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Guest hkukaudition

Coz he doesnt want a relationship with you anymore.

This is an excuse that he use to get a reason for a break up!

Kind of an lame excuse if you ask me :P

He even told you straight up that he is going to hurt you. Means there is sth. up already.

Let him go then and dun run after him.

Thing is like he doesnt want us to break up. He says all this stuff but says that he wants to be with me and that no matter what he loves me.

He has already hurt me in that he's lied to me about something and it really really hurt me but he says that he'll change and that he'll prove that he won't do it again but sometimes i don't really know.. especially after the whole lying thing - i wonder what he can do to prove that he will change? I don't really know how i will know if he has changed. I didnt even have a clue that he was lying about this thing until he suddenly came out with it and said he had felt so guilty that he just had to tell me.

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Depends on the question

Even if you were intimately close to us, there are things that we can only tell you when we are ready and approach you ourselves.

If it's basic questions like, "What do you like to eat?" "Favorite music genre?" etc, it's fine.

Although to be honest, I would very much like it if she said something along the lines of, "Well yea, I know you love blue since every time we go get boba, you always pick the blue straw."

You write down on a piece of a paper, "Hey, I like you :)" That's not technically "saying" it aha

A good smile, soft eyes, and positive body language always leaves a guy wondering.

We choose shy targets, because we know they are less likely to fight back, even if it's unwarranted or unwanted.

Also, guys "tease" girls as an excuse to touch them.

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So there's this guy and basically, all of my friends are close to him but me. I do sorta-kinda like him but the thing is, we don't talk all that much. And when we do, things get a bit too awkward so I tend to ignore him quite a bit. So my friend told me that he went around and asked about me (things like whether I hate him or not and ect) and I often catch him staring. So I'm thinking that he's slightly interested .. right? So I've been trying to talk to him, to be his friend first and foremost. But after so many tries, I'm only getting the feeling that this guy just doesn't want to be my friend? It's like, if I talk to him, the conversation just gets really dry and he acts like he REALLY dislike me or something. But then he's continuously doing things like asking my friends about me, smiling at me, and staring at me. What the hell am I suppose to do? Should I just give up and move on? Or should I push on forward? It's not like I'm asking him to return my feelings or anything, I just want us to talk like normal people, you know? Oh, and he's known as the cheerful, outgoing type. He's really easy to talk to for everyone else but me -___-

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Please help me... I like this guy a lot but don't exactly know if he likes me too... I'm having the hardest time determining if he DOES or DOESN'T like me.

So, we play volleyball together and for a long time I've always avoided him, because that's what I usually do with guys that I have some sort of attraction to. I would see him around campus and he would ignore me and I would just ignore him. I mean we would say Hi to each other during practice (sometimes). It was just awkward.

But like 2 days ago, I went to the bus stop to catch the bus to volleyball practice. I looked up to see if I was at the right bus stop and, well I saw him at the stop. He had already spotted me and was smiling. I didn't know what to do, but i took out my headphones and kept walking towards him. Greeted him and stood with him. The bus arrived and I took a seat next to another empty seat and he sat with me on the same seat (I was so happy!). We talked, well I think I did most of the talking, asking him questions...

At practice he finally cheered me on when I was playing on the court. He said, "Go baoi!" (He never said that before).

After practice, he walked home with a good friend of mines. I am assuming that he probably lives close by to her house and was just being a gentleman and walking with her home. (a little heart-broken.. haha)

Later that night, we bought train tickets to this volleyball weekend away. He bought the seats diagonal to me and told my friend to buy the seats next to me. And weirdly, he initiated a FB chat convo with me for the first time.. Mainly asking if I had my friend's number so that I can tell her to buy the seat next to me.


Yesterday night, I went to the pub with a group of friends. I had reset my phone earlier in the week because my phone was going haywire so I had lost everyone's contact numbers. As I was getting ready, I got a text from a number I hadn't saved onto my phone yet asking me, "Baoi,.. U coming?" I thought it was my friend (whom I just got her number and saved it into my phone), but it wasn't my friend's number. I was late so I rushed out the door, replying, "I'm sorry I'm late... I'm walking there now!"

When I get there, I don't see anyone I know, so I text the number back... "Where are you?" Eventually I find my friends and ask one of my friends who's number that text came from but no one knew....

A few seconds later, he walks into the room. I am jumping for joy inside.. But he came with a girl. So I just asked him if he was the one who sent me the text, and he said yes... So I saved his number and told him that he's 'officially my friend.' haha..

Uh.. Yeah. So he sat with the girl for the entire time, got up to get drinks with her together. But she was on the phone a lot. So.. I talked to him a few times (which made me happy and I think he had fun too because he laughed and reacted to my stupidness). Because he came with a girl already, I had to converse with other people since I obviously can't just spend the night staring at him from afar like a desperate idiot.

Woah.. Sorry for the looooong story. So, Like, What do you boys think? Is this a GO or No-Go for me? If he is just looking to be a friend with me then how do I tell him that I like him more than just a friend.

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Why would a guy send mixed signals? I've been told by a mutual friend (after he saw us hanging around a lot) that this guy friend, who I like, does in fact like me quite a bit as well. I've also gotten very, very clear signs. For instance, when I had to judge at a tournament, he went out of his way to get a ride and hang out with me for the whole day, even though he had better things to do. Also, he's complimented me multiple times at random times (you're beautiful, you look nice, etc), put his arm around me when i got cold, talked on the phone for hours late at night...you get the picture. But the flip side is, sometimes he completely ignores my texts. I don't repeatedly text him after the first time (cuz I'm afraid of looking clingy) but it's kind of frustrating that he's confusing me. :c He's never had a girlfriend before, doesn't really deal with girls, even on a friend basis, and is shy to begin with, so would these things play a large role in his behavior? Should I make the first move...? (Two part question)

Thanks D: <3

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Guest mimirella

if a guy doesn't like texting, would he get over that and text the girl he likes ?

i mean, my crush really doesn't like texting. when we're out i don't see him texting at all and the only people i see him texting are his sisters. we don't text unless i'm planning to visit him.. i don't mind not texting but some people are saying we SHOULD text.. i don't see what's wrong with him not texting me. that's not a sign of him saying he's only interested in me when i'm there, and not when i'm not around right? >< i hope this post isn't confusing lol

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Guest K3v1nDX

Probably he is somewhat shy around you and thats why conversating is so hard. Most of the times when a guy asks your friends about you and stares and smiles at you, it probably means that he has a crush on you and most people are shy to there crush

When a guy gives so clear signals but doesn't make a move it probably means he is shy.

Maybe when you make a first move that will give him the courage to open up and make moves to you

(I'm speaking from own experience here)

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Okay, what do this mean when a guys knows you're taken but he still talks to you and tries to call you.

He even webcam and sings for you because you simply ask him to sing for you because he have a nice voice

and you guys didn't even met for long . He's tries to test you on like saying " My guys checking you out, he wanna call you"

And you be like, " No, my sis got the phone " and he'll playfully say ,  " Oh , i was just kidding to see if you really going to answer."


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Guest discofuse

Why would a guy send mixed signals? I've been told by a mutual friend (after he saw us hanging around a lot) that this guy friend, who I like, does in fact like me quite a bit as well. I've also gotten very, very clear signs. For instance, when I had to judge at a tournament, he went out of his way to get a ride and hang out with me for the whole day, even though he had better things to do. Also, he's complimented me multiple times at random times (you're beautiful, you look nice, etc), put his arm around me when i got cold, talked on the phone for hours late at night...you get the picture. But the flip side is, sometimes he completely ignores my texts. I don't repeatedly text him after the first time (cuz I'm afraid of looking clingy) but it's kind of frustrating that he's confusing me. :c He's never had a girlfriend before, doesn't really deal with girls, even on a friend basis, and is shy to begin with, so would these things play a large role in his behavior? Should I make the first move...? (Two part question)

Thanks D: <3

OMG Same thing is happening to me right now. He never had a girlfriend before either and doesn't really deal with girls . . he's shy and he doesn't talk a lot. He kinda treats me different from other girls, he'd act really silly towards me some times, he'd pinch me, slap my shoulders (but not in a hard way), he'd touch my head and sort of things like that . . But then, he'd completely ignore me the next day . . or act really cold towards me :( He would also help me with school and patiently explains everything (in chat). And one time I went to school looking really sad . . he was looking at me, don't know if he's trying to start a conversation but I didn't have the mood to initiate a conversation with anyone at that time . . . The bell rung then he was going out of the classroom but he suddenly put his hands on my head for like 3 seconds? I don't know, but what the heck does that mean? And I was just like :| the whole time . . .

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Guest lostieee

There's this guy and we have mutual interest in each other though we both know that none of us are into relationships. But we still always hang out, drink and have fun but we're slowly acting like a couple (eg holding hands, cuddling) even though we don't have any labels, not even 'seeing each other'. A few nights ago, we intimately slept with each other. I don't ever sleep with anyone I'm not in a relationship with but I don't know this is happening. I'm so confused. I don't know what I'm doing. What's going on? Am I attracted to this guy more than I'm making myself believe? Advice please!

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When a guy gives so clear signals but doesn't make a move it probably means he is shy.

Maybe when you make a first move that will give him the courage to open up and make moves to you

(I'm speaking from own experience here)

haha, thank you. it's so hard to tell if he's shy or not because of such mixed signals. :/

thanks though, i'm pretty convinced now that i have to be the one initiating things to get this anywhere. ><

OMG Same thing is happening to me right now. He never had a girlfriend before either and doesn't really deal with girls . . he's shy and he doesn't talk a lot. He kinda treats me different from other girls, he'd act really silly towards me some times, he'd pinch me, slap my shoulders (but not in a hard way), he'd touch my head and sort of things like that . . But then, he'd completely ignore me the next day . . or act really cold towards me :( He would also help me with school and patiently explains everything (in chat). And one time I went to school looking really sad . . he was looking at me, don't know if he's trying to start a conversation but I didn't have the mood to initiate a conversation with anyone at that time . . . The bell rung then he was going out of the classroom but he suddenly put his hands on my head for like 3 seconds? I don't know, but what the heck does that mean? And I was just like :| the whole time . . .

glad i'm not the only one! D: i guess it's fairly common. mixed signals are so frustrating. hope you find out an answer soon :c

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guys, why do you slap girls' butts, insult their choice of clothes, then call them the next day to ask them out? is that your way of flirting?

If he's smart, then it's to get inside your head.

If he's not, then.... well then, lol.

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Guest SlicedBread

guys, why do you slap girls' butts, insult their choice of clothes, then call them the next day to ask them out? is that your way of flirting?

What’s your history with this guy? 


Slapping butts is definitely an aggressive form of flirting and invading someone’s space. It’s up to you whether you let someone get away with that. 

I would not insult someone’s style as a way of flirting—maybe tease them a bit, but not insult them. Maybe he’s trying to play hot & cold, because people tend to chase that which moves away from them.

What did he say about your clothes? Did he make you feel self-conscious? Maybe annoyed? Did you go out with him?



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