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i don't have time yet. hehe... but i watched some clips especially those where he was playing the piano and singing.
ic.. well, it's worth a watch when you have time... it might remind you of Tae In as well.. :)

so that picture was just recent? or was it during the filming of CP?
I don't have any idea.. I just click click click and it pops out in front of me.. haha


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

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Guest texashot


Yoogals made me cried... because of ya'll art works and yooems. It is sooo touching and sooo beautiful... When I come to yoohouse, I feel very happy and love becuz ya'll make my day... and I like that feeling...Thanks YOOGALS for sharing!!!!

About GY...well no word can describe. He's so good looking, gorgeous, smexy, HOT... He is just the perfect package....

Gosh.. if I meet him, i'll will faint till drop!..haha... :sweatingbullets:

I wish babyoo visit this thread and see the love yoogals have for him at yoohouse and yoomansion.

waves.. all YOOGALS online....off line... have a wonderful and productive week!!!!

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Guest calypso78

Thanx for the goodies and pics Yoogirls.Lovely work as always!

So we are able to recognise LSG from the back eh, CK and queenie? I'm curious too when did they meet up and what they are talking about.. and our baby YOO seems to be wearing glasses when he's off work. so cute.. hehe.

Angelie is this pic a recent one? I would think it is since the fans are covered with paper bags (and Yoo is wearing a really thick coat on) so it was taken at wintertime- meaning December . And I agree it does look like LSG a lot.

Where are they eating, it looks like a dinning room/food stall of a sort- not really a restaurant.

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Faye my love I’m here reporting for the house

Still Monday in here

1st part

GOOD GOOD GOOD so the house is back to its normal state huh.

crying?neh...its just hormonal imbalance...blame it to the weather as BABY YOO said.

so we really want to think that there is something going on with them two coz they dont act normal?aigooo... im with you in that my chan.

but like unnie angel said...its just between the two of them...just them two who knows whats goin on...or are they just blind to see and acknowledge it? i dont know.

so all i can say is...LONG LIVE THE CULT bwahahaha. :crazy:

obviously its back to normal coz the thread is jumping so fast and me not complaining about it

lol just be careful of that hormonal imbalance of your if yoo don’t want to go to Yoosanitarium

yeah its just between the two of them,lately those two loves the quotes “its for us to know and its for you to find out”thingy,which adds to the excitement of our Cultish mind

just holler when YOO have a new YOOem...i'll be glad to do it.

hahaha...i was just teasing YOO when i said i even used my hubby's

talents...hubby dont have a clue on using PS.

my chan...i wish i did ...hehehe...it was 100% photo manipulation on PS.

thanx again jinkzz

whatever jinkzz that fan-art is superb

me don’t mind and will never get tired of GYEH fan-art

to kill us some more...my YOOYEHshop for the day :P


well Queenie with those GYEH fan-art definitely we will all gonna die……

……with happiness of course

i think it's all of the above in my cultish analysis and we're just worship-pers not shippers :lol: and who wouldn't miss oppa yoo? see she even has that pink-striped shirt in her cyworld- :lol:

thanks my chan.... gosh i dunno how many times i've said thank you but we're supposed to do that especially when we are being appreciated so in behalf of bebe... thanks again my chan!

i must agree with you that CP has a lot of kissing scenes as compared to the other 3 kdramas that i've seen. but those kissing scenes were essential and except for that angry kiss where HK devoured EC as i saw in an article- the rest are so cute!

You know the cult analysis caters to our cultish minds so we're biased so to speak and we don't care anyway....

oh yeah i will do poems for Gong Yoo n YEH also. i'm just getting started :lol: the thing is i suck at ps so i can't make a nice fanart to give more meaning to my poetry :(

you really can’t get over that stripped shirt huh,and yes who wouldn’t miss GY,we will all do and that’s for sure

your welcome my Faye and besides both of yoo really deserves those kind of praise for a job well done

oh but I love that kiss in ep 11 its bitterly sweet,and that episode shows another side of Yoo

your ps sucks?me knows nothing at all Faye,and I’ll be waiting for your next poem

Good morning/evening everyone!

here's one for the cult! :D


have a happy monday guys! :)

thanx bebe

did yoo also compose that poem?

Good morning YOOGals... hmmm.. I think Soompi ate my reply last night. I'm very sure I replied to neng and jinkzz post, but now it's gone... :crazy:

yeah.. i felt the emotions too, and it feels that I'm EC getting hugged by him.. :P

there's no news about online votation as of now...

I think it's unfair for people to compare between TWSSG and CP because both are of different genre all together.. one cannot compare a cabbage with an apple. everything is different. both should be under different category.

I love this post of yours mommy

You make me laugh Soompi eating your reply

yes that hugged is full of passion and suppressed emotions

here you go again,cabbage and apple

I would like GY to be the apple so I can have a daily dose of him

he.he.. I just had the caps around with me all the time.. and I came across the HQ of that BTS a few days ago.. yeah.. baby YOO and Yuri had known each other at least since 2003 during their first collaboration in the internet drama.. At first I thought that he will acting like his usual self too with YEH.. but he's not.. hahah

oh wow!! euchan, looking after 10 GY kids like that you will end up like HK!! lol!!

its good to know that yoo have a back-up for all your GY goodies

the cultish mind runs wild again

but I’m really curious about the secrets can mommy share a little bit of it to her spoiled child?please

it doesn’t matter as long as they are GY kids

who cares? xD I don't.. you know what.. we should have a thread on the other side

for all your analysis. Now that would be fun and interesting!!

And you know what.. the thing I love most abt our house apart from the friendship and love

in here is that we can do shipping.. I've seen other threads where it's almost forbidden to even

mention the word shipping x.x

honey the word shipping doesn’t exist in this thread for we are all wor-shippers in here

Good Morning YOOGALS!!

Wave everyone a greeting!! I miss you so much~~~

my chan,thanks you…….wave to yoo^^ :rolleyes:


wave back to yoo smile

thanx for sharing those GY goodies

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2nd part

Happy Monday YOOgals!

*sings to self* shippery doo dah, shippery day, my oh my what a wonderful day! :lol:

hiya angelie! hahaha, seems like this thread brings out everyone's pervy minds... :wacko: but what does NancyYOO's team do? i will sign up if it has anything to do with spazzing over GYEH! :w00t:

ROTFL...u think the PD has the set cleared before they filmed those bed scenes? especially the fantasy scene, that one was really sexy with lots of skinship coz YEH was wearing shorts. aiggoooo, what a way to tempt a man. how can Baby Yoo keep a calm mind when this pretty lady was rolling around the bed wrapped around him? unless his body is like Buddha's, like Harim says... :lol::phew: YEH even sat on him and stuffed a pillow on his face, for crying out loud! that dream sequence was filmed so naturally and realistically, it blew me away....these two behaved like a real couple in all their intimate moments. is it just great acting or their inner instincts triggered by their mutual attraction? *raises one eyebrow* Hmm....B)

Its seems like your joining the cult as well

Welcome to the cult Yehbaby

I doubt if our Yoo kept his calm in that dream scene coz it looks like they have shoot it for several takes,coz at the end of ep 15 the scene is kinda different when YEH tries to stuff GY with the pillow, and the scene when GY kisses YEH while carrying her differs from the one that has been broadcast and from the one in ep 17 ending.

you are probably right! haha, why else would she pull up his shirt and rub his back? maybe it's a compromise decision by the PD coz Baby Yoo was too shy to go shirtless in that hot make out scene. :lol:

oh, another scene where HK could have gone shirtless was maybe when EC went with him to visit his mother and grandmother at his house. perhaps the original script had EC walking into HK's room after HK took a shower, unaware that HK hadn't dressed yet and was still prancing around his room in his towel. :sweatingbullets:

and maybe when EC and HK were eating ice-cream together in his apartment, the clumsy EC accidentally spilt some ice-cream onto HK's t-shirt, so he uses that excuse to rip off his shirt quickly and complained of the heat, leaving the hapless and innocent EC gawking at his chest. bwahahaha! what a crazy imagination. *girl, get your head out of the gutter*

your so funny Yehababy

but im loving your speculations and analysis

Good evening YOOgals.. I'm back!

Okie.. got translation from ariesw for the chinese article I posted last night. *hugs* to you again ariesw. Thank you very much.. :) Anyway, the article is more towards CP.

Page 58 - Title is "Coffee Aroma-filled Refreshing New Youthful Story"

Page 59 - First paragraph "Point" - Introductory paragraph which talks about a city observed by the writer and how coffee plays a part in the lives of the people inhabiting the city.

Second Pargraph - "Story" - Says the story is about how HK was forced by his grandma

thanx mommy and ariesw for the translation

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i'm home! gosh i missed you so much :lol: but had to go shopping with my cous after my appointment with my quack. so how's our yoo and my lovely YooGals today? i'll do my replies as i backread.... ohhhhh please don't let it it be too far back :lol: but for the love of you and yoo...i'd do anything :lol:

waves and throws flying kisses to del32, cuteyooneun, MissMellis, Do something, gong yoo

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Guest orangechocolate

Before go to work^^ full of YOOnergy..Fighting Fighting all YooGals.

Okie.. got translation from ariesw for the chinese article I posted last night. *hugs* to you again ariesw. Thank you very much.. :) Anyway, the article is more towards CP.

Taiwan Boom Vol. 25 August 2007

-- oh oh...thank you for sharing and translation my angel&ariesw ...wow Taiwanese very very alert about preview CPR

after real on air.i hope the same thing gonna happen in my country soon ^^V

hi OC.. thanks for sharing those beautiful pics.. gah.. how I wish the shopping malls at my place here is so beautifully decorated.. It's so dull and boring here. Totally no christmas spirit... all I can see is "SALES SALES SALES". :wacko: :wacko: Hmmm.. M&M chocolate? reminds me of that calendar pic where baby YOO was wearing the yellow "M" shirt biting that M&M chocolate packet... lol!!

-- it's a ordinary time my angel ,in end of the year "SALES SALES SALES" like that 555 i think your country're promoting for touristlism right, i saw@ my TV chanel !! Oh yep...i love that month the most ^^

what's month? Aug. or something~ he like a child..oh la la~Mr.Yellow M&M ^^

OC DALE...i thought you sat on Santa's lap and made a YOO wish...hehehe

-- 5555 you funny ^^ Santa Clause gonna blame me!! btw, you YOOYH art work...Aweee Lovely ^.^


The guy sitting in front of baby YOO looks like LSG.. haha.

*** Credit: dcGY ***

-- Huhhh...(Extra)Ordinary baby YOO~ love his casual pic like this. :wub:

OC dale- i hope so too...and that someday he will drop a note or two in his CY...maybe just a simple word like...YOOGALS are cute.hehehe

-- YOOGALS are cute !! :w00t: yep yep....and if he did..this house gonna be like BigBang !~@!~~#$#@! btw, did you register in Cyworld. i already post it. See ya(in Baby YOOcy)

7 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 2 Anonymous Users)

5 Members: nancyylin, natedao, del32, Do something, hotpepper

-- Natedao.....hello^^ Love your siggy a lot. YOO's city. and now im a one of YOOcitizen right?? Uhmmm...Have a sleep all day night na kha.Zzzz

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wow…. first in line is the one and the only…..

(tangtang aka chippy aka kai)

I can sense faye and ellie teasing this chip chip.. so i need to hurry my backpages, and went into that page when all the teasing begun!

See…ellie…. she actually sensed us having so much fun yesterday from wherever she was...

Faye, nice poem! Very moving.. I will totally fall in love with anyone telling those lines.

Oops nice chip chip…… thanks tangtang….

And the yoogals.

Most def…. it’s either YEH or anyYooGal/anyYooWife or nobody….. Yoo enters priesthood

LOL! faye, thanks for correcting me, thats what im supposed to mean.. but im afraid we'll get another warning.. so i wholesomely type photographic, and i know yoogals will get it! LOL! and i love YOO!

:lol: always end every sentence with I LOVE YOO to trick the m ....o ...d...s :lol:

At least she was rolling! I dont want a stiff yoo, when she is messing with me! LOL! *evil grin* Even if i knew it was a her..

:lol: applause....applause.....

So, the next thing you'll do after going to yoo's pad when you get to Korea is drink Cantata. LOL! You'll be loaded with Yoonergy.
shouldn't it be the other way around? :lol: but i have to find YEH first and drag her to his pad :lol:


aww.. Ellie! that's one HAWWWT sracpbook!

(prays that he'll at least get it!)

it'd be great if he wrote on his CY.. or just mentioned it

hello Baoi.... welcome back to YooHouse.... been a while- nice of you to find your way back here!


Faye yoo're really inspired! *applause* Very true!!!

Nice collaboration with bebe

thank you kayelee- i'm happy that you liked it!


Thanks for reading my mind clearly this time.. Lately, im so wasted.. that im becoming slow! LOL! Must be the weather, that was so cold as YOO said!

hmmmmmmmm makes me wonder why you feel wasted lately....

Val, they might be kids.. but look what they have been talking about! LOL! Should we whack them as their unnie? LOL! Nah, it is good to start 'doing' things that early! LOL! way to go faye and ellie! *bangs faye and ellies head together* LOL!

ouch..... :lol: think we took it from you..... YooGals unnies are the best influence and mentors :lol:

to be continued

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Guest Do something

Oh my gosh, I could say that 2day is my lucky day cos I’ve found this website. Load of GY pics ‘n’ infors.

Just finished watching “Prince coffee shop”. :rolleyes:

Im keep tellin’ myself that how stupid I was cos I know that film kindda few months now but didn’t put much attention 2 it. Then when I started watching it (since 3 days ago), I loved that film so much and especially GY.

He’s heartthrob guy. He takes my breath away. Gosh (im stop goshin’ now), Im crazy ’bout this guy… Cant get him out of my mind, keep thinking ’bout him every second, even when I sleep, he’s in my dreams. Damn, he’s so hot, so handsome and awesome. Love him, luv him. So addicted. So Crazy... :wacko:

Thx ya’ll 4 everythin'.

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Guest natedao

Good morning Everyone!

thanks for the translation of the YOO article Nate...love your siggy banner BTW

Its my pleasure to do it for all YooGals,unnie jinkzz :D(you’re now my older sis as mentioned in our mansion!!!) glad u like my banner,btw

nate- thank you...thank you...thank you...for that translation.

CP withdrwal became a chronic disease already.

Yes, unnie Queenie esp. GY withdrawal! :P

thanks natedao for posting the article. and may i just make mention about the part where yoo commended yeh for having a more difficult time or should i say yeh had to sacrifice her hair to fit in the role.... that's my own word though but i guess the same meaning. in fairness to yeh - it's really difficult to play something you're not and i take my hat off to her. i also read somewhere that the original choice wasn't her but the girl in 200 pound beauty but she's bound to a shampoo commercial contract that forbids her to touch her hair. well- it's her loss and yeh's gain and she did justice to her role.

Faye, yes I think so that’s why i m now completely love her(esp.when she is with our Yoo)

(aalhl @ Dec 9 2007, 06:47 AM)

yes kai.. I can post msg at his CY.. well, that's the only thing I know how to do in CY! LOL!!! I'm completely lost

there I tell you.


angelie unnie, I m the one who was bogged in Cy(wonder)world!

hi natedao.. sorry to hear that Soompi ate your post again.. :P

thanks for your your effort in attempting to translated the article for us... Thank you very much.. *hugs and kisses* to you. and you even went digging at YEH's thread? wow!! unbelieveable since they have over a 1000 pages there! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: And you have a great Sunday ahead too. :)


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

I couldn't take my eyes off that kiss! :ph34r:

Unnie, I cant definitely take my off that kiss too…OMG that sets my pulse racing! :wacko:

Hello Natedao, you're funny girl, backup this time? Lucky.

And thanks a lot for your translation. Wonderful news.

Great Monday to you ^^

Vall and Tangx2 , soompi will never ever be full up with my post anymore *victoriously laughing!*

hello ladies and girls of the house...

hi nate... just don't forget to mention YOO all the time and nothing can go wrong hahaha

YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO (its ok,isn’t it???,Mendy :P )

good evening and thanks, natedao for the magazine scan!

why except you? :huh:

You’re very very welcome CK, Yoogals here always sharing everything about our YOO, so i just want to share mine :D

(I have no long weekend likes others in my place coz I m in the hospitality business! ‘long weekend means lots of work for me!)

natedoo - that's one cool avatar...very very nice!

Thank you ‘chinkymars’, glad that you like it! :lol:

so,i made new one here!


OC, re-charge ur YOonergy agian this weekend!

btw,you made me missing the celebrating event in BKK! ---> must be Angelie's tech as we have to carefully post here,sis!

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Guest natedao

Oh my gosh, I could say that 2day is my lucky day cos I’ve found this website. Load of GY pics ‘n’ infors.

He’s heartthrob guy. He takes my breath away. Gosh (im stop goshin’ now), Im crazy ’bout this guy… Cant get him out of my mind, keep thinking ’bout him every second, even when I sleep, he’s in my dreams. Damn, he’s so hot, so handsome and awesome. Love him, luv him. So addicted. So Crazy... :wacko:

Thx ya’ll 4 everythin'.

Hi, 'do sth',warm welcome to the warmest place of YOO in the world!

who can resist his charm?(i often say this phrase! dunno why?)

btw, ur name 'do sth',is there any special meaning? or... do LOVE and LOVE and LOVE YOO??? :lol:

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Nate, you're here, excitedly shout out your name

Euchan dear, give me a clue to my homework, ie, page number pls? Akkkkk

*WAVES* to jjgoh, hugs&kisses, brd2dth and 2 ghosts

Oh my gosh, I could say that 2day is my lucky day cos I've found this website. Load of GY pics 'n' infors.

Just finished watching "Price coffee shop". :rolleyes:

Im keep tellin' myself that how stupid I was cos I know that film kindda few months now but didn't put much attention 2 it. Then when I started watching it (since 3 days ago), I loved that film so much and especially GY.

He's heartthrob guy. He takes my breath away. Gosh (im stop goshin' now), Im crazy 'bout this guy… Cant get him out of my mind, keep thinking 'bout him every second, even when I sleep, he's in my dreams. Damn, he's so hot, so handsome and awesome. Love him, luv him. So addicted. So Crazy... :wacko:

Thx ya'll 4 everythin'.

Hi dost (YOOgals often give nickname to our lovely friends, is it ok if I call you dost from now? :D ) congrat for your marathon record with CP, 3 days ago. Bwahhh, welcome YOObie. But I'm sure that if you're here with us often, you will soon become a YOOexpert. Please enjoy your stay. Do have a look at 1st page of YOOhouse and prepare YOOtravel with his other dramas. Look forward to seeing you *faint* with many of his hottie scenes :rolleyes:

Naomz, thanks for telling us your story. Happy that your mom like GY too.

OFD is not funny as CP (which drama can beat CP now?) but it has happy ending. Give it a try. And have you watched Biscuit Teacher Star Candy? A light heart and must see YOOdrama.

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Oh my gosh, I could say that 2day is my lucky day cos I’ve found this website. Load of GY pics ‘n’ infors.

Just finished watching “Price coffee shop”. :rolleyes:

Im keep tellin’ myself that how stupid I was cos I know that film kindda few months now but didn’t put much attention 2 it. Then when I started watching it (since 3 days ago), I loved that film so much and especially GY.

He’s heartthrob guy. He takes my breath away. Gosh (im stop goshin’ now), Im crazy ’bout this guy… Cant get him out of my mind, keep thinking ’bout him every second, even when I sleep, he’s in my dreams. Damn, he’s so hot, so handsome and awesome. Love him, luv him. So addicted. So Crazy... :wacko:

Thx ya’ll 4 everythin'.

welcome to the thread and enjoy all the GY goddies

since i got my own dose of GY goodies and treaties it time for me to say goodnight

hugs and kisses to all Yoogals on and off-line

wave to natedao,my baby ellie and movall


btw movallhave yoo done your homework?dont know what it is?lol your backreading how come i call angelie mommy

naughty girl go to page 660

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Can YOO imagine how big the potential market is going to be once CP is shown all over the world? All those newly converted GY-starved fans...i'd probably be a YOOllionaire if i go into selling GY -related products...hmmmm

hahaha...that scene was soooo funny...we love him even more when he acts like a dork...hehehe

Hello Samgirl...welcome back.

Jinkz, we must hurry up with our YOOstrategy right now, you should count me and Chippy as your shareholder. Chippy already design money with YOOface on it :w00t:. Oh, please remember YOOmotto "In YOO we trust" there.

Any of yoogals want to join our stocks? :lol:

thanks for the update val.... but come to think of it- ellie is the youngest in the house and if we don't have a 20 year old YooGal then me and ellie are the babies in the house although i have some privileges that ellie doesn't have yet :P .....ha ha ha....eliie ....eat your heart out! just hteasing!

FAYE dear, read my post the part bellow, hehe


Ic an sense faye and ellie teasing this chip chip.. so i need to hurry my backpages, and went into that page when all the teasing begun! :lol:

Val, they might be kids.. but look what they have been talking about! LOL! Should we whack them as their unnie? LOL! Nah, it is good to start 'doing' things that early! LOL! way to go faye and ellie! *bangs faye and ellies head together* LO

Bwahhh, FAYE and Ellie, are you two scared of your unnie Chippy now? Uizaaa, bang your head, how come Chippy thinks that they start "doing" things so early like that? Bang bang.

guys! I miss YOO ALL!! i'm finally HOME for the Holiday Season and I have a lot to read! ALL the updates; pictures to save and videos to download! I see Yoo's sporting a new haircut im kind of biased towards HanGyulian's hair but what the HECK!! he's HOT as EVAH!!

Welcome home sam, his new hair cut is really sporting, and yeah, HOT as EVER.

good day YOOgals and YOObies...


dropping by to say my hi's and hello's... been busy. just that visiting

the house makes my day even if it's just for a minute.

waves to all the girls incamping... try to catch you all later.

it's nice to see you back posting baby Ellie...

christmas with YOO...




Neng unnie, really busy now? Yes, I understand, a one minute- visit is enough to make our day. I'm like that many time. Thanks for those winter and yooinplate, ^^.

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Guest Do something

Thx ya'll 4 warmest welcome :rolleyes: . And I like that nick which you guys gave me:D. It's shorter 'n' easier:D

Thx 4 forgivin' me, typed "Price" instead 4 "Prince", so ashame. :wacko:

I think i better stick with website rather than clickin' around coz i cant understand Korean. So sad...:(( I wish i could understand Korean.:((

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Guest orangechocolate

-- Wow~ lovely... YOO made me :wub:

OC, re-charge ur YOonergy agian this weekend!

btw,you made me missing the celebrating event in BKK! ---> must be Angelie's tech as we have to carefully post here,sis!

-- Omg..im forgot that point.So sorry T__T

i'll try follow the Soompi's rule immediately dont worry ^^"

PS) Hello Do_something :blink: welcome to yooHouse ~ you gonna do something when you more and more learn by ours Baby YOO~^.^

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Good morning nana. Thanks for the article.. At least we get to see English article now...

is heidi your friend, nana?

hi angelie, that english article is the same as what you posted? really? tha good! youre right atleast theres english article now!

heidi... im not sure if shes the same heidi, we (kai,anne& neng) knows 1 heidi from another forum and shes having trouble posting here, i hope shes the one


The guy sitting in front of baby YOO looks like LSG.. haha.

*** Credit: dcGY ***

i think this pic is recent, they're both wearing thick clothes & jackets already.

queen : nana-what you've been up to lately?

thnx for that clip...and its in english...wah for a change

huh?! nothing! nothing much just feeling lazy to use net, i got tired after 3weeks of attacking the chinese CP bbs, and got busy also attending xmas party with friends from tsinoy but never get tired of talking to them about YOO. how good YOO is, how cute YOO is, how handsome he is.... until they got tired listening to me! hahaha

morning to all

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Hehehe My Chan, I love you, without you I have to dig backpages to find my homework's answerr.

Oh, thanks you for your poem, you also said for me my feeling toward Angelie unnie. We always need Mommy at home. Thanks unnie, but I still call your Angel, our YOOhouse's Angel. Hugs and kisses to Angel and MyChan.

hi Ellie.

yeah.. let's hope and pray for it.

anyway, for me, 2 of baby YOO's drama tops the list in the most number of kisses.. one is CP, two is BTSC... :rolleyes: ooohhhh.. that forced kiss was remarkable!!! that was truly amazing how GY was able to throws his angry emotion out.. phew.. I was about to hide the moment he shouted!

for me, his kisses in different dramas has different feelings and emotions... so I love each and everyone of them.. except the one in 20 Years.. I just cannot accept that kind of kiss.. lol!!!

That forced kiss was amazing, and unnie, I was blown away by his emotions there too.

hmm.. I don't dare to pester him too much though, queenie.. I'm so scared that he see my silly messages all the time, he might tend to ignore it.. :P I will only leave him a message when there is a need to, when we have something that we want to tell him... give him a more wholesome and meaningful message.

May be we can leave another message to him again few days before Christmas?

Good afternoon everyone... I'm so tired now.. having a hard time with my kids just now... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

hi Val.. Good to hear that you are watching School 4 now... And I'm happy you like it.. Baby YOO's debut is not to be missed.. he's uberly cute with super good acting skill for a new-comer. Not only I love his singing, but his antics with his noona (MJ in OFD).. and many other cute little scenes.. ahh.. so MU and badongo are the only links that are working now? BTW, I hope you take note that chinkymars posted mistake with eppi 33 links.. I couldn't update the first post yet since I can't edit it. I hope you see the re-posted link a couple of pages away.. or you can always buzz me to get it.. :)

yeah.. Ryu links not working anymore because fileberry terminated their service! :fury: :angry: you want it is it? if you want then, I'll try to reupload them again. Although I'm very happy that CP made it within Top 5, I still wish it was No. 2 at least... :P

Oh, I don't pay attention that his noona in School4 is MJ in OFD. Now that I remember. No wonder unnie is watching OFD in your TV chanel now.

Yes, MU and badongo links work well till now. Thanks unnie, I found your new link of epi33.

That would be great if you can reupload Ryu link. I love to see him there. Btw unnie, do that movie have Eng sub? Coz if not, it's Japanese or?

yes.. I remember you mention about being a BYJ fan before... well, I think BYJ has his own attraction.. I believe his acting is good or else he won't be at the top for so many years already.. apple and cabbage is funny? lol!! which drama you want it to be an apple?

yep.. our cute hottie kid is very charming in School 4. that's why I can't let go of Tae Yong too.. :P

Unnie, I watch one epi of School4 every dinner now. Adorable Tae Yong :)

Is that Jinkz who choose CP a cabbage becoz she love Kimchi? Hehe, I like CP as an apple. Whe? Bwahh, apple and love.

Thanks for reading my mind clearly this time.. Lately, im so wasted.. that im becoming slow! LOL! Must be the weather, that was so cold as YOO said! :lol:

Chippy dear, you forgot to put our slogan after your talk about wt. :vicx:


Val.. well defined!

Val, is the 3rd one a plate? gah! I don't think I can eat. I'm full just looking at him. :lol:

Oops, Tangtang dear, it's not my saying, it's from Neng unnie. I just show my appreaciate to GY's parents by quoting again Neng's unnie talk.

Neng unnie, I'm sorry, it seem that Kaye were also wronged your pic by addressing my name :)) Do yoogals miss me so much? Hehe

Yeah, lets support him all the way at the awards! Cantata bottle? Im so wanting to crack her up! LOL! Sending it to me? Ok. il drink lots of it to get yoonergy, and throw the bottle at the ocean.. so YOO cant kiss him again! :lol: Did YOO knows how to swim? Gah, he might swim the ocean for the bottle.. :ph34r::ph34r:

Sure YOO can swim.

Angel unnie even dream to be Noh Jem-Ma in BTSC !!! Hmmmmmm


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WAVES to all of you.

Ellie, you stay up late again baby?

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Guest chinkymars

Goodmorning YOOgals!!!

Absent from work today cause I wanted to do some backreading here and hopefully make my mark at our international site!!! WOOT WOOT! (seriously, having a bad migraine so downing a couple of pills just so I can go online, wouldn't want to miss YOO all)

and the first topic I open up to is our babyYoo's kissing! which I must say he really does look like he's a pro at it (after all these years, i heard) though I wonder who he practices with? I'd like to volunteer?! :wub:

reminded me of the dream sequence (replayed it like 5 times, imagining it was me with him)...kudos to their acting...can't get any better than that!!!

and I really loved the part where he went back to the cafe and found EC retouching the artwork on the wall and told her to forget everything and try to make their relationship work...the way his forehead crinkles adds effect to his sincerity, emotions and I really felt how much love he had for EC already...*sigh*

atsigrace - hello! pinay din po ako!

But unnie, Ryu Ga Gotoku links are not available anymore.

was about to mention this but getting shy to ask already as you have given me so much goodies already, but whenever you can...hehe! I very much anticipate his bad-boy images in his projects.

and val...i was sifting thru veoh.com and found 5 scenes cut from the Ryu movie, it has eng subs but I think they're all .flv files, so the quality isn't all that great and it's a on a small screen too.

oh btw, does our babyYoo know how to dance? cause I just saw Innocent Steps with Moon Geun Young and I'm very much into different kinds of ballroom dancing...I just wondered if he knows how since he's very versatile already...

hello eganlyen...i feel like i'm betraying Rain or something...i hardly do any backreading in his thread...i do so more here...though I am anticipating his SpeedRacer movie, just that Gong Yoo has captured my heart in more ways than one already. *sigh* oh, and the other one, i think one of our YOOgals gave her a shorter name starting with B...i forgot too...she should be in here somewhere...hehe!!!

stalkerstan - that karate kid excerpt...pretty funny!

hey copperkey_kulet...share the subs for school4 please...that is if you have them.

naomz...you have one cool mom!

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Good afternoon my YooGals friends. :rolleyes: today my national holiday so i just come back from Shopping.

I got Harry Potter(and the Deathly Hallows) & Big yellow M&M Chocolate ^^rte-switch-editor.png

-- Ha ha..very great camping Vall, and i would like to help & keep ours mansion alive. 'cause if im@work. i have no time for visit ours mansion^^" Oh...i forgot to told you..what i did minute ago->just Post my Christmas wish&GYIFO @ Baby YOO's cyworld (and because this is Christmas time ,rite??) :vicx:

OC, you sure have your ful YOOnergy weekend. And do enjoy the new week dear.

Hello Yoogals! Im Back! Faye,I'm here Present!

Haha, even Yen also scares of Chief FAYE. Not longer MIA ^^.

miz aalhl i learned d lesson the hardway... :lol:

him? a lousy kisser? :wacko: watching him in cp, he sure had come a longway! i actually thought YOO's kisssing was an inborn talent? hehe... and even if he's the lousiest kizzer in the whole world, i'd still want to be the cantata bottle he kept kissing! :P sunah teaching Yoo? lol! i could almost see it...hahaha!

(like mr miyagi and karate kid...)

Sunah: kissing a girl is like tyiing your shoelace...

Gong Yoo (nodding eagerly): what about kissing eunhye, master?

sunah: kissing eunhye means tying the knot.

Gong yoo: kamsamnida, master...ur invited master *bows*

Stalkerstan, you crack me up :) ) SunAh and GY's class, funny. And you're right, baby YOO's kissing was an inborn talent. *Dream* again.

oh wow!! you finish in 20 years huh? that's a long time.. lol! yeah.. the story isn't that bad... ohh.. eppi 5 is one of the cutest scene in OFD... baby YOO doing the cooking with all this funny antics and in the end got hit by a carrot!!! I love his expression that moment.. he's like clueless about it. he.he.. then the argument when they are dining together.. how Hyo Joo was trying to "criticize" him... Every time that scene came on, I will be laughing like crazy at what she said.. and the close up to his facial feature... yummilicious isn't it? haha.. well, the ending is not so bad if you don't anticipate too much on it... but for us who watched it as it was aired last time, we were anticipating more than that, so in the end we were suffer dissapointment.. :P

Bwahhh unnie, HyoJoo call Seo-Gun an ostrich, burst out laughing. Yes, the close up of his facial feature: eyes, nose, mouth. Omo, really yummilicous.


time to do back reading and lovenotes... :phew:

waah silly me.i watched CP again last night but doze-off after the "lets hug just ones" scene...maybe i just let the cute couple watch me sleep instead of me watching them hahaha.

YOO make me wanna la la

in the kitchen on the floor...

YOO can throw me like a line-man

I like it better when it hurts...

YOO can throw me like a boomerang

I'll come back and beat you up...

YOO makes me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la.

Quennie unnie, la la la la la la, you make me wanna cantata ta ta ta ta again, bwahh. So lively.

Our talk about CP recently at both YOOlands make my silly smiles on bus again today. :phew: I tried to calm me down not express my foolish smile but cant help. In stead, as if I was with GY at Shrek3 movie show, he also tried to hide his smile from HYJ, me here same like that, hehe.

Thx ya'll 4 warmest welcome rolleyes.gif . And I like that nick which you guys gave me:D. It's shorter 'n' easier:D

Thx 4 forgivin' me, typed "Price" instead 4 "Prince", so ashame. wacko.gif

I think i better stick with website rather than clickin' around coz i cant understand Korean. So sad...sad.gif( I wish i could understand Korean

Hi Dost, okay so call you Dost from now. Oh, typing error, we understand what you mean.

So decide to stick here at YOOhouse rite? Congrats.

and I really loved the part where he went back to the cafe and found EC retouching the artwork on the wall and told her to forget everything and try to make their relationship work...the way his forehead crinkles adds effect to his sincerity, emotions and I really felt how much love he had for EC already...*sigh*

Chinky dear, that part is definitely one of the most memorable love confession scene in Korean dramas.

was about to mention this but getting shy to ask already as you have given me so much goodies already, but whenever you can...hehe! I very much anticipate his bad-boy images in his projects.

and val...i was sifting thru veoh.com and found 5 scenes cut from the Ryu movie, it has eng subs but I think they're all .flv files, so the quality isn't all that great and it's a on a small screen too.

Oh, they have that at VEOH? Thanks Chinky, btw, I see Angelie unnie here, we'll see if her videos have Eng. sub or not.

Ok, time for my YOOdream now.

Good day to all YOOGals

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