggerated, but I think the way their deliver the story is supposed to be exaggerated.. and Yuri did really well. did you watch her with GY in the internet drama.. I think that time her acting was not that good yet coz she looks awkward in a way especially when she talks. but other than that, I have no problem with her or any of baby YOO's female lead.. again except for that "clingy girl" and "evil girl". lol!!!

Unnnie, I have not watched GY's internet drama. In the next 2 years I'll finish his other works: Screen, Hard Love, his internet drama and 2 movies: Dragon and Mr. Gam's victory. Finished download all Screen episodes, will watch it later.

I have no problem with Sung Yuri. Just a wish if she could express more emotional acting in OFD. But I really like her fashion in OFD, so stylish ^^


WAVES to silently_solitude, aMane, chinkymars, brd2dth, iheartflipflops, blushingpink, Alex95, CCAY, ebs25.

And all YOOgals from A to Z, you know that I LOVE YOO.

Time for my nyt now. See you later.

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thanx for re-posting your lovely Yoo-em Faye

bring backs CP memory

and i'll do another CP marathon after i learned how GY feels about the drama

it makes CP my favourite drama of all time

we will surely wait for his return

you are most welcome my chan! i just felt like digging into my box of mementoes since his departure is just around the corner.

lol this is really heartwarming seeing all JJh fans camping on our house to share their love to our baby Yoo

we appreciate it so much thank you heaps

who knows we may even have potential YooGals lurking here in the house and just waiting for the right moment to come out in the open :lol: but Yoo fans or not; everybody's welcome to the house. we treat all guests warmly; acknowledge their presence even through "waves" and "hellos" so it's only fitting that we get the respect our house and YooGals deserve.

really they where together on December 14 ?

lol i thought EH doesn't keep in touch with her former

co-stars ,thats a relief at least its a false report

coz it make her look bad and who doesn't know how to value friendship

thanx again for these wonderful goodies

have a great weekend to all

they may not be together physically as in beside each other that day- but i guess miss rebby meant they happened to be in the same salon that day. about EH keeping in touch with her former co-stars is another thing coz' we all know she does. it would be absurd to say otherwise after she cried her eyes out last day together - she doesn't strike me as fake or i won't admire and love her if she is!



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my Faye.. I won't be around after this.. so if you can just leave a message on my PM about the contest and I'll get to it in the afternoon (my side)

Unnie, thank you for understanding me not to be here often.

Hi hi, of course you are the most welcomed person in my friend list, unnie. I didnt have my friendlist, just updated it today.

well, val, I can't force people who can't be here to be here right? That's not my control.. :) so it's still up to yourself.. as long as you can still drop by to say hi, that will be great!! just like love_jesus.. still popping in once in a while.. ohh.. i haven't updated my friends list for a long time already.. and it seems like it's full... because everytime i add one person, one get kicks out of the list.. lol!! so i didn't bother to add anymore.

Unnnie, I have not watched GY's internet drama. In the next 2 years I'll finish his other works: Screen, Hard Love, his internet drama and 2 movies: Dragon and Mr. Gam's victory. Finished download all Screen episodes, will watch it later.

I have no problem with Sung Yuri. Just a wish if she could express more emotional acting in OFD. But I really like her fashion in OFD, so stylish ^^

wah.. that's gonna keep you busy for 2 years.. not including other clips/mvs.. hehe.. yeah.. i know i still owe you OFD MV.. :P hmm.. her expression in OFD... you think it's not emotional enough? I read many people say it's too much! lol!! oh well, different people different opinion.. as long as we respect each other for it, it should be no problem, right? ohhh.. Screen is next on your list? yippeee!! hehe.. still waiting for you at School 4 thread though.. :D

who knows we may even have potential YooGals lurking here in the house and just waiting for the right moment to come out in the open :lol: but Yoo fans or not; everybody's welcome to the house. we treat all guests warmly; acknowledge their presence even through "waves" and "hellos" so it's only fitting that we get the respect our house and YooGals deserve.
I agree with you my faye.. hope people will keep their respect not only to YooGals but the man of the house - GONG YOO. I think he should be getting all the respect.

Need to go too.. nearly 10am now.. probably going out again later... Take care everyone and have a good Sunday ahead.

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Guest Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae

Hello Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae, well, look at your name I read it Vivaldi at first, hahaha.

Welcome to YOOhouse, VAN. Oaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that's too similar to my name VAL. Should we let people call us VAN and VAL? So confuse :)

So have you got your chance watching other YOOdramas?

hi VAL komawo! yah our name's kinda similar both starts with VA :lol:

i haven't watched his other dramas yet, I'm reserving it for two years so I won't miss Baby YOO that much.. I'm just watching some teasers, CF's and the videos where he is singing, hope he could get a record deal in the future :D

omo YOO made a farewell video for all his fans, that's so sweet of him, big thanks to YOOgals who translated it.

*waves and hugs* to all the wonderful YOOGALS!

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Guest Cricketear

Hello dear Yoogals, *warning* Looong post coming up!! :w00t::phew:

thanks very much yooko and ariesw for the translations...watching GY's last video message to his fans makes me depressed....heck, this has been one long depressing week. :ph34r: he is being so brave and trying to put on his best smile there to comfort his fans, but i can see the sadness in his eyes and in the tone of his voice. lets pray for him tonight that he will be protected by God's grace and never have to be put in harm's way. i hope Yoo can spend his last sunday peacefully with his loved ones and take heart that his fans believe in him, trust in him and will wait for him. 2 years will fly by....himdera Gong Ji Cheol! Fighting! (in YEH's words) ;)

the reason i don't think GY has a gf is not just from his kissing scenes but also from his statements. in the taiwan interview, GY says that he falls in love with his leading ladies whenever he films a new drama. like you say, let's think outside the box for the moment and assume he already has a gf. would his gf be pleased to read that he falls for his costar (even if it's only for the duration of the shoot)? and also GY admitted to enjoying his kissing scenes with YEH in the phone interview. if i were him and i had a gf, i will not say such things even though i really do enjoy kissing my costars, so that my gf/significant other will not be hurt. and he avoided answering whether he wanted to have a scandal with YEH or not. if he had a gf already, he will be smart to say that they are only acting to avoid further speculation. no? i am not shipping YOO and YEH here. just bringing up these points to show that to me, it seems like the answers come from an actor who is unattached, not somebody who already has a significant other. if he has a gf for these past few years, i must take my hat off to her for being so understanding of baby YOO. it is not easy being the gf of a hot actor who gets to kiss various gorgeous leading ladies. :P

haha, i'm glad my scenario gave yoogals a laugh. to cheer everyone up a bit la...(well, every yoogal that is, not the lurkers) :lol:

yes queenie, that is vital evidence....straight from YEH's mouth. oh, but then again...even what YEH has said and been recorded on video saying and gesturing can be dismissed by certain people...it's not important to them what she says and does for her friends but what they see in her eyes. "the Look of Love". :rolleyes:

hi jasmine, thanks for cutting that NG scene out and uploading it to yootube. yes, it was funny like hell! :lol:

jinkzz, my scenario must really hit them where it hurts, bwahahaha! coz they even went to the extent of digging into Yoo's thread for your PSwork, to post their response at the other thread. but see, we take your PSwork and the other GYEHshops for what it is - just for fun in tribute of our favorite couple. like all other favorite pairings, GYEH fans enjoy seeing Yoo and Yeh together and indulge in fanart, but the difference is we know and acknowledge it is fantasy, not real. and i don't think any GYEH fans here at soompi so far have used photos of Yeh and Yoo glancing at each other for a few seconds as hard evidence to "prove" they are secretly in love. lol. only really desperate people do that. ;) also, neither the KJK nor GYEH shippers need to obnoxiously picspam YEH's thread with PShops of their favorite couple coz they at least respect YEH's thread, and do not need to force their ship down all YEH fans throat. too bad i can't say the same about YKW, and their self-centered posts.

no wonder so many YEH fans have abandoned her thread or gone into lurking, it's becoming the 'defacto hyoonie thread'. i personally am going to sit tight with my cool drink and popcorn to watch when YEH pairs up with more hot guys (and she will, being young and hot herself), and see these anxious hyoonies try to sink all the new yehships to protect their ship. :lol:

anyway, let us concentrate on baby Yoo here, and keep up the positive vibe and camaderie of Yoogals and not waste our time following their twisted arguments, lest we become obsessed and bitter like them. *shudders*

euchan, that's a very astute observation. they discredit YEH with their theories like saying she took a secret trip to japan to meet up with *ahem*, making them look no different from the antis. well. my YEH warrior friend who has given up on YEH's thread at soompi has this to say lah, "I think the YKW and gang are definitely JJH fans first, followed by hyoonies. I don't think they're that big of YEH fans. They just need to be YEH fans to give them ammunition to be hyoonies. Whatever they do is loaded. Even when YKW and gang posts up YEH stuff, I'm sure it is to gain credibility as YEH fans so that they can shoot their mouth off when it comes to JJH and the shipping. I sometimes wonder if YKW has a life because she's soooo busy gaining sources here and there. Whatever lah. Like I said, she's too threatened by GY's presence in YEH's life that I think she's forgotten KJK. Hahahaha...So, she forgets that when she produces evidence like YEH doesn't keep in touch with her co-stars to show that she's not in touch with GY, KJK is not in that category. And she's shooting her own ship in the foot....hahaha.I think sooner or later, YKW and gang might self destruct. They spend more time disproving YEH's connections to the other man than asserting her connection to JJH. LOL "

unfair, but what do they care as long as it serves their selfish agenda? YEH's reputation is not exactly their priority. :rolleyes:

goodnight yoogals from A to Z, and be strong for baby Yoo!!

*waves* at Rebby and friends! :w00t: enjoy reading and the GYEH fanarts here and thanks for the picspams! more Yoo for us to drool over! :lol:

Beautifully said and absolutely true!

It's my first time posting here but I 've been a lurker for a long time.

I hope I'm welcome here.

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Yehbaby, have I ever told you how I always enjoyed your humorous, analyzing lengthy posts? Always bring smile to my face everytime I read 'em. I SO love your wittiness :lol::lol:

hello del.... where's your new avatar and siggy? just grab what you want out of my neighbor's creations.

hello FAYE!!!! :w00t: having a bit of babyYOO for breakfast, huh?! :lol:

hey chinky! how come you haven't signed up at the chat zone? you can join us and YOO for brekky on weekends :lol:

my Faye.. I won't be around after this.. so if you can just leave a message on my PM about the contest and I'll get to it in the afternoon (my side)

I agree with you my faye.. hope people will keep their respect not only to YooGals but the man of the house - GONG YOO. I think he should be getting all the respect.

Need to go too.. nearly 10am now.. probably going out again later... Take care everyone and have a good Sunday ahead.

AMEN to that my angel and see ya later at the conference room for the deliberation.

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Guest anythingasian


just a quick hello to everyone...

thanks for all the YOOGOODIES, oh God tomorrow's the big day for cutie, huggable YOO...

i'll be back later on for my replies...i think it will be a long post...my head was fuzzy due to backreading...i think it will be another incredible long day again...

take care people


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dear aalhl, chinkymars, movall, & all the other yoogals,

morning! (though it's already half past 11... :sweatingbullets: )

since everyone has per talent, it seems i happen to know about languages a little bit more than others :)

time for quick answers~~~

1) i haven't started to translate the interview into English.......

2) yes! i do have the translation of the first part of the interview on Dec. 21, posted as follows

節目名稱:Chonan Kan2 チョナン・カン2

播出時間:12月21日 富士電視台



提供者:yoohouse at YouTube

Credit: nogurin@dcGY

翻譯:【PTT 孔侑版】















侑:好。啊,可能大白天的就喝醉啦 ﹙笑﹚












































敬請期待,下回《孔侑專訪 後篇》

※下回將於2008年1月12日 2:05~2:20播出

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last eight minutes to go to pm me your entry to the best couple fanart contest!

8:02 pm- submission is over! winner will be announced later and all entries will be posted...

i would like to thank all those participants in the spirit of fun and love for Yoo and EH! good luck to all of you!

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Guest woodycakes

awwww.. .that was the most adorable Tae In ever.. His smile was so sweet and innocent.. and the way he dances, all the shaking of bootie.. so cute!!!

haha.. no doubt his expression can kill.. especially his adorable killer smile.. :wub:

hmm.. that's weird, because when I change my siggy last time, it didn't went through the submission and it alerted my that my banner size is to big. :unsure: don't worry.. take your time dating Tae In.. You can date Seo Gun after that.. you will have 2 years to date them as many times as you wish too. ;) Did you have nosebleed or excessive drooling over those scans? :D

The shaking of the bootie is my favorite part too. Isn't he just so adorkable! I wanna squeeze him. And dance with him. Damn, wishful thinking.

It's alright, the siggy drama is long over with. thanks though :D

Oh yeah, Tae In's time is almost up. I have three episodes left and then I'm off to date Seo Gun. I'm excited. I just wish I didn't have to wait two years till the next one, but beggars can't be choosers. :( Oh yes, excessive drooling over GY is what I do best. :D

Patty...thanks...are you having fun watching Tae-In? he's really cute huh? but more than that, BTSC really touches the heart...and tae in make you want to love him and care for him ...the side character's stories and struggles are heart wretching as well.

jinkzzmec I just want to put him in my pocket and keep him safe. BTSC makes me see his "childhood innocence" and yet the way he treats Bo-Ri just goes to show how he's "matured" in terms of caring for others and not just himself. Sob.

waves to all Yoogals namely




chinkymars,del32,patty,smilefish,marj,littlebunny,lili,lily,luvhang,buttefly kisses,

ariesw,love_jesus and to all the rest i missed to mention

Waves to euchan too! Hi there!!!

Hi, woodycakes! Welcome to Yoohouse! Me <3 your siggy. Enjoy!

Hey Kai, thanks for the welcome :) i am definitely enjoying.

patty, you can call me kaye! i want the desktop calendar since it has more pics. but it's always not available.

so im planning to wait for the photobook instead(if there really is.).:)

Patty, watch OFD and you'll be crying non stop too. :)

Hey Kaye, the photobook sounds interesting. I wonder if i have the patience to wait for that. LoL/ ;)

Ohnoes. I'm already sobbing my richard simmons off in BTSC, I can only imagine how OFD will be. Thanks though!

-- Hello...Patty Ohhh...envy you >_<~ Campus's life very awesome for me. Dont let it go !! and Calling Senior YooGals ~ Calling Senior YOOgals we should have welcome first-year students party !!!

Hey OC, I'm definitely enjoying the college life. Alas, only one year left for me and I'm off to the workforce :(

hey patty....hope you had some luck with BTSC at d-addicts.

Thanks chinkymars, it helped a ton :D

Patty, ha..you're a good girl!

hahaha..Patty, yes...i'm Kai's neigbour!!! and no no you're not absolutely Older than me as long as you're a freshy!!! coz I was a freshy 9 yrs agoes!!!! OK... stop talking about the age as someone here might be bothered by this!!! hahaha...

Only when i try to be, Nate. :D Hope you have a fab weekend too.

Ooh, I'm already on my third year of college, so no I'm not a freshy anymore. It's alright, in the YooHouse, I doubt age even matters :D


I can't believe Yoo's leaving tomorrow. *sobs* Hope all the YooGals have a great weekend. :D

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Guest phreaque

*waves back*

thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :) i'm glad GY has such warm and nice fans!

Just like the man himself, adorably cute! :wub:


a quick little photoshop, my humble contribution to the thread. :)

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Guest anythingasian

faye, sorry...i will really try to join next time...hopefully there is a next time...and yeah i really did spent my time drooling over YOOYEH pic than tweaking them...

yehbabyYEH...you really never fail to make me laugh...your scenarios are amazing...your analysis always hit the right core and i wont be surprised if they get addicted to your posts and yes even them.......love it...unbelievable...yes dont be YOOshocked, they do read your YOOposts....YOOHOO! subscription anyone? and i will also sit tight eating nachos and watch her paired up with another hottie and have them scrambling and digging for the look of love...oh my...this is soooo reeel, know the diff?...but i object, your honor! :vicx:

angelie, don't you love it...more people comin over this thread...spreading the YOO love...i wont be surprised anymore if they all get addicted to his YOOness...look at his body...very manly...smexy!...and speaking amexy the OFD fishtank ending...hoping for more of the YOOkisses and YOOhugs but what the heck...still...whew!

queenie...evidence you have there but then again even if the CSI will present them i am so sure the jury will dismiss it as plain coincidental...oh and when YOO comes home from his MS duty i hope he'll do a movie with a CSI theme, a YOO grissom or a YOO H...did YOO ever play a detective before...he can play a smart tough detective...he can look the part and oh not only look the part but play the role effectively...that is what i like about YOO...he can totally ACT...

jinxzzz...too bad...but then again look at the brighter side my dear, they are possible YOOgals wannabe...taking the time out getting the pic in here...gosh i even thanked them for it...sorry for that...i just thought maybe they are beginning to fall in love with YEHYOO that they cant help but post it in another thread...but yeah you are quite right to feel bad about it...and by the way i love your work...dont let anyone put you down...keep on making them girl...

nate...that's your first YOOvid???...keep them coming...i love it...

yookoo...thanks for sharing the YOOvid...

eunchan...yeah...he's more at peace now and love him more for reassuring us as well...he's gonna be safe in there...just dont forget to say a prayer for him every now and then...

my fave YOOpic now is the sleepingYOO...i will forever watch him sleep...hahaha...i'll just regard his 2 years of MS as sleeping...he's my own snow white...i'll watch him sleep then kiss him after two years...

hey people...look at this YOOYEHshop this is sooooo REEL!!!


take care YOOGALS and have a blessed SUNDAY!


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Guest kayelee

Good Afternoon!

was busy last night with.......

i like this court hearing already. :lol::w00t:

and like you and any...Cultish-cult is happy about some news though she who shall not be name is not.bwahaha

more analysis please.

oh to add more proof of evidence...this was extracted from YEH's recent interview.

PSK: We know that Gong Yoo is going to enlist in the army soon.

YEH: Yes.

PSK: are you sad?

YEH: Um, I thought he was leaving earlier, so I was sad.

But it was better as the date was pushed back.

Well, it’s a responsibility for a man to go for military service and come back, so…


if this is what they called "YEH dont care about YOO attitude" then they are wrong.

i rest my case your honor.

Case closed! thanks Atty. Queenie :lol:

hope they somehow realized that saying this kind of matter affects someone else's dignity and pride

making her bad in the eyes of the people just to protect their "someone". <_<

Kaye...mamita? are you even in the right drama...whahahah....are you sure it's Cp and not flordeluna you're watching...crazy GMA.

Jinkz, i thought i was watching a local drama...but believe it or not it is Coffee Prince. waaahhh... So miserable!

Good Morning YOOGALS! Van signing in..komawo for welcoming me here in YOOhouse. i hope BabyYOO is having a good time in SKR with his family and friends, he only have two days left before his MS :tears:. His scenes with KSA in SDiary was so freakin HOT, honestly I never imagined him doing those scenes it's very different from Han Kyul. I'm amazed that YOO is really gifted with the looks,charm and so much talents (acting, singing, and playing the piano). Is there a video of him dancing? I really want to see him dancing :lol: I also watched a short clip of him dress up as a girl in School 4..he's really pretty!!, OMO I was laughing really hard! :lol:

what's wrong with YEH giving YOO a gift? It's not a crime to give a cyworld skin to a friend. YEH and YOO have a great on-screen chemistry, a lot of people fell in love with han kyul and my chan :wub:

Hi Van! of course it's not a crime for giving someone a gift. But there are some people that

says that this giving cyworld skin thing isn't possible...because blah...blah...blah.. <_<:lol:

hahaha..didn't imagine him too doing those hot scene aside from HK... :sweatingbullets:

that's why I haven't watched S-diary. :ph34r: Don't want to think of it everytime. :lol:

Yooko thank you very much for translating the news. Welcome!!! :)

Welcome! phreaque WE ALL LOVE YOO!!! hope to hear from you again. :) Enjoy!

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Guest kayelee

of course rebby- that's another attempt to be funny! :lol: and in my cultist mind anyway- they're into all types of communication available - phone calls; text messages; codes in their cyworld that ordinary eyes can't see- dude, they even send smoke signals to each other and they're all heart shaped :lol::lol:


Faye, you gave me a laugh here! LOL

Of course anything's possible when it comes to your loved one.

even gazing at each other so close and holding hands while announcing the Top Excellence. :wub:



what did YEH used by the way, since she's not smoking? boinks! :lol:

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Guest kayelee

Hey Kaye, the photobook sounds interesting. I wonder if i have the patience to wait for that. LoL/ ;)


I can't believe Yoo's leaving tomorrow. *sobs* Hope all the YooGals have a great weekend. :D

Hello Patty! it really is interesting! :rolleyes: hahaha!

how are you going to wait for GY's come back if you're not patience. :lol: but can't blame yoo.

Angelie yeah this time someone's so hungry! <_<

Good thing I backed my replies up so I can post it again and they can always eat all they want! :P

*waves back*

thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :) i'm glad GY has such warm and nice fans!

Just like the man himself, adorably cute! :wub:


a quick little photoshop, my humble contribution to the thread. :)

yeah phreaque, NICE fans adores NICE people! B)

nice pic you hav there! thanks...:) So REAL!!! :wub:

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Guest woodycakes

Hello Patty! it really is interesting! :rolleyes: hahaha!

how are you going to wait for GY's come back if you're not patience. :lol: but can't blame yoo.

Angelie yeah this time someone's so hungry! <_<

Good thing I backed my replies up so I can post it again and they can always eat all they want! :P

I shall TRY to be more patient, Kaye. This is my 2008 resolution. Haha.

My reply got lost too. i know i had one after Jan 9 but it doesn't register. boo.

thank goodness i'm not alone though :(

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Good Sunday afternoon everyone...

before lovenotes, here's some sort of sel-made magazine I think, created by eunvanilla called "Magazine U".

viewimageyc4.th.jpg viewimageot4.th.jpg viewimagegz5.th.jpg viewimagemu3.th.jpg viewimagebg0.th.jpg magazinep4qa3.th.jpg

*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

Hi Van... I'm sure you will be occupied with YOODramas/movies for the next 2 years.. watching and re-watching too.. heheh.. :D *hugs* to you too.. :)

Beautifully said and absolutely true!

It's my first time posting here but I 've been a lurker for a long time.

I hope I'm welcome here.

hello Cricketear. Welcome to YOOhouse and congrats for making your first post here. I saw your comment at the other side too.. ;)

hello any.

angelie, don't you love it...more people comin over this thread...spreading the YOO love...i wont be surprised anymore if they all get addicted to his YOOness...look at his body...very manly...smexy!...and speaking amexy the OFD fishtank ending...hoping for more of the YOOkisses and YOOhugs but what the heck...still...whew!
yep yep. people are spreading the YOOlove and getting addicted to his YOOness.. lol! OFD fishtank ending? haha.. everyone was hoping for YOOkisses and YOOhuggies too.. but still can't expect much as long as it's a happy ending.. :) the other day when I watch that scene, I was actually moved by it.. :P

yooko.. thanks for the translation.. well, maybe you and ariesw can share the translation.. she do the first interview (21 dec) and you do the second interview (12 jan), can?

Good afternoon patty. Feels like a long time I didn't see you.. must be the missing post.. lol!!!

The shaking of the bootie is my favorite part too. Isn't he just so adorkable! I wanna squeeze him. And dance with him. Damn, wishful thinking.
squeeze him? haha.. I think now his mom seriously need to hire a bodyguard. hahaha

Oh yeah, Tae In's time is almost up. I have three episodes left and then I'm off to date Seo Gun. I'm excited. I just wish I didn't have to wait two years till the next one, but beggars can't be choosers. :( Oh yes, excessive drooling over GY is what I do best. :D
ohhh.. the last 3 crucial eppis of BTSC.. :) Good so far? you feel like strangling his uncle? hehe... Yyou mentioned you are sobbing away? OFD is about the same to me.. Anyway, I think you will have sizzling hot date with Seo Gun. after that you should date Tae Young (he's an angel and a candy boy too!! :wub: ) before you move on to date Jun Pyo.. :P

hi again phreaque. Thanks for sharing your YOOYEHshop with us. :)

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wave to all on-line Ellie,del32,Bliss of YEH thread,phreaque,Yooko,nate

and to all casper in the house

have a great weekend to all

LOL thanks for the shoutout, euchan ;)

I was just lurking since I've been extremely bored in the other thread.

Hardly anyone posts over there now :(

I'll just leave it at that since you mostly like know the reason why.

I can't believe GY is leaving tomorrow.

I'm surely going to miss him and hope that the days will go faster till he is done serving for his country.

I think I read something in this thread about being to come out of MS once in awhile but just can't show themselves in camera.

Maybe this a case-to-case basis but there was a release of KJK's BTS for his MV which fully showed his face, although his official MV did not.

LOL I don't know. I'm just trying to lift everyone's spirit that maybe we can get a chance to see Gong Yoo while in MS. Even just a short video message to his fans how he is doing will do.

*waves to all the best YOO fans out there*


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