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^youre going to get all different answers because those questions rely heavily on ones personality.

but to answer your questions, i follow where love leads me. whether my partner wants to follow me or not, that is upto them. i am sure that there will be another guy here that will be completely opposite.

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Rolos said: Say you're in a serious relationship and you are both in the same country right now. You could go to a different place where you will definitely have better career prospects (family connections etc), or you could stay with your girlfriend in the same country, where it would be harder to get a job/further your career (there are also language difficulties, pressure from your parents to go to the other place as they are also there). 
1) Would you stay or would you go? 2) If you did go, would you expect your girlfriend to go with you?

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^youre going to get all different answers because those questions rely heavily on ones personality.

but to answer your questions, i follow where love leads me. whether my partner wants to follow me or not, that is upto them. i am sure that there will be another guy here that will be completely opposite.

Thanks for your input :) I guess I actually want to see varied opinions, so I can see both sides of reasoning..

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Rolos said: Say you're in a serious relationship and you are both in the same country right now. You could go to a different place where you will definitely have better career prospects (family connections etc), or you could stay with your girlfriend in the same country, where it would be harder to get a job/further your career (there are also language difficulties, pressure from your parents to go to the other place as they are also there). 
1) Would you stay or would you go? 2) If you did go, would you expect your girlfriend to go with you?

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^we've discussed many times and agree with each other. I am just curious as to what others would do.

He won't actually be moving for at least another year..

I think for me, love/starting a family> career, whereas for him, it is probably what @radiocat said, career > love. So I will be moving with him when the time comes. But sometimes it does feel like he had already decided that I was going, even before I had said anything, which I have mentioned to him.

I would have liked to have been given the choice of whether to go with him or not, even if it meant coming to the same decision.

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The distinction for me is purely based on personality.  The line between a girl you do want to make your girlfriend and one you're just having a fling with, is based off her personality.  Does she show me she has staying power?  
Is she sweet, kind, smart?  That's major girlfriend material.  Does she have her life together, or is she carving out an interesting future for herself?  She has staying power.  Can I see myself just hanging out with her for the entire day or for a week on vacation, just us?  That means we're vibing on a deeper than physical level.
A fwb is a girl that I find physically attractive, but I don't really see anything long-term with.  She doesn't have enough of the qualities above, or any of those qualities at all.  
Now this is purely my view.  I have male friends who will have a fwb that they're not even that physically into.  And they just have her as a fwb, until they can find a girl they're much more into physically.  So it varies between guys.  Though I do know guys that have met a girl like this and the girl ended up as their girlfriend, and it doesn't turn out well.    
For me, the distinction is whether she has those intangible qualities I listed (is she kind, sweet, fun to be around).  Like the saying goes, "Good girls are hard to find."  If there's something about her that makes me go "Wow, this is a really cool girl" beyond the way she looks, that's a girl I'd want as a gf.      

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showoff said:

Being honest and upfront with his intentions isn't "taking the easy way out".  In fact, it's quite noble of the man to be honest from the start as opposed to saying something to string you along like "well, I'm not looking for anything serious right now, but if I found the right girl, that would change".

In the first scenario, he clearly expressed that he had no desire for a serious relationship.  He did not leave the door cracked open for the possibility of one, so the woman shouldn't expect there to be such.

In the second scenario, although he truly could've felt that way, it's a bit slimy as he's essentially stringing the girl along with the (false) hope of a real relationship after the "fun" has been had.

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Guest flyhigh1030

Question to those who experienced "first love" or a relationship that was emotionally very strong:

How did u cope with the breakup? What were ur thoughts as time went on?

I just want to know how the guys think when a relationship that was very emotional ends (badly)

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Guest ilovefruits

Pretty sure these have been asked before, but i'm gonna repost:

1-Fair , medium or tanned skin on girls?

2-big eyes or small eyes?

3-cute or sexy?

4-smart or a bit stupid (like lost and confused sometimes, which can be cute )?

5-do you like girls who have A LITTLE bit of freckles on their cheeks, or do you prefer perfect clean blemishless face.

Thanks :)

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ilovefruits said: Pretty sure these have been asked before, but i'm gonna repost: 1-Fair , medium or tanned skin on girls? 2-big eyes or small eyes? 3-cute or sexy? 4-smart or a bit stupid (like lost and confused sometimes, which can be cute )? 5-do you like girls who have A LITTLE bit of freckles on their cheeks, or do you prefer perfect clean blemishless face. Thanks :)

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flyhigh1030 said: Question to those who experienced "first love" or a relationship that was emotionally very strong: How did u cope with the breakup? What were ur thoughts as time went on? I just want to know how the guys think when a relationship that was very emotional ends (badly) My buddies have taken it hard whenever something like this happens. Some were angry, others were depressed, still a few went on to "rebounds" to move on. Guys have a range of emotions once they're attached, and though many put on a macho front, they hurt even more due to their inability to express their buried emotions.

Personally, I have a habit of cutting off my emotions when it comes to matters like this. I've ended a relationship on bad terms before (she cheated on me), and it left me to ignore her existence as a woman. Perhaps I am an outlier, but I generally have a range of behavior I can tolerate. Once you dip your toes outside, it's game over. I don't hold any resentment, however I commit myself to never getting back together with somebody who has demonstrated that their moral values do not align with mine.

ilovefruits said: Pretty sure these have been asked before, but i'm gonna repost: 1-Fair , medium or tanned skin on girls? 2-big eyes or small eyes? 3-cute or sexy? 4-smart or a bit stupid (like lost and confused sometimes, which can be cute )? 5-do you like girls who have A LITTLE bit of freckles on their cheeks, or do you prefer perfect clean blemishless face. Thanks :) 1. Fair to medium.
2. Big eyes. Not circle lens.
3. This is rather ambiguous. Physical - Sexy. Behavior - Cute.
4. Somebody I can hold an intellectual conversation with. We're all allowed our "dumb" moments. Stupidity shouldn't be measured by our lack of exposure to information, rather how we utilize known information.
5. Either.

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Guest ilovefruits

Pretty sure these have been asked before, but i'm gonna repost:

1-Fair , medium or tanned skin on girls?

2-big eyes or small eyes?

3-cute or sexy?

4-smart or a bit stupid (like lost and confused sometimes, which can be cute )?

5-do you like girls who have A LITTLE bit of freckles on their cheeks, or do you prefer perfect clean blemishless face.

Thanks :)

1. tanned as hell

2. usually small eyes with some eyeliner or w/e the hell you girls call it

3. sexy first, then cute. i dont want a "cute" but 500 lb girl

4. smart. the only part i want her to be stupid in is clumsy. that can be a turn on ;) hey girl

5. clean. no pimples no moe's no freckles. maybe one moe (a small one). sometimes moe's look pretty good (usually around their lips for some reason)

Thx ! Clumsy's the word i was

Searching for .

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Differs person to person haha. Im not a social club type. I retreat to my hobbies and my jobs to occupy myself. Occupy yourself as much as possible so you can heal and not think about it. Also, try not to show you are sad but is moving on and trying to be better so she doesnt have to worry or feel guilty

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Guest showoff

How I react to a breakup will depend on who initiated the breakup.  If I'm dumping her, chances are that I've already checked out of the relationship long ago, so I'm already emotionally prepared to start my life without her.  If I'm getting dumped out of the blue, then it's a different story as I'll have to process so many things in a very short period of time.

I'm the social type, so I'll be going out and having fun with other girls.  I don't really like to post those party pics on facebook/social media as I personally think that's tacky and reeks of desperation (especially after a breakup), but to each his own.

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Guest Jay1430273220

ilovefruits said:


said: Pretty sure these have been asked before, but i'm gonna repost: 1-Fair , medium or tanned skin on girls? 2-big eyes or small eyes? 3-cute or sexy? 4-smart or a bit stupid (like lost and confused sometimes, which can be cute )? 5-do you like girls who have A LITTLE bit of freckles on their cheeks, or do you prefer perfect clean blemishless face. Thanks

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Tacky?  It works like a charm if you know how to do it properly.  

For instance, if she's Asian, and you post a pic of yourself on FB at the club with a hot blonde, it's not desperate it's awesome.  Your ex's head will explode.  
In fact, she'll either take you off FB.  Or she'll send you a passive aggressive text, because that's what girls do when they know they made a mistake and lost out.  So you know it worked.   Hilarious!

All you do is win win wiiiin  

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Guest showoff

If this is post-breakup, I have to assume that you've already de-friended each other on Facebook.  If she's no longer your "friend" and she's Facebook-stalking you, then you have weak security settings.

I wouldn't really care to do that.  If I've broken up with her and I'm out flirting with other girls, then I've moved on and I'm sure hoping she has too.  What you're talking about seems childish and a bit like sour grapes.  I'm going to party for sure, but I'd rather keep it behind closed doors.  I don't want her to know who I'm with or where I am on a Saturday night... I'd be indifferent to her emotions at that point.  Going out of my way to rub it in her face just shows that she can still elicit an emotion from me, which isn't what I want if we've broken up.

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If she broke up with you, chances are she still has you on FB.  Even if she doesn't, one of her friends will, and word will get back to her.
And the question from the girl was, "What if the breakup ended poorly", so there will be sour grapes.  Because as the girl asking the question pointed out, it's dealing with a bad breakup, and getting over the girl.  And by posting a few pics of yourself having tons of fun with good looking girls is a very nonchalant way of telling her she lost out.   She'll look bad if she does to people you know, they're just pics.  
Childish would be posting her passive aggressive text on FB or Twitter she'll be sure to send you with the caption, "Get over it honey.  New day, next girl."  That's childish.   FB Pics? are just pics of you out having fun with good looking girls, she can't accuse you of anything. And if she whines to mutual friends about it, she'll be the one that looks like she regrets the decision she made.  
It's like a basketball player pouring points onto a team that traded him.   

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