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Guest dragonninja598000

Ok so there's this guy that asked me out the last day of school, and i ended up saying no because I was still hung up on my crush - who I don't like anymore. But fortunately, we stayed close friends all summer and we're still close now, but since I'm over my crush, I've started to slowly fall him. Homecoming is coming up and I'm kinda hoping that he'll ask me, but I'm not sure if he still has feelings for me or not. He said a few times that he "gave up" after I rejected him, but he still flirts and compliments me on a daily basis.

So, if it were you who asked a girl, got rejected, but stayed friends, would you still have feelings for her or would they go away completely?

Nope. If he is still friends with you and flirts with you from time to time means its still there he's just waiting for you to come around. =P I know because I have friends that reject me. Even tho they did I still stay friends with them and some of them i still like. =P

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Guest klassikm3

what do u think of a 17 years old girl that never has a boyfriend and her first kiss ?

haha you're not alone! Well, i had a boyfriend but it was long distance. But yeah it was about two months until we broke up cuz it just wasnt working. So that meant i never ahd my first kiss ever. But speaking about my ex, would it be weird if i just talked to him on facebook even though we havent talked in two years? Cuz, unfortunately, im now realizing that he's a cool guy and i want to be good friends with him. When we were in a relationship, it was different cuz i was really young. He's a funny guy and also i was wondering if he would think its weird if i just one day talked to him?

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oK, I need everyone's help here. I met this guy through a friend in summer 2008, just one time in the university's lunch room. Then i met him again in Spring 2009 in my class, i have the same class with him. That class was on Saturday though, so we sat like three hours in the class. We did not talk or say hi again. But one day, we met each other in the Hall way while trying to print stuff for class, he start the conversation first and on. After that he still the first person talked to me, and i realized that he paid attention to me: he knew where i was heading after class, he realized i was the girl he met in the summer etc. We talked, and one day, he ran after me and tell me to come home together (we lived in the same neighborhood).

Then we lost contact for three months, then i had a same class with him again.

But he seemed avoiding me. Yesterday, we coincidentally met in the train and he didn't say a word to me. And he seemed so tired.

I think that i like him now.

What should i do?

Do u think he like me?

What should i do when i met him? Should i start the conversation again?

I'm so confuse.

I never been in a relationship before.

Thanks guys!!!

Sorry for long post.

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Guest hiswendy

dragonninja598000 Thanks =) Okay, I'll act normal and suave-- pretend he's not even there. It'll be really hard to talk to him, though, since we don't have any more classes at all together. And since I'm trying to go for the suave I-didn't-even-notice-you-there thing, I guess I can't use the "I've seen you around campus a lot" line, huh? Err I'll figure something out =D Thanks again

diana78 Thanks lol I'll be cool now haha if that's possible. And no problem, thanks for replying anyway =D

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Guest likelovers

Let's see if I can word this correctly LOL:

When is the best time to tell a guy not to like you anymore?

I don't want to do it on a day he's happy/normal and ruin his day, but I obviously can't do it on a day he's sad. But that leaves no day and I definitely want to talk to him in person.

What would you guys prefer?

Well, I know no one wants to be "rejected," but I hope you know what I mean >"<

My friend told me to do it next month since quarter finals are in a five weeks and I don't want to affect his grades, and I definitely can't do it this week since I'll be having an interview the following weekend and don't want to be thinking about anything that might have happened.

If you want to know the situation:

We had a mutual break up last year, I spent almost a year trying to get over him, he told me he still liked me a few months ago and that he would ask me to be his gf again when he's ready (which made me rethink if I still liked him or not), but now he acts like he's annoyed with me (a number of people have noticed this, too, so I'm not overthinking things), and I've now concluded that I'm done with him and even if he likes me or I like him, I cannot get back with him ever.

All help is appreciated ^^

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oK, I need everyone's help here. I met this guy through a friend in summer 2008, just one time in the university's lunch room. Then i met him again in Spring 2009 in my class, i have the same class with him. That class was on Saturday though, so we sat like three hours in the class. We did not talk or say hi again. But one day, we met each other in the Hall way while trying to print stuff for class, he start the conversation first and on. After that he still the first person talked to me, and i realized that he paid attention to me: he knew where i was heading after class, he realized i was the girl he met in the summer etc. We talked, and one day, he ran after me and tell me to come home together (we lived in the same neighborhood).

Then we lost contact for three months, then i had a same class with him again.

But he seemed avoiding me. Yesterday, we coincidentally met in the train and he didn't say a word to me. And he seemed so tired.

I think that i like him now.

What should i do?

Do u think he like me?

What should i do when i met him? Should i start the conversation again?

I'm so confuse.

I never been in a relationship before.

Thanks guys!!!

Sorry for long post.

I don't know if he likes you or not but you should talk to him.

Let's see if I can word this correctly LOL:

When is the best time to tell a guy not to like you anymore?

I don't want to do it on a day he's happy/normal and ruin his day, but I obviously can't do it on a day he's sad. But that leaves no day and I definitely want to talk to him in person.

What would you guys prefer?

Well, I know no one wants to be "rejected," but I hope you know what I mean >"<

My friend told me to do it next month since quarter finals are in a five weeks and I don't want to affect his grades, and I definitely can't do it this week since I'll be having an interview the following weekend and don't want to be thinking about anything that might have happened.

If you want to know the situation:

We had a mutual break up last year, I spent almost a year trying to get over him, he told me he still liked me a few months ago and that he would ask me to be his gf again when he's ready (which made me rethink if I still liked him or not), but now he acts like he's annoyed with me (a number of people have noticed this, too, so I'm not overthinking things), and I've now concluded that I'm done with him and even if he likes me or I like him, I cannot get back with him ever.

All help is appreciated ^^

I agree with your friend.

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Is pride an important thing to guys? Because I know a guy who lied several times to me that he didn`t get rejected from a friend of mine, etc. when he did.

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Guest dragonninja598000


Yeah. That might be a little weird, but doesn't hurt to try. =p


Yes. Go and talk to him. You'll never know if he still interested if you don't go after him. Should probably start small aad build it back up again. Why did you guys lose contact anyway?


Time to just say what you feel. Asap.The longer you wait the more emotional baggage you will carry so just get rid of it as soon as you can. Probably will have to be blunt about it, so he'll get the picture.


Yes it is pretty important.

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Guest smileyjade

is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

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is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

1. Yes and no. Theres a time act like a good girl and a time to act like a bad girl ;)

2. Cause they dont know that.

Is pride an important thing to guys? Because I know a guy who lied several times to me that he didn`t get rejected from a friend of mine, etc. when he did.

Yes. He it is important to them.

He dont wanna look like a loser.

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Guest sillyVboi

is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

don't change your way, be you, and all the aspect that you listed right there is instant wifey materials I dunno how any guy can complain to that

as for guys that chase after girl with loads of makeup... i dunno lol its their preference i guess

1. Yes and no. Theres a time act like a good girl and a time to act like a bad girl ;)

2. Cause they dont know that.

Yeah... please dont listen to this guy, thats call being fake

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is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

Is being fake a turn-off for guys? Yes.

If you are a party-pooper, then you are awesome.

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

I must admit, when you girls put on loads of make-up but still pull it off as "seemingly very little", I don't notice. Until you tell me how many layers you put on and I'm like "whoa wtf?"

Especially make-up in asia...I see pictures of girls with practically nothing, and girls tell me they wear LOADS of make-up.

So ya, I guess it's cause guys generally can't tell lol

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Guest Kilbourn

My roommate is in an odd sort of relationship and I just wanted to know what a guy would think about the situation (since all the guys I know she knows). I'll save you guys the whole story just to keep stuff simple.

She and her boyfriend are in a long distance relationship. He comes to visit her or she visits him every other week. During the “breaks” she invites a guy to our dorm room about every other night to cuddle and watch movies or TV. Now it’s a different guy every time with the exception of her boyfriend’s best friend who she invites over occasionally and she does cuddle with him. To clarify, cuddling, flirting, and the occasional peck is all I’ve seen, I have no reason to believe that she’s done anything more with them. She also keeps in touch with all of her ex-boyfriends which her boyfriend said does bother him.

Now the big variable in this whole situation is she’s very hot. Like she works as a UFC ring girl hot and her boyfriend is average if not a little under, and everyone who sees her and her boyfriend says that she’s way out of his league (I agree).

So, my question to the fellas is would you be okay with your girlfriend acting like this if you felt she was out of your league? And do you consider her behavior to be cheating?

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Guest dragonninja598000

is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

To answer your first question. No it's not a turn off. But you really shouldn't be something that your not. As to your second question, guys can't really tell. If you can make it look like you barely put any on, then that is a plus. The rule of thumb is that you should make it look like you put a lot. Honestly having less is better because when we touch your face or something we don't want to be touching make up.

My roommate is in an odd sort of relationship and I just wanted to know what a guy would think about the situation (since all the guys I know she knows). I'll save you guys the whole story just to keep stuff simple.

She and her boyfriend are in a long distance relationship. He comes to visit her or she visits him every other week. During the “breaks” she invites a guy to our dorm room about every other night to cuddle and watch movies or TV. Now it’s a different guy every time with the exception of her boyfriend’s best friend who she invites over occasionally and she does cuddle with him. To clarify, cuddling, flirting, and the occasional peck is all I’ve seen, I have no reason to believe that she’s done anything more with them. She also keeps in touch with all of her ex-boyfriends which her boyfriend said does bother him.

Now the big variable in this whole situation is she’s very hot. Like she works as a UFC ring girl hot and her boyfriend is average if not a little under, and everyone who sees her and her boyfriend says that she’s way out of his league (I agree).

So, my question to the fellas is would you be okay with your girlfriend acting like this if you felt she was out of your league? And do you consider her behavior to be cheating?

NO. HECK NO. If she wants to be a player go ahead, but don't call me your bf . I'd consider this cheating. Cuddling with other guys come on seriously. YOU TOO CLOSE MAN! I wouldn't mind if she was chillin with them but this is a little too far for me. Even if she's out of my league, your in a relationship with someone, if you can't control yourself then why bother be in one. Now this is just me, if the guy is cool with her doing all this then good for him.

Booty calls. Do you do it? If so, how?

No i don't. You just call someone up and ask them if the want to do it. Or that's what I assume would happen.

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can someone merge my posts? x_x

ahh, i guess i did over analyze it a bit. so when he asked me if i wanted him to be my big (it's a big/little family thing for a club that we're in), the question was more of a ice breaker/small talk thing?

and thanks for answering my question. (:

I would say yes. Not really sure how your club thing works though. I just get the feeling that he is trying to be more of a close friend, and not looking for a "relationship". I could be wrong though.

what if the girl was already talking to her guy-friend. when she saw the guy she hugged him but continued to talk to who she was talking to so he purposely sat beside her and tried to talk as well. haha but as you said he is a friendly person as well.

Well.. me being a guy doesn't make it any easier to decipher the situation. Sorry I'm not much help. Its hard to tell without more information. Theres a million possibilities. They could be really talkative online friends, but don't talk in real life that much. They could be like brother/sister. The guy could be interested.. but that doesn't really explain the "long" hug. The girl could have done a favor for him before. Or one of his female friends could have feelings for the guy she's talking to. Or a combination of the above.. I'm on the assumption that everyone in this is single.

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Is pride an important thing to guys? Because I know a guy who lied several times to me that he didn`t get rejected from a friend of mine, etc. when he did.

I don't think pride is important to all guys. I think the guy was too confident and couldn't accept rejection. So he's kind of embarrassed to admit it.

is being a good girl a turn-off for guys? like being very kind-hearted, obedient, diligent, modest, hardworking, motherly, selfless.... i try to be that most of the time and end up being a very boring person, a party-pooper, a geek/nerd/outcast / . \

and why do boys sometimes go after girls who puts on loads of makeup? under all that cover she's just as plain as anyone....why???

No. But if you're trying your hardest to resist being an evil girl then yes ^^;

Guys are blind. I'm one of the guys that usually cannot tell if girls put on tons of makeup. If it looks good, I'm satisfied, makeup, or no makeup. I do notice when girls put on way too much eyeliner though. And that is a bad thing. A weird similar example to that is: why do some girls love Asian guy's styled hair? When you take the hair product off, it doesn't look as wonderful.. You know they use it, and you like the result, and that's what matters =]

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Guest Gr4c13KiM1214

hehe another question: would you get embarrassed if your gf moved when you were going to kiss her? he seems really kinda hurt by the action.... what should she do to make it up to him?

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