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For guys that are mega-nerds (i.e. watch anime, likes games and computers, horrible fashion sense, and shy)

Would it be weird if your girlfriend was pretty (I'm not conceited, but I do hear it a lot), she's outgoing in a good way (makes people laugh and stuff), not too fashionable but compared to yours its like 3 levels up. But she also likes anime, games, is a computer science major that works in a freakin computer lab. And she's older and drives a stick shift. Yes you are a freshman.

I mean in your eyes would she look too boyish? Like one of the "guys". Would it be weird?

I'm not sure if I fit your mega-nerd criteria, but you sound like a lot of geeks' dream girl.

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Guest heyitzthatfc

For guys that are mega-nerds (i.e. watch anime, likes games and computers, horrible fashion sense, and shy)

Would it be weird if your girlfriend was pretty (I'm not conceited, but I do hear it a lot), she's outgoing in a good way (makes people laugh and stuff), not too fashionable but compared to yours its like 3 levels up. But she also likes anime, games, is a computer science major that works in a freakin computer lab. And she's older by a year and drives a stick shift. Yes you are a freshman.

I mean in your eyes would she look too boyish? Like one of the "guys". Would it be weird?

What the other guy said. You're a goddess to some of those nerds. lol

No it's not weird, come on now, you're in college, dress to impress was highschool, this is where peoples personalities shine through if you know what I mean.

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hi guys! so, my ex boyfriend asked me out for a movie, after we haven't been contacting for around two weeks? which is a very long time for us cause we used to hang out all the time and talk to each other 24/7. so, i was the one clinging on and not letting go, but he was the one who wants everything to end, blabla though apparently he still did have a little feelings for me. heard from mutual friends that he's texting with two other girls and meeting up with them, though supposedly he wants to remain single for now.

so, that night i found out some stuff about him, and i started crying and so i stupidly texted him saying that i missed him and all it was a pretty long one. but it was just a 'i just felt like telling you this and i'm gonna pretend i didn't tomorrow' kind of thing -.- okay sounds dumb. so he doesn't normally reply but he replied with a 'wanna go watch fd4 this weekend.' and that was totally random.

what i wanna know is.. what the hell is he thinking? i mean he should know that if the both of us go out together, it'll be weird and awkward. and it'll maybe mean more than just watching a movie. and obviously he's fine with his life. i mean, he said that he wanted to watch that show cause everyone else watched it, and i know one of the girls watched it already, so i'm really getting that feeling like i'm some spare tyre but he's not the kind who will ask you out for anything, especially me cause we've been through a lot of mini cooper together. i just wanna know if you guys will wanna lead a girl on maybe cause it doesn't feel good for her to have moved on? i'm afraid he just wants to string me along..... though i don't think he's that type. -.- sorry if it's long and if it didn't make any sense.

oh yeah, we didn't contact at all since then except to confirm the movie and the timings, and we just said we'll see each other there, but there wasn't any 'catching up'. -.-

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Guest dragonninja598000

For guys that are mega-nerds (i.e. watch anime, likes games and computers, horrible fashion sense, and shy)

Would it be weird if your girlfriend was pretty (I'm not conceited, but I do hear it a lot), she's outgoing in a good way (makes people laugh and stuff), not too fashionable but compared to yours its like 3 levels up. But she also likes anime, games, is a computer science major that works in a freakin computer lab. And she's older by a year and drives a stick shift. Yes you are a freshman.

I mean in your eyes would she look too boyish? Like one of the "guys". Would it be weird?

What? No. I'd say whoever that guy is he is lucky to have who he has and better shape up before she leaves him. LOL. Boyish? A little, but not so much that a guy wouldn't want to date you.

hi guys! so, my ex boyfriend asked me out for a movie, after we haven't been contacting for around two weeks? which is a very long time for us cause we used to hang out all the time and talk to each other 24/7. so, i was the one clinging on and not letting go, but he was the one who wants everything to end, blabla though apparently he still did have a little feelings for me. heard from mutual friends that he's texting with two other girls and meeting up with them, though supposedly he wants to remain single for now.

so, that night i found out some stuff about him, and i started crying and so i stupidly texted him saying that i missed him and all it was a pretty long one. but it was just a 'i just felt like telling you this and i'm gonna pretend i didn't tomorrow' kind of thing -.- okay sounds dumb. so he doesn't normally reply but he replied with a 'wanna go watch fd4 this weekend.' and that was totally random.

what i wanna know is.. what the hell is he thinking? i mean he should know that if the both of us go out together, it'll be weird and awkward. and it'll maybe mean more than just watching a movie. and obviously he's fine with his life. i mean, he said that he wanted to watch that show cause everyone else watched it, and i know one of the girls watched it already, so i'm really getting that feeling like i'm some spare tyre but he's not the kind who will ask you out for anything, especially me cause we've been through a lot of mini cooper together. i just wanna know if you guys will wanna lead a girl on maybe cause it doesn't feel good for her to have moved on? i'm afraid he just wants to string me along..... though i don't think he's that type. -.- sorry if it's long and if it didn't make any sense.

oh yeah, we didn't contact at all since then except to confirm the movie and the timings, and we just said we'll see each other there, but there wasn't any 'catching up'. -.-

Wait what? So your asking if you should go? Well if you don't feel comfortable then dont' go. He might just be thinking that maybe he'll do a nice gesture for you and go take some time out to see you. If you do go, don't take it as he likes you again. Sorry about the pessimism, but that's what keeps us from getting hurt really really bad.

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So how do guys feel when the person they're seeing currently (supposedly...you like them a lot) has the same name as the person they were with previously for two years? Does this even matter them?

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Guest dragonninja598000

So how do guys feel when the person they're seeing currently (supposedly...you like them a lot) has the same name as the person they were with previously for two years? Does this even matter them?

Well that's a little weird. Probably doesn't happen a lot. It's probably a coincidence. Just because the first names are similar doesn't mean the girl is, so I don't think it should be that big of a deal.

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For guys that are mega-nerds (i.e. watch anime, likes games and computers, horrible fashion sense, and shy)

Would it be weird if your girlfriend was pretty (I'm not conceited, but I do hear it a lot), she's outgoing in a good way (makes people laugh and stuff), not too fashionable but compared to yours its like 3 levels up. But she also likes anime, games, is a computer science major that works in a freakin computer lab. And she's older by a year and drives a stick shift. Yes you are a freshman.

I mean in your eyes would she look too boyish? Like one of the "guys". Would it be weird?

I don't see how that would be too masculine.

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Guest winksassy

is it normal for a guy not texting you or even calling you asking how are you? what are u doing?

he told me he likes me when i ask him while we are texting...it is seldom(not everyday) we text each other

most of the time we text each other at night...we are co-worker but different schedule.

i dont why but he only text me at night...maybe because he is bored....

i dont want to text him first bec. i dont want to look desperate, right?

FYI***he is 25 and I'm 21

i only ask him bec. one of my co-worker told me he have a crush on me & all of my co-workers tease us.


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We're pretty close, haven't seen him in a while... three, four months?

Sitting with our friends at a concert.

He's in 5 seats to my right, one row in front of me.

And he looks back once. And then 3 seconds. And looks again.

Before the concert, we said our hellos and had a nice easy conversation.

After, all he said was bye.


Okay, I know it's stupid to base things off of glances.

But what the hell was that?


Anddd would you be interested in a younger girl?

How much is the age gap, and what's your age?

If you were 25 or 23, how low can the age go?

If you were 27 or 28, does it make a difference?

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Guest dragonninja598000

is it normal for a guy not texting you or even calling you asking how are you? what are u doing?

he told me he likes me when i ask him while we are texting...it is seldom(not everyday) we text each other

most of the time we text each other at night...we are co-worker but different schedule.

i dont why but he only text me at night...maybe because he is bored....

i dont want to text him first bec. i dont want to look desperate, right?

FYI***he is 25 and I'm 21

i only ask him bec. one of my co-worker told me he have a crush on me & all of my co-workers tease us.


I text people when i'm bored. Normal is really hard to define cause it's different for everyone. i guess it's kinda weird but i'd assume that talking at night is better cuz you know the other person isn't busy and there's just more to talk about cuz you can ask about their day and what not.

We're pretty close, haven't seen him in a while... three, four months?

Sitting with our friends at a concert.

He's in 5 seats to my right, one row in front of me.

And he looks back once. And then 3 seconds. And looks again.

Before the concert, we said our hellos and had a nice easy conversation.

After, all he said was bye.


Okay, I know it's stupid to base things off of glances.

But what the hell was that?


Anddd would you be interested in a younger girl?

How much is the age gap, and what's your age?

If you were 25 or 23, how low can the age go?

If you were 27 or 28, does it make a difference?

He might be sending you signs? who knows? lol.

Hmm yes of course i'd be interested in a younger girl. I'm 18 so their not much range for me at the moment probably 1 year younger and 2-3 years older. If i was 25 probably go down to 18 at the lowest. 28 it think 18 is a little to low, soo maybe 22+. =P

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Okay, I know it's stupid to base things off of glances.

But what the hell was that?

Maybe he thinks you're cute, but I wouldn't think too much of it.


Anddd would you be interested in a younger girl?

How much is the age gap, and what's your age?

If you were 25 or 23, how low can the age go?

If you were 27 or 28, does it make a difference?

The general "rule" is age/2+7. So, a 24 year old for example would generally be looking 19 and up. I'm 25 and probably wouldn't date younger than 22 or so. That's just me though.

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Guys...Can you love one person ( ex ) and still like another person...so like liking 2 ppls at once ?


Depends. You can still love your ex, but at the same time try to move on and like another person. Isn't that obvious?

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I have a question..

I have this guy friend who's superrrr close to me. We're basically best friends. But he calls me every night and always wants to stay on the phone even if we don't really talk about anything or the conversation gets awkward. I don't think that he likes me because he's kind of shallow -.- and I'm not "pretty" enough for his standards (i can tell by the types of girls he likes), but is it possible that he may even be a little interested in me? :T

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Guest flyingpenguins

My boyfriend spends a lot of time gaming, but I'm okay with it when it's a few hours; but sometimes I feel like he would rather game than talk to me -_-; Do guys really keep in mind the time they spend gaming, and think about their gfs, or do we have to tell them ? ._.

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Guest McVities

I have a question..

I have this guy friend who's superrrr close to me. We're basically best friends. But he calls me every night and always wants to stay on the phone even if we don't really talk about anything or the conversation gets awkward. I don't think that he likes me because he's kind of shallow -.- and I'm not "pretty" enough for his standards (i can tell by the types of girls he likes), but is it possible that he may even be a little interested in me? :T

Guys dont always go for the 'best' looking girls, for me personally its more about personality than looks. Yes it is the looks which attract you at first but i can honestly not be with a girl with bad personality even though she is good looking, it just doesnt work for me.

It depends on what sorta stuff you 2 talk about, if its flirty etc... given of what you've said, i think he is a little interested, he just doesnt know whether you feel the same as you say you 2 are basically best friends. Its hard for someone to tell their best friends feelings about them.

My boyfriend spends a lot of time gaming, but I'm okay with it when it's a few hours; but sometimes I feel like he would rather game than talk to me -_-; Do guys really keep in mind the time they spend gaming, and think about their gfs, or do we have to tell them ? ._.

Most guys love gaming and when their in there stride, they can play for hours upon hours. I personally wouldnt be doing what your boyfriend is doing and spending more time on gaming than my girlfriend. Maybe he does need a little reminding, just say it to him. Guys dont realise till you tell them something... guys dont take hints either.

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Guest ForgottenReason

Recently, when i text my boyfriend, his response is usually 'lol' and thats it. Is he not putting any effort in responding back a sign of anything? I should note that he just broke his blackberry about a month ago and now he's using a regular phone, so that may make him lazier to text.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Guys...Can you love one person ( ex ) and still like another person...so like liking 2 ppls at once ?



Do you guys like insecure girls?

How insecure are we talking about? And how pretty is she? lol

I have a question..

I have this guy friend who's superrrr close to me. We're basically best friends. But he calls me every night and always wants to stay on the phone even if we don't really talk about anything or the conversation gets awkward. I don't think that he likes me because he's kind of shallow -.- and I'm not "pretty" enough for his standards (i can tell by the types of girls he likes), but is it possible that he may even be a little interested in me? :T

Shallow? Whatever. I'm pretty sure he's a little interested, but if you don't like him don't mess with anything.

My boyfriend spends a lot of time gaming, but I'm okay with it when it's a few hours; but sometimes I feel like he would rather game than talk to me -_-; Do guys really keep in mind the time they spend gaming, and think about their gfs, or do we have to tell them ? ._.

Well....How many hours is he playing? But if it's really troubling you, you should tell him, just suggest that he should spend more time with you. Don't flat out say that he should cut down his gaming for you cuz then he'll think you're trying to cut him off from his games and change him.

Recently, when i text my boyfriend, his response is usually 'lol' and thats it. Is he not putting any effort in responding back a sign of anything? I should note that he just broke his blackberry about a month ago and now he's using a regular phone, so that may make him lazier to text.

Might be. I do that too. it's nothing unusual. =P

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