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Guest yumidoma

I have this guy fren who liked me ever since 7th grade (now in college) and he still likes me..

Over the years we became good fren.. last year around new years eve.. he asked me out.. but

I had clearly stated that we can only be frens... yet he said he likes me..

Few days ago... we were talking.. then got into a little discussion..

He kept teasing me.. calling me with funny nicknames.. at first i didn't care much..

but after a while.. it kinda got annoying.. and i even asked him to stop it..

Yet.. he would still go on.. so i just ended the our chat..

the next day.. i saw his status "no more waiting, keep on moving"..

truthfully i was little surprised....

I saw him online.. so i tired saying hi but then he totally ignored me??

He completely stopped talking to me. It' been a week now..


Do guys talk to girls only becoz they liked the girl (like as in more than frens)

and When the guys no longer has those kind of feelings. do they usually stop talking to the girl?

Or it's just me who happened to meet the biggest jerk??

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Guest pan2thada

I have this guy fren who liked me ever since 7th grade (now in college) and he still likes me..

Over the years we became good fren.. last year around new years eve.. he asked me out.. but

I had clearly stated that we can only be frens... yet he said he likes me..

Few days ago... we were talking.. then got into a little discussion..

He kept teasing me.. calling me with funny nicknames.. at first i didn't care much..

but after a while.. it kinda got annoying.. and i even asked him to stop it..

Yet.. he would still go on.. so i just ended the our chat..

the next day.. i saw his status "no more waiting, keep on moving"..

truthfully i was little surprised....

I saw him online.. so i tired saying hi but then he totally ignored me??

He completely stopped talking to me. It' been a week now..


Do guys talk to girls only becoz they liked the girl (like as in more than frens)

and When the guys no longer has those kind of feelings. do they usually stop talking to the girl?

Or it's just me who happened to meet the biggest jerk??

he's probably trying hard to forget about you. you talking to him doesn't really help a whole lot.

My question is:

"Is it REALLY hard to read a girl's mind?"


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Guest infinite*

1n_c0mplete: I'm glad you read it all. Thanks for the answers. :)

Gofishus fredinsac shinji. dragonninja598000 ; thanks to all of yous as well.


I got another one. People say the more you hate the more you love. Or something a long those lines.

I have a friend of mine who is really mean. He use to be my best friend. He didn't want to be best friends anymore because his girlfriend I guess got jealous. So he just wanted to be friends with me, I didn't take it well but I got over it. Anyways, from then on he got really mean. He started to tease me a lot, not that he didn't before but the stuff he said now are different and more hurtful. I mean, why would you call a girl a whale? I know, that's pretty funny. I laughed when he first called me that, but sometimes enough is enough. I remember once I broke down and started crying because of something he did and that's when he probably finally realised that what he says to me and do, are hurting me. We didn't talk after that incident for a while, now that I am, his going back to teasing me again.

I swear, does this guy hate me or something? Would you guys do this to your ex-best friend? Who didn't do anything wrong? I've done so many nice things for him and is this some guys way of repaying girls back? Urgh. I told my friend about the way he treated me and my friend said that there's a chance that he might like you because of the teasing, but what do you guys think?


PS: I like this thread. Haha. Sorry for grammar errors once again.

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Guest shinji.

I have this guy fren who liked me ever since 7th grade (now in college) and he still likes me..

Over the years we became good fren.. last year around new years eve.. he asked me out.. but

I had clearly stated that we can only be frens... yet he said he likes me..

Few days ago... we were talking.. then got into a little discussion..

He kept teasing me.. calling me with funny nicknames.. at first i didn't care much..

but after a while.. it kinda got annoying.. and i even asked him to stop it..

Yet.. he would still go on.. so i just ended the our chat..

the next day.. i saw his status "no more waiting, keep on moving"..

truthfully i was little surprised....

I saw him online.. so i tired saying hi but then he totally ignored me??

He completely stopped talking to me. It' been a week now..


Do guys talk to girls only becoz they liked the girl (like as in more than frens)

and When the guys no longer has those kind of feelings. do they usually stop talking to the girl?

Or it's just me who happened to meet the biggest jerk??

He was probably hurt, especially since he liked you for so long. You should leave him alone for a while.

My question is:

"Is it REALLY hard to read a girl's mind?"

If the girl knows how to play the game lol. I know some girls who are easy to read.

1n_c0mplete: I'm glad you read it all. Thanks for the answers. :)

Gofishus fredinsac shinji. dragonninja598000 ; thanks to all of yous as well.


I got another one. People say the more you hate the more you love. Or something a long those lines.

I have a friend of mine who is really mean. He use to be my best friend. He didn't want to be best friends anymore because his girlfriend I guess got jealous. So he just wanted to be friends with me, I didn't take it well but I got over it. Anyways, from then on he got really mean. He started to tease me a lot, not that he didn't before but the stuff he said now are different and more hurtful. I mean, why would you call a girl a whale? I know, that's pretty funny. I laughed when he first called me that, but sometimes enough is enough. I remember once I broke down and started crying because of something he did and that's when he probably finally realised that what he says to me and do, are hurting me. We didn't talk after that incident for a while, now that I am, his going back to teasing me again.

I swear, does this guy hate me or something? Would you guys do this to your ex-best friend? Who didn't do anything wrong? I've done so many nice things for him and is this some guys way of repaying girls back? Urgh. I told my friend about the way he treated me and my friend said that there's a chance that he might like you because of the teasing, but what do you guys think?


PS: I like this thread. Haha. Sorry for grammar errors once again.

Some girls go for jerks. But if I liked a girl I would not tease her until she cries. I guess there is a line between teasing and just being mean. You should have a good talk with him and make him apologize for hurting you.

Well i am wondering the same thing too !! S o help us out guys :D

Guys don't really play hard to get. The relationship would be really confusing if both the guy and girl played hard to get. But if he did then I would say something that would make the girl approach him instead of him approaching her like calling the girl when he knows she cannot pick up and leaving a message to call him back.

Guys are usually straightforward so if he does not like a girl he would not play hard to get or play mind games with her. Unless he is a player?

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you mean my feeling for him mutual? if so, then they are. i practice really hard for 3 weeks for that vid hah. he knows i like him though... he liked me but his ex got in the way of things, so now things are kinda weirdright now. i just wanted to do something nice for him but him not talking to me back makes me kind of sad.

LOL idk if i should do that, i think he might avoid me even more if i do that.. im not the type to explode at people haha.

should i just talk to him? not mention anything and just talk normally?

Well, i know if i liked a girl and she did that for me, i would respond to it as soon as i could. Stop talking to her would probably be the very last thing i would do.

I could only suspect the Ex is playing a big role in this so yea just talk to him casually. The words he'd want to hear is, "hey, i know you're sorting things out with your ex. If there's anything i can do for you, then let me know. Take your time, i'm here to support you."

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1. "Is there really this 'rating system' where guys rate all the girls they know on a scale from 1-10, ten being the best?"

2. "Why in the world would guys think telling a girl about this rating system is a good idea?" which leads to...

3. "What are they thinking when they tell you your best friend is a six and you used to be an eight, but went down to a seven?" don't they know it's rude to say such things and it can hurt our feelings?

Thanks in advance :'D. honestly i was shocked when i heard the guys i know talking about this. don't they know it makes them look shallow? what intention do they have or what good will come out of saying such things out loud?

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Guest SurpriseSex


1. "Is there really this 'rating system' where guys rate all the girls they know on a scale from 1-10, ten being the best?"

2. "Why in the world would guys think telling a girl about this rating system is a good idea?" which leads to...

3. "What are they thinking when they tell you your best friend is a six and you used to be an eight, but went down to a seven?" don't they know it's rude to say such things and it can hurt our feelings?

Thanks in advance :'D. honestly i was shocked when i heard the guys i know talking about this. don't they know it makes them look shallow? what intention do they have or what good will come out of saying such things out loud?

So you don't want to know what other people think of you? You're not curious as to how attractive you are to the opposite sex?

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Guest -HyuNi-

I have this guy fren who liked me ever since 7th grade (now in college) and he still likes me..

Over the years we became good fren.. last year around new years eve.. he asked me out.. but

I had clearly stated that we can only be frens... yet he said he likes me..

Few days ago... we were talking.. then got into a little discussion..

He kept teasing me.. calling me with funny nicknames.. at first i didn't care much..

but after a while.. it kinda got annoying.. and i even asked him to stop it..

Yet.. he would still go on.. so i just ended the our chat..

the next day.. i saw his status "no more waiting, keep on moving"..

truthfully i was little surprised....

I saw him online.. so i tired saying hi but then he totally ignored me??

He completely stopped talking to me. It' been a week now..


Do guys talk to girls only becoz they liked the girl (like as in more than frens)

and When the guys no longer has those kind of feelings. do they usually stop talking to the girl?

Or it's just me who happened to meet the biggest jerk??

What's your definition of friendship?

You may have thought of him as a friend, but it sounds like he never thought of you as 'just a friend' because he liked you that whole time.

And now that he's fed up with it and trying to move on, you miss the love and affection you're used to getting from him.

From a guy's point of view, you were intentionally stringing him on the whole time

I don't think he's a jerk at all.

My question is:

"Is it REALLY hard to read a girl's mind?"

Well how hard is it to read a guy's mind?

Do you know what I'm thinking right now?

If you want a mindreader, go date a psychic.

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Guest Aimiko

First of all, thank you to the guys who have answered my questions several of times before. <333 You guys rocks.

But right now, I'm in another problem again. UGH. I hate this. D: Anyhow...

I met up with a guy that I have never seen before. He came over to my place to shop, and I was ok with it. We had a good time, I guess. But at the end, I was really tired, and so was he. So it became awkward tbh. He came over at 1 pm and stayed till 6.30 pm. He did gave me a hug before he left and he said that we should hang out with each other often. I was like: "Okay, we'll see" and etc and I said that I'll try to make it.

During our day, he bought me drinks and offered to buy me food and ice-cream. But I refused. I did let him paid for my drinks though. But I didn't ate, so yea..xD We also touched each other a bit. Like..accidentally touching each other's hand. He would tease me and I'd do the same. So it gave me an idea that he liked me. But now I'm totally confuse.

First of all, after the date, he went out clubbing. He wanted to take me there, but I couldn't, because I had to go somewhere else the next day early in the morning. Then I told him about me drinking and stuff. And he told me that during that night he started to drink again. He stopped drinking because it was bad for his liver or something like that. :|

And well, he told me that he had a great time there. But I saw him messaging a girl that it wasn't that fun when he was clubbing. I was like.."ok". Was he trying to make me jealous or something? O_O

Later that day, I called him whether he wanted to bowl with me and my friends another time. He was like: "Sure, sounds great. But when is it?". We haven't set a date yet, but I told him that I'll let him know once it's decided.

Anyhow, yesterday it was bad weather at my place. So I text him whether it was the same at his place. He replied with: "Haiiii x. Yup, same at my place. How was your day? xxx"

So I texted him that it I did a lot of things so it was too long to text it to him. I also told him that I would had called him but unfortunately my credit is less than 2 euro now. ._. I came to the 'solution' to tell him that it's better to talk through MSN.

He was busy today, so he told me that he wasn't home yet. So, right now, he's online at MSN. When I came online at MSN, his status was still online. And after a couple of seconds it changed to away. Also..his picture on MSN changed. He's clinging his hands with a girl or something like that. (A bit like holding hands or w/e.) I can't see the girl's face, but she's smiling, and so is he.

So guys, wth does this all mean? Should I just ignore him from now on?

PS: When we were in the bookstore..he told me that he reads psychological stuffs. Like how to read people and etc. =___= Is he playing mind games with me?

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Guest woaini715

hey there gentlemen, i have a random question. how do you hug a girl that you're only friends with compared to when you hug a girl that you're interested in romantically? and is there such a guy that hugs tightly to all girls? plz be specific and in depth. thankyouu :)

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Guest ssulja

hey there gentlemen, i have a random question. how do you hug a girl that you're only friends with compared to when you hug a girl that you're interested in romantically? and is there such a guy that hugs tightly to all girls? plz be specific and in depth. thankyouu :)

depends on the situation. i have a really really good friend of mine that left for med school earlier in the summer that i hugged tightly (her bf of like 6 years is one of my best friends too)

for the girls i like, i tend to hug tightly in general, but sometimes i tilt my head down a bit, i'm not sure why. maybe to rest my head on her shoulder? to smell her hair? but it just FEELS different.

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Guest yukumushio

What's your definition of friendship?

You may have thought of him as a friend, but it sounds like he never thought of you as 'just a friend' because he liked you that whole time.

And now that he's fed up with it and trying to move on, you miss the love and affection you're used to getting from him.

From a guy's point of view, you were intentionally stringing him on the whole time

I don't think he's a jerk at all.

QFT. Totally agree with HyuNi


If he needs to move on, it's best to not talk to him for a while.

And to answer the original question, I don't think guys befriend girls ONLY because they like them. but that happens a lot.

However if he was friends with her because he liked her, and he stops liking her it wouldn't be uncommon for the guy to stop talking to the girl altogether. He's moved on, he wanted you as his girl or doesn't want you at all.

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Do guys talk to girls only becoz they liked the girl (like as in more than frens)

and When the guys no longer has those kind of feelings. do they usually stop talking to the girl?

Or it's just me who happened to meet the biggest jerk??

FYI, the question itself has nothing to do with your scenario cause your guy waited 5+ years. That's a ridiculous amount of time spent on someone that's made it clear his feelings won't be reciprocated.

But to answer your question, if I approached you with no other intention other than to get in some romantic relationship of sorts (or in your pants) then perhaps I will stop talking to you. However, if I approached you with the intention of meeting new people, regardless whether I like you or not I probably won't just ignore you.


1. "Is there really this 'rating system' where guys rate all the girls they know on a scale from 1-10, ten being the best?"

2. "Why in the world would guys think telling a girl about this rating system is a good idea?" which leads to...

3. "What are they thinking when they tell you your best friend is a six and you used to be an eight, but went down to a seven?" don't they know it's rude to say such things and it can hurt our feelings?

1: Yes, but that's only cause there are 10 types of girls: "attractive" or "unattractive"

2: Cause there are only 10 types of people in this world: those that get it and those that don't.

3: 6, 7, 8? Unheard of.

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Guest Cor Leonis

hey there gentlemen, i have a random question. how do you hug a girl that you're only friends with compared to when you hug a girl that you're interested in romantically? and is there such a guy that hugs tightly to all girls? plz be specific and in depth. thankyouu :)

Let me make an attempt to answer your burning questions. Generally when hugging the opposite sex as friends it's usually a brief, short hold sometimes followed by pats on the back. Hugging in regards to romance is a lot different. When hugging someone you are romantically inclined towards the hug would be longer and tighter. Hugging in this manner is to show the other person more affection by expressing your desire to be "closer" to them.

There are several types of hugs I can think of for romantic instances. There's the lift hug which is when the male wraps his arms around the female and lifts her off her feet. There's the long and passionate hug usually known as the "I Miss You" hug; this one is usually a silent hug. The silence of this hug is for both receiver and giver to feel each other's heartbeat. Hearts speaking to one another, so to speak. The surprise hug is my personal favorite. It's when the male wraps his arms around the girl from her back sometimes followed by either a kiss to her cheek or a kiss/sniff to the back of her head. Almost forgot another special hug, well, it's more like an attack than a hug, haha. This one is usually when the over-ecstatic female runs towards her guy and jumps into his arms. Her legs are usually wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. The guy in turn squeezes her in his arms.

There's also the type of hug a person can give that expresses discomfort. This type of hug comes from the sense that the receiver doesn't really want to be held by the person giving the hug, but as to not be rude they'll secretly, unwillingly allow the hug. In this instance the hug would be very brief and the receiver would gently push the giver back; it's also usually followed by an awkward moment.

The last type of hug that I can think of at the moment in my mind's book is very erotic in nature. This hug is tight, passionate, and fueled by desire. Both giver and receiver would rub their hands across eachother's back in rapid yet sensual motions. Most of the time the male would have his face, lips close to the female's neck and the female would tilt her head back to express her pleasure with the hug. This erotic hug can be either for lust or for love.

The answer to your second question is yes, there is such a guy that gives tight hugs to all girls. This type of guy is usually the "player" type. His hugs are either blunt and to the point or if he wants to play games it'd be secretive in nature to fool with the receiver's mind. It can also be that he's ego-centric. It may be one of his methods of quenching his ego's thirst. An example would be when this particular guy is hanging out with his buddies, and he sees in the distance a female acquaitance or friend striding her way towards them. To show off his alpha male prowess he'll most likely grab her and squeeze her as if he's been very close or personal with her in front of his lonesome kick-backs. Kick-backs in a guy's dictionary, vocabulary is defined as less attractive buddies, male companions. Or, it could simply be that he's perverted and that's his only way of getting physically close to a girl (cop-a-feel).

I hope I was of some assistance in satisfying your curiosity.

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Guest pityfulblue

hey!! hoping someone can help me in my situation:

ive known my guy friend for over 7 yrs and he suddenly starts liking me but i have no feelings whatsoever and i cant blatantly reject him because my mom needs his help when she goes to the bank...i guess im trying to ask you all what is the best way to tell him to back off and just remain simple friends with me...i really dont wanna crush his ego just in case he'll stop talking to me directly and im currently single so i cant have a guy to tell him to back off...


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Guest s0y0un*

Cool, whatever he's doing, it's working.


Notes taken.




But for you, you need to play a little harder to get yourself. Occupy yourself with stuff to get busy with too and don't always be available. That will keep him focused on getting your attention back.

thanks, i think your right

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Guest cheerydumdum

me and my ex-bf broke up about one and a half months ago. we've only talked twice since then, and the conversations were very brief. he broke up with me because he lost interest, and even though he only broke up with me after pretending to like me for over two months (all while thinking of breaking up) so he could continue to show off he had a gf, i don't hate his guts. his birthday's coming up next month, and i was wondering if it'd be weird if i gave him a present. he gave me one for my birthday a couple months ago and bought little things for me every now and then, so i kind of feel like i owe him.

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