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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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My name is Mong Quynh. I don't think anyone has that name.
































English name is Jennie.

















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Mine is pretty simple.

Just Vu Tran.

I don't have a middle name or an English name so that's what people call me. It's kinda weird though because when they mispronounce it, it can sound like nipple .__.

I really like my Vietnamese name though because I'm pretty much the only Vu people will ever know in their entire life and I don't have to share my name with anyone else and they don't ever have to ask "Which Vu?" when referring to me :D.

i know 4 vu.. i call them little vu and big vu.. and other names >.>

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Guest Tri Angle

my viet name is

Le Ho Bao Han

Le is my mom's surname (she kept hers), Ho is my dad's surname, and Bao Han is my given vietnamese name.

But in english I'm just know as Jenny Le ^.^

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Guest mitsuki.
































































































































































































































































































































oh gosh your names sound nice































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mines Ly Thanh Thuy































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahh.. i saw it on a mini bus in vietname once =DD






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont like how some people pronounce it.. they make it sound like thigh

































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Guest lilatlbabishorti
























Van Thanh Tran << hah it rhymes...XD my parents always calls me "van van" (vung-vung) sounds nice in viet but then english blaaah....of course no english name hehe....T_T ppl tease me of my name....i have a chinese name but then..=-=;;; dunno how to spell or sya it? hehe








everytime i see a "vans" or "van van" product i go "bwuahaha im famous"









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Nancy Nguyen. That's what it says on my birth certificate.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My mom said she forgot to put in my middle name. LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Should've been.... Nancy Thuy Ngan Nguyen.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I always thought it was Thy from the way everyone pronounced it but I just found out like a few days ago it was THUY... jeebus -.-

































































































































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How do you pronounce the word "phuc" properly? :mellow:

it's pronounced like "Fook" or "Foop"

my viet one is Ma Ngoc Dan Vy.

i have a chinese last name. -_- but

whatever, it's easy to write. xD

and my english name is Vivian Ma. ^o^

yayy.... a Vivian I saw in this thread xD


my full Viet name is: Phạm Phúc Nguyên [sounds really boyish] ... my mom originally named me Phạm Quỳnh Như [sounds more girly xD]... but my aunt didn't like it, so she changed it to Phúc Nguyên, which means full happiness as in " phúc đức được nguyên vẹn"... cheesy i know :lol: .. my aunt is very traditional... but i still love her because she's very caring...

in elementary, I saw a name of Nguyễn Phúc Nguyên ... I was soo happy and told my mom: mommm... i finally saw someoone with the same name as me... :D

then in 6th grade, I have a guy friend named Phạm Phú Nguyên [mine is different my an extra 'c' in the middle name... haha interesting] ... in roll call, teachers kept asking if we were related... fun times~

I like a lot of you guys' names though... idk y you guys don't like it ^_^ I like my name... :D

oh.. and my english name is Vivian Phạm [it's been changed many times... haha i think it's the final one :P]

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Guest Psychotic_x
























































nice and simple..








































David Truong.. =P no viet name for me..








































I was supposed to be called Kha Nguyen but then they decided not to since I live in Australia, I need an Australian name..









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Guest koiyume











wow all these super long viet names...my mom never bothered to add some viet name..but she always calls me the first daughter. she said it would make my name confusing and stuff,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest thaii_
































Pretty simple , just Phan Thanh Van :)









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Guest dgirl92




i dont ever use a vietnamese name but if i did it'd be..


Na Thi Do Nguyen


i think thats what itd be :]


english name is Dalenna Do.


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Guest disfunktional.
































































































































































































































































I think in Korea it's weird to have four syllable names right?
































































































































well, my full viet name is Nguyen Le Xuan Quynh TT^TT
































































































































oh how I hate it. it's so embarassing when people find out about it.
































































































































LOL. i prefer QUYNH NGUYEN! ;D

































































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Guest lil_viet_girl204

lol, mines...

pho ngoc xuan tran

plain and simple... i think.

english name...

jennifer tran

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Guest kpt4682
Lam My Kim.

So boringgggggggg.


not so boring ....i can see money in your name .... Lam = make ... My Kim = U.S. $ ..... hihihihih..... quite interesting if you add "da^'u" (twist a bit) .... j/k

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Guest xMinax





i own this page



Truong Tran Phuong Anh



Truong last name from dad



Tran last name from mom



Phuong Anh is my name...lol...



English nickname is Nancy Truong



When hang out with my korean friends is Mina..yup


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Guest Chocopiex3







My Viet name is Duong Yen Phuong. English name, Jenny Yang/Yeung.









lolmao...I like unisex name like Phuong. :blush:









My dad is Chinese...xD


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Guest mango-iee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My Viet. name is Manh Hoa Tran. <----- It a werid name, Manh = Strong + Hoa = Flower = Strong Flower.
































































































































































































































































































































My parent said my actual Name is Hoa n manh is my middle name.When I came to u.s.a they switch it to Manh Hoa,so my viet name is pretty much just Hoa Tran.It confusing.I don't even know how to explain it!
































































































































































































































































































































Final,my english name is ManhWa,but my parent nickname me in english is Ivy.So,u could call me neither one. =)
































































































































































































































































































































I know I'm werid,but it not my fault that I have such confusing history of my names.
































































































































































































































































































































I also found out a couple of weeks ago,that my name ManhWa in Korean mean Manga.So,I guess that would be my korean name!Awkward...but yeah I gotta have a korean name for myself.LoL.

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest vietgurlhelen





lol im glad u created this topic



mine is Le Nha Khanh



i dont think it really fits me cause i think it means delicate/beautiful princess (ahahaha :lol: yeah right)



my english name is Helen Nguyen Le though



simple :)


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