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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest shayanid

after i just wake up .. 4

during normal days, at school, no makeup .. 5

when i smile .. 6

with a bad makeup (by myself) ..7

in blurry pictures .. 8

with a good makeup (by prof. artist, or some friends who're really good at it) .. 9

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Guest rinnie_chan

I think I'm neither ugly nor beautiful...

I would rate myself 5....although...there are moments where I feel like I'm the ugliest girl over the world (after waking up, having oily hair ><,...) ..but sumtimes I feel I'm acttrative (after showering, styling the hair,...) lol

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Guest Aironaz

I think I'm average, people say I look cute or pretty. Sometimes I think I do when I'm all glammed up so that would make me like a 8 but to be honest I'm probably like a 5.

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Guest Baby.doll

I was about to give myself a 4, well thats in the morning/night *cough*

i put 7 cause of cuteness, i'm not that ugly(haha yes i am) xD and only my inside is like a nine....which nobody cares :lol:

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Guest iPandaBear

I think I'm alright. I'm not extremely pretty or extremely ugly.

I don't wear makeup so...other girls > me. It's an unfair comparison but I do it anyways; makeup vs. all natural.

How I think about myself varies, I keep thinking I'm ugly then pretty...ugly, pretty etc.

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Guest Sujatmi

^- yeah it is ^^.

Hmmm I don't think I'm attractive, atleast not in the looks haha.

I'd say I'm between a 5 (when I don't have to go somewhere or at work) and a 7(when I have a good day).

There have been days that I did find myself an 8 though ^^.

Awell I'm happy with who I am and aslong as you are confident with yourself it doesn't matter..

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Guest chibiryorocks

I think I look alright. with no makeup i'm a 5 but with makeup a 7 so i'm a 6 i guess?

it's funny how there are days where i think "hey i don't look too bad" and other days where i'm just like ugh

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Guest randykiyoshi

Egh.. I give myself a 5.

I got big eyes, 5"11, and acne-free skin. Oh and looking kinda different (50% JP/White) adds like 1 point.. so 6? Lol =|

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Guest mango-iee

I don't rate myself that high up to the standard of a model.

I'm not pretty or ugly. Just average. My friends told me I'm alright, but my parents kept on telling me to change my image, or I won't have a bf (which is not true. :)) What is the difference between being pretty or not? Ugly girl can still have a bf (No one is ugly!) pretty girl can still too! (Everyone is one. :) )

No difference. I mean, everyone is equal here. Everyone has difference kind of beauty. =D

lol, so I gave myself for question #1: No. I'm not attractive.

Quest. #2: A 5. Just to be half an half. =D

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Guest prelude

I feel that if someone has self-confidence, they can be pretty. They can be whatever they want.

Personally, I'm usually pretty content with my appearance, but oftentimes, I do feel like I'm lacking things, or "I want more" ... Ariel's infamous line from The Little Mermaid. Some things I'm proud of are... that I feel like my facial structures are overall pretty; long eyebrows, double eyelids, in-the-middle-sized eyes, lips that aren't too puckered or too thin, and a generally small face.

Some things I don't feel comfortable with are: I have a weird nose. At the bridge, there's a tiny bump, and it makes me feel... self-conscious? I also have a ... dot? ... on my cheek. I don't like to say it's a mole because it doesn't pop out. Also, I'm pretty short, and compared to my friends, I'm not as fit as I'd like to be. Unfortunately, my hair quality is not great... I didn't inherit Korean hair. And I have a pretty big richard simmons. :[

Anyway, just a message to all, everyone is pretty. So have some self-esteem<3 :D

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Guest leongfun

this is how my 1-10 chart looks like


9 - very pretty!

8 - pretty

7 - cute/pretty

6- above average

5 - nothing much to look at

4 - i wouldn`t look twice at you

3 - somewhat unattractive

2 - ugly. there`s nothing else to say

1 - what are you doing on earth

i thnk i am a perfect 5... i dunno = = i dunt like to think about these thngs .. my frd says im ugly but we know eachother for a long time (since elementary) and not once she said i was good looking , she jus says 'ure ugly (laugh)' we call eachother that alot .. ya..o-o
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