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Really? If you're anything like Park Young Hee, that's really hot in my book.

Maybe the guys she has dated just like very feminine girls, a lot of times guys feel insecure about their masculanity so they avoid a tomboy. Or maybe the majority of guys surrounding you are just shallow and goes for a face they find attractive.

But I don't believe you should care of how many boyfriends she had, obviously since she had a lot, her relationships doesn't last very long.

The amount of boyfriends shouldn't matter, it's how long you've had a relationship with a person and how much you deeply care for eachother that should matter.

haha :o! my thoughts as well

haha wow -_-; funny XD maybe well my guy friends were never intrested in her from the beginning

so we were all wondering the same thing soyeah haha

yeah but im sick of her bragging so i thought maybe someone knew what could be a reason LOL XD

LOL! right :D thanks! :D

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Guest xsilentangel

So, my really good guy friend asked me to prom as a sort of "backup," and of course, I was pretty offended. I don't know if this is significant, but he had a crush on me not too long ago, making our relationship kind of awkward. Well.. I told him OK but I'm having second thoughts about it.. I told him to ask a girl that he actually likes or some other chicks (I named some for him) but he said they were out of his league.. (I felt sort of offended again since he's implying that I'm easy to ask).. Well.. would you ever ask a good girl friend as your backup?.. and if you get/or got rejected.. would you be hurt?

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Guest dragonninja598000

Do you guys think that I should confess to my parents that I'm going out with someone on the other side of the country?

I'm in a long distance relationship which isn't the easiest thing to do in the world.

My boyfriend's parents has some sort of idea that their son is going out with someone, but I don't think that my parents have a clue about this. Although our friends and my older sister knows about it. > <;

I've known him for 3 years and we're both pretty serious about this relationship. We plan on meeting over the summer sometime which would mean that we would have to somehow confess to our parents.

Would it be better to tell them earlier or later?


Probably earlier would be better so they get used to the fact that you're "dating" someone so far away. Word of advice, when you do go to meet him for the first time bring someone you know. Then after that initial meeting you can go by yourself.

so there's this guy in my school who would randomly come up to me and call me his "pet" i keep pushing him off but he keeps on doing it -_-" and he even has a girlfriend who is also one of closest friends... is he using me to make her jealous? or is he trying to make my boyfriend jealous?

lol. I think he's just messing with you. Don't worry about it too much.

i had a question

well 2..

okay so this guy who i dated in the 8th grade we saw eachother for the first time in 6 years

and so he asked for my number which i gave him and now he texts me NON stop

and asked me out that same day couple of hours later.......

-_-; i said no in a nice way now he wants to always talk on the phone and stuff like i keep avoid him

but he wont get the clue

what would be a good way to get him off my back?

and i have a friend who thinks she better then me

bc she had more bfs then i have and so on..but the thing i dont get is how?

im 169cm shes 150 barely im..average weight ...and well shes the same weight as me but difference in height

is alot..and ppl say i have a better personality

then how is it?! she has more bfs then i do!??!

To answer your first question you should just tell him to stop rather than ignoring it. To your second question it's just by random chance. Maybe she puts herself out there more and that why more guys are asking her out. It could also be that she's just giving any guy a chance that she's reasonably attracted to. Who knows?

So, my really good guy friend asked me to prom as a sort of "backup," and of course, I was pretty offended. I don't know if this is significant, but he had a crush on me not too long ago, making our relationship kind of awkward. Well.. I told him OK but I'm having second thoughts about it.. I told him to ask a girl that he actually likes or some other chicks (I named some for him) but he said they were out of his league.. (I felt sort of offended again since he's implying that I'm easy to ask).. Well.. would you ever ask a good girl friend as your backup?.. and if you get/or got rejected.. would you be hurt?

I HATE the idea of a back up. I did ask my "friend" to go to prom with me and she turn me down. I was hella hurt and angry about it. Still makes me mad to this day. I actually wanted to go with her too. T.T

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Guest Hot Fire Neko

is it true that if a girl takes initiative and makes the moves, the guy will appreciate her less?

No. <_<

Of course it varies on the guy, but some guys are just too shy / inexperienced to make the first move or take initiatives and will actually appreciate the girl doing the hard part, STARTING it all, for him.

Nothing wrong with a girl that knows what she wants. :lol:

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What are your guys thoughts about girls who are just friends? Possible or not?

Also do you ever REALLY get over a crush?

The reason I ask these questions is because I have two guy friends who used to like me (like a year ago?) but now they currently have girlfriends.I hang around with them a lot (two + me, not just me alone with one of them) since I have a lot of similar classes to them. The same thing kind of happened with both of them, we became really good friends until they started to like me and things got a bit awkward but I made it clear that I didn't feel the same way and we remained as friends after that. I view them strictly as friends and I'm fairly certain that they also view me as just a friend but then I started to wonder what if their girlfriends misunderstood the situation? I think I'm being paranoid but I dunno, I don't want to start some kind of feud with either of them lol.

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Guest tommylove<3

Eh, I have a question too, haha. Well there's this one guy I've known

since last year and he calls me pretty most of the time and such. We talk to

each other a lot now since I see him more. Also, in person and on Facebook/Myspace.

So practically like every day. Then lately, he's mentioning that I should see him more often/it's

because I'm not around. To add more to that he doesn't usually try to interact with our other

friends unless spoken to(doesn't apply to his close friends), besides me. So my friends think he's interested,

or something. The tricky part is, he's had a girlfriend for about a year now and I'm younger by about two years.

My question is that, is there something going on with him? Or are my friends looking to deep into it? :huh:

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Guest dragonninja598000

What are your guys thoughts about girls who are just friends? Possible or not?

Also do you ever REALLY get over a crush?

The reason I ask these questions is because I have two guy friends who used to like me (like a year ago?) but now they currently have girlfriends.I hang around with them a lot (two + me, not just me alone with one of them) since I have a lot of similar classes to them. The same thing kind of happened with both of them, we became really good friends until they started to like me and things got a bit awkward but I made it clear that I didn't feel the same way and we remained as friends after that. I view them strictly as friends and I'm fairly certain that they also view me as just a friend but then I started to wonder what if their girlfriends misunderstood the situation? I think I'm being paranoid but I dunno, I don't want to start some kind of feud with either of them lol.

Yeah it's possible to have friends that are girls that your not attracted to. I've gotten over a few. There are some where their still on my mind from time to time. Some fade, some don't that's what i've learned.

Eh, I have a question too, haha. Well there's this one guy I've known

since last year and he calls me pretty most of the time and such. We talk to

each other a lot now since I see him more. Also, in person and on Facebook/Myspace.

So practically like every day. Then lately, he's mentioning that I should see him more often/it's

because I'm not around. To add more to that he doesn't usually try to interact with our other

friends unless spoken to(doesn't apply to his close friends), besides me. So my friends think he's interested,

or something. The tricky part is, he's had a girlfriend for about a year now and I'm younger by about two years.

My question is that, is there something going on with him? Or are my friends looking to deep into it? :huh:

Errr. I would keep this as a friendship too much drama will happen if you go after him and vice versa. Just keep acting normal. i don't know about seeing him more often but what your doing right now is just fine. =)

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Hey guys a quick question! I have known my crush for a couple of weeks and during that time we've been on a couple of dates, I've been to his dorm room to hang out with him after classes and we contact each other every other day. I'd like to take this relationship to the next level (be his gf), but he's really dense and shy so I don't think he'd ask me anytime soon.

His birthday is coming up, and its on the day we have a night class together that ends at 10 pm so we usually walk out of class together at night (pretty good timing lol). Should I do something witty like say I didn't get him anything but ask if he wants anything from me? Then ask if he wants a girlfriend for his birthday (me!) ? Or should I just wait until he does it and just ask if he wants a hug or a kiss :P The kiss would presumably lead to the bf thing anyway hahah

I actually have the perfect gift idea for him, but it would be really weird to give it to him, since we aren't dating yet.

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So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months. He's 25 and I'm 21. He's my first boyfriend, first love, first everything and I'm like his 10+ girlfriend he's had (he won't tell me the exact number for some odd reason...) We have fought and broken up a lot but we always manage to get back together. I always buy him gifts, I always text him, I always call him, I like to send him love emails once in a while...he never does anything. The only thing he does is buy me food whenever we go out to eat. Everytime I say I love him in person, he says it right back, but whenever I text him I love him and I miss him, he never replies back. I don't get it. I'm not a clingy person. I always let him go out with his friends all the time. He would tell me he hangs out with his homeboys, and they bring girls and such. I do get uneasy and I tell him that but he reassures me that nothing would happen. And the reason why we broke up so many times is because I would find flirty texts from girls and he'd break up with me cuz I looked through his phone for invading his privacy.

I just feel like I love him more than he loves me and I think we both know that. I think he only says I love you back to me so I won't get all butt hurt. I did tell him how I felt about this one sided feeling but he just said, "What makes you think that?" and laughs it off and changes the subject...

Should I break up with him because he doesn't love me as much as I love him? It kinda hurts sometimes and I feel like I should be with someone who loves me as much as I love them. And also, he may find someone else where he can fully love someone with all his heart instead of wasting his time on me?

And do guys even wanna be with a girl that loves them more than they love her?

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Guest fredinsac

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months. He's 25 and I'm 21. He's my first boyfriend, first love, first everything and I'm like his 10+ girlfriend he's had (he won't tell me the exact number for some odd reason...) We have fought and broken up a lot but we always manage to get back together. I always buy him gifts, I always text him, I always call him, I like to send him love emails once in a while...he never does anything. The only thing he does is buy me food whenever we go out to eat. Everytime I say I love him in person, he says it right back, but whenever I text him I love him and I miss him, he never replies back. I don't get it. I'm not a clingy person. I always let him go out with his friends all the time. He would tell me he hangs out with his homeboys, and they bring girls and such. I do get uneasy and I tell him that but he reassures me that nothing would happen. And the reason why we broke up so many times is because I would find flirty texts from girls and he'd break up with me cuz I looked through his phone for invading his privacy.

I just feel like I love him more than he loves me and I think we both know that. I think he only says I love you back to me so I won't get all butt hurt. I did tell him how I felt about this one sided feeling but he just said, "What makes you think that?" and laughs it off and changes the subject...

Should I break up with him because he doesn't love me as much as I love him? It kinda hurts sometimes and I feel like I should be with someone who loves me as much as I love them. And also, he may find someone else where he can fully love someone with all his heart instead of wasting his time on me?

And do guys even wanna be with a girl that loves them more than they love her?

Breaking up and getting back together multiple times is never a good sign of a solid relationship. Also seeing as how this is his umpteenth relationship he has a whole lot more experience then you do and is probably taking it a lot more lightly then you are. All in all, if you feel that the relationship isn't worth holding onto anymore then break it off.

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Hey guys a quick question! I have known my crush for a couple of weeks and during that time we've been on a couple of dates, I've been to his dorm room to hang out with him after classes and we contact each other every other day. I'd like to take this relationship to the next level (be his gf), but he's really dense and shy so I don't think he'd ask me anytime soon.

His birthday is coming up, and its on the day we have a night class together that ends at 10 pm so we usually walk out of class together at night (pretty good timing lol). Should I do something witty like say I didn't get him anything but ask if he wants anything from me? Then ask if he wants a girlfriend for his birthday (me!) ? Or should I just wait until he does it and just ask if he wants a hug or a kiss :P The kiss would presumably lead to the bf thing anyway hahah

I actually have the perfect gift idea for him, but it would be really weird to give it to him, since we aren't dating yet.

Um, i would start by attempting to hold his hand first or doing other kinds of body touching, tickling maybe. Maybe leave your arm around his shoulder for a few seconds or tuck yourself underneath his arms for a minute. If he's receptive to that, then proceed with kissing and/or stronger tickling and stuff. If you fail at first, try again. But after a few attempts, if he's clearly trying to maintain a "let's just be friends" comfort zone then don't push it any further.

Sounds like the feelings for each other are mutual though so definitely go for it. Chances are good.

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months. He's 25 and I'm 21. He's my first boyfriend, first love, first everything and I'm like his 10+ girlfriend he's had (he won't tell me the exact number for some odd reason...) We have fought and broken up a lot but we always manage to get back together. I always buy him gifts, I always text him, I always call him, I like to send him love emails once in a while...he never does anything. The only thing he does is buy me food whenever we go out to eat. Everytime I say I love him in person, he says it right back, but whenever I text him I love him and I miss him, he never replies back. I don't get it. I'm not a clingy person. I always let him go out with his friends all the time. He would tell me he hangs out with his homeboys, and they bring girls and such. I do get uneasy and I tell him that but he reassures me that nothing would happen. And the reason why we broke up so many times is because I would find flirty texts from girls and he'd break up with me cuz I looked through his phone for invading his privacy.

I just feel like I love him more than he loves me and I think we both know that. I think he only says I love you back to me so I won't get all butt hurt. I did tell him how I felt about this one sided feeling but he just said, "What makes you think that?" and laughs it off and changes the subject...

Should I break up with him because he doesn't love me as much as I love him? It kinda hurts sometimes and I feel like I should be with someone who loves me as much as I love them. And also, he may find someone else where he can fully love someone with all his heart instead of wasting his time on me?

And do guys even wanna be with a girl that loves them more than they love her?

It's been observed in the animal kingdom that fighting and then making up afterward will result in strengthened bonds.

If you want him to love you more, then you have to challenge him. It just sounds like he's comfortable with the fact you won't leave him so there's no incentive to try harder.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Hey guys a quick question! I have known my crush for a couple of weeks and during that time we've been on a couple of dates, I've been to his dorm room to hang out with him after classes and we contact each other every other day. I'd like to take this relationship to the next level (be his gf), but he's really dense and shy so I don't think he'd ask me anytime soon.

His birthday is coming up, and its on the day we have a night class together that ends at 10 pm so we usually walk out of class together at night (pretty good timing lol). Should I do something witty like say I didn't get him anything but ask if he wants anything from me? Then ask if he wants a girlfriend for his birthday (me!) ? Or should I just wait until he does it and just ask if he wants a hug or a kiss :P The kiss would presumably lead to the bf thing anyway hahah

I actually have the perfect gift idea for him, but it would be really weird to give it to him, since we aren't dating yet.

Whoa. Easy there hecka just jumping into it. Slow it down a bit. Introduce body language and stuff like Tuffcore said. You should get him something for right now, I don't know about that witty girlfriend comment because what if he doesn't want one then your kinda stuck. =P It might be a little soon for him, so I'd build on it and maybe in a few more weeks introduce the idea of bf and gf.

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months. He's 25 and I'm 21. He's my first boyfriend, first love, first everything and I'm like his 10+ girlfriend he's had (he won't tell me the exact number for some odd reason...) We have fought and broken up a lot but we always manage to get back together. I always buy him gifts, I always text him, I always call him, I like to send him love emails once in a while...he never does anything. The only thing he does is buy me food whenever we go out to eat. Everytime I say I love him in person, he says it right back, but whenever I text him I love him and I miss him, he never replies back. I don't get it. I'm not a clingy person. I always let him go out with his friends all the time. He would tell me he hangs out with his homeboys, and they bring girls and such. I do get uneasy and I tell him that but he reassures me that nothing would happen. And the reason why we broke up so many times is because I would find flirty texts from girls and he'd break up with me cuz I looked through his phone for invading his privacy.

I just feel like I love him more than he loves me and I think we both know that. I think he only says I love you back to me so I won't get all butt hurt. I did tell him how I felt about this one sided feeling but he just said, "What makes you think that?" and laughs it off and changes the subject...

Should I break up with him because he doesn't love me as much as I love him? It kinda hurts sometimes and I feel like I should be with someone who loves me as much as I love them. And also, he may find someone else where he can fully love someone with all his heart instead of wasting his time on me?

And do guys even wanna be with a girl that loves them more than they love her?

One of my former friends what was a girl had this problem. What ended up happening was that they keep break up and getting back together until finally one of them got sick of the cycle and broke it off completely. If you really want to save yourself from all the grief later then break up with him now. Otherwise, switch up your game a little bit don't do all those nice things for him all the time, make him work for them. Right now you seem really easy and so he's not worried about you leaving him, not to mention looking at what's already happen you guys broke up but still got back together probably reassures him that you won't leave.

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Guest lightangel

boys! i have two questions for you

1. My guy friends used to tell me this "A guy never approach a girl unless he think that girl is cute".


2. Career or Women? Which one would you choose? Which is more important to you in life?

answer plz!

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Guest dragonninja598000

boys! i have two questions for you

1. My guy friends used to tell me this "A guy never approach a girl unless he think that girl is cute".


2. Career or Women? Which one do you choose?

answer plz!

It's mostly true. Sometimes we will approach someone that we don't think is cute but it's for some other reason.

I don't really understand the second question. As in i'll be spend all my time achieving one or the other? or what do you mean?

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Guest french toast

so there's a guy in one of my classes that i'm interested in, but it's a lecture class so i can't really talk to him. he also seems sorta shy. i've never approached a random guy before, so i'm new at this. any tips on coolly approaching him without seeming too lame and showing too much interest? :P

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Guest luxuriedoll..

im pretty shy when it comes to me being 1-on-1 with a guy, like hanging out or anything in person...

sooo... i kind of need help as to how i should be feeling and what i should do D:

a friend of mine, a year older than me, says he wants to hang out and play basketball with me at school tomorrow because he's moving on the 30th..

thing is, he kind of has a thing for me, and he gets pretty flirty too when it comes to attractive girls... i don't like him that way, but i also don't wanna make things awkward.

I ALSO KIND OF SUCK AT BASKETBALL, but he said he'll make me better ahha.. and it's basically just gonna be me vs him.

so, my question is, what do guys usually have in mind when they wanna 1-on-1 with you? like hanging out? and how should i feel, and what should i watch for?

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Guest cyndi.uk

me and him have a pretty long history of memories, didn't officially go out but had alot of alone time, all of a sudden another girl comes in, me and him have alot of awkward arguements. lately me and him haven't been talking alot but rather more with the new girl but at school he throws a few teasing comments, does that mean he's beginning to have interest in the new girl and doesn't give a damn about me ?

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Guest heelsoverhead

Hey guys,

How do I tell my boyfriend that I'm bothered by him flirting with a particular girl, without sounding controlling or clingy? Cause I'm not, and it just hurts me to see him flirting with her. I don't mind when he talks to other girls, but this one...I don't know. I don't want to just ignore it because it's probably going to be a bigger issue if I don't tell him now. I'm not really sure how to approach the subject though.

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