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Han Ji Min 한지민 ♥️♥️♥️ - [Newest Drama] Hip/Behind your Touch [Netflix]; [Upcoming 2025 Drama] Acquaintances/Between Greetings/Love Scout[SBS]; More Beautiful Than Heaven[JTBC]


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@ The Real CZ: Oh thank you so much The Real CZ. Don't worry, I'll wait patiently for the results of your translation.The Real CZ fighting!!!
@ Zherlthsh: Thanks for the video  ... is it true HJM is ideal type LJK? If i,m not mistaken, once LJK also mentioned that HJM is his type right? ... maybe, (rumor) the man that stalker HJM is LJK (hehehe, don't get me wrong this is just my opinion) 
@ Faith1: I miss HJM too. Too bad, that she very rarely update her fb.
@ Jerebtang: I also like the pair HJM and LJK .. but, the most actors I wanted paired with HJM is Wonbin .. also, still hoping SJS can be pairing again with HJM ... I'm not satisfied with their love story in drama C & A.in the end, anyone who would be her partner ... I will support and anticipate her new project..
 to All fans HJM... have a nice day. :)

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be5t4r said:
@ Jerebtang: I also like the pair HJM and LJK .. but, the most actors I wanted paired with HJM is Wonbin .. also, still hoping SJS can be pairing again with HJM ... I'm not satisfied with their love story in drama C & A.in the end, anyone who would be her partner ... I will support and anticipate her new project..
 to All fans HJM... have a nice day. :)

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Rooftop Prince DVD Director's Cut versionhttp://www.yesasia.com/global/rooftop-prince-dvd-10-disc-english-subtitled-directors-cut-end-sbs/1031804945-0-0-0-en/info.htmlhttp://www.yes24.com/24/goods/7845859

Rooftop Prince OST Part.1


Rooftop Prince OST Part.2


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I wanted to ask, is the image below original or fanart ? because I didn't remember there was a scene in the drama C&A, oh young ji & lee cho in the water... this pic i find from http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=cain&no=13457&page=900&bbs=
and when i visited SJS baidu, I found this picture at C&A BTS  (http://tieba.baidu.com/f/tupian/pic/1f154bedbef74ff5b21cb12c?kw=%CB%D5%D6%BE%DB%C6#id=22b091efe0d99ecece1b3e86)
I wonder if the drama C & A, had no DVD Director's Cut version??...please explanation, for anyone who knows about pic above??

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I don't know it contains any apparent news .. but what I can gather through google translator, HJM will sing for Japanese fans in Fan meeting 18 november in japan. Very jealous of Japanese fans, they can immediately see HJM sing the song a live. 
Note: Perhaps, this is one reason there is no news lately. Maybe she was training hard to show a perfect stage like a powerful singer (hehehe.. Hoping that FM running smoothly).Onni I wait for your incredible stage (hope Fancam will be shared later)
here the news:http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LS2D&sid1=106&sid2=221&oid=382&aid=0000070546
class="subject" id="articleTitle" style="margin: 0px; padding: 12px 10px 9px; line-height: 22px; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: 나눔고딕, NanumGothic, '맑은 고딕', 'Malgun Gothic', 돋움, Dotum, 굴림, Gulim, Helvetica, AppleGothic, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "한지민 한류스타 첫 걸음…내달18일 도쿄서 팬미팅스포츠동아 | 2012.10.17 오전 7:10
최종수정 | 2012.10.17 오전 7:14

[스포츠동아] 연기자 한지민이 한류스타로서 첫 걸음을 뗀다. 한지민은 11월18일 일본 도쿄 요미우리홀에서 단독 팬 미팅을 열고 현지 팬 1000여 명과 만난다. 그동안 드라마 ‘대장금’ ‘이산’ 등으로 중국어권에서 여러 번 팬 미팅과 프로모션을 진행해 왔지만 일본에서 팬 미팅을 여는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 

한지민이 일본 팬들과 만나는 것은 올해 봄 방송한 드라마 ‘옥탑방 왕세자’의 인기가 현지에도 전해진 덕분이다. 극중 캐릭터가 남성을 비롯해 여성 팬들에게도 호응을 얻으며 인지도가 급상승했다. 

이번 무대에서 한지민은 최근 근황, 드라마 에피소드 등을 비롯해 그동안 볼 수 없었던 매력을 과시할 계획이다. 특히 한 번도 공개하지 않았던 노래 실력까지 뽐낼 생각이다. 한지민의 소속사 한 관계자는 16일 “혼자서 팬 미팅을 진행하는 것이 처음이라 부담이 많다”며 “하지만 다양한 모습을 보여주고 싶다는 계획에 따라 노래 연습 등 완벽한 무대를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga,com 트위터@mangoostar

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Padam padam likely will begin broadcast on Japanese TV (started on the 17th of October every Mon-Wed 5:00) . A little disappointed, why HJM never promote her drama in foreign countries as the other artists...Hopefully, padam padam received high ratings in Japan and HJM, can be more famous abroad..
for more info visit this link: http://www.eigeki.com/korea/padam/
Cr : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=hjimin&no=81598&page=2&bbs=

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I have three of them done. I'm hoping to get about half of them done within the week.

Uhm Tae Woong:


"I had only seen Han Ji Min through the screen, but upon seeing her in person, she's pure and pretty."
"I feel comfortable that I filmed Resurrection with Han Ji Min, who became like a little sister to me."
"When I first saw her, it was awkward, but we saw each other every day, so we became like a family."

Director Yoon Jong Chan:


"Among the biggest results in this project is the discovery of Han Ji Min. As Blue Swallow kept filming, Han Ji Min's acting brilliantly developed. When filming was over, I could feel the gratefulness from the woman who acted her hardest."

Kim Jae Won:


"Originally I was shy so I couldn't look at an actress in the eyes. However I was comfortably able to look Han Ji Min in the eyes and could easily act."
"My friends said that the child actors really resembled Han Ji Min and I. Ji Min had a really bad attitude. Looking at her, they really resembled each other."
"I liked it that Han Ji Min didn't have a princess complex. In the drama, we were really in tune with one another."
"It's hard to find someone who can lead the atmosphere on set to be lively as much as Han Ji Min could."
"At the set of Great Inheritance in a kindergarten at Songdo, Incheon, students would say "I'm happy that the pretty teacher came" while mistaking her for a real teacher. The students would hold Han Ji Min's hand and go to the bathroom together and they really liked her."
"Han Ji Min is a lot more comfortable than the ordinary actors I've seen before. Her reactions are also good. While doing projects until now, I've become closer with the staff that has suffered a lot moreso than with the actors. Normal actresses have a hard time getting along with the male staff. However Han Ji Min spent time with everyone and made people more comfortable because she cared more about staff's reflecting plates and the camera angles. Since those are important points to an actor, I think that makes Han Ji Min a good actress.
"Jimin is totally a man...a man. While we were filming, what she talked about most was actresses. Therefore we were able to communicate well."

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Guest thowysg1

thanks, @real CZ..jimin is truly an angel...so down-to-earth & yet star quality all the way...looking forward to more such reviews...
PDs, crews and her co-stars all sing praises of jimin....she doesn't put on any airs and is comfortable to work with...her chemistry with yoochun was cute...won't mind seeing her paired up with so jisub or kang jihwan again..hehe..
thanks everyone for all the pics & vids...special shout-out to @zherlthsh for keeping this thread alive... :)>-

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No problem. I had to update the Kim Jae Won translation. I forgot the translate the last quote, and now it's done.

Ji Min looks gorgeous in those pictures in that Japanese magazine. Too bad someone here can't translate Japanese for us. My Japanese is really bad now, so I'm not even going to try lol.

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@ zherlthsh: You're very fortunate to have the original dvd although not DVD director's cut ver.. I'm late watching C&A in early 2010. I fall in love with HJM after watching C&A. I'm normally just be silent reader,
@ The Real TZ: Thank you very much for your hard work. Waiting for your next translation. hehehe
Glad to see the images on the dvd premium Padam padam.  HJM and JWS look more younger in style of their  dress, while Kim Bum looks more mature..really miss HJM. does anyone know news about  HJM, other than FM in the Japan....

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