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Post response: +1,126
original post: here 
1. [+12,322, -249]
What’s really impressive about her is… that it must have been hard for a female actress like her to work so hard in variety for such a long time…. She could have done it because it was fun for her but there’s a possibility that she did it out of loyalty too.. She doesn’t have that actress disease and I think that she’s cool
2. [+9,392, -175]
I really like Song Jihyo’s personality
3. [+7,199, -151]
Seriously prettyㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ meanwhile, her heart is even prettierㅠㅠ I hear that she broke her nose so I hope that she gets better soon
4. [+5,674, -179]
She’s much prettier without makeup though~~
5. [+4,131, -123]
Meong~Jihyo, where did you go?

I love that out of all photoshoot of all the other celebities, Song Ji Hyo's iconic photoshoots get's the overwhelmingly best omments and be faar highest number of upvotes

source: http://onehallyu.com/topic/476210-【-pannchoa-】-knets-react-to-celebrities-photoshoot-nana-seolhyun-song-jihyo-and-kim-goeun/


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Wow, someone translated the comments !! I loved them all, and really, she is getting so much attention, I'm soooo happy! :wub:

So... a new drama would be good now rsrs

What I want the most (besides watching it of course) is her to bounce back after all this SBS mess ... I want her to have a really successful drama now. Like her last one which I loved so much <3

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Song Ji Hyo considered as the most beautiful MC in Korea


Song Ji Hyo, a cast member of the popular 'Running Man', is considered as the most beautiful MC in Korea. 





On the 15th digital magazine 'VIEW', they released pictures and interviews of Song Ji Hyo featuring her beauty and career. 





Song Ji Hyo will host 'Real Beauty' and 'Beauty View of Song Ji Hyo', which show the make-up on the show, are broadcast every Thursday at 9:20 pm on JTBC2 and Naver V Live JTBCPLUS channels. 




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How can someone be that pretty!!!

Seriously, I re-watched many of JH clips on youtube, RM, FM, Drama,.... she is pretty in every single moment. (Many other actresses are pretty of course, but you can easily find their "bad moments". For JH, even for bad camera angle or unexpected moment, she simply would just look cute.

Btw, is "Real beauty"" part of the SJH Beauty View? I think JH only has one beauty show so far right? (There are different segments in her show, I just haven't learned their real names yet)

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4 hours ago, pinsc said:

Old but I've never seen these photos before :o:wub:


cr. as tagged


OMG OMG, I simply loove seeing Song Ji Hyo in a vintage style I would loove to see the full photoshoot, this is such a treasure, She looks faboules

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  SBS considering changing Running Man's time slot to a weekday late-night slot

submitted an hour ago* by amelisa28Song Ji-hyo

Korean source: ISPlus via Naver

English translation: cassandra_rmsa@IG

SBS considering on switching RM to weekdays late night time slot (OP note: around 11 PM, I think?). As mentioned, SBS think RM will have advantage in late night time slot, and hope use RM to reboot this time slot. BUT due to last week ratings return to second place, so they are still consider on this.


Soompi article:

“Running Man” Considering A Change In Time Slot

“Running Man” is thinking about a strategic change in its broadcast time starting in spring.

On February 28, a source from SBS explained, “The time slot change is under discussion, and there has not been anything confirmed yet.

They elaborated, “The sixth season of “K-pop Star” is ending in April, so various broadcast schedules are being considered to fill up the empty spot, and “Running Man” is one of those programs that might be moved around. We have many options in mind, like switching to a weekday evening or late night slot or sticking to the current schedule.”

Currently, “Running Man” airs every Sunday at 6:30 p.m. KST.

Ehhh, SBS. I get that they're desperate but are they really blind to the actual issues with the show/reasons for the low ratings? Or is this all just an excuse for them to keep RM for international fans without having to focus on how to fix its issues?




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I don't think a change in time slot is a bad idea. However, changing it to an 11 PM time slot sounds terrible. I know lots of young kids in South Korea watch Running Man. If they change the time slot to 11 PM, those kids won't get to stay up on a weekday that late to watch it. 

Running Man needs to do something like 1N2D did years ago...like a "Back to the Basics" kind of turnover. That did wonders for 1N2D back then. The show became so much more enjoyable. Running Man lost a lot of fans when the show became too focused on the guests; it became pretty obvious that the cast was just letting the guests win at the games, and that didn't feel genuine at all. The PDs need to find their focus again to reboot this show.

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I think everything is still under consideration, but Flower Crew (aired right before RM) will get cancelled in April (they may or may not return with Season 2).

If SBS moves RM they end up needing two new Sunday variety show. And it has been said that RM uncancelled partly because SBS could not find a good replacement.

So probably moving RM timeslot would require a lot of careful consideration from them.

I love when JH doll up, but I love her bare face even more. This week ep proves that JH has the prettiest bare face in Korea. (and this partly contribute to the reason I want to see her in variety show, guest or permanent, because I got to see JH bare face)


She does not look much different than 6-7 years ago (this is ep 17). It seems like she only aged (look more mature) whenever she put on make-up.

And her white dressssssssssssssss. She usually picks darker colour clothes in RM (when they get mission to choose clothes), but for me she looks best in bright colour dress

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Honestly speaking, changing the time slot of Running Man to weeknights doesn't sound good to me. What they must change and do is how to make the show more enjoyable and fun to watch, just like the old Running man years. I know that's something difficult and challenging for their part, but that's the truth.

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