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[Drama 1999] Happy Together 해피투게더

Guest kiye

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Would appreciate it very much if someone can share any gist of the article below. Is it something about TV's strongest Dream Team/cast back in 1999, and now? :unsure:

Thanks. ^^


2007-06-15 오후 2:51:56]

TV 드라마 속 최강 드림팀은? '해피 투게더'


From top, clockwise: Kim Ha Neul, Song Seung Hun, Han Go Eun, Jo Jae Hyun,

Jeon Ji Hyun, Cha Tae Hyun


Lee Byung Hun

[OSEN=손남원 기자]가장 많은 스타를 배출해낸 역대 최강 드라마는? SBS가 지난 1999년 방영한 '해피투게더'가 손꼽힌다. 최근 케이블 TV 등에서 재방송되고 있는 이 드라마의 호화 배역진이 새삼 시청자들 사이에서 화제를 모으고 있다.

한류 열풍과 한국영화 르네상스가 시작되기 수년 전에 만들어진 작품이어서 가능했던 캐스팅이다. 이병헌을 비롯해 송승헌 김하늘 전지현 강성연 차태현 한고은 조민수 조재현 등이 출연했다. 지금은 각자가 드라마, 영화 한편씩을 능히 끌고갈 톱스타들이 주 조연급으로 가득찼다.

오종록 연출에 배유미 극본의 '해피투게더'는 다섯 남매의 형제애와 갈등을 그린 감동 드라마. 전지현의 데뷔작으로 그 시절 앳된 모습을 엿볼수 있고, 중견으로 자리잡은 이병헌 차태현 등의 얼굴에서도 젊음이 묻어나던 때다. 기름 발라 올백으로 빗어넘긴 헤어스타일에 블랙 수트를 단정히 차려입은 송승헌만큼은 그 때나 지금이나 그다지 달라보이지 않는다.

네티즌 화제의 초점은 이들이 2007년 다시 모여서 드라마를 찍는다면 개런티가 얼마나 들까에 맞춰져 있다. 16부작을 그대로 다시 방영할 경우 1회당 주요 출연진의 개런티만 2억원을 훌쩍

넘어선다. 지난해 국정감사에서 밝혀진 고현정의 회당 출연료 2500만원을 기준으로 했을 때다.

'태왕사신기' 제작사가 배용준의 거액 개런티를 감당하는 한 방법으로 아예 제작에 참여시켰듯이 이병헌 송승헌 등 한류 스타들의 회당 출연료는 상상을 불허한다. 5000만원 수준에 육박할 것이라는 게 매니지먼트 관계자들의 예상이다. 여기에 전지현 김하늘 차태현 강성연 조재현 한고은 등도 고현정에 뒤지지않거나 오히려 앞서는 지명도를 갖고 있다. 단순 계산으로도 회당 주요 출연진 개런티는 16회 40억원에 육박한다.

여기에 조연 단역 스탭 등의 인건비와 제작, 마케팅비까지 더한다면 1999년의 인기 드라마 '해피투게더'를 그대로 올 해 리메이크할 경우 80억원 이상의 거금이 소요된다. 최근 지상파 3사가 대작 드라마를 찍는데 들이는 비용은 50억~60억원. 결론적으로 2007년식 '해피투게더'의 재탄생은 불가능할 전망이다.


[Copyright ⓒ 한국 최고의 스포츠 엔터테인먼트 전문 미디어 OSEN(www.osen.co.kr) 제보및 보도자료 osenstar@osen.co.kr 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

Source: http://osen.co.kr/news/Enter_View.asp?gisa...amp;code=210000

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  • 1 month later...
Guest fariza



2007년 8월 4일 (토) 13:56 뉴시스

이병헌·송승헌 '해피투게더', 日극장 상영


- TV drama is released in a Japanese movie theater.

- "Happy together" broadcasted in 1999 on SBS TV will be screened in Japanese Tokyo ロッボンギヒルス Theater from September 7.

- Japanese satellite broadcasting has broadcasted BS, but the movie theater screening is the first time.

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Thanks fariza for the wonderful update on Happy Together, saw the Korean article but had no idea of the clear gist. :blush: Really appreciate the sharing. The Japanese fans are really lucky, getting to watch HT on the larger screen, too. A heartwarming family series.. not to be missed! :lol:


Capture from empas.com

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다시 보면 호화 캐스팅 “그때 그 드라마 기억해?!”

2007-08-30 17:49 | View : 349


(리뷰스타 황유영 기자) ‘지금 드라마가 다시 제작된다면 그때의 캐스팅대로 진행될 수 있을까?’라는 생각이 들 정도로 드라마 출연진 모두가 톱스타의 자리에 오른 드라마들이 있다.

시리즈로 제작되며 ‘스타 사관학교’라고 불리는 KBS 드라마 ‘학교’는 고등학교를 배경으로 청소년들의 이야기를 다룬 성장 드라마답게 4편까지 진행된 시리즈를 통해 조인성, 임수정, 하지원, 배두나, 김민희 등 셀 수도 없는 스타들을 배출했다.

SBS 드라마 ‘카이스트’에도 대학교 버전 ‘학교’라고 불릴 정도로 많은 청춘 스타들이 출연했다. 조현재, 채림, 고(故) 이은주, 김정현 등이 카이스트가 배출한 스타들. 연출은 맡은 윤석호 감독까지 ‘스타’ 대열에 오른 KBS ‘광끼’는 원빈, 배두나, 최강희, 이동건 등이 출연했다.

SBS '해피 투게더‘ 역시 화려한 캐스팅을 자랑한다. 한류 스타 이병헌, 송승헌을 비롯해 전지현, 한고은, 차태현, 김하늘 등 지금은 한편의 영화나 드라마를 이끌어 갈 수 있을 주연급 배우들이 출연했다.

아직도 많은 사람들에게 ‘좋은 드라마’로 기억될 수 있게 하는 배우들의 연기가 그들을 진정한 ‘스타’로 만들어 주는 것 같다. 한편의 드라마에서 만나기는 어려울 스타들이지만 각자의 위치에서 좋은 연기를 보여주기를 기대해본다.

황유영 기자/www.reviewstar.net

Source: http://web.reviewstar.net/view.php?code=1010&id=28209

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youtube2.jpgHappy Together SBS Party 1999 courtesy reikolbh



A precious clip, although there's no Eng. subs (only Korean/Japanese). I totally adore Happy Together so this sharing is simply a treat. All the cast were present at the party but the main focus was BH and also a bit on SSH.

It's nice seeing all of them altogether after the series.. BH somehow looked just like TaePoong.. so simple a man.

Sorry that the caps are rather blurry but don't you just wonder what secret were the brothers Hun talking about? :lol:

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Happy Together photo album

Remember the second youngest in the family, the princess so loved by her stepfather and TaePoong oppa.. then and now .. ^^



S. Korean actress Kang Sung-yon

Jan. 23, SEOUL, South Korea -- Popular South Korean actress Kang Sung-yon poses at a Seoul studio on Jan. 23. (Yonhap) (END)

Source: Yonhap News


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Just want to update those interested.. the soompi thread for HAN GO EUN .. didn't realize it before.. :sweatingbullets:

The actress playing the role of SSH's colleague, who later came in between SSH and Kim Ha Neul in the series.

Han Go Eun


--- something on HGE ---

December 3, 2007

Han Ko-eun Impressive in Charity Participation


Actress Han Ko-eun has impressed TV audiences by appearing in the KBS' charity concert "Love -- Story 3."

The concert, which marked Human Rights Day, showed Han visiting a teenage girl in Indonesia who lives a life of toil to help her physically challenged parents.

Wearing no makeup whatsoever, Han squatted down with the girl under the scorching sunshine in Jakarta to help her crack open clams. Han also cooked ramen noodles for the girl's family.

The actress says the trip had taught her that any kind of sympathy, be it material or spiritual, brings enormous joy, and that she hopes more people will share their hopes and dreams with their needy neighbors in the global village.

Source: KBS Global


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Happy Together VODS (some with Chinese-subs)

youtube2.jpgHappy Together cut 01 clip from catchafallingstar


youtube2.jpgHappy Together cut 03


youtube2.jpgHappy Together cut 04


youtube2.jpgHappy Together cut 05


youtube2.jpgHappy Together 1_2 clip from clover0101

youtube2.jpgHappy Together clip from clover0101

youtube2.jpgHappy Together - NG's & Behind the Scenes clip from sushiboiii








HT captures credited to original fan sharing

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi, does anyone know where I can dl Lee Byung Hun - Tears? thankss

Hi purple phoenix, welcome to Happy Together!

Here's the song by LBH (thanks to summer0323), enjoy! :D Let me know if you want the clip of the 'live' version, too.

lee byung hun - tears mp3


Share your thoughts with us about the series, too.

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Guest purple phoenix

thank u soo much Rubie! i've been searching for this song since forever, i thought it would be in the OST but so disappointed that it wasnt in it. And wow, didnt kno Lee Byung Hun can sing so well!

i went and searched this series mainy cuz of KHN and i also like song seung hun. i didnt kno who he was til this series and his char in the series was very caring and sacrificing...the things he would do and give up just for his siblings. he was unbelievable sweet to khn's char. he was so nice and caring towards her that at times i felt she doesnt deserves his love cuz her heart was always with ssh but nonetheless, i enjoyed LBH and KHN's scenes together. and gosh, the son, hes so cute! he can really act for a kid his age. LBH is so causal in the series, he seemed so normal but when i watched his and KHN's To Heaven mv...he looked very manly! With that look, i would love to see him and khn do a series together! as for ssh, he does love khn deeply since they were together for 10 yrs but hes not very good at expressing his love...it seemed that he didnt love her enough....khn always think for him first but the way i see it, he had himself before her...opposite of LBH unconditional love and care for khn. and i loved all the scenes where the song tears played. considering this is khn's first series, i felt she did a good portraying her gentle and sweet char which she can do so well with up until now and her voice, its soo soft <3 i loved everything about her in the series...im watching on air right now and khn's image in the series reminds me back in this series...nothing has changed much even tho its like wat...8 yrs already? time flies and now all of them are A-listers. glad all of them has been on the road of success and hope it will continue for them.

once again, thanks for the song rubie.

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thank u soo much Rubie! i've been searching for this song since forever, i thought it would be in the OST but so disappointed that it wasnt in it. And wow, didnt kno Lee Byung Hun can sing so well!

Hahaa.. I'm so glad that you've finally be able to play & hear the song whenever. :lol: Although it was played during Happy Together, the song 'Tears' is actually from LBH's own music album entitled 'To Me' which he released for the fans back in 1999 before his military service then. It's also the same year he did Happy Together which is just so befitting.. if we look at the lyrics, huh. :blush:

I totally agree that KHN has the most soft voice amongst the many Korean actresses.. she was just so sweet in the series, not bad at all for a newcomer at the time. Can't blame LBH's character for liking the kindergarten teacher. :D If he and SSH weren't brothers in Happy Together.. you know :sweatingbullets: .. he might just try to take KHN away.. seeing how SSH had treated the woman he's supposed to love so much.

But it's great that LBH took a step back to let KHN & SSH reconcile because he knew that both of them really love each other despite growing apart at one time.. due to a third party interfering. It's just hard on SSH's character too.. with so much on his mind, too much ambition & personal expectation.. etc.

I love 'To Heaven' as well.. LBH & KHN so totally different from their characters in Happy Together. :P I think this was actually KHN's first onscreen appearance. The eldest sister in Happy Together was also in the MV, as LBH's sister .. of course. ^^ 'To Heaven' is still one of the most popular & highly-rated music videos of all time in Korea.

I'm really happy to read your thoughts on the series, thanks for sharing it with us. Do come and join us at LBH thread, too.. if you like. :blush: We'd love to have you there. ^^

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  • 2 months later...

:sweatingbullets: hi everyone, i've been an fan of a lot of korean dramas :rolleyes: , but didn't really put much attention to the earlier ones :blush:

but i'd really like to see this one because of its cast and the good reviews you guys gave. . . can you tell me where i could watch/buy it? thanks! :blink:

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butter10.gifA treat to read

Our gratitude to the highight by Hyc-EverythingLBH courtesy ylin at ylin.wordpress.com,

a must-read wonderful write-up at YESASIA's YumCha!


Lee Byung Hun - Man of the World

Written by James Mudge


With the seemingly never ending popularity of the Korean Wave continuing to flourish, a number of stars have become household names both at home and all around Asia. Korean television dramas in particular have proved to be a huge success, elevating certain male actors to heartthrob status, especially in Japan. However, Lee Byung Hun is one of the select few who can truly claim to have achieved global stardom, having won over audiences not only in Korea and Asia, but also in the West, with several promising Hollywood roles lined up, and being the only one of his countrymen to currently have US agent representation - no small feat in an industry notoriously resistant to all but the biggest of foreign stars. This should perhaps come as no surprise, as Lee is far more than a mere pretty face, having won praise for his acting skills in a long line of television series as well as starring in a healthy number of blockbuster films, many of which have been international hits. In addition to this, he is somewhat of a renaissance man, being fluent in English and French as well as in his native tongue, making him a natural choice for roles in almost any country in the world.

Early Television Years

Lee Byung Hun was born July 12, 1970 in Seoul. Interestingly, he started off not in the arts, but majoring in French at Han Yang University, something which would stand him in good stead for the future. After graduating, he made an important decision by enrolling at Chung-Ang University to study theatre and cinematography. Having found his true calling, he focused his energies on acting, dedicating himself to a career on screen.


Lee took his first step up the ladder in 1991 after being noticed at the 14th annual public audition held by Korea Broadcast System (KBS). Winning a contract, he made his debut appearance the same year in the television drama Asphalt My Hometown, immediately winning favorable notices for his performance. Over the next couple of years he continued to star in television dramas, gradually raising his profile through the likes of Family, Days of Sunrise, and the mini-series Morning Without Goodbyes. In 1992 he featured in Tomorrow in Love, a top-rated youth drama directed by Yoon Suk Ho (who was later responsible for the classic Winter Sonata series), which edged him closer to idol status.


Although his popularity was growing, major mainstream success still eluded the actor, and he continued to work in television, appearing in more dramas such as The Fragrance of Love and Dream Racers (which was partly shot in the US). In 1995 he made his film debut in the romance Who Drives Me Crazy?, which he followed in the same year with Run Away, a gritty youth drama from director Kim Sung Su, who later made it big with Musa the Warrior and Please Teach Me English. Still, this did not quite usher him to superstardom, and he spent a few more years paying his dues with appearances in hit television series such as the boxing drama Beautiful Woman and youth melodrama White Nights 3.98, and in the films Kill the Love and Elegy of the Earth.

A Harmonious Breakthrough


1999 finally saw Lee get his breakthrough as he starred in the massively successful series Happy Together, which featured an all-star cast featuring Song Seung Heon, Kim Ha Neul, and future My Sassy Girl favorites Jeon Ji Hyun and Chae Tae Hyun. Sunflower, an anthology of love stories which also screened in 1999, saw him performing alongside a similarly impressive ensemble including Choi Ji Woo (Stairway to Heaven) and Yoo Ji Tae (who went on to be a popular actor in his own right, starring in Oldboy, One Fine Spring Day, and other films).


In the same year he also made an impact in cinemas with The Harmonium In My Memory, director Lee Young Jae's adaptation of the best-selling Korean book Female Student. The film was a tender though believable tale of first love, revolving around a schoolgirl in rural 1960s Korea (played by Jeon Do Yeon, recently excellent in Lee Chang Dong's Secret Sunshine), and offered Lee a memorable role as her new teacher, who she develops a crush on. Interestingly, during the same year the actor also showed himself to be multitalented with the release of his music album To Me.


Lee followed this with his biggest and most successful role to date in Park Chan Wook's blockbuster hit JSA: Joint Security Area. A gripping murder mystery thriller set in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, the film saw Lee in top form, and also featured fine performances from Song Kang Ho (a regular Park collaborator, and who recently starred in Bong Joon Ho's The Host) and actress Lee Young Ae (who later took the title role in the director's Sympathy for Lady Vengeance). It was a commercial and critical smash, ranking as the highest-grossing film at the domestic box office ever at the time, and winning a variety of awards. The film was also popular internationally, particularly in Japan, and won nominations and prizes at several festivals including Berlin and Deauville.


Now officially a film star in his own right, Lee next was given the chance to headline in Bungee Jumping of Their Own, the debut feature from director Kim Dae Seung (later responsible for Blood Rain). The oddly titled film featured a suitably unconventional plot, tackling themes of undying love and reincarnation - in this case following Lee as a teacher who suspects that his long-dead sweetheart may have been reborn as one of his young male students (played by Yeoh Hyun Soo, also in Holiday and Birth of a Man). Despite this awkward premise, the film offered a moving exploration of the real nature of love, and Lee flourished in his complex role, proving himself to be a talented and versatile actor. A winner at the prestigious Blue Dragon Awards in 2001, the film helped raise his profile, and to further his acceptance as a serious thespian rather than just a pinup idol.

2001 also saw the actor continuing his run of television hits with the dramas The Long Way and Beautiful Days, the latter giving him one of his most memorable and charismatic roles. At this time, the Korean Wave was really starting to take off, especially in Japan, and both were popular at home and abroad. As a result, and with Lee now established as one of the most popular Korean stars of the movement, a number of his older series were reissued and aired, all to similar success.

Addicted to Success


After providing one of the voices for the animated film My Beautiful Girl, Mari, next up for Lee was a trio of big screen hits, beginning with Addicted from director Park Young Hoon. A supernaturally themed romance in which he featured with actress Lee Mi Yeon (with whom he had co-starred in The Harmonium In My Memory) as a man who seems to take on the personality of his comatose brother. Skillfully combining themes of possession and obsessive love, the ambiguous film added yet another feather to Lee's cap, and has since been picked up for a rather needless Hollywood remake. Next came Everybody has Secrets, a daring romantic comedy which saw Lee taking on the quite possibly real-life role of a man who seems to be nigh on irresistible to women everywhere. No doubt seeking something a little more challenging, he then reteamed with Park Chan Wook for his Cut segment of the horror anthology Three...Extremes, playing a film director tormented by a psychotic fan.


Never one to be accused of resting on his laurels, Lee somehow also found time in 2003 to star in the television series All In. A gambling themed drama, the show became one of the most popular and talked about across Asia, not least due to Lee's off-screen relationship with his co-star, Korean actress Song Hye Kyo (a television idol in her own right, recently in period piece Hwang Jin Yi).

A Sweet Life


In 2005 Lee worked for the first time with top director Kim Ji Woon, who had just been responsible for A Tale of Two Sisters, possibly the best Asian ghost film of recent years, on A Bittersweet Life. Unfairly, though perhaps inevitably compared with Old Boy on the grounds of it being another noir-style thriller, whilst violent and ambiguous, the film was far more of a character piece, being quietly emotional and surprisingly sentimental amongst all the flying bullets and spraying blood. A deserved critical and commercial hit which earned a widespread international release, playing at Cannes and other high profile festivals, the film also won Lee considerable praise for his effective turn as an obtuse, eccentric killer.


Next in 2006 came a change of pace with Once in a Summer, a romantic drama spanning thirty years in the lives of two lovers, with Lee playing a student in 1969 who volunteers to work in the countryside, where he meets and falls for local librarian Jung In (Soo Ae, also in the television series Love Letter). Switching between past and present, the film works well, mainly due to the fact that it is actually a far more substantial affair than might have been expected, exploring the political turmoil of Korea during the last few decades, using the romance to provide a painfully human perspective on national events.


2007 saw Lee's incredible popularity being highlighted again through his cameo appearance in the Japanese courtroom drama Hero, based upon the successful television series. Although minor, the actor's role made for an attention-grabbing scene, which basically involved the main character travelling to Korea for the express purpose of seeing him. In the same year, Lee was also immortalized by having his likeness used for the Capcom video game Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, again underlining his international appeal.

The Good, the Bad, the Weird and G.I. Joe


Lee's next role sees him joining forces once more with director Kim Ji Woon for the eagerly awaited and eccentric sounding Korean Western The Good, The Bad, The Weird. Boasting an incredible trio of leading men, with Lee playing The Bad, Jung Woo Sung (recently in The Restless and Daisy) playing The Good and Song Kang Ho (naturally) playing The Weird, the film is a tribute to Sergio Leone's 1960s Spaghetti Westerns, set in Japanese occupied Manchuria in the 1930s - all of which is more than enough to make it a mouth watering prospect.


Inevitably, Hollywood came calling, and Lee answered, accepting a role in The Mummy director Stephen Sommers's live action G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. Although acting in a film based upon a children's cartoon and range of toys may not necessarily seem particularly dignified or fitting for such a respected performer, it represents Lee playing by the usual rules and accepting the type of part usually offered to Asian actors in the West. At least with the film being a big budget, blockbuster affair, it will certainly offer the actor widespread exposure, and if a hit will hopefully lead to more offers more befitting his talents. A more interesting international prospect on the horizon is I Come With the Rain, which he recently completed for Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung, who previously won acclaim for Cyclo and The Scent of Green Papaya. A moody private eye thriller, the film has an intriguing cast, including Josh Hartnett, Hong Kong actor Shawn Yue, and Hero star Kimura Takuya.

As if this wasn't enough for Lee's legions of fans, the actor is also returning to Korean television screens with IRIS, the country's most expensive series to date, which he will co-produce as well as star in. Although details of the plot have yet to be released, with Lee involved it is highly unlikely that it will be anything other than yet another hit, and indeed that it will serve only to propel his star even further into the stratosphere.

Published August 18, 2008

Original spource: YESASIA - YumCha!


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Thanks to willenette for sharing this fan-review at LBH thread :)

I'm done watching his drama, Happy Together. Yes, another Korean drama with my 2-favorite actors, LBH & SSH. LBH is a good actor & he fitted the role perfectly. The series is OK.

It was sad when the youngest sister gets sick & nearly die but luckily her elder sister saves her.

It’s kind of dragging at the beginning but I wouldn’t mind watching since LBH & SSH are acting here. Great cast although quite an old drama. The characters are well-played. KHN is so demure & sweet here. I don’t like quite her character in this drama. I like this series because SSH is also here. I felt sad when LBH found out that the girl is his youngest sister. Quite sad also when SSH said he wanted to separate with KHN. I enjoyed watching this series. It deals with family problems & relationships. This series has good values – how a family unites. This is not just a teeny-weeny love story. LBH was so pathetic here. Another great performance by LBH & SSH in this series. I like how the story ended - The title itself says that the story is a happy-ending. I'm always a sucker for a happy-ending stories. Besides, I got to hear his voice here singing the song "Tears". Gosh, i like the song, I like his masculine voice, too. :blush: :)

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wow... watched this show ages ago... almost forgot the story... just remember LBH and SSH was at loggerheads with each other... :lol: have to read through the pages to recap the story... :blush:

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