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Guest fredinsac

So I'm kind of a touchy feely person meaning holdings hands or touching(not really intimately) someone other than a boyfriend(which in my case is non existent) isn't that big of a deal to me. But to guys would this be considered flirting? Let's say that I was leading you somewhere but I held your hand...can this be taken the wrong way?


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Guest x kisekiboshi

I would say yes. Not really sure how your club thing works though. I just get the feeling that he is trying to be more of a close friend, and not looking for a "relationship". I could be wrong though.

mm well basically the upper classmen volunteer themselves to act as a big brother/sister for the underclass men, and after a 'speed dating' session with the bigs, the under classmen choose who they want.

i mean i casually asked him before hand if he was going to do it, and he was saying no because he isn't involved too much in the club. but he really wasn't answering much since he was engrossed in a video game. afterwards when he finished playing that's when he asked me if i would choose him for the big/little, but i told him no.

but thanks for your response. (: meh, close friends is better than nothing, hehe.

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mm well basically the upper classmen volunteer themselves to act as a big brother/sister for the underclass men, and after a 'speed dating' session with the bigs, the under classmen choose who they want.

i mean i casually asked him before hand if he was going to do it, and he was saying no because he isn't involved too much in the club. but he really wasn't answering much since he was engrossed in a video game. afterwards when he finished playing that's when he asked me if i would choose him for the big/little, but i told him no.

but thanks for your response. (: meh, close friends is better than nothing, hehe.

okay now that you call it a "speed dating" session.. He might be interested. If he does like you, this is a good opportunity for him to be closer with you. Sorry about the change of views. Calling someone brother/sister usually means close friend.

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Guest SheWantTampons

So there's this guy I met at camp long time ago and we practically grew up together.

The past summer we flirted a lot and I thought he likes me?! :S

Well actually everyone thought he liked me too

but after the summer we aint talking no more and he's kinda giving me the cold shoulder?!

I don't get it?

Was it just a summer fling to him?

What's the deal?

Thanks fellas in advance :)

It's possible he could of found someone else, or he's no longer interested (if he were interested initially), or maybe because he doesn't think things will go anywhere. There really isn't a definitive answer unless it's from the guy himself.

Hey fellas

please straighten this out to me...

ok so there's tis guy that i met at the football game. He's my bff's friend. [we're in the dance team but i wasnt dancing she was] so I sat next to him and he was explaining to me everything bout wat's going with game and stuff. and then when my friend started dancing he told me "dance for me". then he said happy birthday to me on facebook and we start flirting a bit.. then he said that he'll get me something for my bd. he would very volunteer when i ask for stuff like borrowing some1 cell phone he'll go 'use my! it's better' ... so yeah is he interested in me or is it just a normal boy flirts?

It's possible he could be interested, but observe how he is when he's with other girls. You can also test him to see if he's interested. I don't think a guy would behave the way he does if he weren't somewhat interested.

this guy & i kinda had a falling out over some relationship related problem (i turned him down because i didnt want a relationship, & then he didnt want to be friends anymore), and i was really confused so i called him about it a few months later. it was kinda late at night and he had to wake up early the morning, so he ended our conversation abruptly even though we were not finished talking. however, that was 2 weeks ago & i havent heard from him since. does he just not care enough to talk to me more about it? what is the deal?

There are some guys who don't see the purpose of being friends with someone where there is a zero chance of being with that person. I think you should just leave him alone because that's exactly what he wants.

Would you accompany a girl--an acquaintance that you meet every once in a blue moon, not a friend--to a formal event (dinner & dance) if she asked you to go with her out of nowhere, without much of an explanation? Or would you politely decline and save the $80 on something more worthwhile?

If you were to say yes, would you only be saying yes out of niceness or would you have... ulterior motives?

If I found the girl attractive, then I would say yes. If I were broke, I'd say no. I would never do it out of niceness, that would just lead her on. The way you're doing this is making it too obvious that you're interested, unless if that is what you intend. Hmm seems like you want to ask him out for homecoming (given this time of year).. 80 bucks seems ...yup it's definitely homecoming lol.

So I'm kind of a touchy feely person meaning holdings hands or touching(not really intimately) someone other than a boyfriend(which in my case is non existent) isn't that big of a deal to me. But to guys would this be considered flirting? Let's say that I was leading you somewhere but I held your hand...can this be taken the wrong way?

If this is how you act towards most guys then I wouldn't think much of it, but if it's only towards me then yes, I will probably take it the wrong way. Being touchy feely could be taken as being flirtatious (and it usually is imo), but it depends on what the other person thinks what flirting is.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Hey, I'm back. :C I don't understand what's going on but I'm starting to think this guy likes me and I want a second opinion on this.

He texts me everyyyday, during class just talking and kidding around. But today he said he's gonna kidnap me in a jokingly way and he said "aww" a bunch and some caring stuff. He tries to talk to me everyday and helps me out with doing homework and when we play online games together he always apologizes when I die or something LOL. Also, he keeps mentioning Fearfest (Canadian ..ughh Fear Festival? LOL) and I'm wondering if he wants to go with me.

I dunno, should I make a move? I don't want to make a move and let things get all awkward. He's always the one initiating contact so I thought I should do so too for a change. Q_Q

Well yeah. Don't just make him do everything even if it's a friendship. Only make a move if you know you like him. Otherwise keep the same boundaries and make sure he know your not interested. But occasionally initiate conversations and what not.

So there's this guy I met at camp long time ago and we practically grew up together.

The past summer we flirted a lot and I thought he likes me?! :S

Well actually everyone thought he liked me too

but after the summer we aint talking no more and he's kinda giving me the cold shoulder?!

I don't get it?

Was it just a summer fling to him?

What's the deal?

Thanks fellas in advance :)

Don't know. I don't think there's enough information for me to make a call on this. Maybe he's just busy? Who knows.

Hey fellas

please straighten this out to me...

ok so there's tis guy that i met at the football game. He's my bff's friend. [we're in the dance team but i wasnt dancing she was] so I sat next to him and he was explaining to me everything bout wat's going with game and stuff. and then when my friend started dancing he told me "dance for me". then he said happy birthday to me on facebook and we start flirting a bit.. then he said that he'll get me something for my bd. he would very volunteer when i ask for stuff like borrowing some1 cell phone he'll go 'use my! it's better' ... so yeah is he interested in me or is it just a normal boy flirts?

Sounds like he's just being nice. Not really sure. I don't think there's enough here to say that he likes you. He's probably interested tho.

this guy & i kinda had a falling out over some relationship related problem (i turned him down because i didnt want a relationship, & then he didnt want to be friends anymore), and i was really confused so i called him about it a few months later. it was kinda late at night and he had to wake up early the morning, so he ended our conversation abruptly even though we were not finished talking. however, that was 2 weeks ago & i havent heard from him since. does he just not care enough to talk to me more about it? what is the deal?

Well not all guys want to be friends with girls that totally shut them down. lol. Just let him be. if he wanted to be friends with you he would have made it work.

Would you accompany a girl--an acquaintance that you meet every once in a blue moon, not a friend--to a formal event (dinner & dance) if she asked you to go with her out of nowhere, without much of an explanation? Or would you politely decline and save the $80 on something more worthwhile?

If you were to say yes, would you only be saying yes out of niceness or would you have... ulterior motives?

Dinner and Dance? Sounds like a date. Sure I'd go on one. lol I'd see how it goes, if she asked me I would think that she would have some interest in me, even if it it was a last resort sorta thing.

So I'm kind of a touchy feely person meaning holdings hands or touching(not really intimately) someone other than a boyfriend(which in my case is non existent) isn't that big of a deal to me. But to guys would this be considered flirting? Let's say that I was leading you somewhere but I held your hand...can this be taken the wrong way?

Yes. Your taking me some where and you have my hand... Where could you be leading me? HAHAH. Yeah I would consider that a little flirting.

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whats more likable? a really nice girl who's always smiling, or a girl who has a somewhat edgy personality (the one who might come off as unfriendly)?

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Guest muffinx3

I have this pretty close guy friend. I used to go to his house all the time with my boyfriend and bestguyfriend before he went off to college and we were kind of like a quadruplet. Soo all three of us went to visit him this past weekend. Us 4 pretty much had a sleep over the entire weekend and it was really fun. He was comfortable with being in his boxers around me and he didn't care if I saw his pubes. >___<;; He also said that he needs to find a replacement *my name here*/replacement one girl to hang out with (cause I'm pretty much the only girl who hangs out with him really often).

Does that mean he considers me a really good friend?

Extra info:

I've known him for 2 years now, this will be the 3rd.

He's suuuuuper close to my boyfriend, but I met him without my boyfriend cause he was in one of my english classes and we stuck together all year in that class along with 2 other guys (second quadruplet, which was actually the first quadruplet, my boyfriend just recently became a part of our quad cause one of the guys didn't hang out with us as often this summer).

I would ask him myself, but I don't want him to like... give me a... "I don't want to make you feel bad" type of answer. >___<;; Hahaha

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Guest dragonninja598000


I guess the girl that simles all the time. Iono tho, cause if your simling all the time it could come off as being fake. =/


Yea. You're kinda leading him on by asking him to go with you. But it sounds like you're interested in him so its not that far of a stretch. If he says yes try to get to know him more before the event. It will certain work to your advantage.


Probably he considers a close friend. That comment about needing to find another girl to hang out with hints at the possiblity that he might like you, but that just one intereptation of that comment.

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whats more likable? a really nice girl who's always smiling, or a girl who has a somewhat edgy personality (the one who might come off as unfriendly)?

I love it when a girl smiles so the first one.

I have this pretty close guy friend. I used to go to his house all the time with my boyfriend and bestguyfriend before he went off to college and we were kind of like a quadruplet. Soo all three of us went to visit him this past weekend. Us 4 pretty much had a sleep over the entire weekend and it was really fun. He was comfortable with being in his boxers around me and he didn't care if I saw his pubes. >___<;; He also said that he needs to find a replacement *my name here*/replacement one girl to hang out with (cause I'm pretty much the only girl who hangs out with him really often).

Does that mean he considers me a really good friend?

Extra info:

I've known him for 2 years now, this will be the 3rd.

He's suuuuuper close to my boyfriend, but I met him without my boyfriend cause he was in one of my english classes and we stuck together all year in that class along with 2 other guys (second quadruplet, which was actually the first quadruplet, my boyfriend just recently became a part of our quad cause one of the guys didn't hang out with us as often this summer).

I would ask him myself, but I don't want him to like... give me a... "I don't want to make you feel bad" type of answer. >___<;; Hahaha

He considers you as a close friend.

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Guest Gofishus

whats more likable? a really nice girl who's always smiling, or a girl who has a somewhat edgy personality (the one who might come off as unfriendly)?

Trick question? Obviously the first one...

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Guest cpx3s0ul

warning: might be mature content?

so my boyfriend asked about my ex's size, and i told him. now he's kinda like... unhappy, i think it's bothering him but he says it doesn't. after i told him he just kinda sulked and wouldn't hold my hand anymore.... i mean it was really obvious that it bothered him but he just kept saying that it didn't. my guy friend says he shouldn't have asked if he wasn't ready to hear the answer... so should i not have told him? is it my fault? should i apologize... or like.... i dunno, try to do smth to make him happy again? (he says he really doesn't mind that i'm not a virgin, he isn't one either, but does this mean he actually does mind?)

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warning: might be mature content?

so my boyfriend asked about my ex's size, and i told him. now he's kinda like... unhappy, i think it's bothering him but he says it doesn't. after i told him he just kinda sulked and wouldn't hold my hand anymore.... i mean it was really obvious that it bothered him but he just kept saying that it didn't. my guy friend says he shouldn't have asked if he wasn't ready to hear the answer... so should i not have told him? is it my fault? should i apologize... or like.... i dunno, try to do smth to make him happy again? (he says he really doesn't mind that i'm not a virgin, he isn't one either, but does this mean he actually does mind?)

He'll get over it, eventually. He obviously wasn't ready for the answer even though he asked.

Next time, avoid talking about each other's ex's as much as possible, nothing good ever comes out of it. Or just lie.

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Guest Mr. Chan

warning: might be mature content?

so my boyfriend asked about my ex's size, and i told him. now he's kinda like... unhappy, i think it's bothering him but he says it doesn't. after i told him he just kinda sulked and wouldn't hold my hand anymore.... i mean it was really obvious that it bothered him but he just kept saying that it didn't. my guy friend says he shouldn't have asked if he wasn't ready to hear the answer... so should i not have told him? is it my fault? should i apologize... or like.... i dunno, try to do smth to make him happy again? (he says he really doesn't mind that i'm not a virgin, he isn't one either, but does this mean he actually does mind?)

It wasn't your fault. He's just insecure about his size.

Simple solution?

Give him oral.

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A friend and I had this discussion earlier...

In girls, would you guys prefer soft, feminine personality + looks with average intelligence/wit and almost no sports OR a girl that looks different from the typical, charismatic personality, intelligence, and does sports?

My friend says that guys in highschool don't care about "what you have", namely the grades, variety of extracurricular, instruments, etc. but rather care about skin-deep things like appearance and feminine personalities (meek, smiling, not bold, etc).

Please state your age group (High school, college, irl) in your response. :)

Thanks alot.

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Guest dragonninja598000


Why in the heck did he ask about that? Geez he shoulda saw this coming. -_- His fault for asking. Mr. Chan is right give him some oral and he'll forger all about it.


That's a hard one because it either this or this and thats just not how the world works. My personal taste is she should be half and half. Some qualities here and there.


Sound like he's hitting on you. lol

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Thank you for all the guys to answer my question ^^

I'll be going to the next football game with him ..and I'll try to see how it goes.

I guess he's very friendly too but i don't really know if he flirts with them tho..

one more question

does a guy like it when the girl is open to him asking him stuff about himself

or they like it better when theyre the talker? or the girl to be more hard to get to them?

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Guest dragonninja598000

Thank you for all the guys to answer my question ^^

I'll be going to the next football game with him ..and I'll try to see how it goes.

I guess he's very friendly too but i don't really know if he flirts with them tho..

one more question

does a guy like it when the girl is open to him asking him stuff about himself

or they like it better when theyre the talker? or the girl to be more hard to get to them?

It should be a balance between talking and listening around half and half. Sometimes people just have a lot to say. I've never really had to deal with girls who are hard to get, but if you do want to do that, don't play too hard to get or else he'll just lose interest and move on.

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