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[movie 2006] Doremifasolatido 도레미파솔라시도


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what everyone is talking about when we refer to the Fanfic is

that The movie DOremi was based on the fanifc that Guiyeoni had orginally written

and so like the fanfic has about 100 chapters

and the short story Dummy Eungyu was about..15? i think im not sure maybe longer

but in the movie

they didn't mention many of the characters

like in the fanfic Heewon gets a girlfriend

Jungwon gets into alot of trouble with this gang girls and guys

and the Short story they talk about the ending

like in the thing Nari only get pissed but doesn't do anything

but in the fanfic she does so much to keep Eungyu

and Eungyus Search for Chichipi

They summerized the whole 15 something chapters of Dummy Eungyu to about 15 mins...

and the whole 100 chapters of Doremi was condensed into 1:30 -_-;

like seriously that why alot of fans who watched this movie and read the fanfic were really dissappointed

by it....when the movie first came out i thought like wow why would the ratings be so low

its b/c the movie seriously didn't show all the good parts of the fanfic

thats why i was soo mad when i watched the movie

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Guest ooobloopbloopooo

I think the author Guiyeoni originally wrote what are now her novels online as fanfics. They gained so much popularity over time in Korea that eventually her fanfics were published as novels. I think she has a few novels that were not originally fanfics and directly written to be novels but her earlier works were originally fanfics that she posted online.

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I think the author Guiyeoni originally wrote what are now her novels online as fanfics. They gained so much popularity over time in Korea that eventually her fanfics were published as novels. I think she has a few novels that were not originally fanfics and directly written to be novels but her earlier works were originally fanfics that she posted online.

aaah.. really?..

so, can we read her novel thru online?.. any website for her novel/ fanfic?

i really wanna get her comic 'doremofasollasido' ^^

kurosakineko, i understand what you felt. sum of us quite dissapointed with the rushly story.

yet i also agree with tejung, the fanfic is too long, and probably it had to be approximate duration 1hr 45mts for a movie. so, many importants moments didnt shown.

but i think a moment at the concert when Eun Gyu finally remembered his past & the happy ending story had covered the weakness of the movie :)

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Please be patience..the eng subs are currently awaiting for the spot editor to send back to me and timer is waiting to timed.

can someone kindly post on d addicts or something after release? In case someone is doing it double work..

Waiting for se7ensyujah to send me back while kje_chocolate is doing for us the timing..nice of her..

SillyYun-I already posted at Kloofy's that you guys are subbing it...since d-a is just for dramas...i checked out kloofy and no sign of anybody subbing this movie yet...hope that helped!

link to kloofy doremi thread

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The movie finally here in Indonesia!! So fans from Indonesia, go grab this movie ASAP!!

Got it lrd, dear! im glad its out in Indonesian subtitle too! :w00t:

now i understand why Eun Gyu bcame such a dummy guy and couldnt remember his past. he got a car accident :(

but, the ending was soo happy for both couple ^^

also 'Crazy Waiting' is out!


today i rewatched em and watched 'em again!! ^^ :wub:

i still havent get 'Happy Life' one yet.. :( will hunt it again ^^

aaaa... i oso got 'One Final Missed Call' toooo..^_^

you better grab them too! JGS is too hot to be ignored hahaha.. lol

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Guest bomi


I think it's almost perfect...the necessary details were there and the not so important were ommited.

I'm really satisfied with what I've seen.

It's really worth the wait.

Can't wait for the subs.^^

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Guest toiLET

they should make her stories into dramas instead.. would be much better

i totallly agree with you on thsi oneeee(:

they cut way to much the stories like out of order.

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i thought this movie was quite cute. =D since i didnt have high expectations from the beginning i was able to watch this with more or less an open mind. (even though ive read the book numerous times_). overall the scene transitions did irk me. lolls too abrupt at times. but besides that i was able to view with casually. im glad they didnt completely follow the book cuz then it wouldve been too predictable. the love story was a bit lacking but still cute. there were the usual "dahksahl" comments (as in goosebump inducing comments? lolls) i felt that eungyu regaining his memory back was a bit too overly dramatic. it didnt feel right for me. i had never imagined it to be so scary. i think they stayed true to most of the story (as true as they could/wanted).

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Guest *КяίЅτΨ&#6

OMG can't believe they have it online !!!

aaah I'm soo excited~~~ can't wait for the subs =D

gaaaawd happy happy me ^^

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MU links posted on livejournal -- MU links to Doremifasolatido

EDITED: removed the links, requested by ponkie. Can still download the movie by going to that site above.

Can you not repost it here without my permission?

This is hotlinking, which happened to me before and I don't like it.

Okay, it should be fine by now. I don't realize it would be hotlinking. I apologize.

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Guest lazypoochie

uhmm.. just want to know head start.. will the subs be hardsubbed or soft subs?

and thanks for subbing [:

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Guest nam202

i just watched it. omg. i thought it was pretty good. ~

jang geun suk stole my heart. AGAIN.

i was crying so bad towards the end. . .

hehe. i think im gonna watch it again tomorrow. ^^

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