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who will admit that they have never been kissed?

green papaya

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Guest shim shim hae

to be 16 and not have your first kiss/bf/gf is perfectly normal.

20+ is just pushing it.

if you're 20 and haven't had a bf/gf/first kiss, then you need to get some opinions from other people (not friends) about your physical appearance and what you're presenting to other people.

and don't take compliments from friends seriously, they're just being nice. we all do it.

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Guest cinder_soup

I agree with shim shim hae you have to understand what you are presenting to others (personality and physically) if you want to start looking.

Besides that, I think you should do it when you feel ready. Some people start at 25, and that is fine, because we all have different backgrounds and will start when we are most confident.

(being single is not a crime either)

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Guest UKnow_x_hOlic

ME TOO!!! >__<

im turnin 19 this April....never had a BF or first kiss -___-

ive been on dates couple of times with this one guy i liked last summer but dats pretty much it...

i do have GUY friends n all, but i guess they only see me as a friend, hahahaha!

i personally dont think im bad lookin, but im not da type where ppl would call me "pretty."

alot of ppl think i look like Younha tho...haha >_<

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I felt so lonely reading many topics of relationships and stuff....

but yeah... 18+..... no bf/kiss

but i'm not desperate... =D I kinda enjoy being single... like... in a dance, I could dance with anyone without feeling guilty to a certain someone... right?1 xD hahaha oh my... I sould like a wh**re xDD haha

but yeah... i just know what I'm not desperate or impulsive.... I let nature take its course =P plus I prefer long-term relationship...

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Guest MinWoo4ever

i just don't understand why people often asked this question

I;m XX y.o and never been kissed --;

i think it's okay

cause i got my first kiss after my 24th bday

and my bf got his first kiss on 26th (wif me)

don't rush yourself

just take it slowly ...

i once want a bf so bad that i date with the person i don't like

and i end up regret it ...


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Guest flyaway.

Me. LOL.

I'm 17 turning 18 this year.

Never had a bf. Never had a first kiss.

I'm not too bothered by it though.

It just so happens that I don't like the guys that like me.

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Guest x. suki

mememe! im turning 16 this year & i havent had one yet.

neither have i had a first kiss~

i never liked any of the guys that asked me out =X

haha. i rejected them all T_T

i think i have high taste.. which isnt good =X uh oh~~ haha T_T

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Guest BattleRoyale

*raise hand* even though im 18 i haven't had either, but i don't really mind cause im in no rush really ^_^ im more of an independent person anyway. but in my family im the youngest out of the 3 so my parents don't really say anything. they still consider me unfit and not ready for that stuff lol i even think so too haa~

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Yeah i'm in the same position as you haha, except i'm 18 [19 this year though]. I think it's cause of my shyness though, and I never take any risks by telling the people i like that I like them.

It seems like the only guys that like me are ones that I don't like haha .__.

Yeah, you're pretty much like me, if not, identical -_- (my soompi twin? ^^)

But I have no problem with it whatsoever..

the right time will come...

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me!:) I'm 17 and turning 18 in a few months.

i think it's normal though. and i don't know, i'm not really that sad about it.

it's just that i never had a mutual understanding with anyone.

okay,i did have quite a few but it's just all talk. haha

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Guest asianami

AHAHA *raises hand* ME!

I'm 15 years old and never been kissed or went on a date yet ..

although i've been asked out before & some guys liked me...

but do i still count?! ;_____;

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