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Guest likelovers

This has been bugging me so much lately:

A year after my ex and I broke up, he tells me that he still likes me a lot. We broke up on mutual terms, not because our feelings faded or anything, but because he really didn't have time to have a gf.

If anyone saw my first post to here, you know that he was never physically/publicly affectionate towards me, even when we were together. Now, he acts like he's sometimes even annoyed with me, or that he thinks I'm ditzy (I just sort of sense it). But he still insists that he still likes me.

In your guys' opinions, do you think he's just mistaken? That he thinks he likes me, but the truth is that he just hasn't found someone else? And if you think he does still like me, why in the heck does he act the way he does??

This annoys the living daylights out of me >"<

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Guest dragonninja598000


Honestly I think that he still really does like you despite what he says about your flaws. Why do I think that? It's because I like this girl, but I always gotta deal with slowness at getting things, having to explain everything, stupidity (on occasion), etc. Now your probably asking why? And that is because I've come to terms with the way she is. Not only that but you can't really prove the way you feel about someone. Feelings aren't based on science or anything so when you like someone it's hard to explain why you do even if the relationship isn't ideal. You just know that this is how it is.

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Guest duntellmi

how often do girls watch porn?

I don't watch it...guess its because of my age?

do u ladies like athletics guys or musical guys more?

It depends. Some might like athletic guys, some(like me) will think chasing after a ball is sort of dumb.

what do u ladies(non christian ladies) think of having a christian partner who goes to church and do church activities?

Perfectly okay, as long as he does not preach to me. But I will give it more consideration if there's a possibility of marriage.

would u like to hav a partner from the same nation or doesn matteR?

Basically it doesn't matter....but language would be a problem.

Hope I helped!

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Guest dragonninja598000

i hav some question

how often do girls watch porn?

im just curious

do u ladies like athletics guys or musical guys more?

what do u ladies(non christian ladies) think of having a christian partner who goes to church and do church activities?

would u like to hav a partner from the same nation or doesn matteR?

sry for my bad english if theres any mistakes pls forgiv me ???

Yo. Your in the wrong thread. There is a thread for asking the ladies. This is for asking guys questions. I don't think you want guys answering these questions.

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Guest Gofishus

I think a better question would be how many girls would honestly say they watch porn regularly? most girls I know would just turn away in disgust but think about it....alot of girls lie about these things because it's not 'proper' to do those things.

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Guest cocopuffs_

i'm really confused about one of my close guy friends =S

like sometimes we talk alot on msn, we can talk for hours and hours about random stuff

but other times he would just ignore me. when i say hi, there will be no response

i donno what is going on between us.

do guys usually do that?


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Guest linuhhparkk

okay, so there's this guy.

who i hated last year, because he was sucha jerk to me.

he put fricking GUM in my hair D:

but this year...

i think i'm getting the feeling that he likes me.

during class, i caught him at least 6 times staring at me, and same at lunch.

it's kinda uncomfortable...

and in the hallway, when he was walking with his friends, i hear them loudly whispering to him, "DUDE, SHE'S RIGHT THERE, GO TALK TO HER!"

and he tells them to shut up, and the friends shove him into me.

it happened yesterday and today.

so...does this guy like me or does he just like to annoy the crap outta me?

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Guest fredinsac

i'm really confused about one of my close guy friends =S

like sometimes we talk alot on msn, we can talk for hours and hours about random stuff

but other times he would just ignore me. when i say hi, there will be no response

i donno what is going on between us.

do guys usually do that?


Yes, we do. He just wants to expand the number of people he actually talks to. I mean, if you guys are pretty close then I'm sure you guys talk a lot and hang out a lot already anyways. So there's not always the need to add more by talking on MSN. Bottom line, it's no big deal.

okay, so theres this guy, that i like, who just happens to like me back.

but he never talks to me anymore.

he talks to my best friend, he talks to everybody else. except me. >____<;

what does this mean ?

He is collecting intel on you and is probably too shy to talk to you directly.

okay, so there's this guy.

who i hated last year, because he was sucha jerk to me.

he put fricking GUM in my hair D:

but this year...

i think i'm getting the feeling that he likes me.

during class, i caught him at least 6 times staring at me, and same at lunch.

it's kinda uncomfortable...

and in the hallway, when he was walking with his friends, i hear them loudly whispering to him, "DUDE, SHE'S RIGHT THERE, GO TALK TO HER!"

and he tells them to shut up, and the friends shove him into me.

it happened yesterday and today.

so...does this guy like me or does he just like to annoy the crap outta me?

Really?? Gum in your hair? That's so 5 year old. He should learn to stay in the lines when coloring before getting into a relationship. But yeah, he likes you.

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Guest dragonninja598000


You really shouldn't worry about this. He could be talking to other people or there could be that he doesn't have much to say so no one is really carrying the conversation doesnt mean he hates you or anything.


He's probably shy now since you know he likes you. As for talking to everyone else it could be one of two things he's asking them about you or he's just not initating a conversation with you. Go talk to him. You might make his day. lol


That's messed up that he did that, but yes he does like you.

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Guest peaches*

in my opinion, once a guy starts going steady with a girl that he really really likes, he would WANT to take her out everywhere and flaunt her, riiiight?

so if the boyfriend never introduces his girlfriend to his friends. and he rarely takes her out on dates. and he never include her in group hangouts.

does this mean the boyfriend is embarrassed of his girlfriend?

and if he IS ashamed of his girlfriend, why is he dating her?

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Guest likelovers


Honestly I think that he still really does like you despite what he says about your flaws. Why do I think that? It's because I like this girl, but I always gotta deal with slowness at getting things, having to explain everything, stupidity (on occasion), etc. Now your probably asking why? And that is because I've come to terms with the way she is. Not only that but you can't really prove the way you feel about someone. Feelings aren't based on science or anything so when you like someone it's hard to explain why you do even if the relationship isn't ideal. You just know that this is how it is.

oh yeah i get what you mean~

but the situation is that he never SAYS anything, i just get this feeling that he thinks i'm ditzy (though i really only act that way because being serious all the time is boring D;).

BUT he acts like he's annoyed with me. he looks at me in a, "could you not bother me?" type of way /:

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Guest dragonninja598000

in my opinion, once a guy starts going steady with a girl that he really really likes, he would WANT to take her out everywhere and flaunt her, riiiight?

so if the boyfriend never introduces his girlfriend to his friends. and he rarely takes her out on dates. and he never include her in group hangouts.

does this mean the boyfriend is embarrassed of his girlfriend?

and if he IS ashamed of his girlfriend, why is he dating her?

I wouldn't want to flaut my girlfriend. That shows that she's just some trophy and it's so not like that. I see what you mean tho. That is pretty shady. It probably does mean that he is embarrassed and ashamed, but all of this is in the public eye, so really he's worried about what other people think. I can't say on why he's dating her. I think the girl should confront this with him if she thinks that this is a problem tho. I would think that he has something to hide if he's not taking the girl out.

oh yeah i get what you mean~

but the situation is that he never SAYS anything, i just get this feeling that he thinks i'm ditzy (though i really only act that way because being serious all the time is boring D;).

BUT he acts like he's annoyed with me. he looks at me in a, "could you not bother me?" type of way /:

Iono then. The look could mean something else, i mean it could mean different thing cuz i never seen what look this is. Well a radical move would be just to do what he wants and give him some space. Maybe you should verify that he's annoyed or whatever. cuz sometimes gut feelings are wrong, but don't get into a fight because of it. =/

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There's a guy that has liked my friend for about a year but he also knows that she only likes him as a friend. It always makes my friend uncomfortable whenever they meet because she has personally told him several times that she doesn't like him. Of course, he still likes her! Therefore, do guys usually continue liking a girl even if everyone (his/her friends) around him including her goes against him? Or is it because he truly likes that girl for? Thank you so much btw (:


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Guest jang neul

Simple question for you guys:

Okay, so there's this topic about what turns you on the most, and most of the things I've read were really focused on the looks.

I can't ask what turn men on in general, 'cause it's a case to case basis.

So, instead, I'd like to ask : what turns you on (disregarding what you find physically attractive)?

Is it more on one's personality or abilities? If so, please specify.

Thanks in advance. :)

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Guest dragonninja598000

There's a guy that has liked my friend for about a year but he also knows that she only likes him as a friend. It always makes my friend uncomfortable whenever they meet because she has personally told him several times that she doesn't like him. Of course, he still likes her! Therefore, do guys usually continue liking a girl even if everyone (his/her friends) around him including her goes against him? Or is it because he truly likes that girl for? Thank you so much btw (:


Why would he continually like a girl just because everyone is against him liking her? That's a little odd. I guess it could happen, but that's not what most people think when you like someone. Most of the girls I've ever liked only saw me as a friend, so that's where I stayed. I mean I still like them, but I know my place. What is he doing that's making her uncomfortable? It could be that she's just processing everything as a come on to her. Then again that might not be wrong.

Simple question for you guys:

Okay, so there's this topic about what turns you on the most, and most of the things I've read were really focused on the looks.

I can't ask what turn men on in general, 'cause it's a case to case basis.

So, instead, I'd like to ask : what turns you on (disregarding what you find physically attractive)?

Is it more on one's personality or abilities? If so, please specify.

Thanks in advance. :)

What turns me on? I'm not really sure about the personality aspects. But nothing beats a good looking girl dancing very sensually. =)

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My s/o and I have been together quite a while now, approx. 6 months to be exact =]

We have never had any problems, no arguments, nothing. ^_^

So today, after a long day I was pretty hungry. I was walking with my s/o and a mutual friend of ours (whom we're not really that close to). Here's how the convo went :

Mutual friend - I'm hungry.

Myself - Yeah I am too! Wanna buy me food? haha

Mutual friend - Sure, why don't me and you just go and buy food by ourselves ;) Forget about -insert my s/o's name here-

Myself - oh nevermind then it's okay!!

Mutual friend - I bet if I had you for a day I can change your mind

so my s/o was rejecting the mutual friend's offer (btw he's a male as well if you haven't caught on by now haha) and the mutual friend kept joking around.

as a joke I also said "hmm.. I don't know.. he sounds pretty sure!!" ..but quickly said "kidding haha" and kissed my s/o on the cheek to reassure him.

anyway, I guess my question for all you guys out there is :

1. If you were in my s/o's position; what's going through your mind? What would you be thinking about the whole situation and how would you feel? (Though I'm pretty sure I might know what your answers will be..)

2. Why do some guys still act a little flirty towards me when CLEARLY I am not available? It really annoys me when they make little remarks and can't respect the fact that I am HAPPILY taken. and yes, I'm sure that 100% of the times I do not provoke them to do it.

Sorry if this was a bit long, this has just been bugging mee :(

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Guest dragonninja598000

My s/o and I have been together quite a while now, approx. 6 months to be exact =]

We have never had any problems, no arguments, nothing. ^_^

So today, after a long day I was pretty hungry. I was walking with my s/o and a mutual friend of ours (whom we're not really that close to). Here's how the convo went :

Mutual friend - I'm hungry.

Myself - Yeah I am too! Wanna buy me food? haha

Mutual friend - Sure, why don't me and you just go and buy food by ourselves ;) Forget about -insert my s/o's name here-

Myself - oh nevermind then it's okay!!

Mutual friend - I bet if I had you for a day I can change your mind

so my s/o was rejecting the mutual friend's offer (btw he's a male as well if you haven't caught on by now haha) and the mutual friend kept joking around.

as a joke I also said "hmm.. I don't know.. he sounds pretty sure!!" ..but quickly said "kidding haha" and kissed my s/o on the cheek to reassure him.

anyway, I guess my question for all you guys out there is :

1. If you were in my s/o's position; what's going through your mind? What would you be thinking about the whole situation and how would you feel? (Though I'm pretty sure I might know what your answers will be..)

2. Why do some guys still act a little flirty towards me when CLEARLY I am not available? It really annoys me when they make little remarks and can't respect the fact that I am HAPPILY taken. and yes, I'm sure that 100% of the times I do not provoke them to do it.

Sorry if this was a bit long, this has just been bugging mee :(

1. I'd be like what a jerk. hahaha. But I probably wouldn't think about it too much. Cuz with my friends they do that just to tease. And even if there was a problem with it then I'd just take it up with them, normally there wouldn't be tho.

2. Iono why they do it to you. I know why I do it. For me it's just me joking around pushing on those buttons just for fun. I'm an honest guy I know if she doesn't feel anything for me at the moment then I'll just have to wait my turn. It's normally just to tease them and joke about how I used to or still like them, just to lighten the mood I guess.

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Why would he continually like a girl just because everyone is against him liking her? That's a little odd. I guess it could happen, but that's not what most people think when you like someone. Most of the girls I've ever liked only saw me as a friend, so that's where I stayed. I mean I still like them, but I know my place. What is he doing that's making her uncomfortable? It could be that she's just processing everything as a come on to her. Then again that might not be wrong

First of all, he never noticed her until he saw her dressed up with makeup which she usually doesn't do. Ever since he confessed to her, he's always getting in her face physically and emotionally doing all the wrong things that would upset a girl or creep her out. He doesn't know his place and the things she and other friends tell him not to do, he does it anyway to get her attention. I dislike it when he tells me to go away by giving me a look and has conversed with me more often for more information on her because he wants to talk to her since she and I have been very close friends for a long time. Everyone notices it when he tries to get her attention and it's so annoying. It seems like he is trying to force his love onto her knowing the consequences without care. He was never creepy before because he's usually very outgoing but ever since he started to like her, he became that way. Could he possibly be infatuated or obsessed with her?


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Guest dragonninja598000


Well that sounds like a good conclusion. I mean if he's openly doing this much I'm suprised the bf hasn't said anything. Well the only thing she can really do is avoid him. Sounds like he isn't going to stop and nothing you guys say is stopping him, so there not much that can be done.

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