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Korean Mariah Carey- New Artist

Guest nacj88

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Guest kiwistar

It's great that she can reach high notes, but sometimes it's a little piercing to the ear. She's an amazing singer. She really puts EMOTION in her singing, she has the right attitude, and an amazing voice. NO DOUBT she will be successful I can't wait to see her on a stage singing her heart out ^^

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Guest chocomint11

wow. i wanna learn how to whislte lyk that. kudos to that girl. she's so good =]]]

do u think other girl singers will be able to get to the korean market after this singer? or will they be shot down (if they're not quite as good as this girl)?

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Guest rain_drops

Wow...amazing voice.

She has really good english too~

Did she live in America before...?


she has a strong asian accent -__-;

i dont even understand some of the words....

anyways she is amazing. cant wait for her debut~

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Guest nGk2M

oh yeah, i saw that the other day

she has an incredible range

but like everyone else said, she stlil can't beat mariah carey, but she's still really good

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Guest sage raven

Wow, she's so talented. >.<; Definitely not up to Mariah Carey's level, but if she keeps it up...maybe, in the future, she'll be even better than MC. ^-^; Just maybe. >.<;; How old is she? What company is she in?

(God, I'd kill for her voice. T.T)

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Guest chungmonkey629

i personally dont think mariah carey is a good singer at all....lol sorry for those who think she's the REAL deal.

havent listened to her yet, will listen later when i have more time ;)

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Guest stella_kwon


there is no such thing as a korean mariah carey!

She can't those notes like a dolphin

Mariah is,

sorry charlie!

was that in a racist term as in its impossible for Korean people to sing as well as Mariah Carey?

or are you just saying theres flat out nobody like mariah carey.

i too dun think that this girl is the "korean mariah carey" (tho shes very good ^^) and i dun think anyone can be like MC...but it jus struck me as you pinpointing koreans and saying they cant sing as good as her.

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Guest Atmosphere.

Lol... only if she sing more better...

Yeah she can do the whispering register one, but the rest of her voice is sort of like she's screaming like a dead cat ._.

I'm just being honest and honest kills people. Sorry... but I love her high pitch voice.

She can't never beat Mariah Carey.

Mariah Carey has the best voice. That girl needs a little more practice to really sound like Mariah Carey^^

Or are you guys saying the next Mariah Carey cause she can do the high pitch on the whispering register?

I thought she was a knockout, but to me... I think she could've done more better.

I could be wrong, she could be really good. I only saw her in recording, so it's really not clear.

How old is she anyways?


Hm... I wonder if my friend Rose Kim can be the next Mariah Carey.

Seriously... she's amazing... she's freaking...... goood....... like really good. It knocked me out of the chair XD

She used to sing for this church I used to go to, but the pastor is now traveling, so yeah the church is gone =/

She's very private like she doesn't come out of the shell.

Rose Kim - 18 years old - 1988

Anyone know her? She moved to New York for all I know =/

She used to live in Tacoma, Washington.

She's like Korean/Japanese/French ._.

She has the whispering register too and omg she's sooo good T_T;;

She can so beat that girl that I just saw awhile ago whatever her name is^^;;

My friend Rose deserves that rawr!! How come she never posted her videos on youtube though O_O

T____T Maybe she's hiding. Maybe she doesn't want to be popular? T_T

GRRR I dislike that!! I know I should give them privacy and stuff.

But they're so talented, but they're hiding it. I mean anyone dislike when someone doesnt let out their talents to the world?

And Rose used to work as a model for fashion runway too :]


Or will she kill me <__<;;


Okay I'm bored, I'll just give short sneak of her profile O_O

Sorry I'm like her biggest fan cause of her amazing voice HAHA!! XD

Full Name: Rose Kim

Birthplace: Paris, France

Height: 165cm

Weight: 48kg

Languages: Japanese, Korean, French, Chinese

Blood Type: O

I think she goes to New York Art Institute now.


Call me stalker ;] XD

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Guest splendidlure

woot. she's so dayum good. she reminds me of jane zhang from china. lols. jang ri in can do high notes buh struggles with them. WOOT. THIS GIRL IS A NATURAL. definitely only female korean singer that can sing mariah carey songs well. i know one or two male korean singers that can sing mariah carey songs. K.WILL or XIAH JUNSU FROM DBSK;D LMA0. XIAH JUNSU is known for his DOLPHIN voice. i want them to do a duet together when she debuts.

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