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Park Min Young 박민영 [ Amazon No.1 Hit Drama "Marry My Husband" 2024 |New drama 'The Confidence Man KR' (2025), start shooting!/ Three nominations at Korea Drama Festival 2024|'MY Beans Fanmeet' in Tokio Nov.8


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Guest MC_Lee

I Finally get to post! been silent for a week but I see to it that I visit

this thread every day. A daily dose of PMY's pics and articles makes my day complete.

Prelim exams finally ending,*jumps out of happines*.

This week have been

quite stressful for our sweetest MY, and sad to say that CH is gonna end this coming week.

Hope Kim Na Na would have a happy ending with LSY. Oh pls... CH writers,don't break

my poor heart.

I can't watch the arirang vid fully... it keeps on stopping.. i've tried watching it on IE

but still it wouldn't work. Ughr.

and ow, the fanmade MV of Nana meets yutaka is nicely done. Even if it has a sad ending...

didn't understand a single word but I kept on replaying it. Hope to see more fanmade MV.

have a nice evening.

I agree. I hope the CH director will leave us with a happy ending. both of them deserve to be happy, and

I think they'll get that ending.

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(Min Young's twitter)

credits to PMY chinese site


Min Young and Lee Kwang Soo's (nerd guy in CH) tweeter talk..though I can't understand..T_T


credits to SKKS baidu

Wonder where and when was this and if ever someone is on the other side of the table?? :wub:

bonus: SKKS days..^_^


credits to PMY's viet site..

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Guest GOGEOUS.haha

I know I'm kinda late but plz add me in. I simply adore PMY, she has done an amazing job in SKKS  and is doing a terrific job in CH. She's one of the reason I watch CH. Her chemistry with LMH is another attraction of course *quoted image*

Same here. Haha. Welcome to the thread friend, feel free to post!

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Guest GOGEOUS.haha

*quoted image*

(Min Young's twitter)

credits to PMY chinese site

*quoted image*

Min Young and Lee Kwang Soo's (nerd guy in CH) tweeter talk..though I can't understand..T_T

*quoted image*

credits to SKKS baidu

Wonder where and when was this and if ever someone is on the other side of the table?? :wub:

wah, Can't view the pics. :tears: your caption really made me curious.

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Guest GOGEOUS.haha


*quoted image*

Was this the pic you were talking about yama? Seems like a romantic dinner! :wub:

was this taken last year? after skks maybe? haha, it looks like a double triple date to me... lots

of wine glasses you see. ayee.

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Guest luv_harmony

I really hate how less of NN we got in last two episodes, guess ratings too went down. They better give us lots of NN-YS in last 2 episodes else it'll end on a sour note for me dry.gif

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We too share your frustration. She is the main female lead and just having two or three scenes per episode is too sad. :( Hope they end it with YS and Nana riding into the sunset together or something. :) Would love to see YJ and the vet also getting together. Let's hope for the best!


It's our bad luck that we haven't yet found a Korean fan on this thread who could have helped us with the subs. That interview is so delicious. I love the host as well who was one of the few who could make Ah In laugh. :D

Loved the second pic you put up. She looks fresh and gorgeous.


Maybe it is not a romantic dinner, but MY going out with her girl friends and celebrating. Who knows?


Hope she puts up her pic with Jessica on twitter!


Hi cutekid. Looking forward to a happy ending for CH, a happy n peaceful vacation for MY and a challenging new project.


I too think with the less screen time for YS and Nana together these past episodes, the director won't risk the ire of the fans by giving us a sad ending.


Understood  from the tweet that she is happy about going home that night and somebody had suggested a very good idea. -_- Mr. Google only partially helps with korean.

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We have been hearing about this controversy for some time, but did not wish to bring it up since we wanted things to blow over. But now that it is out in the open with the particulars available in English and since her Chinese fans have already taken a stance over the issue, it won't be morally right for us to stay silent any longer.

'City Hunter' Park Min Young becomes an object of hatred of Lee Min Ho's fans due to OST covers?


by City Hunter on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 4:14am

[enews24 이인경 기자] 박민영이 이민호의 팬들에게 미운털이 제대로 박혔다.

It is revealed that Park Min Young has become an object of hatred for Lee Min Ho's fans.

SBS 수목극 '시티헌터'의 여주인공인 박민영은 최근 디지털 싱글로 발매되는 OST에 표지 모델로 나섰다가, 이민호 팬들에게 거센 항의를 받고 있다.

SBS  Wed-Thurs drama City Hunter's female lead Park Min Young was  launched  as the model for the digital single OST covers, earning fierce  protest  from LMH's fans.

현재 '시티헌터'의 OST는 7개 디지털 음반 버전과 2개의 오프라인 음반 버전으로 발표됐다. 이중 이민호의 단독 표지는 한개도 없는 데 반해, 박민영의 단독 표지는 2개가 있다.

As  of now, City Hunter has released OSTs consisting of 7 digital albums   and 2 offline albums. Amongst these, LMH has not appeared on the cover   exclusively on his own. In contrast, Park Min Young has appeared   exclusively on her own on 2 album covers.

또 이민호가 아닌 박민영이 센터에 자리한 표지도 몇개 있어서, 이를 본 이민호의 팬들이 불편한 심기를 감추지 않고 있다.

In  addition, there were also a few OST covers that had Park Min Young in   the center position instead of Lee Min Ho, making it hard for LMH fans   to conceal their discomfort.

드라마 시청자 게시판과 디시인사이드 '시티헌터' 갤러리 등에는 OST에 대해 불만을 터뜨리는 글들이 대거 올라와 있다. 이들은 심지어 이민호의 소속사와 드라마 제작사에 항의 전화를 걸기도 했다.

The  drama official message board and DC Inside City Hunter's gallery  were  aplenty with posts that verbalize the dissatisfaction over the   situation. The fans even called LMH's management company and the drama   production company to voice their protest.

한 관계자는 "앞으로 OST가 몇개 더 출시될 예정인데, 여기엔 이민호 단독 표지가 들어갈 예정이다. 팬들이 OST 표지에 대해 너무 민감하게 반응하는 것 같다"고 전했다.

A  representative of the party concerned said "there will be several more   OST that will be released, we will place Lee Min Ho's single image on   those covers. It seems like fans are very sensitive over the OST   covers."

한편 '시티헌터'는 이민호의 생부에 대한 이야기와, 화려한 액션 등이 더해지면서 갈수록 흥미를 유발하고 있다.

On  one end 'City Hunter' now discusses the issue of Lee Min Ho (Lee Yoon   Sung's) biological father. This along with the fancy action scenes are   arousing a lot of interest.

 이인경 기자 judysmall@cj.net

source: http://news.nate.com.../20110720n08304

translation: webby@soompi.com


Source: City Hunter Facebook

To any sane person reading this, it must be obvious that it is a needless, childish controversy. The OST cover was a decision of the CH marketing team. Park Min Young or her management company had nothing to do with it.  As far as influence goes, it is preposterous to even compare PMY who is a rising actress with LMH who has a huge fanbase and is more widely known . So to think PMY and Kingkong entert are hatching plans in the dark to overshadow LMH is something which can only come out of a diseased imagination. If some of the LMH fans have a problem, they should have addressed it with the CH team instead of personally targetting PMY. This has given lots of distress to the already exhausted PMY and Kingkong had to come out with a statement saying PMY had nothing to do with the OST. As a good friend of PMY and a warm and caring human being, this controversy some of his so-called fans created must also be hard on LMH. I am sure the "true" fans of LMH are also hurting because of this controversy.

As fans, we do have a right to protest when we feel our favourite is being mistreated. But it should not go to this extent where you attack the people he/she is working with for no fault of theirs. This kind of resembles paranoia and doesn't it also show an unwillingness to trust your favourite who is an adult and capable of fighting for himself/herself? And who can say after watching CH that LMH is getting unfair treatment from the CH team? Please fans, respect your idol and the people he works with. Why try to ruin the working relationship between the two and the atmosphere on the sets? Let City Hunter be a beautiful memory to all concerned.

As PMY fans, it is hard to see her being personally targeted and vilified for something so silly when we know how hard she works and how warm and friendly she is with her co-stars.  She is someone who has always been concerned about earning more female fans. As Yumi, when she got so many ANTIs who confused her with the character she played, she was so hurt. After SKKS, she was so happy that her ANTIs had decreased and she had got many female fans. It is so sad that some people in this world thrive on hating others.

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Guest minany

@mimi26: Thank u for posting news. It's very unfair to Minyoung. Some Minho's fan were very sensitive. I think Minho also felt unendurable about this problem.  I don't know why some fans still have negative comments about her meanwhile she is warm and thoughtful girl. If fans really respect their idols, they also have to respect their co-star. Maybe anti-fans are jealous of her because she has chances to cooperate with hot boys such as KimBum, Micky, and now MinHo. Fans always want their idols to be single for all time and get angry if their idols work with female-costar.

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Guest JzzMeen


Let me start by welcoming @luv_harmony to MinYoung's thread. Happy to have another MY fan here. Though only a few of us and none knows korean, but we hope more MY fans will join us. So please post again.

As a MY fan, same as you, I'm disappointed with the development of character Nana now. I think MY spent more time on the filming site but her her screen is not much. Example, near lake site, I dont know how many minutes her scenes there.. but I'm sure filming outside and waiting time was tiring  and the dance, from the news we know that she spent time to practise  it.. but in the end it was not aired at all :angry:

And to @yama, @mimi, @saved2k @shinhye_fan  - thanks  for the pictures.

Thanks @mimi for PMY VS  Olivia Hussey pictures, Olivia looks like the Twilight girl to me....

@MC_Lee  @Saved2K We all hope for the happy ending. At least we can end this past 2 months with a bright and happy smile and then re-watch the happy moments many..many times :D

@GeumJanDi  Thanks for the info...hope we can see  pictures of her from SNSD fans who went to the concert.. but I'm glad to hear that she at least had time to support her dongsaeng and had a break from filming.


Hope she remains as an "energizer" for the remaining days of the filming..... :D

Park Min Young is acting as an ‘energizer’ not only in SBS’s ‘City Hunter‘, but behind-the-scenes as well. The actress (who is playing the role of a Secret Service agent) recently revealed playful pictures that she had taken while on the set of her drama.

In the pictures, the star is seen diligently reading her script, talking with the filming staff, and posing playfully for the camera. Park Min Young also held up ‘victory’ signs and smiled brightly for her fans while dressed up in her role. She also donned a pair of sunglasses just for laughs.

Park Min Young was said to have made the set as comfortable as her home, and even drank refreshing beverages with the crew in between breaks in filming.

The star is currently having a busy time filming the final scenes for the drama, which will be wrapping up next week. All eyes will be on whether the ending will be sweet or bittersweet.

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate



Credit PMY Baidu

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Guest JzzMeen

As PMY fans, it is hard to see her being personally targeted and vilified for something so silly when we know how hard she works and how warm and friendly she is with her co-stars.  She is someone who has always been concerned about earning more female fans. As Yumi, when she got so many ANTIs who confused her with the character she played, she was so hurt. After SKKS, she was so happy that her ANTIs had decreased and she had got many female fans. It is so sad that some people in this world thrive on hating others.

Thanks dear. Nice written words as always from you :D.  As a MY fan, these kind of treatments received by MY really breaks my heart.  This is not the only incidence. :tears:. So I hope that was last thing that these fans  had on MY. And please have a satisfactory ending dear PD...dear scriptwriter... for the sake of  MY. Do you all know that she got bashing a few weeks ago  for saying that probably open ending is very suitable with the progress of CH at that time? So I cant imagine what will happen if CH has unsatisfactory or sad ending.

So dear Min Young, hope you will take a good rest after this....we know that you are strong... and please  keep fighting girl !!!



Credit PMY DC

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Thanks for your comment and support to PMY. It is so sad, no? It is hard to understand the psychology of the ANTIs. Like you said, it is funny how some fans get jealous of PMY for working with 'hot' actors. I do not understand this talk that she is so lucky to work with gorgeous male actors. Some of her fanboys can also claim the same about her male co-stars. B)


Yeah, still can't get over the dropping of the Nana scene. PMY had to go through so much trouble for the scene, it was promoted so much and yet.... Tell me again PMY is calling the shots in the CH team!!!! :vicx:


Anyway, happy to see her pics and hear that she is spreading good cheer around in the CH sets. :)

PMY is again ranked third at SDA, but is pretty neck to neck with Charmaine Sheh. A small hurray for that!

Tudou link for the arirang video for those who are having a hard time watching it on arirang. %E6%9C%B4%E6%95%8F%E8%8B%B1Arirang%E7%94%B5%28%E8%A7%86%29%E5%8F%B0%E8%AE%BF%E9%97%AE[%E6%97%A0%E5%AD%97][%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD]&mediaType=vi&totalTime=679530&hdType=0&hasPassword=0&nbps=-1&nWidth=-1&isOriginal=0&channelId=1&nHeight=-1&snap_pic=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.tdimg.com%2F092%2F303%2F334%2Fw.jpg&code=eE7_F0Zkpeg&autostart=false"]TUDOU ARIRANG

Thought for the day/night:

Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving a great deal of what it is the world needs most. It is not complicated but it takes courage. It takes courage for a person to listen to his own good

Good night everyone!!! :)

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Guest PMYLMH143

To any sane person reading this, it must be obvious that it is a needless, childish controversy. The OST cover was a decision of the CH marketing team. Park Min Young or her management company had nothing to do with it.  As far as influence goes, it is preposterous to even compare PMY who is a rising actress with LMH who has a huge fanbase and is more widely known . So to think PMY and Kingkong entert are hatching plans in the dark to overshadow LMH is something which can only come out of a diseased imagination. If some of the LMH fans have a problem, they should have addressed it with the CH team instead of personally targetting PMY. This has given lots of distress to the already exhausted PMY and Kingkong had to come out with a statement saying PMY had nothing to do with the OST. As a good friend of PMY and a warm and caring human being, this controversy some of his so-called fans created must also be hard on LMH. I am sure the "true" fans of LMH are also hurting because of this controversy.

As fans, we do have a right to protest when we feel our favourite is being mistreated. But it should not go to this extent where you attack the people he/she is working with for no fault of theirs. This kind of resembles paranoia and doesn't it also show an unwillingness to trust your favourite who is an adult and capable of fighting for himself/herself? And who can say after watching CH that LMH is getting unfair treatment from the CH team? Please fans, respect your idol and the people he works with. Why try to ruin the working relationship between the two and the atmosphere on the sets? Let City Hunter be a beautiful memory to all concerned.

As PMY fans, it is hard to see her being personally targeted and vilified for something so silly when we know how hard she works and how warm and friendly she is with her co-stars.  She is someone who has always been concerned about earning more female fans. As Yumi, when she got so many ANTIs who confused her with the character she played, she was so hurt. After SKKS, she was so happy that her ANTIs had decreased and she had got many female fans. It is so sad that some people in this world thrive on hating others.

We had same thoughts, especially the one i bolded.

As what they say "Haters gonna hate."

Wednesday is coming near and as it comes near, I'm thinking what would be PMY's new project. How long can we see her again on the small or perhaps on the big screen with her 2nd movie. :(

To all new here hello! Any new fanboys from the new ones? or will i be forever solo? B)

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