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Guest marvinoppa


spit that game, marvin!

you KNOW he went into PM!

haha jkjk :]

im still right here waiting for questions!

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Guest aznshordy

okiee idkk if this should be in the gifting topic, but i want a guy's p.o.v.

it's been 1 year since my bf and i have been together

would he like it if i gave him a coupon book that i make myself that say stuff like

"1 free massage"

" i pay for a meal"

etc? or is that too cheesy o.O

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Guest watcher

okiee idkk if this should be in the gifting topic, but i want a guy's p.o.v.

it's been 1 year since my bf and i have been together

would he like it if i gave him a coupon book that i make myself that say stuff like

"1 free massage"

" i pay for a meal"

etc? or is that too cheesy o.O

why should it matter if it's cheesy? :)

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Guest ihigh

okiee idkk if this should be in the gifting topic, but i want a guy's p.o.v.

it's been 1 year since my bf and i have been together

would he like it if i gave him a coupon book that i make myself that say stuff like

"1 free massage"

" i pay for a meal"

etc? or is that too cheesy o.O

its usually this kinda stuff that makes it adorable=)

sometimes its good to be cheesy ya know=P

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Guest watcher

me thinks marvin ran outta steam...

night shift will take over... im done too

here's some prefixed answers until next time...

-when in doubt, don't do

-it's not always about how you feel

-boys will be boys

gnite! :)

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Guest marvinoppa

i didnt run out of steam...i let them know that id be here for 1.5 hours....starting at 10:30....i was off at 12 man.

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Guest ihigh

dude i had nightshift all to myself last night, THANKS GUYS THANKS A WHOLE EFFING LOT.



wat would they do without us=)

EDIT: jk jk! u know i am! XD

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Guest <3 Kim

Is it normal for a guy who's been in a relatinoship with a girl for almost 2 years, suddenly change the way he talks to her/acts around her?

My bf and I have been together for almost 2 years and lately, he's been talking to me really rudely. He wasn't the same as before. Before he used to say so much sweet things to me (at the start of the relationship), now, say whenever I ask him something, he always responds with a "WHAT?!?" in a rude/annoyed tone. Whenever we have a fight, at the end I ask him if he still loves me, he always says "I don't know" and it isn't until a few minutes later when I ask again, he says "for now, yes".

Also, he hasn't been showing me much affection lately. When we go out with friends, he never wants to hold hands with me when we walk and that anymore, it's always me taking his hand first. (Before he would always do it first, but not anymore) When he has to go, we used to always give eachother a hug and a quick kiss to say goodbye. Now, he doesnt even want to just HUG me anymore. When I want to say good bye to him and give him a hug, he always goes "no, we're in public" and leaves me standing there like I just got rejected. before he had no problem with giving me a kiss and a hug to say goodbye, now he just doesnt even want to hug me anymore.

We got into 2 fights today. It was partially my fault but it was also his fault too. Because of that, he kept saying that we've bene having too many problems lately, but he doesn't want to sort it out. He keeps saying to me "I don't want to talk about it". I still love him, but sometimes I feel that he doesn't love me anymore. It just isn't the same anymore. I WANT It to be the same as before. I try my best to, we don't talk as much as we used to, because now he's always doing something else while talking to me so he doesn't even listen to me properly. But I feel at times that he just doesn't want to be around me anymore...

Is there any way you guys would prefer to solve it? I prefer talking it out with him but he doesn't want to. (Oh yeah, and when I do tlak to him about it he NEVER gets it)

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Guest Deadalready

It sounds like he really needs some space Kim, how often are you two together? Do you guys have activities or separate friends you hang out with? It is possible there's other issues your boyfriend isn't talking about (yet).

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Guest <3 Kim

Well now since it's the holidays, about 3-4 times a week. Usually when Uni is on we're together about 2-3 times a week. (We go to different Unis)

He hangs around his friends quite a bit and I let him, I never stop him and I hang out with mine.

It's just that now, he's not as nice to me as he used to be ><

Before he would ALWAYS encourage me to do my best, he always gives me support, compliments me and makes me happy

But now, he doesn't encourage me anymore, he puts me down (Eg: I, well, WAS doing a Science/Commerce double degree in Uni, and I told him how I found commerce a bit hard, he then goes to me "just drop it, you can't do it anyway, it's too hard for you") .

It's just that now he's not the same guy as he used to be at the start of the relationship >< I want him to go back to who he was before, but I don't know how I can tell him

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Guest xsunyoung

when a guy has interest in you and you cleary draw the line but still want to be friends, how do guys usually act?

this guy i know is acting different, yes but i think he might hate me?

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Guest sglolligirldd

i wanna ask... "a guy will only flirt and make-out with a girl only if he's attracted or interested in her right?" i mean he's gotta be attracted to her in SOME way...at least physically if i have to say in order for him to make-out with the girl rite? although the sayin that men are dogs is true = = but i don't think any guy can make-out with someone he is not at all attracted to in some way or other rite?

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Guest -HyuNi-

when a guy has interest in you and you cleary draw the line but still want to be friends, how do guys usually act?

this guy i know is acting different, yes but i think he might hate me?

Why do YOU want to be friends? What are the qualities you like about him as a friend, but not a boyfriend? Would you still consider him to be a good friend if he was a female?

I get the feeling you have the 'don't want him as a boyfriend, but don't want to give him up to somebody else' syndrome.

Wanting to be friends when he's interested in you is like saying, "You can't have this food, but you can watch me eat it."

You two obviously want different things, and even though it may not be fair that he's mad at you, you have to understand... because technically, you rejected him.

If you really want to remain friends, leave him alone for a bit to blow off some steam and he'll make the decsion on whether he wants to remain friends.

Just don't come back running to this thread a few weeks later talking about how you like him now and how he's moved on, but... odds are, that's what will happen.

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Guest watcher

when a guy has interest in you and you cleary draw the line but still want to be friends, how do guys usually act?

this guy i know is acting different, yes but i think he might hate me?

depends on the guy.

guys like me wont let it stop me.

he'll work around it.

95% of the rest of the male population will walk away and find some other girl easier to woo.

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Guest x_3nergy

i wanna ask... "a guy will only flirt and make-out with a girl only if he's attracted or interested in her right?" i mean he's gotta be attracted to her in SOME way...at least physically if i have to say in order for him to make-out with the girl rite? although the sayin that men are dogs is true = = but i don't think any guy can make-out with someone he is not at all attracted to in some way or other rite?

yep! i cant imagine myself making-out with a girl that i didnt find attractive in any way.

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Guest thaoyunho

When a boy doesn't look in my eyes when im talking to him what does that mean? that he's not intrested to talk with me?

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Guest watcher

When a boy doesn't look in my eyes when im talking to him what does that mean? that he's not intrested to talk with me?

that, or he's shy

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Guest ihigh

or he's gay...

ok ok! ill stop with the gay jokes.

just add some advice, and then call him gay

that way it still works and u have ur gay jokes

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