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^he is actually my professor not classmate. i thought maybe he wanted me to email him instead of having to ask for my number since it could be coming off too strong. ??? -i am being hopeful lol
anyway i think you're right. he probably is just being friendly. im gonna keep that mind when i talk to him later.

o one thing i forgot to mention is that he does stare at me a lot too... well both of us... we tend to make a lot of eye contact and will smile at eachother... i guess this is normal though? i don't really do this to other people though. anyway. i need to stop allowing this to consume my thoughts.

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^im betting that you started the staring game and now you made him curious which is why hes doing it
but yeah about the e-mail and personal thing part, hes just being a professor. male professors are like that to us male students too

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well i usually dont look ppl in the eye esp strangers or speakers or other teachers bc i feel akward and rude so i look at my notes. but when he looks at me i started to look back at him too bc he was so engaging. these days i try not to look at him bc it's kind of weird.
another thing i thought about is that he kind of goes out of his way to talk with me one on one. like he will wait for me when class ends to leave when i leave. in the beginning i wouldn't think much of it but as we started talking more i realized how my feelings were developing bc of getting to know him better.

and there are other things that he's done that have given me feelings of curiosity...? like he is very affirmative to my writing, i think more so then other students is what i notice...i think because we have the same style of writing. actually i started liking him more as i realized our similar interest in authors and books.

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Guest chloe_addict

Thoughts please :)
There's this guy in my class who's in my assigned group. He'll talk to all the other girls in my group, mostly to show off how much he knows about the material we're learning at the moment. But he won't talk to me as much, probably because I'm usually quiet. But this past week, things have been a bit different. When I had a scheduling conflict with one of my labs, he was the only one who agreed to switch times with me. And yesterday when I asked him if he wanted to study together today, he agreed. I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't as richard simmons-y one on one versus in a group. Case in point, he texted last night to list all the subjects we were going to cover during our study session. After classes today, he asked if I had brought my lunch because if not, we could go eat first before coming back to school to study. While we studied, he wasn't showing off or complaining like he normally would with other people. When I came home, he texted me how he was wrong explaining something to me and that the correct answer was actually this. So my question is this "normal" guy behavior to act differently or...? And which side is the "real" him? 

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chloe_addict said: Thoughts please :)
There's this guy in my class who's in my assigned group. He'll talk to all the other girls in my group, mostly to show off how much he knows about the material we're learning at the moment. But he won't talk to me as much, probably because I'm usually quiet. But this past week, things have been a bit different. When I had a scheduling conflict with one of my labs, he was the only one who agreed to switch times with me. And yesterday when I asked him if he wanted to study together today, he agreed. I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't as richard simmons-y one on one versus in a group. Case in point, he texted last night to list all the subjects we were going to cover during our study session. After classes today, he asked if I had brought my lunch because if not, we could go eat first before coming back to school to study. While we studied, he wasn't showing off or complaining like he normally would with other people. When I came home, he texted me how he was wrong explaining something to me and that the correct answer was actually this. So my question is this "normal" guy behavior to act differently or...? And which side is the "real" him? 

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There's this guy in my class who's in my assigned group. He'll talk to all the other girls in my group, mostly to show off how much he knows about the material we're learning at the moment. But he won't talk to me as much, probably because I'm usually quiet. But this past week, things have been a bit different. When I had a scheduling conflict with one of my labs, he was the only one who agreed to switch times with me. And yesterday when I asked him if he wanted to study together today, he agreed. I was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't as richard simmons-y one on one versus in a group.

Question, if he was being richard simmons-y, why would you possibly ask to study 1 on 1 with him?  Or do you have a thing for douchey guys?  

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Guest doiydoiy

Would it be wise to try to start a relationship with someone who said they don't want a girlfriend right now?
How would I go about courting someone like this?
He seems to be wanting the intimate side of things without the actual emotional commitment because their last relationship was messy.

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lesmiserables said: Would it be wise to try to start a relationship with someone who said they don't want a girlfriend right now?
How would I go about courting someone like this?
He seems to be wanting the intimate side of things without the actual emotional commitment because their last relationship was messy.

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Guest chloe_addict

lesmiserables said: Would it be wise to try to start a relationship with someone who said they don't want a girlfriend right now?
How would I go about courting someone like this?
He seems to be wanting the intimate side of things without the actual emotional commitment because their last relationship was messy.

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Guest showoff

Being honest and upfront with his intentions isn't "taking the easy way out".  In fact, it's quite noble of the man to be honest from the start as opposed to saying something to string you along like "well, I'm not looking for anything serious right now, but if I found the right girl, that would change".

In the first scenario, he clearly expressed that he had no desire for a serious relationship.  He did not leave the door cracked open for the possibility of one, so the woman shouldn't expect there to be such.

In the second scenario, although he truly could've felt that way, it's a bit slimy as he's essentially stringing the girl along with the (false) hope of a real relationship after the "fun" has been had.

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In my dictionary
Gamer = plays games as their hobby on whatever platforms
Casual gamer = play once in awhile(once a week), not really an addict, 
Pro gamer = More active than average gamers, joins competition, skill full
Hardcore gamer = Joins various national/ international competitions, tournaments, gaming is part of life

I call myself a casual gamer. I think battlefield or dota 2 is pretty balanced between genders.

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Guest Jetblack

What makes a girl fwb material as opposed to gf material? I keep getting offers for the former, but I'm not the type to sleep around and I do take relationships seriously as I don't believe in rushing into one.

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  • Gamer = games regularly for entertainment and spends a considerable amount of time doing so.
  • Casual gamer = will game to pass time, but not insist on playing regularly, i.e. can go a week without gaming fine.
  • Pro gamer
  • Hardcore gamer

i think the distinction between pro and hardcore is less apparent. it depends on how one uses the words pro and hardcore.

i.e. i can be a pro(fessional) gamer, as in one who competes usually for money, or for recognition, or for both. professional gamers are also pro gamers, in that they are very competent and skilled at the games which they play, and has evidence to back that up (statistically, or by instance such as topping the chart for one game)

so in that sense, the word "pro" by itself is a measure of skill and competency. the word "professional" then no longer describes one's proficiency, but the desired outcome of engaging in gaming, though it is already implied that a professional gamer is pro.

as for the word hardcore, it may be better to group them up with "gamer", and "casual gamer". because these all measure the length of time one spends on gaming. so a hardcore gamer will spend more time on gaming, than a gamer who in turn spends more time on gaming than a casual gamer.

hardcore gamer > gamer > casual gamer.

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Say you're in a serious relationship and you are both in the same country right now. You could go to a different place where you will definitely have better career prospects (family connections etc), or you could stay with your girlfriend in the same country, where it would be harder to get a job/further your career (there are also language difficulties, pressure from your parents to go to the other place as they are also there). 
1) Would you stay or would you go? 2) If you did go, would you expect your girlfriend to go with you?

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