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Guest Inconnu

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Guest jolie pomme

^lol, cool I'll help. What shall we talk about, noses? Skin color? Politics? The attempts for publicity by the cataracts/contact discussion failed to do anything. haha

I like both BT and NA..I like Bao Thy's songs and voice a lot, but I also like NA...hence let's stop comparing them.

And as far as I am concerned...Most of the ppl that were posted such as Bao Thy, Ngoc Anh, NP, Meo, Linh Cong, Helen, Lisa (someone needs to update us with Lisa's pics..hhehee) etc..never did that "I am an innocent deer..please don't shoot me" kind of pose with their eyes wide open (using clearly circle lenses) and looking up but chin down kind of pose...hence, most of the more popular ppl posted very normal and natural and candid in most if not all of their photos.

The only thing that I've noticed a lot is the "V sign"...which I can excuse for now since I've convinced myself that it stands for "viet pride"..ahhahaa :sweatingbullets:

Psshaw, my mum has been pulling off the V sign way before the Korean Ulzzang were even born. I do it too, except my way is wayy cooler. And there ain't nothing wrong with it. B)


"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things."

Swear to God, I don't watch that show.

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I'm not suppose to be on Soompi for a while.

But, i just want to say, that, after semi-catching up to this thread..

I've been seeing a lot of regular faces.

It's really no wonder the ulzzang thing died. A lot of the kids these

days that are called Ulzzangs (even the Korean ones) are just regular

looking kids who dress up in FOB clothes and 'try' to look cool

and they're automatically called an ulzzang.

Take for example BimBim, i like him. He's a cool kid, and no

one else on the block looks like him.. so i view him as a cool Vietnamese

Ulzzang.. and then there are a few more, i can't think of their names

But the others are just regulars.. Well... It's just something i've been

seeing lately. i wish the new ulzzangs would just really wear things

and do things that are uniquely their own, instead of following trends.

i thought Ulzzangs were used for people who were like UP THERE.

If regular people are called Ulzzangs, then the meaning of the word is

well.. not important no more.. then anyone can be one.. right?

[edit] Don't bash me. I've been bashed enough this month. :D

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Guest Inconnu

^ can we not get into this? =_=;; Honestly, people can post whatever

they want... no one has the right to tell others what not to

post because 1. you are not a mod. 2. this board wasn't created by

you. 3. its not against the rules to post people who you find gorgeous

unless you're posting a person whom the majority of the people do not

find beautiful.

NOTE; this wasn't directed to you baoi =D I love your statement...

I agree with you 100%

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Guest JaCkiie

I agree! Kross has his own style. He's even co-owner of an up and coming streetware clothing line with my bro. Hehe. Is this post an random excuse to plug in an advertisement for 2 handsome Viet guys that I love? Yes. =)

BTW... things are slow here cuz theres no arguments going around. DUN DUN DUN.

:lol: this is really off topic but I have to tell you Ender this anyway, :lol: a lot of Australian people (in a certain school and I think it's spreading) are seen wearing your brand of clothing out in streets etc. :lol: Just thought that you I'll let you know that your streetware clothing line is gaining some popularity in Melbourne. And honestly, I didn't know that FYSH was famous in Melbourne O.O" but yeah, I only found out that out recently when my friend & I were having a convo about styles, and your clothing line somehow popped in our convo. Imagine how surprised I was when she told me it was popular! I was like O.O" are you serious?!

and :lol::lol: a lot of people like the drama, I personally dislike the drama but drama would come when the time is right ;)

jolie pomme, that cracked me up :lol::lol: Definitely unique ;)

Baoi, aww I agree with your views but I don't know, since Vietnamese people have a wide range of looks, it's kinda hard to classify who is ulzzang etc. & dear, no one would dare to bash you, you're too kind to have an argument with.

Ngoc Anh, she has this natural beauty, I really like her in the last couple of photos. Not too much of a fan of her magazine photos though. And thbt, welcome to the thread :D And honestly, I would kill just to to be 162 cm tall <_< Oh oh and thanks for uploading the photos!

Yennie, thanks for uploading the Miss Audition photos. This photo turned out really good: http://static.flickr.com/112/310379935_81cd565992.jpg

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Guest Inconnu

I'd rather this board moves because of the contributions of pictures

and meaningful words instead of arguments. :lol: We have too much

of that already... I swear, no other net idol threads bicker as much

as we do. :mellow:














^ this is a hot picture. O_O


^ LOL.





This guy changed so much... I like his new hair better. ^^










Someone requested pictures of him... here you go ^^



His Death Note/Harry Potter cosplay? LOL....



^ its so weird. I dont even know what he's cosplaying as...

Harry Potter? XD Death Note?

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Guest Swtess

^ the showing his legs part kinda kills any kind of death note vibe he was trying to pull off.

I like the blowdrying pic. Looks amusing.

Well I think other uhlzzang thread doesn't have that much drama it's cause they have set rules.

Plus the people they post have more of an uhlzzang status already compared to the ones posted in this thread.

We post a lot of random people at times :sweatingbullets:

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Guest AAgurl789

Meo update. =) If only she'll update more.. :tears:


Bao Thy's new photos (?). Thnxs to her 360 fanclub.









And I agree with you Inconnu.."I'll rather have no news than have bad news.." It's better to fill this thread with good quality pics than drug it up with arguments and bickering..kinda gives me a headache.

I miss TTS and Andy..where are their new pics... *runs away* Gotta go and do my project now, wish me luck guys..Bye bye. :tears:

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Guest Inconnu

^ Andy rarely updates... TTS said that he wont be updating his blog for

awhile because hes busy 'studying' .... lol. But yeah... I do kinda miss

his nest... T__T I like Bao Thy in those pictures... she looks cute.

^ the showing his legs part kinda kills any kind of death note vibe he was trying to pull off.

I like the blowdrying pic. Looks amusing.

Well I think other uhlzzang thread doesn't have that much drama it's cause they have set rules.

Plus the people they post have more of an uhlzzang status already compared to the ones posted in this thread.

We post a lot of random people at times :sweatingbullets:

HAHA! I know right... when I saw the picture I thought it was pretty good

until he showed off his legs -___-;;;

I actually have to disagree with you on that whole Uhljjang thing... in the

Korean Uhljjang thread, some of the people that they post aren't really

official 'uhljjangs' but more like people popular on the net... so I guess

its still okay. Chinese net idol thread posts random people too but most

of the people they post fit with their standards... Our thread is all over

the place. We should have a set of rules... :sweatingbullets:

The ones I consider 'net idol' in our thread would be - Tranh Thanh Son,

Andy, BimBim, Shuya, Linh, Bao Thy, Ngoc Anh, NDBP (shes new and

alot of people seem to like her), Bryan (but we rarely get pictures of

him T__T), Bernie Bin, Yen Nhi & Yen Trang, Duy, Jolin (I dont know about her

but no one seems to complain when people post her), .... thats really all I can

think up of... ^^;;; But that's just me... I really dot know what everyone

else thinks.

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Guest jolie pomme

Rules? Hmm, how about don't make a new account and post pictures of yourself. Thats always annoying; there is a 411 for a reason afterall.

^ the showing his legs part kinda kills any kind of death note vibe he was trying to pull off.

I like the blowdrying pic. Looks amusing.

Well I think other uhlzzang thread doesn't have that much drama it's cause they have set rules.

Plus the people they post have more of an uhlzzang status already compared to the ones posted in this thread.

We post a lot of random people at times :sweatingbullets:

I think its because Viets are so damn stubborn. Everybody thinks they're right; but what the hey we didn't win the war because we were pushovers. Ha, I only kid. I've been in about like 60% of this threads arguments. I think I'll just shuddup for a while now and look at the pretty people.

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Guest Inconnu

Rules? Hmm, how about don't make a new account and post pictures of yourself. Thats always annoying; there is a 411 for a reason afterall.

I think its because Viets are so damn stubborn. Everybody thinks they're right; but what the hey we didn't win the war because we were pushovers. Ha, I only kid. I've been in about like 60% of this threads arguments. I think I'll just shuddup for a while now and look at the pretty people.

ROFL... even though the last part was a joke, I think its kind of true. :tongue2:

We are too stubborn. I admit it, I am too... I should stop. ^^;;

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Guest JiPyO

No offense but I think we need new new idols.

just about every page I browse through (since the last time I was here) is like filled

with TTS, bao thy, ngoc anh, etc.

Okay so we get the point that they are pretty but can we get some new faces?

Since someone asked about Lisa, here are a few. :)



and a newly updated one.


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woah... a bit of argumentative moment there :lol:

dang i miss it xD ... hahahaha

Lisa is indeed pretty... but she shud smile showing her teeth more... her smile up there is kinda awkward... ^^;;

Bao Thy looks cute even if without makeup ^^;; she also seems to have that half moon smiley eyes.... i find those really cute... ^^

about the ulzzang thingy... not that ... any person can be ulzzang... in order to be ulzzang, you have to start unknown, rite?! this topic is like a topic to present those that are already popular in like 360 blog, or BIG BIG Viet forums... and those that are found to be way above average and are new to the internet world are also presented in here... so that they cud or would become ulzzangs... for example... no one really knows about Rowie, or Meo before in soompi... but their pics after posted are very very welcomed... so i think they pretty much gradually become ulzzangs or net idols from that time on ^^;;

and something aside... IMO, you dont have to be REALLY REALLY pretty to be an ulzzang, [altho posting pretty ulzzangs is more encouraged :D] ... like.. Bim Bim [bim Bim don't read this :lol:] ... i don't really find him extremely cute or handsome... but something about him that stands out or that makes him popular around 360 blog like his pics are taken in a pro way, his poses are cool/stylish, he got good styles, etc. same thing with that Son guy that Reese posted up there, and Black Cat too... ..... so to shorten it xD, guys with cool styles or something about them that makes them stand out.. but with an average or a bit above average faces could also be considered as net idols or ulzzangs....



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Guest Inconnu

^ Haha, you tell them Vivian! ^^ That's a perfect

explanation right there.

Lisa looks good in those pictures. Is she wearing

contact lens in the last one? Blue?

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Guest JiPyO

woah... a bit of argumentative moment there :lol:

dang i miss it xD ... hahahaha

Lisa is indeed pretty... but she shud smile showing her teeth more... her smile up there is kinda awkward... ^^;;

Bao Thy looks cute even if without makeup ^^;; she also seems to have that half moon smiley eyes.... i find those really cute... ^^

about the ulzzang thingy... not that ... any person can be ulzzang... in order to be ulzzang, you have to start unknown, rite?! this topic is like a topic to present those that are already popular in like 360 blog, or BIG BIG Viet forums... and those that are found to be way above average and are new to the internet world are also presented in here... so that they cud or would become ulzzangs... for example... no one really knows about Rowie, or Meo before in soompi... but their pics after posted are very very welcomed... so i think they pretty much gradually become ulzzangs or net idols from that time on ^^;;

and something aside... IMO, you dont have to be REALLY REALLY pretty to be an ulzzang, [altho posting pretty ulzzangs is more encouraged :D] ... like.. Bim Bim [bim Bim don't read this :lol:] ... i don't really find him extremely cute or handsome... but something about him that stands out or that makes him popular around 360 blog like his pics are taken in a pro way, his poses are cool/stylish, he got good styles, etc. same thing with that Son guy that Reese posted up there, and Black Cat too... ..... so to shorten it xD, guys with cool styles or something about them that makes them stand out.. but with an average or a bit above average faces could also be considered as net idols or ulzzangs....



Haha. you're right about the smiling. She doesnt like to show her teeth. Its very rare.

I dug up some old ones with her showing her teeth.




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what do you guys think of these two. i think they're gorgeous, well not gorgeous but genuinely pretty


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Guest *tinkerbelly

Haha. you're right about the smiling. She doesnt like to show her teeth. Its very rare.

I dug up some old ones with her showing her teeth.




OK stop showing your teath lol.How about don't smile at all?

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OK stop showing your teath lol.How about don't smile at all?

Wow... that was really mean. o.o

tsk tsk. *walks away shaking his head*

I keep thinking about all the gorgeous people out there that don't post their pics on the net. Sooo many of them. CURSE THEM FOR NOT POSTING ON THE NET! =)

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