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Really , i loved GY is Asus Press Con he was so cute , funny and more relaxed than his FMs , his previous public events 

i loved when Asus Chairman said that  he& his wife are GY fans ' he even  watched 'train to busan & Goblin' ^_^ .


he was cute while talking in English , little in Chinese , he was funny with Mc " Mickey" and they had great chemistry . MC Mickey is so funny & witty  . he knows who to tease GY :D


i loved when they Showed GY fans outside Venue saying " We love Gong yoo" , GY was so good with his fans " Shaking hands , hugging them and he was considerate to his fans & adjusted his height  to take selfie with them"



Funny thing : when MC asked GY about his favorite colour GY choose the black one , then MC teased him and said other colours won't be sold quickly like the black one then GY quickly said others colours 'll be for his family . red for noona ( elder sister) , Gold for his Mum , white for his dad.

GY said he was shy when he shooted romantic Scene with Indonesian actress "Tatjana Saphira" since they first time to meet

GY almost dropped phone 2 times , GY himself was near to fall from stage just to take best wefie with Fans Looooooool :D but hosts warned him before falling .

@jaysmurf honestly i  wish GY choose his next project quickly ^_^


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8 minutes ago, 2handsintertwined said:

I agree! I'm going to add to that. I also think he looks innocent.

i don't think GY so innocent as you think , i just feel he's mix of innocent , naive , witty , intelligent , playful . 

Funny Clip From Asus Press Con


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26 minutes ago, Noor90 said:

i don't think GY so innocent as you think , i just feel he's mix of innocent , naive , witty , intelligent , playful . 

Sorry I'm just now seeing this. Well, I understand what you are saying, but I think if you look at the video of him hiding, that's where he looks innocent. It kind of makes me sad :(. I really do think someone hurt/abused him. I don't know what kind of abuse. It makes me angry to just think about it. Let's be real here. Someone like GY should not act the way he does because he's been in the industry for a long time, right? So it makes no sense why he acts playful and innocent and boyish when he's relaxing with his friends/staff. I'm worried about him. I watch a lot of things about abuse, so maybe that is why I have this feeling that he is abused. Abuse disgusts me, and if I knew him personally, I would try to help him. After seeing the video of him hiding, I got really concerned. I said, wait, he wasn't like this at the ASUS thing, but while relaxing he's acting innocent and cute and boyish. Makes no sense. How can you not look closely at this. You've been his fan since 2014, right? Well, how come you haven't ever studied him? Really studied him. I think the way GY acts should make you worry about him. I'm a newer fan than you, and I picked up on it. I just don't understand, it's almost like you are afraid to study/analyze him because you are afraid what you might find. Another thing, as we saw on Baeksang, GY is not in a good place emotionally and mentally. I think he was very depressed at Baeksang. A lot of the comments were telling him to take care of his mental health. So he must be dealing with something heavy like abuse. That's what I'm thinking. I could be wrong, but something about his behavior in the video with him hiding makes me feel very sad. It's almost like something was taken from him, and I think there is a very dark side to him. If you look at the airport videos on his way to taiwan, he flinches sometimes. I mean he acts like someone who will pull away when they are afraid they are going to be hit with something. Maybe he got disciplined too hard as a child? I don't know. I just don't feel good about how innocent and playful he is. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just giving you my honest opinion. I think there is something wrong with him. Why is the person in the instagram video different from the person who was on stage at the ASUS event?

You said he said he was nervous filming with the actress, Tatjana Saphira,  right? Why? Again. I don't think this makes any sense!

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credit: myshintakheart

A very clever fan made this. I thought it was real! At first, I asked, are KGE and GY in a magazine together for HighCut? I got excited. I just think their faces match so well together. Anyway, the original photo is of KGE from her HighCut pictorial. I think she looks so beautiful. It looks like GY is glancing her saying, "You are so beautiful" while KGE just ignores him and let's him chase her. She says, "Boy, hush."

Someone please agree with me that this looks 100% real. Even their shoulders look like they are really toucing. The colors match. Then I searched around, and I didn't find any other articles about them being in highcut together. What a shame. I hope we get a magazine spread of them both together soon. As Goblin fans, it's a mystery how we never got a magazine photoshoot with them.  Ooh! Even a phone CF would be nice! *evil laughter* We never got any CFs with them either.

I'm sorry I'm still not over Goblin. :blush: *prepares for rocks to be thrown at her*

So Goblin's Bride updated her instagram! I really do miss Goblin :cold_sweat:

credit: myshintakheart

The same clever fan added GY into her updated photo. Doesn't look so real? My shipper eyes are playing tricks on me! It looks like she is really resting her head on his shoulder. I want to rest my head on GY's shoulder too. :blush: This person is so good! I promise I'm not stalking their account! :grin: Damn The Goblin's bride is so pretty. How come some people said she was not pretty enough to star alongside him? ugh. so upsetting. Please let me drown in my Goblin feels. Leave me alone! :bawling:

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GY and his brides:


(Yoon Eun Hye, Coffee Prince, 2007)

credit: gabbiesworld

GY's response:


credit: gabbiesworld


(Lee Min Jung, Big, 2012. oops already taken! Married to the amazing actor Lee Byung Hyun :) )

credit: gabbiesworld

GY's response:


credit: gabbiesworld


(Dokkaebi Shinbu/Goblin's bride, Kim Go Eun, Goblin, 2016-2017)

credit: gabbiesworld

GY's response:


credit: gabbiesworld

So I guess it's between Yoon Eun Hye and Kim Go Eun. Who do think his real-life bride will be, my sweethearts? :bawling:

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It looks like no one wants to discuss this GY abuse thing. And I don't know why. I'm really suspicious. Am I the only one who analyzes him? Am I the only one who asks questions about why he does this and that? It looks that way. Maybe he was abused, and no one wants to admit it. Well, I'm a stupid new fan and I happen to be very curious about him. I feel like he's a puzzle I'm trying to solve, and no one wants to discuss his feelings with me. Like, why did he cry during his Taiwan fanmeet? Why does he look down at the floor sometimes? Why does he act like a little boy sometimes? I think that is disturbing. A grown man acting like a little boy. There has to be something wrong. Why he cry on stage at the an important awards show like Baeksang? How did he feel when his mother said she was disappointed in him? I think there is a little, scared frightened boy inside of him. And I think he's been traumatized. I'm so tired of everyone staying silent on what's going on with him. He's suffering from depression, right? No one ever talks about that. This man is crying out for help, and no one is helping him. I just don't understand.  You all call yourself his fans, but you won't study him to find out what's wrong with him. You ignore his issues. You ignore his poor mental health. You ignore his lack of confidence. You ignore how he didn't look up once during his Baeksang speech, and you ignore how he wasn't standing up straight and he's a tall man. Why does he act so vulnerable in his bedscenes/kissing scenes? And I think he's a "pleaser." I think he's always trying to please people. No one is asking any questions about him. I understand. i am afraid to dig too deep into him too, but at the same time I think we should try.  Because I think we all want the best for him and we all want to support him.

I'm not trying to hurt him with my words.

For example, if you saw someone getting assaulted on the street, would you just stand there? Or help?

I feel like a lot of you are the person who would just stand there.

I'm done ranting. I just can't take this anymore.                                                                                                                                    

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@2handsintertwined in Korea , they call GY Roco King " Romantic Comedy " King cuz he has good chemistry with everyone he acted with him/ her 

Since u Mentioned his co stars YEH , KGE , LMJ . I'll continue with other Co-stars 







The Best Chemistry Goes to " Gong yoo & Cat" sine they first time met in the set Looooooool


5 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

So I guess it's between Yoon Eun Hye and Kim Go Eun. Who do think his real-life bride will be, my sweethearts? :bawling:

The Answer with Gong yoo only , and when time 's suitable he'll announce it by himself . In my opinion GY won't annonce Dating news , i think it 'll be marriage news . 


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1 hour ago, Noor90 said:

in Korea , they call GY Roco King " Romantic Comedy " King cuz he has good chemistry with everyone he acted with him/ her 

Since u Mentioned his co stars YEH , KGE , LMJ . I'll continue with other Co-stars

I didn't know GY was called Roco King, well he deserves it because I think he does have chemistry with all his co-stars! I love all the pics you posted with all his other costars. Even his cat! Aww, so cute. Still want to be that cat. I think his chest looks so comfy. 

1 hour ago, Noor90 said:

The Best Chemistry Goes to " Gong yoo & Cat" sine they first time met in the set Looooooool

LOL! I agree. I think you can just tell that he loves the cat and the cat loves him back!

1 hour ago, Noor90 said:

The Answer with Gong yoo only , and when time 's suitable he'll announce it by himself . In my opinion GY won't annonce Dating news , i think it 'll be marriage news . 

Well, yes, I think you're right. GY does know the answer only, but he needs to reveal that answer NOW. These two beautiful ladies, YEH and KGE, are going to get snatched up by someone else, and he'll cry so he better hurry and pick between them. Well, I agree with your opinion. I think it'll be marriage news too. I hope both of them are ready for him to get down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage! I also hope they reject his slow butt :blush: Just kidding. But I hope he marries one of them soon. 

For example:




                                 credit: gabbiesworld

   Yoon Eun Hye VS Kim Go Eun VS Han Ji Min VS Gong Hyo Jin VS Jung Yumi


GY kissing Yoon Eun Hye, and GY kissing Kim Go Eun. Does he like Yoon Eun Hye better or does he like Kim Go Eun better? Time is ticking, mister!  He'll be sorry if lets them get away! Other men are out there chasing them too!  Who's sexier Kim Go Eun or Yoon Eun Hye? Who does he like to kiss more? Who does he want to take to bed?

Like you said, the answer lies with GY :blush:

edit: Oh wait! HJM and Gong Hyo Jin are single too! And Yumi!

Image result for gong yoo han ji min

GY and Han Ji Min

Image result for gong yoo gong hyo jin

GY and Gong Hyo Jin

Image result for gong yoo jung yumi

GY and Jung Yumi

Wish he had kiss scenes with Han Ji Min, Gong Hyo Jin, and Jung Yumi. He needs to hurry and marry any of these women while they are still single. Such an idiot! ( I love him I promise) He's a fool if he doesn't choose one of them to marry. 

Again, answer is with GY :bawling:

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credit: gong_m_yoo

Aww, sweetie, what's wrong ? :anguished: Penny for your thoughts. Love him so much. He looks sad. And hurt.

*hugs him very tight*

It's going to be okay, sweetie. 

*pets his hair*

I swear I do not like to abuse GY. I hope some of you don't think that I like to praise him then bring him down. I would never do that.


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Good morning, everyone. I'm sorry for what I said about Gong Yoo. I'm sorry that I said I thought he had been abused. I don't want create any rumors that I think could hurt him, and I think all the things I said about him were disrespectful. I won't talk about it ever again. I hope we can all put it behind us and move on and keep loving and supporting and waiting on this wonderful guy named Gong Yoo. Again I'm sorry. I'm always opening my big mouth and I think I share too many of my thoughts about him. I won't do that anymore either. I don't want to cause anymore problems. I'm stupid. I tried to start a rumor with very little evidence. Maybe I'm really not his fan?  I think this is something I need to ask myself. I hope others won't stop visiting his page after what I said. I don't think he needs me. I wish he has new fans here who truly love and respect him.

Thank you.


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21 hours ago, staygold said:

@2handsintertwined I think we r the most tolerant set of fans on this forum!:D Some might call us lazy too! I think we are a lot like him - we try not to get worked up by anything and we take our time.


cr: https://ktvgifs.tumblr.com/post/157297217813/kim-shin-just-wants-to-be-in-a-picture

You really think we're the most tolerant fans on this forum?  ok. I'll try to keep that in mind. Some might call us lazy? I didn't know we are lazy. so you think we are a lot like him? ok. i'll try to keep that in mind too.  well, i do get worked up by things and I don't know how to take my time. I rush through things. so i guess im not like him at all. i guess i'm not one of him fans. i've seen Mc's say they don't know anyone who knows anything about him. Why not?  This is where i think he's secretive, and i wonder why he's so secretive. i ask, what  is he  hiding? thank you for your input.

@Noor90 Thank you for the pictures

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@staygold Anyway, thanks for paying attention to me. I didn't expect anyone to answer. And I don't think I'm worthy of being his fan. Now I'm talking about him having secrets. I really need to stop. I don't think I respect him at all.  Like I said. He doesn't need me.  :anguished: I hope all the fans that respect him keep respecting him because he deserves it. He's been in the industry so long, right? And he's a veteran actor, right? That's why I think he deserves respect. I'm too negative too. I complain because he won't work. I'm just horrible, and I don't belong here. 

Here's one of my favorite scenes from my GongGo ship:


credit: mufalo

I hope they marry for real, and I hope they reunite in a movie. This scene makes me a little happy, but I still don't think I deserve to be his fan, and I don't think I belong  here saying that again. I've  messed up so many times, and I've mistreated him. I know you said GY fans are the most tolerant. I just think you guys here on the forum have been too tolerant with me. I'm always causing trouble, and I'm always making things up about him. I don't want to richard simmons anyone off, so it's best that I go, and I want to stop hurting him with my rumors. I wish him the best, and I hope he finds happiness in his life, and I hope his next project is something he is proud of :) Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to reply me. 

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You guys are all probably annoyed with me. I was just curious. These are similar scenes. Gong Yoo is lifting both of these ladies up, their legs around his waist. Which one is better? Yoon Eun Hye or Kim Go Eun? :blush: You don't have to answer that. Just having a little  fun. :grin:

I love both of these scenes!



Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye, Coffee Prince, 2007


Kim Go Eun and Gong Yoo, Goblin, (2016-2017)


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