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Guest touche`

hi everyone!*waves* :D i'm michelle. i hope u dun mind me joining this thread :) i found out bout this thread today at around 2 a.m. it was bcuz i finished browsing at soompi n hav nothing else to do. my first impression was: "WOW! they were like celebs! they own more pages compared to popular celebs!" n i was amazed by all of u here, u guys have sooo many photos of them n know things bout them. anyway, when i saw the photos of the guy ulzzangs, i dun find them really attractive, i thought they were 'okay' looking, n sum are a lil bit..over the top..

i skimmed thru the pages..

and then, i saw MINWOO's photos! omg! he's really really good looking! i find him really unique among those ulzzangs! he has this charming look with a killer smile. he looks like a nice person. btw, issit only me or does minwoo really looks like the IDEAL KOREAN MALE made by a doctor who combined 16 hot guy celebs? i kept on looking different photos of him n still i think he looks like him a lot! anyway, is minwoo and mira dating? i think mira is the prettiest among the female ulzzangs.

btw, does the uhlzzangs mentioned here has to be korean? what abt taiwanese, chinese, japanese uhljjangs? i know a lot of uhljjangs on friendster that r not korean..

guys, i can't open cyworld. everytime i tried, it always has this big orange button thingie and sum korean. i cant read korean. i've even allowed pop-ups, but it still wont show up. can someone pls help me? *starry eyes*

Hehe it's okay. Welcome to Ulzzang mania. <3 Just gotta love them. :P I'm kayce, an old member but rarely active now. >3< Enjoy~
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Guest mimito

Erm, never really posted in here before...but can i ask a biiiiig favour? >.<...is there any pictures of any female ulzzangs wearing glasses?? If you have any pictures could you pwez Pwez PWEZ share them with me!! <33 Thank you!!! Sorry to sound like a lunatic needing pictures of a female uzzjang wearing glasses O_O, but erm...I HAVE MY REASONS! XD lol..heheee.. thank you so muchies ^_^V <3





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the last 2 pictures of moa shouldn't be posted.

she's not an ulzzang..

old kkr, newly posted


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Guest c i e l`

Aaahhh *.* An Ulzzang Thread >.<

It's awesome all those pictures o.o

Lee JiHoo is so handsome <3

hmmm can I request some pictures of Seo Ae Rim ? *anyone ? :blush: *

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OMG!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL THE PICTURES IV'E SAVED THEM ALLL!!! NO SERIOUSLY THANK YOU LOTS AND LOTS!! Thank you J@de, x1buckybabey, SOPHIIE <3333333 T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U!!! I WUV U!!! <33 :tears: ^____^V<3 and im sorry to say that i might be back to ask another favour and yes you have my permission to come and punch me in the face!!! But, thank you, i really Really REALLY appreciate it!! Lol sorry i jus cant get enough words out now! <333333 GAH!

~oh and i would have qouted your posts, so everybody knew exactly which great person i was talking about, but i don't know how to quote T___T lol, i know, im dumb WAH! SORRRRRY!!!!

Lotsa wuv!! <33

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Guest ssaicho

^sua's cyworld: cyworld.com/nsmode

thank you so much XDDDD

made it so much easier for me ^0^

love her style ~ hehe as well as ...

everyone elses xP

thnks so much for kkr peb lse & park taejun spams <3 *drools*

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Guest flyxme.

oh wow, i thought i had alot, but you have so many!.

i only have about.....1523 pictures and 26 folders.

wait, i'm not so far away from you ^^

hahah yeah

that's not very far away like 400 pics difference only(:

aww he's so adorable

i love how kkr used to take so many pictures

he doesn't as much now...

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Guest mimito


jungroo actuallys look pretty decent in this picture.

her eyes look hella gorgeous<3


aww no problem. i'm sure the other girls

contributed a lot more. & yeah, if you ever

need another favor, do ask =)








credits: my photobckt<3

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3

i wanna bring YUAHIN back =)


but he looks really different now :\

recent pics:




with his friend jungilwoo

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