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Among all of the Takizawa Kabuki pieces, "One Heart" is my favourite. This FMV shows each member's part, which describes their journey before the group's debut.



Translated lyrics of "One Heart"




The path I walked believing that I could become stronger by the number of tears I shed 

I wouldn't have been able to get through it if it wasn't for you 




Let's draw together our wishes towards the end of this never-ending journey. 

While burning a ray of hope in my heart so that it won't disappear 



The scenery that never changes and the times that change 

Memories will never fade



I'll put my dreams on the wind and reach out to a bright future



Our thoughts overflowed

I'm sure it will reach the sky someday



Don't be afraid, take a step

I'll stay by your side without leaving you

At any time

we are not alone



There will be nights you can't stand it

I'm suffocating and it hurts

Even on the days when my dreams seemed to become hazy



Just move forward without hesitation, on the path you believe in

The answer is in my heart



Our thoughts overflowed

I'm sure it will reach the sky someday



Don't be afraid, let's step into tomorrow

I'll stay by your side without leaving you

At any time

we are not alone


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Withered heart, withering passion
枯れた心 やせ細る情熱に

You who moisturize me are my hope

The two of us met and fell in love as if guided.

The wind is also whistling

Sometimes we fight, sometimes we make up, and we seek each other out until the sun rises.
時にはけんかしたり 仲直りして 朝日昇るまで求め合ったりしてさ

The meaning that accumulates day by day

I'm there, who doesn't know anyone but you

There's someone here who doesn't know anyone but me

Hold my hand and don't let go of me again
キミの手を握りしめて もう僕の手を離さないで

What if we say “In sickness and in health”

Let's walk together

Despair at the peak of happiness

The future I wanted to see with you quickly disappeared somewhere.

The wind blows through my cut-out memo, my cat, and my gaping heart.


In my free time, I cook and watch movies.
休みは料理したり 映画見たり

We talked about innocent things and played around with each other.
他愛のない話 じゃれあったりしてさ

Meaning of getting older

I'm here and I don't know anyone but you

There was you, the only one I didn't know

You let go of my hand and disappeared from right in front of my eyes.
キミは手を離して 僕の目の前からいなくなった

Ah, your warmth is still in my hands
あぁ 今も僕の手の中にキミのぬくもりが

It remains here forever

The meaning of your tears that suddenly started crying

I didn't even notice or try to know

Time passes without being able to fulfill my promise to you.
キミとの約束を果たすことのできぬまま 時は去る

Your hand becomes thinner and you grab my hand again
キミの手は細くなって 僕の手を握り返す

You laughed, said something to me, and gently closed your eyes.
キミは笑い 何かいいかけて そっと目を閉じた

Hold my hand and don't let go of me again
キミの手を握りしめて もう僕の手を離さないで

If we could meet again someday

Let's walk together again

Let's walk together, let's walk together again
僕ら二人で歩いて行こう また二人で歩いて行こう


Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Clievy / Osamu Kurimoto



I get why it's his favourite love song.

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I was checking out my cousin's old YT account, and as expected of being an MJ fan, she did a cover of "Man in the Mirror" back when she still liked the showbiz and theater, and did front acts for concerts.



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