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Guest infinite*

Alright, so I came up with another question. I hope I don't get in trouble, I feel like I'm spamming this thread.

What does it mean when a guy brings up an incident every time you two talk.

The incident was when a close guy friend of mine told me to meet up with him at Christmas around 1am because he was close by and he was bored at a family party. The guy let's refer to him as A (hahahaha) knows of it because I was hesitant of whether go or not & I was talking to him at that time too. I also told him when I got back of what my dad told me which had something to do with 'kissing -_-' and yes ... from then on, he'd tease me, calling him my boyfriend and if not I might develop feelings for him, etc.

:D thanks!

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Hey so I have a friend who apparantly likes me (according to my friends who don't know him but have read his texts to me). He would constantly ask me out to lunch and movies and bowling and etc. I went lunch and bowling once with him but didn't think anything of it. But with all his texts, I'm not too sure ..for example, I met him in a club and he's already graduated but I'm in charge of planning socials and events and one of his texts were "You should take me to the places you are planning to go so you can see if they are good venues" which I found pretty weird.

But to make this brief, how can I let him down nicely? I want to play dumb since he never explicitly said the words "date" or "lets go out" or anything like that..it's just a whole bunch of "let me know when you are free so we can have lunch; are you free for movies, etc" But is there any way to let him down gently? My friends already told me to be brief with my responses so I've done that but I don't want to ignore him. That just seems mean.

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Guest lullerbye

If a guy says he likes you and loves you sometimes but he says he wants to be a solo man due to free time, what does this mean? Oh and when I try to distance myself he becomes more affectionate.

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Guest LunaUlna

Just out of curiosity...

Would you guys prefer for your significant other to turn to advice threads such as this one when trying to understand you or would you rather have that person ask you up front what the issue is?

I'm thinking that the latter will probably be the most likely answer, but I also thought that some guys don't really like to openly discuss their feelings. (I know that not all guys are uncomfortable with talking about feelings, but most of the ones that I've encountered happen to feel awkward when it comes to being open with their significant others.)

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i'm currently having this dilemma with this guy at school.. my question is simple and short but before i say it i'll talk a bit about the scenario

here it goes...

this guy(let's call him J, he's Korean), since the beginning of the school year, i met on a regular basis, unintentionally.. sometimes when i wait for a jeep home(i'm from Philippines btw), he'd be there at the same area where i wait but i didn't really mind his presence. the jeep en route to my village is usually empty by the time it reaches my school. he'd ride the same jeep as mine, except that he'd sit in the front sit when it's unoccupied and i'd sit at the farthest left(near exit for convenience).. he'd sit at the farthest right when the front seat's occupied(we'd be front to front for that instance). he looked cute. but was not really interested in him. until, one of my friends, who knows him, went with him on the way home and this friend talks real randomly. out of nowhere, that friend prophesied that i could have a future with him. so i was like wth? i never imagined that! i forgot about that being busy with school. i'd still coincidentally meet him. i just admired his cuteness. what's awkward is even if that common friend of ours introduced us to each other, we won't chat when we ride the jeep together. gosh, that's how shy i am. until just this wednesday, i found out, from another classmate, he courted this girl in the same P.E. class as mine. but i knew the moment i came out of the covered court, when he with that girl passed by he stared at me.. i'm shy when near my crush that's why i bow immediately. and i catch him stealing glances at me each time he sees me. for the first time, i felt so heartbroken. until now i can't sleep on time.

so, my question is: (regardless if the "stares" are for real or i'm just imagining) if a guy who's trying to commit to someone(courting a girl) stares at another girl, what does that mean?

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Just out of curiosity...

Would you guys prefer for your significant other to turn to advice threads such as this one when trying to understand you or would you rather have that person ask you up front what the issue is?

I'm thinking that the latter will probably be the most likely answer, but I also thought that some guys don't really like to openly discuss their feelings. (I know that not all guys are uncomfortable with talking about feelings, but most of the ones that I've encountered happen to feel awkward when it comes to being open with their significant others.)

if hes not an easy person to talk to then yeh imo its okay

but personally i think just talk with them about it =D

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Guest prislee

Just out of curiosity...

Would you guys prefer for your significant other to turn to advice threads such as this one when trying to understand you or would you rather have that person ask you up front what the issue is?

I'm thinking that the latter will probably be the most likely answer, but I also thought that some guys don't really like to openly discuss their feelings. (I know that not all guys are uncomfortable with talking about feelings, but most of the ones that I've encountered happen to feel awkward when it comes to being open with their significant others.)

I'm also curious about this...

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Guest xLionHeartx

Just out of curiosity...

Would you guys prefer for your significant other to turn to advice threads such as this one when trying to understand you or would you rather have that person ask you up front what the issue is?

I'm thinking that the latter will probably be the most likely answer, but I also thought that some guys don't really like to openly discuss their feelings. (I know that not all guys are uncomfortable with talking about feelings, but most of the ones that I've encountered happen to feel awkward when it comes to being open with their significant others.)

I think it's healthy to seek advice from others but at the same time, but for the most part I'd rather have an issue be hashed out between the two of us. I think it's pretty important to be able to communicate with one another.

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Guest prislee

Why do guys ignore girls?

This whole story is a huge drama so I'm not going to type it in here. I'm here to release some tension, ahah. Don't mind me.

But why? He doesn't ignore anyone else, he just ignores me. He refuses to LOOK at me, even. (Well, sometimes I see(catch?) him looking at me, but still...) Then he looks away very fast when I look at him.

We've known each other for 5 years. I'm still not over him, but I'm trying to grow up and get a life here. So I... I sent him a message in Facebook asking him why he ignores me. If I don't get a reply in 1 month, that's it. He's disappearing from Facebook. No point leaving someone inside whom I don't connect with, don't talk to and all. It's like I'm just having him inside to convenience my stalking his Wall. That's plain crazy.

I gotta go do some cleansing of my soul, really =.= I'm only 18 years old this year and 5 I spent "thinking" about this guy - that's enough.

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Do guys like women who ask questions about them or

do they generally like the woman to just ramble on about

stuff he has never put a second thought into?

I hope this is not one of those questions that bears the answer, "It depends on the guy."

I'm looking for a general consensus here :D

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Guest TuxedoBento

prislee: Did you date before or something? Well, in any case, if he doesn't even look at you it could mean he either has a seething resentment for you, possibly still has feelings for you (and thus might be keeping in contact just to stalk your fb etc... >.>), or he just doesn't like looking at you... lol

prechuz_azn: Well it does depend on the guy but generally I think as long as the girl doesn't come off as an airhead then it's nice if she shows interest in what us guys are thinking but also brings interesting perspectives and ideas to the table that we guys might otherwise not have thought of. So yeah, unless the guy is extremely narcissistic then chances are us guys will get bored of talking about ourselves if all you do is ask us questions about ourselves. So keep it interesting, stupid. K.I.I.S. lol

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Guest prislee

prislee: Did you date before or something? Well, in any case, if he doesn't even look at you it could mean he either has a seething resentment for you, possibly still has feelings for you (and thus might be keeping in contact just to stalk your fb etc... >.>), or he just doesn't like looking at you... lol

prechuz_azn: Well it does depend on the guy but generally I think as long as the girl doesn't come off as an airhead then it's nice if she shows interest in what us guys are thinking but also brings interesting perspectives and ideas to the table that we guys might otherwise not have thought of. So yeah, unless the guy is extremely narcissistic then chances are us guys will get bored of talking about ourselves if all you do is ask us questions about ourselves. So keep it interesting, stupid. K.I.I.S. lol

No, we didn't date before. We weren't even in a relationship. Thanks for answering, though :) Didn't expect that. I'm now waiting to hear it from the guy himself.

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Guest akia_025

We just started going out. I always notice him staring at me and then smiles after that. Whenever I ask why, he doesn't tell me.

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Guest xLionHeartx

We just started going out. I always notice him staring at me and then smiles after that. Whenever I ask why, he doesn't tell me.

It's a good thing. Be happy he's still smiling, it won't always be like that so soak it in now.

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Guest lananhcali18

I have a situation and I need guy's insight instead of my girlfriend's advice.










My bf might end up reading this...edit post.

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Guest spunked

Why are some guys so comfortable with asking sexual/perverted questions?

I'm in my earlier years of high school, so I know that the all boys are full of hormones..

yesterday my one guy friends (pretty big player and a jock) randomly jumped from talking about homework to asking who i liked, how far ive gone, how far i would go, what i thought about hookups, how far i would go in hookups

and it was just so awkward.. because we don't have a "thing" or anything, and i asked him why he was curious "idk im just bored :)" i ended it with "phones dead, peace" "sure it is ;)"

then this other guy (had a thing with for 2/3 months) is super shy.. but he was such a perv over text messages.. he would ask about sexual things and everything

by the way, i know that he shared my texts with his friends.. not cool

i just don't get it.. why do guys ask all these questions because "they're bored"

and, i feel so hesitant answering because it honestly is personal.. and i usually say "idk" i don't want to come off as uptight or not interesting. also, i do not want to come off as easy, sometimes it seems like they want to be friends with benefits (no thanks, and i'm just a sophomore)

i'd love some advice :) thanks!

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Guest TuxedoBento

Dreaming-sailor: It sounds like he doesn't like you anymore but I suppose he's still interested in knowing what kind of guys the girl who turned him down is with now. Kind of unhealthy if you ask me if he's going around befriending your boyfriends just because they're you're boyfriends... Besides that, he could be trying to play hard-to-get but honestly I think his interest in you before was just an immature crush. Ignoring your confession was a sign he's not interested in pursuing a relationship or he thinks he can "do better" possibly. As a guy, I think if a girl I liked confessed to me or asked me to go out I'd probably be ecstatic. I'd save some dignity and move on. His loss.

spunked: Because girls wouldn't talk about intimate things with fugly creepers, right? So by telling them your dirty laundry you're at the very least affirming that they're within your league of.. doing.. intimate things.. rolleyes.gif

And yeah, you're probably right about some of them wanting to gain "benefits". Lets face it, most of us guys in high school and well into our 20's really only want one thing. And talking about sex, alone with the opposite sex.. well.. yeah. lol protect your precious treasure! ^^"

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