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Good evening everyone..

Oh man, i was LOLing at that award presenting segment. Have you seen the evil eye YEH gave JJH after he asked her whether she is happy with her coffee manager? i tought she was about to eat him alive...LOL. it was very obvious that she doesn't feel comfy around JJH and i would go as far as to say ...she doesn't really like him at this point. when he asked her how was she doing she didn't even bother to ask him the same question back...how rude?! :phew:<_<:P
haha.. I was LOLing too.. she just doesn't feel comfortable with that "someone" at all.. (not that I don't respect "him") but her gesture to me looks like "ok.. let's not talk too much and be done with this ASAP" kinda thing. I guess that's why she just answer his question straight forwardly and didn't bother to ask back? :unsure: I mean she could have done what the rest of the presenters did talking and joking around before they announce the award right?

evening OC.. now we met for the 3rd time for today.. :D

Goshhh..baby YOO knew abt. ours feeling. ours thought

He so sweet to said right that. >____< when? when? when this year end !!! <_<

of course baby YOO knows our feelings and thoughts, OC.. he's such a sweet and sensitive guy.

-- Hello..My Angel We meet 2nd time for today ^^....ohhh your hubby should give a new one to you too ^^??

i think you should have excellent options's PC for all things of baby YOO. Ex. DL or High Quality !! btw, better than nothing !! At least you'll have your own one. that's means you can use anytime that you want Right?? ^^btw, i'll try for DL school 4 next time...i have 720 days for DL Mr. Baby Face !!

I don't need a new PC.. I only need a PC that I can use without "fighting" for it.. you are right, meaning I can use it anytime I want. heh.eh.. after all I have all the things I need in the current one, so no point having a new one where I have to start all over again. Maybe I may need another hard drive, but that's ok, because I backup into DVD anyway. Hubby needs new PC because this old one cannot "survive" what he want to do anymore.. lol!! don't wait too long to download School 4 or else the links expire, I'll have headache again.. lol!!

Good evening chippy.

Angel unnie, have you seen the picture of the Rudolf i dated with? LOL! I thought of giving him a green nose instead of the old red one.. to match the green suit! LOL!
gah! you are trying to tease the LB again aren't you? :tongue2:

ohhh.. that news is so new!! :lol: fireworks, im still at episode 2.. i was still in the Capital mood, so can appreciate KJH in fireworks now. LOL! So Yuri is becoming like EC in old Korea, eh?
I wish I have the time to rewatch Fireworks. I missed out quite a few episodes... I don't have the mood to watch Capital yet, but I might give HGD a try.. yeah. Yuri is becoming the "ancient" EC. lol! she cut her hair short too. I think the drama starts airing tonight.. Will wait for download I guess.. I saw some pics over at Yuri thread.. gosh, the couple look so cute.. lol!!

hello kaye.. Welcome home.. Happy New Year.

Angelie, I started watching One Fine Day last night :blink: and I'm in Ep 8 already. Not that addict neh? :lol:

Love his character there. :blush: Very Lovable! I won't blame Ha neul for falling in love with her brother.:wub: lol

whoa!! that's fast.. you fast forward? hehe... 8 more eppi and you are done.. YAY!! yeah.. Seo Gun is very loveable... especially the first few eppi where he was acting cute and funny... today our TV was airing eppi 14.. gosh! Gun got angry at Haneul reminds me of the fridge banging scene in CP.. that look in his eyes.. but he still look scarier in CP... :ph34r: Anyway, good luck and fighting with your backreading.. :)

aww! he's talking the MS thing again... :tears: and he was actually expecting both of them to win...if only...
well, at least the date now comes from him.. so it's real. ohh.. they will surely win, only if.... he.he...

Good evening any..

he looked so dashing that night...i cant help but keep on saying that i keep on squealing everytime i see his never ending smiles...he is obviously very nervous but he's quite cool most esp when he gave his speech...i've watch his acceptance speech several times...really drooling here...hahaha...
haha.. who will stop drooling with all those smile and a moment of cute confused look.. lol!! he was nervous, but not as nervous as he was 4 years ago..

the thread really is moving so fast i could not keep up with it, i've read them all but can't quite remember who said what...someone mentioned about YOO as her first korean crush...was it you angelie?...he's not mine but he's the most addictive and definitely the longest...i was a certified lurker before and yooyeh made me register and actually post my thoughts...they inspired this batgirl to come out of her batcave and gain new friends...whew...and unfortunately gain some out of this world, unbelievable whatnots..the uruk-hais :P
yeah any.. I did mention he's my first Korean crush. and another YooGal (sorry I forgot who) echo along too... :P I'm glad yooyeh made you came out and meet new friends.. Let's remain for as long as we can.. ;)

thanks angel for asking for this clip...i was able to watch it as well...thanks yehbaby for posting the link...

i am amazed on how transparent he is in that vid...no pretensions at all...im glad he's like that...

no problem any.. I'm re-uploading the clip now. will be complete in about 1/2 hour time. So far, after watching so many vids of him expressing himself, he seems transparent most of the time.. absolutely no pretensions.. he just say what he feels and think.. I admire him for being himself and able to voice himself sincerely.

Gifs from 20 Years


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

2008 Fan Made Han Kyul Calendar

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjtv8.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjzi5.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjxu1.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjdb5.th.jpg

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjuk1.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjsb6.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjiq0.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjor6.th.jpg

pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjwn7.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjrv2.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjfr2.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjzy1.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlemjro6.th.jpg

*** Credit: 당근이랑 @ daum GY ***


And this is for you Yehbaby, any and all YooGals.

28-Aug-2007 MBC MBox - Forever With You (Eng Subs)

Download: http://sharebee.com/a9c0c589

*** Clip credit: dcGY CB, translation by fionajeon@YB and hardsub by jaja ***

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Guest kayelee

Good evening YOOGALS!

Back for my lovenotes before watching CP in TV on its 2nd day.

MC: Nam Sang Mi is giving him a flower bouquet.

Yoon Eun Hye looks like she doesn't know what to do because Nam Sang Mi went to go give flowers!

GY: It's okay, it's okay! You don't have to come!

MC: She's coming up!

MC: She's here with flowers.


Why don't we hear a speech from you, Gong Yoo ssi?

GY: I was dressing up, and I wore this khaki-coloured suit. It's a colour I'm going to be wearing a lot now.

After I debuted... I don't know if this is arrogant or not... but I've never thought of wanting to win an award.

But now that I've won, and I'm on stage... it feels good.

I want to thank my lovely mom who still loves when I come out on TV and is watching me right now,

and my father, who was the one to receive the most autographs from Coffee Prince.

And I want to share this honor with the Coffee Prince family, and I love the Yoo & I fan club who are freezing outside.

Also, to everybody that I love... be happy and healthy.

Thank you!

after Lee JunKi's speech...

MC: Wait, wait!

Gong Yoo ssi, just like you said, you are going to be wearing khaki a lot from now on.

A lot of fans are sad because you have to leave for the military.

To be exact, when will you be leaving? Is today your last TV appearance?

GY: Yes, formally, today would be the last.

MC: Oh, I see. Then what exact day...?

GY: Oh, when I'm leaving? On January 14th, I'll start my training. (i'm not 100% that's what he says)

MC: Oh no!!

GY: I'll return safely!

MC: Gong Yoo ssi! A lot of fans must be sad right now. Can you give some words to your loving fans as well as Yoon Eun Hye and the Coffee Prince team?

GY: Yes. Our director really wanted Eun Hye and I to win the Best Couple award, so it's a bit disappointing. And I don't know where she is right now, but I didn't get to say thank you... so thank you to our director.

Um, I've never won an award before, so I'm kind of shaking from nervousness.

Anyway, I'll be going to the military and coming back very healthy. Please don't forget me, and please remember me.

Be healthy and happy!

thanks mucho yehbaby and mishybear. I LOVE YOO :)

now I fully understood what he said in all the mbc award videos i've watched...i was just staring at their smiles before! :lol:

i think YEH's just very happy that's why she forgot to give GY the flowers... :phew: lol

Oh! even PD wants them to win. :( Gong Yoo oppa is really honest with everything he says.

...of course you have to return safe for YEH and for us. We will NEVER forget YOO! :)

To give encouragement to GY for his MS, YEH actually mentioned her younger brother (who she is REALLY close to judging from pictures and CYworld entries) who is currently doing his MS and that she is confident he will return safely. And then she said 'Fighting!'. And GY really seemed encouraged by it. His clapping was so intense. Like 'YAHHHHHHH... THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT. WAIT FOR ME!!' HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh no. I'm setting my GYEH-ness loose. Hahahaha...

hahaha! yoo made my cultish mind alive! :lol: I LOVE YOO!

yeah! the auditorium certainly got quieter when they announced the winner. haha, i think everyone was still trying to digest the results.... a whopping 92% of the votes just makes u go..".hmmmph. really?" it's just not credible lah... it should be a true relfection of how well each couple were received in their dramas - not the stars themselves. ;) if it was a closer win, we wouldn't raise our eyebrows as much. sure, BYJ owns the Most Popular Actor award, no one would begrudge him that, but Best Couple? eh??? :blink: if The Legend couple are the best couple, how come you see dozens of CP fanmade MVs and not Legend ones? coz the CP couple really captures people's imagination and hearts....much more so than the Legend couple... :rolleyes:

of course they're really disappointed with the result! <_< imagine they got 92%?

how come CP's more popular if they got 92%?! where are all the CP fans gone?

I'm getting bitter with BYJ(fans) though I like him.

it's the BYJ connection. people keep labelling the YEH fans as crazy. sheesh. have they met the BYJ fans? someone told me, BYJ got like 1 million votes for the Popularity whereas Lee Ji Ah got like 800,000++. in comparison, both GY and YEH got about 30,00++? so, no competition there.

Gremlins? :lol: okay, we must pay respect to our seniors la! *ahem* plus YOO and YEH are still young, they have lots of time to win awards later. BYJ's time is limited....OMO, not like he's going to a retirement home soon or something...but let him shine now. his army of fans, prolly most of them nice rich ladies from Japan, waited 3 whole years to vote for him, you know! :phew:

waahh..if only they made the registration easier, we could have many voters... :lol:

but yeah! no doubt that there are many BJY fans compared to them.

just looking from the age.lol

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Guest orangechocolate

evening OC.. now we met for the 3rd time for today.. :D

of course baby YOO knows our feelings and thoughts, OC.. he's such a sweet and sensitive guy.

--Hello...My Angel Last time before i go to a sleep ^^ According to his speech & abt. MC (Thank!! YEHbaby ^^) He very manly....never mind if he dont recieve a flowers or not ^^ and he very comfortable when i saw in his speech ,He speak like it's naturally not exciting. Ohhhh very professional ^^ and i smiles when he said " I'll return safely! " :) He knew everything !!

btw, Thank for MBC clips i enjoy DL now!!

don't wait too long to download School 4 or else the links expire, I'll have headache again.. lol!!

-- okay... i'll DL this weekend >_< ha ha ....btw, thank you so much.

btw,, HK's calender Did you forgot some month ^^?? Where's March and My BD's month y_y??

Very cold outside Sleepy :wacko: YOOnight Every YOOgals. Miss you ^^

PS) Hi....Dude...... Supppp?? Sleep Well !! ZZZ...

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am at work sneaking in here first to get my dose of YOOinspiration...

thanks to caly for posting Yoo's acceptance speech at the mbc awards and for my angel, ariesw, yehbaby and mishybear for the translation.

i'll be back later for my lovenotes... YOO all have a nice day!

*waves* at crazie_ola, min_montel, jodi_aries, carribeane, mia, messy27

lily.... please backpage a few for my announcement for the best couple fanart contest....

REPOSTING... this is before LF and my angel agreed to judge the winner with me...


and after the two agreed...


This JUST FOR FUN contest is open to all PS-savvy YooGals. Each entry will be pm'd to me and should be 80% graphics and 20% writing or sentiment. No specific resolution requirement as long as you can save it to your Photobucket account. Deadline for submission is January 10. All the entries will be judged in private by LF aka iluvyoo2, My Angel aka aalhl and me. All the entries will be unveiled or posted at on the evening of January 10 wherein the winner will also be announced. A special token or gift will be given by me.

Thank you and good luck to all contestants!

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Guest iluvyoo2

Hi, Good night everyone

no.. I'm not using router.. you are using wireless modem is it? oh no.. my hubby is planning to get a wireless modem/router when he get a new PC later on.. I'll be facing the same problem??? gahhh.. I hope not!! I can't download from bigfile because I cannot on my computer for 8 straight hours.. but my part 2 on CB now from where I left off at 4pm, I still got 9% to go.. downloading speed pretty fast.
Yes,I'm using wireless router, I tried forward the port using by clubbox to my computer, it still can't work. <_< It quite hard to get the working proxy, so I seldom use clubbox.. ;)

awwwww.. how very sweet and thoughtful of him.. he care for his fans soooo much... ohh.. what can we do without YOO?? wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif So did they say where he went after everything is over?
They didn't said where he went after that.

haha.. but she seems to hold Mr. Hong's hand too.. I have a friend telling me that too.. but when I watch the clip, I saw Mr. Hong's hand first because it's nearer to the camera.. lol!!
yeah, she hold Mr.Hong 's hand too..but they holding hands before the announcement?? :P

LF thats what i thought reading the translation...that the MC was putting YEH on the spot.

but YEH being smart answer the question differently...just like her other interviews regarding oppa.

but after she said that she knows oppa will work hard and return FIGHTING...then i can say that she knows BABY YOO will definitely survive MS. such confident from the young princess warrior eh.

yes, she gave the smart answer, she really know how to answer those tough questions.. :D

oh i so love what she answered to jjh when he teased her about her being happy with Cp manager GONG YOO and without a second thought she say's YES YES im very happy.wahhhhhhh a little revelation ain't it?...im my cultish mind lol.
yeah yeah, I like her answer too....she said 2007 is the most happiness year for her too..:P

-- Hello....윤은혜...Well..nice to meet you ^^ btw, can i ask you some Question ^^??if you dont mind. Errr..What can i call your name in English or may be cloud you pls. spell your name in English like Mr.Gong Ji Cheol or something ^^?? and where u come from ^^?? Korea or ^^??? Thank you so much. i just wonder your username!!!! Very nice you can type in Korea for Log in.
haha, OC, you recognize these 3 Korean words? 윤은혜 = Yoon Eun Hye :P :P :P

yeah.. looking forward to more pics and vids spam that day.. I don't think there is a live broadcast for that. not sure if there will be any guest being invited for that day. maybe he just want to spend some time with his fans only, who knows? It would be great if he had a friend-meeting party too.. hehe..
I'm asking DCGY galler about the farewell fans meet, many of them will attend..Soi will attend it too, but she told me they not allow to take video or picture that day..So, we only can wait for official one.. <_<

from what I heard from a friend of mine, she told me fans saw GY hand flowers to YEH but it was not captured on camera.. probably because GHJ was making her speech that time.. I was wondering.. if MC saw Nam Sang Mi gave flowers to LJK, then ask YEH to give to GY.. how come he didn't see Jang Hyuk gave flowers to GHJ and ask GY to do the same? Did he missed it coz I saw JH pass the bouquet to GHJ. lol!!!
A Korean fans said that 2nd flower given by GY, can hear the audiences make the noise when GHJ prepare making her speech and she turn towards YEH side..hahaaha

Goodies for today..:)

2007 MBC Drama Awards Part 1 (Chinese sub) - First hour, about 282MB

Emule download: http://www.yyets.net/viewthread.php?tid=62119&sid=GhDBzX

Direct download: http://www.yyets.net/viewthread.php?tid=62...;extra=page%3D1 (Expire on 9th Jan)

Or watch online

1. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/e6k6AjuXlEE/

2. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/uFUywIMCKfA/

3. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ZOBi-p5rFwk/

** Credit www.yyets.net and 翻译:水晶爱琴@yyets.net**

GYEH PS-ed pics


Credit as labeled

Jan 2008 Calendar


Credit Daum CP

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Guest carribeane

Good morning Yoogals. I came across a Chinese translation of GY's acceptance speech at the MBC Drama Awards and since I know 0 Chinese i was hoping one of you, kind souls, could translate it for us:


and also the CP cast table interview:








okies here's the translation... haha finding Chinese actually useful after i left school man i used to dislike it a lot but now i thank God i had the privilege to learn it =)


At the 2007 MBC Drama Awards, YEH says: 'Gong Yoo prefers the tomboy version of me'


YEH attended the 2007 MBC Awards which was held on the 30th at 940pm at the MBC ? Hall (or something like that) which was hosted by Shin Dong Yup & Hyun Young, where she shared her thoughts about acting opposite GY in the filming of <Coffee Prince>.


When host SDY asked,' During the duration of the filming, perhaps you guys developed good feelings for each other, how was the feeling of acting opposite GY?', YEH answered, 'instead GY treated the tomboy version of me better. It looks like it's cos when i acted as a tomboy, it allowed both of us to be more casual.'


She also said that 'Honestly, this year I feel that my luck has been exp good. Comparing to what I have, the many things pple ard me have taught me, I'm extremely blessed.


With regards to YEH, GY also expressed that 'until episode 12 I loved the tomboy YEH, the feeling this gives me compared to the majority of love stories are different.'


YEH has repeatedly received the public's recognition and great favor(? not so sure abt this word) in this year's <Coffee Prince>.

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Guest MissMellis

Weee... I feel so lonely right now.. It's only me and two ghosts :ph34r: Hi hi whoever you


Only 4 days left to Baby YOO's fans meet! YAY! Can't wait. Picspam!! :D

-backreading mode-


Oh my, I had 22 pages to backread! I have now abt 15 left >.<

Well, here's part 1:

hello Ellie.. welcome home.. miss you.. how was your holiday? did you went shopping like euchan did too?

ahhh.. no wonder baby YOO put a depressing picture in his cyworld's storyroom.

What did you do to him chippy!! don't lock him up anymore ok? :ph34r::P (just kidding)

nope.. nothing happened except the Jan one.. :)

well, Ellie.. sit back, enjoy your trip home sweet home, doing countdown to baby YOO's release.. ;)

Hello Angelie unnie! I miss you too! Gah it feels like I haven't talked to you or the other girls

for ages! :tears:

LOL! Kai, see what you did to Baby YOO.. made him all depressed and everything.. don't lock him

up anymore pleasu! :tears:

My holiday? Well, I don't celebrate Christmas so I was home with my family. All the stores

was closed on Christmas eve but I went shopping after Christmas Eve. Bought myself clothes but

I still need to buy lots of gift for my cousins. As for New Years Eve, it has been one of my worst

new years eves ever. Everything was just a big mess and it was really close that i'd celebrate it alone

but I changed my mind and went over to my cousins like we have done every new years eve. Celebrated

the last minutes of 2007 with the all the people in my city. It was nice although I don't like the sound

of the fireworks! I feel like a little girl cause the sound of fireworks still scares me :ph34r:

Anyway, how was your holiday?

Btw, HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! (a little late i know >.<)

Ellie tongseng, what to say? :rolleyes: Just pack all your feelings and enjoy your journey ^^ How's your holidays dear?

Val unnie!! Omg i miss you soo much! -hugs- Where are you hiding huh?

My holiday was so and so but the best of it was when i got your gift! <3

How was your holiday?

chippy kai is so pasaway.

she's not scared if i burn her wingy if she'll get BABY YOO away again.

OMO...kai the naughtiest and the perviest among all?bwahahaha *calling* kai...

yeah it will be super cute to see BABY YOO's siggy laugh again and again and again.

She is she is! The most pasaway girl huh? <_<

Burn both of the wingys unnie and let's see if she still want to try to get Baby YOO xD

LOL unnie! *calling Kai too*

I so loved his laugh and his smile during MBC awards. Everytime they showed Baby YOO

I squealed like a high school girl. OMG! I'm not being bias right now but I found him the

hottest guy of them all. And his green suit made him stand out even more! <333

I don't think I've ever drooled so much :crazy::w00t::wacko:

ellie, you'll never know! sometimes older one's are pervier. but don't know why! :lol:

so, you're in? you can choose what do you want him to be... but can we do the heroine thingy first? :lol:

Kaye.. I miss you! Feels like I haven't talked to you in ages -___-

Yes yes... I agree. I mean, just look at my unnies. They are more pervy than I am ahahaha

Of course I'm in. Well, I still want to be heroine.. well at least Baby YOO's heroine LOL!

yes euchan.. that will be really nice and sweet.. You know what? LF was telling me last night about that news that Jang Hyuk will be getting married June 2008 and he will be a daddy Feb 2008? I was really surprised with the news I visited his thread, and all of his fans were really supportive. It turns out that JH has been in relationship for 6 years already and she's 2 yrs older than him.. Hmm.. looks like nowadays Korean men likes older women. :P Hmm.. I wonder what would YOOgals reaction be if baby YOO does that? For me, I think I will be shocked.. but I will be truly happy for him. :wub:

Well Angelie, I would be shocked at first but then again, it depends on who the girl is. I guess

I'll be happy for him no matter who he chooses to spend his life with. Whatever makes him happy

makes me happy!

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Good evening everyone..

haha.. I was LOLing too.. she just doesn't feel comfortable with that "someone" at all.. (not that I don't respect "him") but her gesture to me looks like "ok.. let's not talk too much and be done with this ASAP" kinda thing. I guess that's why she just answer his question straight forwardly and didn't bother to ask back? :unsure: I mean she could have done what the rest of the presenters did talking and joking around before they announce the award right?

hmmm i'm intrigued my angel... what's the story behind this huh?

2008 Fan Made Han Kyul Calendar


And this is for you Yehbaby, any and all YooGals.

28-Aug-2007 MBC MBox - Forever With You (Eng Subs)

Download: http://sharebee.com/a9c0c589

*** Clip credit: dcGY CB, translation by fionajeon@YB and hardsub by jaja ***

thanks for the calendar my angel- and the gifs too. and i still can't open FWY - i'm getting an error message. but i was able to watch it. saw that before but not subbed so now i know what they all said during the fan meeting.

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Weee... I feel so lonely right now.. It's only me and two ghosts :ph34r: Hi hi whoever you


Only 4 days left to Baby YOO's fans meet! YAY! Can't wait. Picspam!! :D

i was one of the ghosts this morning ellie- was so busy i can only peek and scrammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... nice to see you posting again. i guess you finally got some YOOinspiration by looking at his pics from the awards night.

*waves* at MissMellis, AmyCSweet, zitan, purpleplatinum, , chinkymars, aalhlseanghi, cecicela and 1 anonymous user

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Guest MissMellis

gaah.. lost my quotes =O

these are those i could find v.v

part 2:

Ellie, i just saw your heart popping out!! :blink::blink:

you did? gah no wonder it felt like a part of me has been missing for the past few days..

never occurred to me that it was my heart :wacko:

BTW.. welcome back! How was you vacation? Did you bring me any souvenirs? :P

Can we take care of that antis? LOL!

LOL! Classmate Nate, even if im on the moon being the Moon Mistress... can help seeing YOO in his green suit! LOL! *hugs back* gah... backpages wub it!!! :blink:

Yes we can! Prepare your cannon and let's send them to outer space!

LOL Kai! How many hidden identities do you have? You're even Sailor Moon now? =O

And no, Baby YOO can't be your Tuxedo Mask :lol:

Mr.Double Zero=Mr.Cantata=Mr.M&M=Mr.Bottle Green=Mr.Elf=Mr.Excellence=Mr.YOO=Mr.Gong YOO=Mr.Gong Ji Cheol= Ours Baby YOo~

4 Hr.(My time) before bye bye 2007.im very lucky&happy to meet baby YOO this year.

Today is my 94 th day that i knew him. and for my every YOOgals that i meet first til now,you so rock.^^>

(My Angel-Twinnie-Val-Neng-Queenie-Tika-Pach-FayGong-Sissy-SantaLF-Euchan Unnie-

Baby Ellis-Jinkzz-liron-Texashot-)

you made my YOOmories full of happiness, Everything.

omg OC, I can't believe that you actually can remember all the nicknames Baby YOO has! :wacko:

Lesse, I have a few too. Mr. Smexy, Mr.Hot, Mr. Yoomilicious :D

You so rock too girl!! And you too made my yoomories full of happiness Mrs. Boss :D

same here ellie- still feeling the after-effects :lol: yeah- another or more projects for the two and then we should work harder too at voting since we all thought maybe that we did our best but it's still not good enough. maybe sway the non-believers to our side too when they see the two in another project huh?

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too ellie! catch you whenever and just have fun and take care when you take your vacation!

Next time I too will be sitting in front of my computer 24/7 and click click click. This time I've

been waiting for 2 years to vote just like the BYJ fans =DDD

Operation Sway Non-Believers has officially started!

BABY ellie HAppy New year :)

hope so too baby, that YOOYEH will work again together someday after his MS.

im pretty sure their chemistry will still be there...remember that the two did not really know each other that well before CP but they get along just fine and pulled CP with a Big Bang.

so i guess no matter what kind of project it maybe in the future they will again show us that they are the BEST COUPLE indeed.

voting poll via net??? SUCK big time. so unreliable :tongue2:

so happy to have come to know you too BABY Ellie...i hope YOOGALS will continue to support BABY YOO and each other for more years to come.

Happy new year to you too unnie!!

The chemistry will be out of this world hot next time!!

Yes yes. Although they barely knew each other the chemistry was sizzling hot.. how will

it be then if they have another project together? wee.. I can't even imagine!!

I hope so too unnie!

BTW, Happy Birthday! <33 (it's the jan 3 my time kekeke)

i am so happy for you queenie.... does it mean you won't be bored to death anymore? a change of environment is always exciting and it's nice that you're looking forward to it with positive attitude coz' that way you are also attracting positive vibes.

i am so happy that Yoo and YEH both won excellence awards. and even happier that they were together last night. i've been reading bits and pieces of infos about their actions which are fodders for cultish minds like ours :lol: gosh- i was ecstatic just knowing from LF that YEH gave Yoo cy skin last dec. 26.... something's really going on between them .... :lol: i really wish we have a chat room at the mansion so we could spazz out to death...... and that's quoting my chan also ha ha ha ha ha ha.... :lol:

Faye, I too have a feeling that something is going on between them esp the few past days..

I dunno if you have seen this but when Yoo was giving his speech and saying how

YEH and the PD wanted to win the Couple awards.. and YEH was covering her face..

her eyes were saying: I can't believe that you said that! Gaah how cute!

Another thing that I noticed was how they tried to avoid contact with each other during the awards..

the space between them.. and how they tried to avoid eye contact.. I have a feeling that they're

hiding something from us.

Oh I loved how the MC asked YEH if there was someone else she wanted to thank and put YEH

on the spot! And the way Baby Yoo applauded when she said fighting! He was soo happy! wee wee wee!!

Create a chat room then Faye! I'll be the first one to camp there! xDD

yes im happy to finally found a space for myself...where i dont have to think about somebody else welfare...im sick and tired of it already. new year new environment and new life for me.

im so like you also...smiling with all my heart just to see news regarding YOOYEH..blame it to our cultish mind huh! but i think there really is something going on :rolleyes: .

shes not really like that with jjh her partner in goong.so you can somehow see the difference of the way she reacted now compaired before.lol :phew:

i really love BABY YOO's reaction when YEH told him that he'll do good in mS and will return.that to me was PRICELESS.

and oh BABY YOO's outfit complimented YEH dress that night.

the couple looks so damn GOOD together...that even the MC cannot pass up teasing them two.

MC did not ask junki to give any message to his partner only BABY YOO AND yEH...HE must have sense that somethings going on also with YOOYEH. (reading more between line hahaha)

I saw pics of the MBC awards last seen and YEH didn't behave like this last year. Everything was so

different this year. And the way she looked at JJH is nothing compared to how she looked and

laughed when Baby YOO was giving his speech.

They look so hawt together!

I miss CP now! ;____;

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Morning!!! :D

waahh..if only they made the registration easier, we could have many voters... :lol:

but yeah! no doubt that there are many BJY fans compared to them.

just looking from the age.lol

actuallyl kaye.. the registration wasn't so difficult.. it's the most straight away one among other Korean websites.. I think they might have disabled registration during voting time to refrain people from creating multiple accounts for votes. I remember having the same problem while I was trying to register during voting time back in 2006.

hello OC... my first to you for today.. :) haha.. I don't mind about the flowers either.. I'm looking at him not the flowers anyway.. lol!! as for his speech, he is indeed more calm compared to 2003, but still a bit nervous.. hehe... and of course he knows he have to and will return safely.. ;) I'm sure he gets many re-assurance now that we will be waiting for him.. :D

btw,, HK's calender Did you forgot some month ^^?? Where's March and My BD's month y_y??
ohh.. march is there.. maybe it didn't display properly.. dunno why, sometimes certain images seems don't want to appear.. but I do see March now (it's supposed to be the forth image on the first row of calendars), but the whole year version I cannot see.. but I know it's there..

Good morning LF.

Yes,I'm using wireless router, I tried forward the port using by clubbox to my computer, it still can't work. <_< It quite hard to get the working proxy, so I seldom use clubbox.. ;)
gah.. I better ask hubby not so use wireless router then.. I don't think I can live without CB.. lol!! I love using it because it's very useful for downloading huge files.. you know la.. our download speed here so lousy.. so if I cannot resume download, then I can hardly download anything.

I'm asking DCGY galler about the farewell fans meet, many of them will attend..Soi will attend it too, but she told me they not allow to take video or picture that day..So, we only can wait for official one.. <_<
ohh.. no video or picture allowed for the fans meet.. so that means there will still be public coverage of the event? anyway, I'm sure they will "steal" some goodies out.. :P

A Korean fans said that 2nd flower given by GY, can hear the audiences make the noise when GHJ prepare making her speech and she turn towards YEH side..hahaaha
hahah.. GY is very gentleman, I'm sure he will give flowers back to YEH.. :)

Hi carribeane.. Welcome back.. Thank you so much for the translation. :)

Hello Ellie *wave* Good luck with your back reading. yeah.. it sure feels like a long time we didn't talked.. :D awww... not so baby Ellie still scared of fireworks? Poor you.. next time get ready to close your ears.. :) well, my holidays was nothing special, just like any other weekends.. :D

Btw, HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! (a little late i know >.<)
it's ok.. Thank you.. :)

Well Angelie, I would be shocked at first but then again, it depends on who the girl is. I guess

I'll be happy for him no matter who he chooses to spend his life with. Whatever makes him happy

makes me happy!

well Ellie, I guess it's very normal for us to be shocked at first, but in the end, we will still respect his decision and whatever makes him happy. Afterall, we can't intrude in his privacy anyway. ;)

hmmm i'm intrigued my angel... what's the story behind this huh?
story? hehe.. sensitive issue that is not really convenient to be told here.. but I heard that YEH's camp was a bit tensed on that night because of that scene.. I didn't visit it.. but maybe you get get some clue there.. ;)

thanks for the calendar my angel- and the gifs too. and i still can't open FWY - i'm getting an error message. but i was able to watch it. saw that before but not subbed so now i know what they all said during the fan meeting.
I guess sharebee's server is down at the moment.. give it a try again later.
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Guest MissMellis

Part 3:

to BABY YOO & to my fellow yoogals, wives and yoopinays...

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

...and now the countdown begins...

Tues, omg girl!!!!!!! How are you? Where are you?

We miss you!! Come back to us soon huh?

Happy new year to you too!! <3

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!


I did a video yesterday,about GY&YEH @ MBC DRAMA AWARDS~~~~~

wmv download

hope you will like it! :sweatingbullets:

Cup, thanks so much for your mv! I watched it and i loved it! <3

And welcome to YOOhouse btw tehehehe

Hi angelie...the whole family was supposed to go on a trip for the new year but got cancelled since i had to go to the emergency room that night but luckily i was discharged later that day and have been resting at home this whole time. :)

OMO Jinkzz unnie, the emergency? Why!?! What happened? =O

I hope that you're feeling better now and don't forget to rest plenty or else..

Ellie babyhow are yoo? miss yoo girl :tears:

Happy new year to yoo :D

My chan, i'm doing so and so. How are you? I miss you too T___T

Happy new year to yoo too! <3

btw... i saw ellie online...how come she never post or anything.... ellie- are you ok? :o

Faye dear, you know what's going on now but don't worry. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.. well at least

I hope I do >___>

i finally got to see the coffee prince parody done by BB that my cousin texted me about. too bad i can't understand korean but the actions are enough to make me rotfl .... in case you want to see YOOGals.... got the link from the BB thread.


credit to BBykimmm

*waves* at ladylana, annedodo, fayhan, MissMellis, cary0525 and 1 anonymous user

Thanks for the linkie Faye. I watched it last night and laughed so much! OMO, the BB boys are so cute!

Esp the one who played Eun Chan :D

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gaah.. lost my quotes =O

these are those i could find v.v

[Next time I too will be sitting in front of my computer 24/7 and click click click. This time I've

been waiting for 2 years to vote just like the BYJ fans =DDD

Operation Sway Non-Believers has officially started!

Faye, I too have a feeling that something is going on between them esp the few past days..

I dunno if you have seen this but when Yoo was giving his speech and saying how

YEH and the PD wanted to win the Couple awards.. and YEH was covering her face..

her eyes were saying: I can't believe that you said that! Gaah how cute!

Another thing that I noticed was how they tried to avoid contact with each other during the awards..

the space between them.. and how they tried to avoid eye contact.. I have a feeling that they're

hiding something from us.

Oh I loved how the MC asked YEH if there was someone else she wanted to thank and put YEH

on the spot! And the way Baby Yoo applauded when she said fighting! He was soo happy! wee wee wee!!

Create a chat room then Faye! I'll be the first one to camp there! xDD

I saw pics of the MBC awards last seen and YEH didn't behave like this last year. Everything was so

different this year. And the way she looked at JJH is nothing compared to how she looked and

laughed when Baby YOO was giving his speech.

They look so hawt together!

I miss CP now! ;____;

i miss CP too- i am ready to do another marathon. i think their victories became like a calming factor to all of us so our sadness over his departure on the 14th is sort of on-hold and we are on rejoicing mode right now. still euphoric after two days :lol: you bet ellie- YOO and YEH look the hawtest together!

ellie- what we can do is have accounts under yahoo or msn or aol. we have to decide which one to use and then when we're all set there we can all gather there create a room for YooGals where we can all spazz out to death. i finally saw vids of the awards night and i'm just so thrilled; tickled; happy and all those exciting emotions. that's why on the question about us finding out in the end that he is in a relationship and how we would react- i will be shocked especially if it's not YEH... come on i am not gonna be a hypocrite and say that i'm happy for him right away. and i may not be happy about it but it doesn't mean i will not respect his decisions and choices- after all; it's his life but i'll be really sad. dude- it will be weird to be say i'm happy for him right away....duh why all these expressions of having cultish feelings and all? i think i have posted this already before- i'd be like the wicked sister in law that she needs to win :lol::lol:

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Guest chinkymars

hey, thanks FAYE19 and anythingasian?!

MBC drama awards Part 1:

MBC drama awards Part 2:

hey jinkzzmec!!! thanks for greeting me too! question though, these links pertain to the whole show? including the part where YEH gives her speech? uhm...at which part did babyYoo reacted with shouting "Wooohhhh!!!" when YEH gave her encouragement for MS? i'm curious to see how babyYoo shouted "Wooohhhh!!!" hehe!!!

When I am in MS, please do not forget me!

Seriously babyYoo, how will we ever forget yoo??? That is absolutely impossible?! It's like breathing without oxygen when you're not around!!! Waaah!!!! I miss him already?!!!

You bet Angelie, it's so excellent!!! My birthdate actually has meaning now, hehe! Belated Happy Anniversary to yoo and your husband! (i hope i read that right) Cheers!

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Part 3:

Faye dear, you know what's going on now but don't worry. I'm sure I'll feel better soon.. well at least

I hope I do >___>

i'm glad you're doing something to fight it....don't worry; you'll come around.... taureans are strong ...

Part 3:

Thanks for the linkie Faye. I watched it last night and laughed so much! OMO, the BB boys are so cute!

Esp the one who played Eun Chan :D

that's G-Dragon! after watching it - i understood why my cousin was texting me like crazy. it's much different watching anything live. and my cousin is such a huge BB fan and lover of CP and likes GYYEH but not like i do. :lol: can't wait for her to return coz i told her not to come back without goodies from Korea :lol:

i have to run some errands and will be back in a few.... i'll catch you later.... muahhhhhhhhh

my angel - gosh... i didn't know you celebrated your wedding anni.... i didn't even greet you.... hope it was a memorable one... where did hubby take you?

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Good morning chinkymars.

You bet Angelie, it's so excellent!!! My birthdate actually has meaning now, hehe! Belated Happy Anniversary to yoo and your husband! (i hope i read that right) Cheers!
haha.. I'm sure your birthday will be very meaningful now.. :) And thank you for your belated wish too.. :)

my angel - gosh... i didn't know you celebrated your wedding anni.... i didn't even greet you.... hope it was a memorable one... where did hubby take you?
it's ok my faye... it was just like any other day too.. nothing really special.. with kids around, can't expect too much special stuff going around.. haha.. anyway, after so many times of disappointment during anniversaries and birthdays, I didn't want to expect anything anymore.

28-Dec-2007 ETN Gong Yoo vs. Chun Jung Myung

Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/6134474f097b5b/

Seems to be a comparison of the 2 actors because CJM was enlisted yesterday and GY will be going off on 14th Jan.

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Guest orangechocolate

Friday Morning ^^ Quick Reply ~

omg OC, I can't believe that you actually can remember all the nicknames Baby YOO has! :wacko: Lesse, I have a few too. Mr. Smexy, Mr.Hot, Mr. Yoomilicious :D

You so rock too girl!! And you too made my yoomories full of happiness Mrs. Boss :D

-- Hello... baby Ellis...Ohhh yep!! thank for more baby YOO's nik :blink:Errrr...im a singel !!!my dear...waiting for 2 year lol And if you means Mrs. Boss Gong... :crazy:

My pleasure >__<

Morning!!! :D

hello OC... my first to you for today.. :) haha.. I don't mind about the flowers either.. I'm looking at him not the flowers anyway.. lol!! as for his speech, he is indeed more calm compared to 2003, but still a bit nervous.. hehe... and of course he knows he have to and will return safely.. ;) I'm sure he gets many re-assurance now that we will be waiting for him.. :D

-- Hello My Angel...yeppp....and i wish his tranning'll be safe not like Won Bin!! btw, Last night,

i saw many times for Clips that he go the stage (his back side ...his greensuit very tightly)and i think baby YOO very chubby !! :wub:

Well... i saw some news from popseoul this morning (some celebs go to the camp yersterday!!) if baby YOO cut his hair shorter than now ..... >__< ....



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Morning OC.. is it friday today? I thought it's just Thursday?? How can you forget your day?? lol!!

-- Hello My Angel...yeppp....and i wish his tranning'll be safe not like Won Bin!! btw, Last night,

i saw many times for Clips that he go the stage (his back side ...his greensuit very tightly)and i think baby YOO very chubby !! :wub:

yes OC.. pray that he will be safe and not like Won Bin.. I'll cry if that happens to baby YOO... :( but good thing is he get to discharge earlier.. :P as much as I wanted to see baby YOO, but no.. I don't want him to get hurt...

as for watching baby YOO's back side.. haha.. yes.. he does look chubbier.. I guess because of all the rolling on bed watching SuperCars does the trick.. lol!!! I couldn't help drooling as he walks and sway his body.. :w00t: :w00t: Gosh I'm hopeles!!! :sweatingbullets:

Well... i saw some news from popseoul this morning (some celebs go to the camp yersterday!!) if baby YOO cut his hair shorter than now ..... >__< ....
yeah.. I think there are a few celeb enlisting this month.. one of them is Chun Jung Myung (no idea who he is) in the clip I posted above who left yesterday. I think baby YOO will have to cut his hair shorter than now.. :unsure: Then he will look like how he appear in Like A Dragon. he.he.. but then again, I saw YEH's brother and another actor who is Hyun Young's (the award night MC) bf who seems to be taking a time off for xmas and new year respectively, their hair isn't very short..
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Guest MissMellis

part 4:

-- Ohhh...this is very interesting for me today !! i little wonder that if that day...baby YOO'll surprise us by wear "Golden Boy" T-Shirt of baby Ellis and speak something like that Goshhhh...Because in YEH's party,her fan in many countries can send BD's gift to her agency and bring them on the stage right?? :rolleyes:

omo OC! I'll go crazy if he did wear the t-shirt or even say something abt our gift!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Gaah.. I'm sad to hear thought that fans aren't allowed to take pics ;___; don't tell me

it will be something like YEH's b-day party! btw, I'm still hoping to see pics of Baby YOO..

and I'm still wondering why we haven't seen any pics of him yet.. it's so suspicious!

MBC drama awards Part 1:

MBC drama awards Part 2:

Thanks for the linkies Jinkzz but I think HJ split hates me.. And I hate

MU ;___;

ok... YOOgals waiting for this? Say thank you to ariesw. :)

GY's acceptance speech.

My Yoo, all of us here also felt disappointed that you did not win the Best Couple but here in our HEARTS, YOO are the winner and always be the winner. I am so happy and my heart and mind is at peace now knowing that you will enter MS in full spirit. We can NEVER, NEVER forget you while you are gone. There is no doubt that YOO are here in our hearts before entering MS and Yoo will still be in our hearts when you are finish doing MS. We will never get tired of waiting for YOO. Please take good care of yourself and YOO can do it!!!

Guys, this is it! This is really is it!!! Coming from YOO himself that he'll be entering MS this coming JAN 14 breaks my heart into pieces but we have to be strong for him. Gosh, i am already missing him so much.

Big Thanks to ariesw!!!

What Atsigrace said!

btw Atsigrace.. can we call you Grace? You know.. YEH's English name is Grace xDD

totally random I know..

Ellie, you want some eng subs? LOL! Im giving Biscuit VAl cute subs.. LOL!

yeah, ive read stalk's sister act.. too much CP for a 15 year old baby! LOL! I think she replayed the night and morning after too much. LOL! Keep on going stalk! Hahahaha!

So got the hankie? My cabinet keeping the hankie was full of BYJ pictures, to scare you offf!!! Awwwooooo!!! :lol:How come im still bitter over BYJ, i loved him in first part of Winter Sonata. LOL!

No more slippers, cause yoo put it all in his luggage for MS! <_< But i can still bang your heads! LOL!

And oohhh..

i agree

YOO is smexiness in CP! :tongue2:

cute subs? define cute :D

and of course i want subs.. cute or not kekeke

Umm well.. I'm guilty of that as well Kai :unsure:

The pics didn't scare me off Kai but I'm afraid that you might get nightmares after seeing

BYJ's face everytime you open your cabinet.

what happened in the second part Kai? it may be the reason to why you're still bitter ;p

Pssh.. bang our heads and I'll make sure to slap you with something else.. maybe your calendar! :D:ph34r:

Ellie, LOOOL too! I thought it was Barney, silly me! So where is the gif?

I love his Taiwan hair. Im crazee over it.. so i put a really after the sentence cause i think some yoogals dont want it. :D

How did you think of Barney? I'm scared of Barney :ph34r::tears:

the gif.. it's gone..It was in my other computer and that comp crashed the other day .___.

Pfft... forget his Taiwan hair. I'm in love with his Excellent hair <333

hi Ellie hope you had a wonderful new year. :)

hahaha! Same feelings with you ,

BYJ's ajumma force is really formidable especially japanese fans. <_< isn't the Couple Award are supposed to be for youngsters... :P:lol:

yes! they have to be in another project... they're still the Perfect Couple in our hearts. :rolleyes:

Kaye, i had a pretty good time. How was your new year? I hope you had a blast!!

tell that to his fans and the awards givers <_< I'm still shocked!

They're forever be beyond the perfect couple in my heart!

i was one of the ghosts this morning ellie- was so busy i can only peek and scrammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... nice to see you posting again. i guess you finally got some YOOinspiration by looking at his pics from the awards night.

*waves* at MissMellis, AmyCSweet, zitan, purpleplatinum, , chinkymars, aalhlseanghi, cecicela and 1 anonymous user

Oh so it was you huh? I had a feeling that it was you ;p

well.. i'm still feeling down but posting in hopes of forgetting everything..

but his pics are always a inspiration to me!

i miss CP too- i am ready to do another marathon. i think their victories became like a calming factor to all of us so our sadness over his departure on the 14th is sort of on-hold and we are on rejoicing mode right now. still euphoric after two days :lol: you bet ellie- YOO and YEH look the hawtest together!

ellie- what we can do is have accounts under yahoo or msn or aol. we have to decide which one to use and then when we're all set there we can all gather there create a room for YooGals where we can all spazz out to death. i finally saw vids of the awards night and i'm just so thrilled; tickled; happy and all those exciting emotions. that's why on the question about us finding out in the end that he is in a relationship and how we would react- i will be shocked especially if it's not YEH... come on i am not gonna be a hypocrite and say that i'm happy for him right away. and i may not be happy about it but it doesn't mean i will not respect his decisions and choices- after all; it's his life but i'll be really sad. dude- it will be weird to be say i'm happy for him right away....duh why all these expressions of having cultish feelings and all? i think i have posted this already before- i'd be like the wicked sister in law that she needs to win :lol::lol:

I'm not ready yet although it's like you said; their victories became a calming factor but I still don't

feel ready.. I have abt 3 eps left but can't watch them. I'm afraid that i will break down in tears..

Well it doesn't matter which one it is for me because I have all of them. So I'll leave

it to YooGals to decide which one they want. So i guess what's left is for one of us to

tell the YooGals abt your idea right?

I still want to watch the second part of the awards... i have yet to find HQ vids of it.

I don't think that anyone of us will be happy right away and I think most of us will prolly

get disappointed if it isn't YEH but I think we all will get used to the new girl and try to accept

whoever it is. I feel sorry for the new girl though since you'll not be the only wicked sister in law that

she needs to win. :lol::D

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Guest MissMellis

part 5; I don't think I've ever replied to so many lovenotes!! =O

that's G-Dragon! after watching it - i understood why my cousin was texting me like crazy. it's much different watching anything live. and my cousin is such a huge BB fan and lover of CP and likes GYYEH but not like i do. :lol: can't wait for her to return coz i told her not to come back without goodies from Korea :lol:

i have to run some errands and will be back in a few.... i'll catch you later.... muahhhhhhhhh

Oh so that's G-Dragon? He's cute!!

Oh oh.. tell her to bring Cantata for you! :D

Friday Morning ^^ Quick Reply ~

-- Hello... baby Ellis...Ohhh yep!! thank for more baby YOO's nik :blink:Errrr...im a singel !!!my dear...waiting for 2 year lol And if you means Mrs. Boss Gong... :crazy:

My pleasure >__<

-- Hello My Angel...yeppp....and i wish his tranning'll be safe not like Won Bin!! btw, Last night,

i saw many times for Clips that he go the stage (his back side ...his greensuit very tightly)and i think baby YOO very chubby !! :wub:

Well... i saw some news from popseoul this morning (some celebs go to the camp yersterday!!) if baby YOO cut his hair shorter than now ..... >__< ....


Hello OC! Wazzup?

So how many niks does he have now? I don't think I can keep track of all of them o__o

omo.. typo >.< well.. it can be Mrs. Boss Gong if you want tee hee

So you noticed too that Baby YOO has gained weight? I love the way he looks now! During

his Taiwan promotion he looked quite skinny but it seems like he has gained back what he lost..

he looks hawter than ever now!! *drooools*

Didn't Baby YOO almost had that short hair during one of his fan meetings in Japan?

He looked cute with it :D

Hello Ellie *wave* Good luck with your back reading. yeah.. it sure feels like a long time we didn't talked.. :D awww... not so baby Ellie still scared of fireworks? Poor you.. next time get ready to close your ears.. :) well, my holidays was nothing special, just like any other weekends.. :D

it's ok.. Thank you.. :)

well Ellie, I guess it's very normal for us to be shocked at first, but in the end, we will still respect his decision and whatever makes him happy. Afterall, we can't intrude in his privacy anyway. ;)

story? hehe.. sensitive issue that is not really convenient to be told here.. but I heard that YEH's camp was a bit tensed on that night because of that scene.. I didn't visit it.. but maybe you get get some clue there.. ;)

I guess sharebee's server is down at the moment.. give it a try again later.

-waves back-

Angelie unnie, I'm happy to say that I'm done with the backreading now. :D

Must be because of the holidays i guess. Well, yup still scared of them. I'm so silly.

Even my 3 year old baby cousin gets excited while I get scared at the sound of fireworks..

Do you think just covering my ears will help? The sound is pretty loud you know =O

Yup yup. It's like I told Faye, I will get shocked at first but I'll try to accept his decision.

was YEH's camp that tensed? wow.. I didn't notice anything while i was camping there on the awards

night.. I'm really curious now why it was so tensed.


Honeypie.greensunflower.tempohearts.pinkheart.garfielddik.ad_fa.fayhan: WARM WELCOME

TO YOO GUYS! Enjoy your stay!

love.peace.happiness: welcome back!

Yoobee: I'm so jealous right now! I totally love your CP mug!! <33

Carribeane: Thanks for the translation! Appreciate it! <3

I read the english translations of the Esquire interview and it made me love

GY even more. I'm SO proud to be one of his fans! :wub: :blush: :wub:

Oh and thanks sooo much for all the goodies! You guys rock!

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