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Guest kangdaesung143

Do guys forget to compliment on their girlfriends purposely? Because i hear that mine thinks SNSD and FX are cute andhot.. but i never hear anything about me... ever,,, Im confused lol someone explain to me..

simple questions I guess that I should know the answer to, but don't really.

When do you know a guy has lost feelings for you in a relationship?


How can you tell when guys lie or if they're being genuine.

any obvious signs?

help really, really appreciated.

I think you can tell that he has lost feelings from you, when he starts to slowly detach you from things such as not texting you as much, always busy, and the simple " i have no time".

You can always tell when a guy is lying when he gives you multiple answers or not responding to you.

On the other hand, you can tell when a guy is being genuine if hes speaking sweet to you; for example: calling you "babe or baby" or stating he loves you in a meaningful way.

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Guest .:dark.moon:.

Umm . . . I was just wondering what this meant:

So I went to chinatown with my one guy friend...and he's just a friend that I kinda talk to on and off...nothin really... and I run into my crush and his friend o.o i was introducing my guy friend to my crush...and my crush just stared at my guy friend the whole time...

I was just wondering what this meant o_o ... does my crush hate my guy friend or something...? if he does... why...?


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GUYS! i need help.

so there's this guy in my school. he's pretty cute and i guess you can say i like him. but i swear, we make eye contact everytime we see each other and everytime we're sitting in class it seems like he's staring at me...it's kinda weired because i can tell he's they shy, introverted type that won't really approach a girl right away. but im really curious about this.

would it be weired if i approached him first and introduce myself? since it's really buggin me that i've been getting these weird signals from a stranger :/ at the same time, i'm afraid that he will be weirded out when i talk to him. shy guys....TSK! XD

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GUYS! i need help.

so there's this guy in my school. he's pretty cute and i guess you can say i like him. but i swear, we make eye contact everytime we see each other and everytime we're sitting in class it seems like he's staring at me...it's kinda weired because i can tell he's they shy, introverted type that won't really approach a girl right away. but im really curious about this.

would it be weired if i approached him first and introduce myself? since it's really buggin me that i've been getting these weird signals from a stranger :/ at the same time, i'm afraid that he will be weirded out when i talk to him. shy guys....TSK! XD

I would prefer being approached because it makes the convo go a lot easier because as a guy you feel as though you have more confidence and it should run more smoothly. This is my personal view on it, as a shy/quieter guy I would prefer this rather than approaching the girl myself XD

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Guest Gofishus

Hrm, boys I'm quite curious about these two questions...

If you see a girl regularly but don't know her, but she hangs out usually with a few boys or sometimes with another girl/2-3 girls, but generally always has a boy around her (not always the same boy). Would you approach her? Or would you assume she has a boyfriend?

If you stare at a girl every time you see her, what are your thoughts on her?

If she came up to you and talked to you would you be intimidated?

I would assume she has a boyfriend. Especially if she's pretty, since pretty girls attract guys easily.

If I stare at a girl, probably means I think she's hot.

If she came up to me, I would be surprised and excited as hell.

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'Often' isn't every day right? More like once a week?

I actually talk to my girl with msn cam every night we both can. It's not taxing on either of us, and it's the only way I see her between trips to visit her or her to me. We go to different colleges with a 6 hour drive in between us, and we've been together now for 2 years through long distance. So it must be working. Long distance sucks and you'll often feel like you don't want the trouble but msn cam or whatever makes it a bit better.

The story goes:

I dated this guy, "JW", but only for a month or so, but I had never met "BB" his best friend, even though we went to school together. After we broke up, apparently JW changed a lot and quit school and stuff. [i DID NOT KNOW HE WAS GOING TO REACT LIKE THAT! I refuse to believe that I was the sole reason he quit school and stopped talking to people..but he's starting to talk to people again, which is a good sign.] [and now all my friends call me heartbreaker and life ruiner. T__T y so mean?]

Also after we broke up, this is when I met BB, at school. We are pretty close now, and I'm starting to have feelings for him. We went out drinking this weekend for my birthday with a bunch of other friends and we got really cuddly (under the influence.), and some strangers were hitting on me, but BB told them he was my boyfriend, (for my safety...not cause we were actually dating.)

Would any of you guys ever date a girl who is rumored to have broken your ex-best friend's heart?

and should I see him pretending to be my boyfriend as nothing at all? Maybe a eensy bit of interest?

Thanks, guys.

Sure, I would. That probably changes from guy to guy though, it really depends on their personality. Are they the type to believe rumors and such, or are they the type to try and figure things out themselves?

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I know not every guy can answer this...but

if a guy flirts with a girl a lot, wants to spend time with her, and even said that she is fun to be around, does that mean he likes her? Or are these not surefire signs, because I have heard that this guy is nice to all girls. :/ What should she do in this situation? She really doesn't want to fall for a player -_-...

By the way, she just met him a few days ago but he is curious about whether or not she has a boyfriend and yeah, just flirty things. Does it seem a bit sketchy that he's being so flirty so early in the friendship? I'm worried she's falling for the wrong person and she already had her heart broken by a player before.

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do any of you guys never have money to spend on dates and stuff? cuz the guy im talking to right now just quit his job because he works at the pool and his mom doensn't give him any money.. so we cant really do anything anymore unless i pay for everything, which isnt gonnna happen & he says he hates me paying. its such a turn off but i do understand.. ugh

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Guest dragonninja598000


Probably a little of both. I mean if he's really staring he probably is intrigued by something. =P


Well for the first question only if it was consistently the same guy. If it's not then i wouldnt assume she has a bf. But make a move in front of her guy friends isn't really ideal either. For the second question I'd be think about her. LOL. Probably look at what she's wearing or undress her with my EYES AHAHAH. Yeah i'd be a little intimidated, that means she noticed that i was staring at her.


Your over thinking this a little to much. No it would be weird if you started a conversation with him, as long as you had a reason to talk to him in the first place.


Two months is too long for me. I'd talk to her pretty often if i could.


No idea. I dont' think there's enough here to make a call like that. Look into it tho. Who knows where it might lead.


From the information you just gave us it doesn't seem like he's angry. But those are some shady moves. Honestly just ask him. I mean if your that worried about this then just go straight to the source. I mean your not really talking to him already and it doesn't seem like you want to any more so it wouldn't hurt to ask.

@choko desu'

Next time you see him instead of just smiling and waving, go over to him and ask how is day is. Small talk it and then go into other stuff. =P


I dont' really know this one myself. I guess if he stops wanting to be around you or well it seems as if he doesn't want to be around you. You can't really tell when someone is lying, because a part of you just really wants to believe them. If he is lying it's normally about little things.


No idea. this was just one encounter. If this happens more often then maybe you should look into it. Maybe he likes you and though you were going out with him?


Errrr. That's some area that i would not like to travel. It happens, but it's really up to you whether or not you want to deal with the gossip and what not. If your strong enough to deal with it, you don't mind that they are best friends, and you really like him by all means go ahead. Just dont' forget about the other stuff that can become of this.

I know not every guy can answer this...but

if a guy flirts with a girl a lot, wants to spend time with her, and even said that she is fun to be around, does that mean he likes her? Or are these not surefire signs, because I have heard that this guy is nice to all girls. :/ What should she do in this situation? She really doesn't want to fall for a player -_-...

By the way, she just met him a few days ago but he is curious about whether or not she has a boyfriend and yeah, just flirty things. Does it seem a bit sketchy that he's being so flirty so early in the friendship? I'm worried she's falling for the wrong person and she already had her heart broken by a player before.

Not necessarily since he does it to other girls. If a guy really liked a girl he would go out of his way to make her feel special. I think she should wait it out. It's pretty early to tell if she's only met him for a few days.

do any of you guys never have money to spend on dates and stuff? cuz the guy im talking to right now just quit his job because he works at the pool and his mom doensn't give him any money.. so we cant really do anything anymore unless i pay for everything, which isnt gonnna happen & he says he hates me paying. its such a turn off but i do understand.. ugh

I mean some guys have money some don't. It's really the luck of the draw. He's got the gentleman mentality so yeah probably gonna be hard to date him if he's got no money. I'm sure there's gotta be something you can do that doesn't require money or at least that much money.

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Guest AMIbunny

Ugh i think my bf is too technical.

When I was telling him how i wish i can go back to the past..when he use to say realy sweet stuff to me..when we first go out..because its fun to think of that stuff,

he was like "people change and grow. You can't stay the same forever."

OMG he always says stuff like that..It totally irks me because I already know that, but sometimes I like to dream..and i'm like " can't u just dream with me!?!? or appreciate our love!?!"

do guys like to reminense about the past w/ their gf?? do u guys like to think back to the time when your love was fresh? XD

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Ugh i think my bf is too technical.

When I was telling him how i wish i can go back to the past..when he use to say realy sweet stuff to me..when we first go out..because its fun to think of that stuff,

he was like "people change and grow. You can't stay the same forever."

OMG he always says stuff like that..It totally irks me because I already know that, but sometimes I like to dream..and i'm like " can't u just dream with me!?!? or appreciate our love!?!"

do guys like to reminense about the past w/ their gf?? do u guys like to think back to the time when your love was fresh? XD

Maybe he took offense. Maybe he feels he's more sweet to you now but you keep bringing up the past where you thought he was more sweet. Or maybe he's grown out of all that sweet stuff and the fact you keep bringing it up annoys him and makes him think the relationship is immature.

Those kind of misunderstandings can be hurtful. He'll end up just saying stuff like, "people change and grow."

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Wtf does 'you're too intimidating' mean?

I asked my guy friends why I haven't been approached by guys (like asked out) and this was the answer they gave me...


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Guest Gofishus

^ It might mean many different things. Generally it means you aren't approachable for some reason, be it the way you look, the way you dress, the way you act. Could be that you're too loud or too quiet, too smart or too popular. Should ask to elaborate.

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I would prefer being approached because it makes the convo go a lot easier because as a guy you feel as though you have more confidence and it should run more smoothly. This is my personal view on it, as a shy/quieter guy I would prefer this rather than approaching the girl myself XD

i think i should just approach him then.

i caught him staring at me so many times in class today.

i'm quite confused why. like is there something on my face? :P lol.

i think i'll just say hi to him and keep it chill for now.

thanks (:

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thank you dragonninja for answering so quick! another question. xP

guys say im pretty and i catch them looking at me all the time in class but they never approach me. like start a conversation with me. im quiet but if a guy comes and talks to me first ill open up. sometimes i really wanted them to come talk to me so i could get to know them. and i dont ever approach a guy first. i guess im hard to approach? or why do guys do that

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hi guys !

Q: would you invite a girl out, out of sarcasm(feeling sorry for her)?

There are certain saddistic guys that enjoy manipulating girls. I probably fall under this category. So yes, I would, and have asked girls out, not out of pity however, instead out of my boredom.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Ugh i think my bf is too technical.

When I was telling him how i wish i can go back to the past..when he use to say realy sweet stuff to me..when we first go out..because its fun to think of that stuff,

he was like "people change and grow. You can't stay the same forever."

OMG he always says stuff like that..It totally irks me because I already know that, but sometimes I like to dream..and i'm like " can't u just dream with me!?!? or appreciate our love!?!"

do guys like to reminense about the past w/ their gf?? do u guys like to think back to the time when your love was fresh? XD

We think back but maybe not about the love that was fresh? I mean he is right, dreamland isn't somewhere you can always be. He's just being realistic about the situation. Just don't mind it too much. If you want to be in dreamland go right ahead.

Wtf does 'you're too intimidating' mean?

I asked my guy friends why I haven't been approached by guys (like asked out) and this was the answer they gave me...


It could mean a lot of different things. An intimidating girl to me is a girl that has a scary look on her face a lot like she's about to kick your butt or a girl with like a really bold attitude. Of course this is just me.

thank you dragonninja for answering so quick! another question. xP

guys say im pretty and i catch them looking at me all the time in class but they never approach me. like start a conversation with me. im quiet but if a guy comes and talks to me first ill open up. sometimes i really wanted them to come talk to me so i could get to know them. and i dont ever approach a guy first. i guess im hard to approach? or why do guys do that

Guys just don't want to put themselves out that much especially when it's a pretty girl because they know the pretty girl can do a lot better than them.

hi guys !

Q: would you invite a girl out, out of sarcasm(feeling sorry for her)?

Yes. hahaha.

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