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Max Movie (the portal where the Kang Dong Won controversy originated from) have released an official statement.


Official statement of Max Movie. Apology over the defamation of Kang Dong Won's character.


Hello. This is Max Movie.
Max Movie's official position on the "Actor's Personal Information" post on February 27th
1. The first post in question is not an official post on Max Movie. As per Max Movie, this post is personal content posted by an individual member on the production and community site and is independent of Max Movie's editorial direction.
2. The Max Movie logo used in the image of the post is arbitrarily used by the individual users, and Max Movie will be issuing sanctions after checking for facts. In the future, we will improve our management system thoroughly to prevent the recurrence of similar cases.
3. The content listed by User A is very different from the facts listed in the pro Japanese dictionary published by the National Institute of Korean Studies. We are deeply regretful that the intentionally distorted image has been edited with a biased view.
4. The issue content that appeared on the affiliate movie community appeared in a "퍼옴" format on the Max Movie site, but we identified the issue and immediately removed it.
5. As a result of the fact that the content is spreading and this is a serious concern for the defamation of the individual, Max Movie is actively responding to prevent the secondary spread in media, blogs, portals. In this process as per site portal site rules, Max Movie will take responsability for the fact that the request for the name of the actor mentioned in the post was sent through the portal site regulation.
6. We deeply apologize to everyone involved in complaints about the exposure on Max Movie. We are also very sorry to have caused confusion for all readers and members of  Max Movie. In the future, Max Movie will be more cautious in managing our content.
7. Lastly, we would like to ask all the people of the media once more to please understand that the proliferation of this material could cause serious defamation of the individual.
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credit booming system via http://netizentown.blogspot.com/2017/03/dispatch-investigation-on-kang-dong-won.html

however i would like to add that it is well known by kang dong won fans that he was never rich growing up . a lot of people have this misconceived notion that he grew up rich but he didn't. In his older interviews, he talks about how his family used to be so poor that they couldn't even afford clothes for him and so he wore the same one outfit every day until he realized on a school trip that he was the only one who had only one set of clothes. He complained to his mother and she ended up buying him an expensive sweater and he felt bad that he asked for that in their difficult financial circumstances and wore only that sweater for the longest time. He also shared clothes with his nuna too. His father truly worked his way up from the bottom as a new recruit to get to his position as the vice president now.

in addition, they're associating him to be guilty because of his ancestors' deeds in which in the interview itself , the context of it was about his family's history . he merely talked about his great grandfather being the president of daedong enterprise and then talked about how his grandparents got married LOL . basically they're taking the "my great grandfather is art" out of the context + kicking up a fuss about him not addressing the scandal and his PR team asking for the post to be removed .

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YG Entertainment apologizes for trying to cover up Kang Dong Won’s pro-Japanese family history

Kang Dong Won was revealed to have a great grandfather who was a pro-Japanese collaborator, and YG Entertainment has released an official apology for trying to cover it up.

Earlier this month, Dispatch reported on how YG Entertainment had been trying to cover up Kang Dong Won’s ancestry, as it could damage his image and reputation, given that his great grandfather was once a pro-Japanese collaborator.

On February 27, an article in Max Movie magazine revealed several descendants of pro-Japanese collaborators, of which Kang Dong Won was included on that list. Max Movie has explained that this was not an official article released by their staff, but by a netizen. The article was deleted just an hour after it was uploaded, but other netizens were quick to save a copy and share it on their social media accounts.

According to the Max Movie post, Kang Dong Won’s great grandfather, Lee Jong Man, contributed to the activities of providing and funding comfort women to Japanese soldiers in exchange for mineral rights, and was able to benefit a great deal financially, but most of these claims were proven to be false.

However, Lee Jong Man was indeed revealed to have sent care packages to Japanese soldiers in the 1930’s, and also funded their army during the Pacific War and the Sino-Japanese War, where he donated up to a billion Won ($86,783 USD) for both accounts.

It was in 2005 that Lee Jong Man’s name was added to the registry at the Institue for Research in Collaborationist Activities, and research on his past activities began to determine whether he was to be officially confirmed to be on the list. In 2009, research indicated that he had never participated in any independence movements, but that there were many records of his contributions to the Japanese. Thus, they finalized that his name belonged on the list.

Kang Dong Won was then reported to have requested all posts regarding this information be deleted, otherwise, he would be pressing charges for defamation.

Soon, a Naver blogger uploaded a post titled “An email I received from Kang Dong Won” and outlined that they had shared the Max Movie link to his blog, only to be met with an email from Naver’s inappropriate content center, stating that Kang Dong Won had reported the blog post for defamation.

However, Dispatch revealed that he was not pressing charges; instead, YG Entertainment was working on discretely deleting all sources and posts about it, as seen in their Naver report above.

Netizens were highly disappointed at how they handled the controversy and criticized both YG and Kang Dong Won for their approach. Thus, on March 3, YG Entertainment released an official apology regarding their actions.

Here’s the full statement translated:

“Hello, this is YG Entertainment.

We deeply apologize for the way we responded to the controversies regarding our signed actor, Kang Dong Won, and how we requested the deletion of all sources on portal sites and community sites.

On February 27, false information was found in a post on Max Movie about the ‘personal details of actors’, and after contacting Max Movie about the post, we requested that it be deleted.

According to Max Movie, the content of the article was fabricated by a site user, and was confirmed that they used the company logo anonymously to upload the post. Max Movie were able to understand the situation upon review and immediately deleted the post.

As representatives, we have decided to take action in preventing the spread of the content to other media outlets, portals, blogs, and other sources, as this controversial post has defamed an individual in our company.

However due to the rules and regulations of portal sites, a complaint was sent from the party mentioned in the blog post, and the controversy began expanding.
We feel strongly about the inconvenience we posed to all the fans, and we apologize once again.

Currently, we are unable to disclose any information on Kang Dong Won’s great grandfather as we lack confirmed information, but we are incredibly apologetic for causing such an inconvenience.

YG Entertainment

Source: Dispatch, Kookmin Ilbo, My Daily, and Joongang Ilbo


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It was all a whole of bullsh** and I still can't believe that this ugly truth is really happening in front of my eyes. As checking the situation in Korean portal, the situation is still tight and has no positive feedback yet. K-netz doesn't care about the apology from any party, they only care about the unchanged truth that he is the descendant of the pro-Japan person. His fans are still on his side but even now they also request a feedback from him, a silence may do no good here for his career. Many K-netz are attacking on his roles in 1987. Totally a mess, I feel angry & disappointed, just feel deeply sorry for him. I hope he can stay strong to go through this trouble, maybe the biggest scandal he ever has in his life. But I also want to hear a feedback from himself, not his company.

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Wow, I mean it's his great grandfather.

Yes it was totally sensitive topic (japan-korea) but what I mean is KDW can't possibly responsible when the great grandpa doing his dirty deeds(?) right? 

Someone who post about those article should think first that it is not only wounded KDW personally and his career, but also his collegues, friends and family too. Can you imagine how KDW's family keep up with this news? Can you imagine how the production team of his upcoming movie feeling?

With KDW going to Japan a lot, I'm pretty sure some netizen will making a buzz about it.

And about KDW and YG taking those action, I mean it's what every people do right? He has a job and of course he will have the need to protect that. Not everyone will go happily telling people that 'yes, I have a grandpa that babysit our enemy'. 

It is his privacy but guess that celebrity did not have the peivilege of hiding something because they are for public. Meh...

God, I just can't believe this :crazy:

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8 hours ago, ovcedhooy said:

Wow, I mean it's his great grandfather.

Yes it was totally sensitive topic (japan-korea) but what I mean is KDW can't possibly responsible when the great grandpa doing his dirty deeds(?) right? 

Someone who post about those article should think first that it is not only wounded KDW personally and his career, but also his collegues, friends and family too. Can you imagine how KDW's family keep up with this news? Can you imagine how the production team of his upcoming movie feeling?

With KDW going to Japan a lot, I'm pretty sure some netizen will making a buzz about it.

And about KDW and YG taking those action, I mean it's what every people do right? He has a job and of course he will have the need to protect that. Not everyone will go happily telling people that 'yes, I have a grandpa that babysit our enemy'. 

It is his privacy but guess that celebrity did not have the peivilege of hiding something because they are for public. Meh...

God, I just can't believe this :crazy:

Exactly some one is trying to destroy his career, that is why the ent world is a cutthroat world got spies and enemies everywhere but kang has a strong fan base they will not allow any harm to him. He should apologize for nothing as this is a part of his lineage whether good or bad. I see why his best friend won bin dropped out of the scene too much drama.

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2 hours ago, tanio12 said:

Exactly some one is trying to destroy his career, that is why the ent world is a cutthroat world got spies and enemies everywhere but kang has a strong fan base they will not allow any harm to him. He should apologize for nothing as this is a part of his lineage whether good or bad. I see why his best friend won bin dropped out of the scene too much drama.

Yeah I'm agree with you.

I know some korean have a deep hating feeling towards Japan. I know the feeling since my country was once colonized by Japan too. They slammed KDW due to his decision to cover the story and once praised his ancestor. But did they ever think that probably at that time he didn't really have enough knowledge about his grandfather? And probably the reason to cover it up is because now he was ashamed and know that it will affect his career and people surrounding him?

Since he is a public figure there were a lot that he have to thinking about. I'm sure he has his own reason as to why he take that action. And what more sad is the fact that netizen choose to not acknowledge another fact that his family already trying to condemn of all lee jung nam wrongdoing. They sell the company and give it to society which is probably why KDW live in a poor background.

Some netizen saying that he should just admit and apologize in the first place instead of trying to cover it up. Hah. What some bs. I know once he admit it, people will still slammed him no matter what.

yes KDW hurting some people feeling by those action and probably he at least must speak about this issue. but what making me upset is that how the netizen going two faced about this.

anyway someone was making up theory that this is all happen because KDW is one of YG power and YG somewhat engage in politic affair. So basically the original target is YG(?).

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1 hour ago, ovcedhooy said:

Yeah I'm agree with you.

I know some korean have a deep hating feeling towards Japan. I know the feeling since my country was once colonized by Japan too. They slammed KDW due to his decision to cover the story and once praised his ancestor. But did they ever think that probably at that time he didn't really have enough knowledge about his grandfather? And probably the reason to cover it up is because now he was ashamed and know that it will affect his career and people surrounding him?

Since he is a public figure there were a lot that he have to thinking about. I'm sure he has his own reason as to why he take that action. And what more sad is the fact that netizen choose to not acknowledge another fact that his family already trying to condemn of all lee jung nam wrongdoing. They sell the company and give it to society which is probably why KDW live in a poor background.

Some netizen saying that he should just admit and apologize in the first place instead of trying to cover it up. Hah. What some bs. I know once he admit it, people will still slammed him no matter what.

yes KDW hurting some people feeling by those action and probably he at least must speak about this issue. but what making me upset is that how the netizen going two faced about this.

anyway someone was making up theory that this is all happen because KDW is one of YG power and YG somewhat engage in politic affair. So basically the original target is YG(?).

Yep  I remember kdw mentioning something about the Korean education system not being conducive to creativity and the protest being relevant. I guess somebody didn't like that at all and decided now is the time to strike hard.

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Kang Dong Won's official statement, "I am really ashamed"


Hello, this is Kang Dong Won.
First of all, I apologize deeply and bow down for the inconvenience caused by this controversy.
Since childhood, I grew up listening to moving stories of the great-grandfather.
My grandmother was a descendant of an independent benefactor, so I naturally accepted it like that, and at the time of the interview in 2007, I could not correctly recognize his wrongdoings.
I apologize once again.
This was confusing and shocking.
Moreover, since it is related to family history, it was necessary to grasp the problem accurately and take time to look at related data.
I apologize to the people involved for the inexperienced response from this process.
I apologize to all of you for failing to give my position quickly.
Before I become an actor, I have to correct the wrongful history as one of the people of the Republic of Korea and I think that such a shameful thing should not be repeated again.
So I am really ashamed about this.
The fact that they I did not recognize the past correctly, It is my fault that I could not tell you my position in a short time.
I have come to know of the shameful past of my great-grandfather.
I will continue to study history and reflect on myself through this incident.
In addition, even if little I can do I will try to work on it
Again, this has caused such anxiety for everyone and I sincerely apologize. 

Kang Dong Won Speaks Up About Controversy Regarding Reportedly Pro-Japanese Family History

Kang Dong Won gave his own apology about the controversy regarding his great-grandfather, who was reportedly involved in a mining project during the Japanese colonial period and listed in the pro-Japanese biographical dictionary.

Below is a complete translation of Kang Dong Won’s statement.

“Hello. This is Kang Dong Won. First, I would like to sincerely apologize for causing an uproar about my great-grandfather. Ever since I was little, I grew up hearing positive stories about him. My grandmother was the descendant of an independence patriot, so I accepted the stories about my great-grandfather without much thought. In 2007, at the time of the interview, I did not properly understand his wrongdoings. I apologize once again.

“This incident was chaotic, and it was a big shock for me. Moreover, it is related to my family, so I had to figure out the accurate details about the issue, so I needed time to look into the related documents. I apologize to the people involved for my inability to respond adequately, and I also apologize that I was not able to announce my position in a timely manner.

“Before I am an actor, I am a Korean citizen, and I have always thought that wrongful history had to be corrected, and that such shameful deeds should never be repeated again. For that reason, I am truly ashamed about this incident.

“I now know about my great-grandfather’s shameful past. Through this incident, I will study more about our history and reflect on myself. Even if it’s something small, I will search for things I can do. Once again, I apologize to anyone I made feel uncomfortable.”

Source (1)


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@oceanluv yeah they must be suprised.

But judging by how knetz ignore the fact dispatch released, the fact that ACTUALLY his family was already trying to condemn lee jung nam fault, guess they will also ignore the fact about his grandmother too. And they will go and say it's already too late to apologize. For them, the only fact is that KDW was not a god and that his great grandfather is a betrayer and that god tuna career is over. Case closed.

Sorry I'm blabbing and sounds like crazy fan but I'm too upset about this issue T.T

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   Korean entertainment industry is a very though world. Their artists are under some magnified glass, every move is dissected in small pieces, always around the corner is someone observing you, usually trying to bring them down, not trying to help them growing.

    In the meantime, you could watch KDW in "Master" http://kissasian.com/Drama/Master .Is a MASTERpiece.

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10 hours ago, lonelyitunes said:

Hi, I'm his fan too, but just silent lurker-to me he is very handsome.

I know, he must be very sad now, but his agency is the major fault.

Welcome :))

hope you keep supporting KDW and don't be shy to comment :)

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I'm a new fan of Kang Tuna after watching Master and A Beautiful Life. I became excited when I found out that he's going to be in a movie with one of my face actresses (Han Hyo Joo) and it saddens me from how knetz praised him then hate him overnight because of this issue. But what I hate the most is YG who tried to "solve" this issue, which led to much a bigger disaster. I just hope people will start loving him again even though I know that the probability of it happening is low. I mean other Knetz also bashed their national gods and goddesses because of scandals and still loved them afterwards. Huhuhu. I really wish him the best. Fighting, Tuna-nim~

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1 hour ago, mischiemouse said:

I'm a new fan of Kang Tuna after watching Master and A Beautiful Life. I became excited when I found out that he's going to be in a movie with one of my face actresses (Han Hyo Joo) and it saddens me from how knetz praised him then hate him overnight because of this issue. But what I hate the most is YG who tried to "solve" this issue, which led to much a bigger disaster. I just hope people will start loving him again even though I know that the probability of it happening is low. I mean other Knetz also bashed their national gods and goddesses because of scandals and still loved them afterwards. Huhuhu. I really wish him the best. Fighting, Tuna-nim~

 Hello there :))

Yeah, YG famous for being poor at handling scandal though sometimes it because the artists themselves choose to act like that (being silent) regarding some rumour (like GD)

Let's keep focus on KDW works :))

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